Jin Yutong

Chapter 239 Battery?

Chen Ran did not answer the old man Huang, but was still thinking that after seeing the internal structure of the vessel, he always felt that such a structure seemed to be a little familiar...

"Xiaoran, don't think about it. Just admit defeat. I really haven't heard of this thing." Seeing that Chen Ran was still thinking, Wang Zhiqing pulled Chen Ran with a wry smile. He was engaged in archaeological research. Even if he had not seen some antiques, he should have heard of them. He even knew some antiques that were not circulating outside at all, but he had never seen or heard of the vessel in front of him. It's really strange that even the ceramics outside the utensils can't be seen from which dynasty and which kind.

Pulled by Wang Zhiqing, Chen Ran also sat down, but when he sat down, he suddenly touched the strong light flashlight on the table. Chen Ran quickly picked up the strong light flashlight that was about to roll to the ground and stood on the table again.

Identifying antiques, strong light flashlight and magnifying glass are generally essential tools, so there is a pair of magnifying glass and strong light flashlight in front of almost everyone present.

"It can't be identified, can't be identified, Lao Liu, let's continue..." Old Huang looked at Chen Ran happily and urged Liu Lei to continue, but before he finished his words, he was suddenly interrupted.

"Wait a minute."

It was Chen Ran who interrupted the old man Huang.

Chen Ran, who had already sat down, suddenly stood up again.

As soon as Chen Ran said this, he immediately provoked the people present to look over.

"Xiaoran, do you recognize it?"

Wang Zhiqing couldn't help asking in surprise, and others also speculated like this. Old Huang asked people to identify it, but he insisted on not saying what this antique is, which can be said to make people itchy. Everyone wants to know what this antique is. Naturally, they hope that Chen Ran can identify it. Of course There are also those who have doubts. So many experts present can't identify it. Can you still identify it as a hairy boy?

Zhu Feng, Wang Zhiqing and Liu Lei, who know Chen Ran, looked at Chen Ran with anticipation. Obviously, in their eyes, Chen Ran is a person who always creates miracles, and it is not impossible for Chen Ran to identify this antique.

"What? Brother, do you recognize it? Old Huang didn't seem to worry about Chen Ran's identification at all. As he spoke, there was a trace of pride in the corners of his mouth.

Chen Ran did not answer Mr. Huang's words immediately, but lowered his head and was silent. Then he raised his head and looked at Mr. Huang and suddenly said, "Is this thing a battery?"


Originally, Zhu Feng had great expectations for Chen Ran, but Chen Ran suddenly said such a sentence and almost choked him.

Not to mention him, even Wang Zhiqing and Liu Lei are nowhere better than him. They all look at Chen Ran with a stunned face. Battery? The battery will look like this...

Other people present were also stunned by Chen Ran's shocking answer.


This one really dares to think about it.

"How...how would you know!"

Chen Ran's sudden answer made others a little stunned, but when they were stunned, there was a sudden exclamation of surprise.

This exclamation suddenly attracted everyone present to look at it one after another, but they were a little dumbfounded.

It was the old man Huang who made this exclamation!

Old Huang was also so surprised that he couldn't help blurt out such a sentence. He reacted and quickly closed his mouth, but it was obviously too late.

"How could I not know?"

After Mr. Huang's words lag behind, Chen Ran said lightly that he originally planned to give up, but when he sat down, he suddenly encountered the strong light flashlight on the table. When he received the strong light flashlight and put it on the table, his eyes inevitably fell on the strong light flashlight, and his heart suddenly moved. A little.

This object is not a real battery, it is just called a battery.

"Before the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the Persian dynasty established contact with the Northern Wei Dynasty, which unified the north of China. It is recorded in the Book of Wei that at that time, nearly ten Persian missions came to the Northern Wei Dynasty. The first five times, they went to Pingcheng, the capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty, which is now Datong, Shanxi, and the last five times, they came to After the relocation of the capital, when these Persian messengers came to China, they also presented Persian utensils, that is, various silverware and Persian utensils. These Persian utensils have some very strange things.

Chen Ran didn't care how dumbfounded others were. While thinking about his thoughts, he spoke without hurry. At this moment, the people present did not know that Chen Ran was right. Hearing Chen Ran's explanation, they also pricked up their ears to listen.

