Jin Yutong

Chapter 212 Crazy Zhou Jianyun

"Do not move!"

A group of uniformed people rushed in, four of whom suddenly pressed Chen Ran to the ground, and the remaining police immediately searched the whole room and woke up Xiaodie. What happened in front of her was obviously confused. The young master did not tell her that such a thing would happen.

Searching the whole room, a male policeman shook his head at the leading policeman. The leading policeman changed his face slightly and did not ask questions. He said directly and took it back to talk about it. Hearing his order, the four policemen immediately pressed Chen Ran and pushed Chen Ran out.

The whole box was immersed in laughter, but Cao Huiyao was a little absent-minded. What had just happened shocked her, especially the masked young man who left a deep impression on her, but unfortunately, the situation was too urgent at that time. She not only did not ask the other party's name, but even the other party's face. She didn't see it. Later, when she returned home and rushed to the Carrefour parking lot in Beihuan with her father, the man was already gone.

Leaving Carrefour, her father advised her to go back to rest, but in such a ** period, if she leaves a group of colleagues and rests alone at home, there will inevitably be some gossip. Sometimes, a small thing may cause a big storm. Therefore, after stabilizing her mind, she immediately arrives again. Pearl Home.

Seeing that Cao Huiyao was a little absent-minded, Ali, the host who usually had a good relationship with her, asked her in a low voice if she was in a bad mood. Cao Huiyao gave Ali a smile and comforted her that she was fine. She also said that she would go to the bathroom. After that, she stood up and walked to the door.

When she opened the door of the box and was about to go out, she was suddenly stopped. It was two security guards who stopped her. The two security guards blocked the door of the box and blocked her sight. One of the security guards politely said to her, "Miss, I'm sorry, someone over there is drunk and making trouble. Please don't go out for the time being." Finally, he added, "Our boss said that the consumption of all customers on this floor will be 40% off tonight."

Although the security guard's tone was polite, his attitude was not polite at all, with an unquestionable smell. Cao Huiyao was a little surprised and glanced at her eyes and found that there were two security guards standing at the door of each box on this floor. Some of the boxes were also about to come out, but they were stopped by the security guard.

Although Cao Huiyao didn't know what was going on, there was also a guess. In this case, she had to return to the box. Just as she turned around to enter the box, a noisy sound suddenly came from the depths of the corridor, which made her couldn't help turning her head and look over, but saw a group of uniformed policemen pressing a man. He walked this way.

Looking at the man who was pressed, Cao Huiyao was stunned for a moment. When she had to look again, the two security guards at the door suddenly pushed her, pushed her into the box, and then closed the door of the box.

Cao Huiyao did not see the pressed man's face, but saw the man's hairstyle. For a moment, a figure flashed in her mind. In the storm, at that critical moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her and told her, "Come with me quickly...

was a little stunned, but Cao Huiyao did not regard the man who was pressed outside as that person, and Ali had pulled her over. The singing colleagues handed her the microphone to her, and other colleagues also shouted that they wanted her, the protagonist, to sing a song. Give her all the songs, and it's a song "A Lifetime Love".

Although Cao Huiyao doesn't like this song very much, she can only sing. After a moment, a song sounded in the box. My dream has a lock, and my heart is a river...

In the corridor, Zhou Jianyun and Lu Tianming stood at the door of the box and watched Chen Ran being crushed away. They couldn't help laughing proudly...

In the storm, the police car roared past. After Chen Ran was escorted to the police car, he was directly taken into the police station, starting his first helpless humiliation in his life.

Chen Ran was locked in a dark hut with no windows, in which there was only a broken mat and a dirty and smelly quilt. After the police brought him into the police station, they did not interrogate him. They just asked some simple questions step by step, and then went directly for blood tests, saying that in addition to whoring, they also suspected that he had Suspected of drug abuse.

Sitting on the broken mat in the cabin, it was not until this time that Chen Ran woke up from this series of shocks. He didn't have to think about it at all. He also knew that he had been trapped and had already guessed who it was, because when he was taken out of the box, he heard a burst of laughter, which was full of He couldn't be more familiar with the loud laughter of pride and sarcasm.

He suddenly usurped his fist, and Chen Ran said hatefully, Zhou Jianyun!

At this moment, he really has the heart to kill Zhou Jianyun.

Forced to suppress the anger in his heart, Chen Ran took a few deep breaths and quietly thought about the situation in front of him.

At present, with the cooperation of that woman, the crime of whoring and singing must not be able to escape, but the crime of whoring does not constitute a crime, but only violates public security management. Even if it is more serious, it is only detention for more than 10 days and less than 15 days at most. As for fines, it is naturally nothing.

Now the only thing that worries him is whether the woman's injection into his body will be detected. Of course, what is more important is whether the energy aperture can remove those venoms and whether it will make him addicted to drugs...

This is the most critical issue.

While thinking about this problem, he released another energy aperture for his body, but it had no effect. After learning that he had been shot into the venom, he crazily used the energy aperture on himself.

Find out this scene and finally let him put down a little bit.

Chen Ran slept all night and sat directly until dawn. He knew that today, it would determine the fate of his second half of his life. If he spent the rest of his life in the cell, even if he had powers, so what?

Zhou Jianyun was in a good mood and laughed loudly from time to time. Chen Ran didn't sleep all night, and he also didn't sleep all night. Chen Ran was taken to the police station. He and Lu Tianming also directly followed him and sat directly into the office of Lu Guoliang, the director of the police station. At dawn, he and Lu Tianming immediately entered the room where Xiaodie was imprisoned.

After questioning, Xiaodie immediately patted her chest to assure. She injected all six syringes into Chen Ran's body and did it with Chen Ran, but doing it. Chen Ran suddenly woke up and stunned her.

Although they learned from Lv Guoliang that no evidence was found at the scene, Zhou Jianyun and Lu Tianming couldn't help laughing when they heard Xiaodie's answer. They could all imagine that Chen Ran's life was over.

Not to mention being addicted to drugs, he may also be infected with AIDS and be found to be addicted to drugs. He will definitely be locked up in a drug rehabilitation center. Even if he can come out, he is still a normal person. This is the effect Zhou Jianyun wants. When he hates a person, he will make the other party live worse than death. Such a thing This is not the first time he has done it. Not long ago, he sent a person to a mental hospital in this way.

Looking at Zhou Jianyun, who was laughing, Xiaodie also laughed with the food, but she thought to herself, anyway, you don't know whether to do it or not. You just did it, but you haven't finished it... Now she is still locked up in the police station. If you want to go out, you have to rely on the young master in front of her. Of course, you have to say this beautifully. Some, let this young master be satisfied. It's not a matter of not being able to go out. In her life, she has been like this, but she can't be locked up. Let's enjoy the flowers and wine outside...

When Xiaodie was caught, she was completely naked. Although she put on her clothes later, she was also untidy, revealing two snow-white thighs, and a large area of her chest were also exposed. A pair of suckling pigeons were almost exposed outside. With this smile, Zhou Jianyun and Lu Tianming's eyes were straight. Especially when she thought that the woman in front of her had just done it with Chen Ran, there was an evil fire in her heart. She couldn't wait to rush up and press it under her. She just thought about the disease on her body and didn't have the courage, but the evil fire in her heart did not dissipate, but became more and more prosperous. Zhou Jianyun even thought about her. With that kind of disease, I didn't touch her, just touch a few things on her body. Thinking about this, my eyes turned red, and finally I couldn't help opening my mouth to let Xiaodie come to him.

Xiaodie has also experienced a long-term occasion. Seeing Zhou Jianyun like this, she doesn't know what's going on. In this regard, although Zhou Jianyun has slept with many women, he is not as good as Xiaodie. Xiaodie deliberately twisted and pinched that he didn't go with Zhou Jianyun. It can be said that he was sure to eat Zhou Jianyun. Zhou Jianyun's heart became more and more evil. There was only one thought in his mind, that is, just touch Xiaodie. Xiaodie couldn't come over. He stood up directly and was ready to go by himself.

Zhou Jianyun was not happy in the end, because Lv Guoliang suddenly broke in and brought him Chen Ran's blood test report, which surprised everyone present.

The results of the examination not only did not detect Chen Ran's drug use, but even made Chen Ran drink eclipse. What's more outrageous is that the results of the examination showed that Chen Ran had never even drunk alcohol.