Chen Ran continued: "One day in June 1936, when a group of road builders were building a railway outside Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, they suddenly found a huge stone slab engraved with many ancient Persian characters. The workers were very surprised. They continued to dig deep and found that it was a huge ancient tomb made of hundreds of boards. The ancient tomb shocked the archaeological staff of the Ibit Museum. They immediately rushed to the scene for excavation.

After more than two months of hard work, archaeologists have found many cultural relics. Especially after opening the sarcophagus, a large number of artifacts from 248 BC to 226 BC were found. Among these antiques, some strange pottery utensils, rusted copper pipes and iron rods were found.

William Kavigne, a German archaeologist who was the curator of the Iraqi Museum at that time, announced an amazing news that the pottery unearthed in Baghdad is an ancient chemical battery that can be powered by adding acid or alkali solution.

Cavinilo's assertion shocked the archaeological community. If it is recognized that this is an ancient battery, it means that Persians living in this area began to use batteries as early as the 3rd century BC. This is more than 2,000 years before the first battery invented by the world-renowned physicist Volt in 1800. Therefore, many archaeologists came from all over the world to study this ancient electric field carefully.

This ceramic vessel does act as a battery, but the ancients were not used to generate electricity, but to gild statues and ornaments.

Among the utensils unearthed in the tomb of the Northern Wei Dynasty in 1988, in addition to Persian silver bowls, there are also various Persian utensils, which also have such strange utensils, and these utensils were precisely the Persians who came to pay tribute to the Northern Wei court at that time, which also confirmed the earliest invention of batteries in Persia. In addition to the utensils unearthed in the tombs of the Northern Wei Dynasty, in fact, this Persian utensils have long been circulating from the palaces of the Northern Wei Dynasty, but they are very rare. They were once used by the ancients as a gilding tool.

This knowledge is a little messy. Chen Ran is not seen in a book, but in many types of books. These books include antique books, books such as unsolved mysteries of the world, and books about Chinese historical tools. In books about Chinese historical tools, Chen Ran Seeing such a tool, it's just that this tool is very rare, and it is only mentioned in the book... Chen Ran has now summarized the relevant knowledge on these various books.

This is also the reason why Chen Ran felt a little familiar but couldn't remember after using the energy aperture to see the internal structure of the vessel.

The whole hall was quiet, and only Chen Ran's voice sounded. With Chen Ran's explanation, everyone suddenly realized that while looking at Chen Ran's eyes also changed. It was the first time they had heard what Chen Ran said. If it weren't for a wide range of knowledge, it would obviously not have been possible to say such things.

"Is this kind of gold-plated tool called battery?" After the explanation, Chen Ran looked at the old man Huang leisurely. At this time, the old man Huang did not have the pride he had just now. He didn't expect that Chen Ran not only recognized such an object, but also said it in such detail. He didn't know these things. He only knew that it was a kind of transmission from Persia to China. Xia's utensils are called "batteries", and he happened to know these things.

Old Huang did not answer, and Chen Ran did not let him answer. Then he said, "Your vessel should have been imitated by those experts after it was found to have a battery function in 1936. It will not be more than a hundred years old."

"My vessel has a history of thousands of years and has been passed down from the palace of the Northern Wei Dynasty." Hearing Chen Ran's words, Old Huang suddenly retorted unconvincedly, perhaps a little unconvinced, and added the following sentence. Before that, he did not know that his vessel came from the Northern Wei Palace.

"If you don't believe it, you can smash it and have a look." Chen Ran answered indifferently and ignored him. As long as it was smashed, the materials inside the vessel would undoubtedly be displayed.

Chen Ran's hand shocked old man Huang and made him doubtful. He put his hand in his pocket, rubbed the utensils, and stuck his face, but he never said anything again.

"Hahaha, wonderful! Wonderful! You don't look at who Brother Chen is. You play tricks in front of Brother Chen. Aren't you looking for pain? Now you have fallen down, haha..."

At this time, it was Zhu Feng who laughed loudly.

Zhu Feng laughed loudly and clapped his hands and praised him. Wang Zhiqing and Liu Lei also smiled and raised their big mother's fingers to praise Chen Ran, and there was a warm applause throughout the hall...

Only Old Huang sat there with a calm face and embarrassed.