How is that possible? Zhou Jianyun, Lu Tianming and Xiaodie made such exclamation almost at the same time. You know, Xiaodie personally inserted the syringe into Chen Ran's body, and also injected the ** in the syringe. Although one of them was used on herself, the remaining five were shot into Chen Ran's body. How can it be? Can't be.

Not to mention Xiaodie, even Zhou Jianyun and Lu Tianming didn't believe it. Although they did not see Chen Ran being shot into the venom or Chen Ran drinking ecze with their own eyes, they must have drunk the ecze. Or Chen Ran would not have slept so much. Besides, they didn't get any wine, so much It's impossible. Chen Ran drank with others and poured them down.

Zhou Jianyun asked Lv Guoliang if he had made a mistake with a gloomy face. Lv Guoliang was also a little confused. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. Hearing Zhou Jianyun's questioning, he quickly promised that there was absolutely nothing wrong.

Zhou Jianyun still didn't believe it. Lv Guoliang hesitated for a moment and said that he would not test it again, right?

Zhou Jianyun nodded immediately.

Lv Guoliang went out, and Zhou Jianyun didn't have that idea. He sat there waiting with a black face. Soon, the examination report came out again. The result was the same as last time. Chen Ran not only did not take drugs, but also had no drugs in his body, but also did not drink alcohol. Even the medical policeman who was examined also praised Chen Ran repeatedly and said that he wanted to see this person.

Lv Guoliang is now doing things for Master Zhou. Naturally, he is very depressed. Although he is the director, he does not dare to touch some things. Even if he wants to touch it, he can't intervene.

Hearing Lv Guoliang's repeatedly assurance, there was absolutely no mistake in checking this time. Zhou Jianyun was so angry that he slapped Xiaodie on the spot. When he hit him, he still shouted angrily. You bitch, didn't you say that you shot all the medicine into Chen Ran's body? Why don't you smoke it now? You don't smoke it yourself, do you?

When he scolded this sentence, Zhou Jianyun suddenly had an idea and asked Lv Guoliang to check Xiaodie once with a black face. Xiaodie was scared and cried and didn't allow her to be checked, but when she entered it, it was not her. The inspection report came out quickly. The results showed that Xiaodie did suck last night. Poisonous.

This result made Zhou Jianyun crazy and paralyzed. What is this? At this moment, he really had the intention to kill Xiaodie. Fortunately, Lu Tianming stopped him and whispered in his ear. Zhou Jianyun then calmed down and asked Xiaodie with a black face whether he had done anything with Chen Ran. Xiaodie The squeak bite to death is to do it with Chen Ran, which also makes more than half of Zhou Jianyun's anger subsided. Just do it.

After calming down, Zhou Jianyun told Xiaodie to tell Chen Ran to rape her. This nature is naturally different from whoring. Although Chen Ran can't be taken to the drug rehabilitation center, this crime can also make Chen Ran suffer. At that time, how to torture Chen Ran is not a matter.

Chen Ran spent a long time in suffering. Although he was a little hesitant at first, after all, it was also the first time he experienced such a thing, and it was a little too sudden, but when he calmed down, he calmed up, sat for a long time, and stood up to do a dance.

As soon as the first four movements were finished, there was a sudden noise outside the door. After a moment, the small door was opened. A policeman came in and said in a low voice, "Come out with me."

Chen Ran did not speak or resist, and silently came out with him.

Entering the interrogation room last night, Lu Guoliang interrogated him in person, saying that he raped a minor girl and asked him to honestly tell the problem. Although Chen Ran was surprised, he did not refute it. At this moment, it is undoubtedly useless no matter what he said.

Chen Ran's attitude is indescribably good. Except for direct confession, he confessed everything else that should be confessed, but he didn't mention anything that should not be confessed, which made Lv Guoliang have no choice but obviously, but even if Chen Ran doesn't admit it, it doesn't mean that it's okay.

Xiaodie has sued Chen Ran, and Chen Ran has also been transferred to Zhongliang Police Station. Here, he will be waiting for a trial by the court.

[Big chapter, some readers ask what's the use of writing this. In Xiaofu's outline, this plot is an indispensable plot, which involves many people. Without this plot, many people can't appear. Please read it patiently. Xiaofu has tried his best to speed up the end of this plot. It is estimated that the next chapter will end. , ask for tickets and collection...]