Jin Yutong

Chapter 269 Director's Diary

This pile of books, the above are some documents, * and visas, etc., while the following are diaries and account books.

The name of the owner of the certificate is Li Jianjun.

Chen Ran has not heard of this name, but after reading the diary, he knows who Li Jianjun is. He is the leader of the municipal bureau that has been double-regulated.

And the diary was written by Li Jianjun himself, and he wrote three copies. If these three diaries are sent out on the Internet, it will definitely be a classic officialdom novel.

Why is it a novel? Because these three diaries are actually about the history of a small person's struggle in the officialdom.

Many years ago, Li Jianjun was just a policeman of a small police station seven years ago, but it only took Li Jianjun to sit on the throne of the head of the municipal bureau from a policeman of a police station.

The reason why Li Jianjun was promoted so quickly is not because he has * has *. In fact, Li Jianjun has no * at all, and his family is also in the countryside. He can be promoted so quickly, but it is entirely because of money.

As written in the diary, Li Jianjun, who was born in the police academy, devoted himself to the police force serving the people with enthusiasm. The imagination is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. Without *, he was just sent to the township police station below as a small policeman.

The four-long police career is enough to wear out his dreams and ambitions little by little, and it is also enough to completely integrate him into this team and become an old policeman.

After four years of mediocrity and after repeated blows, Li Jianjun has no hope for the future and has gone on like this.

If it's just like this, there will naturally be no later.

Seven years ago, there was an accident in his muddle-headed life.

All the stories begin with a Luoyang shovel.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic, a semi-cylindrical shovel was famous all over the world for its use of Li Duck, a villager from Mapo Village, Luoyang, for stealing and digging ancient tombs. Luoyang shovel is the most practical tool for tomb robbers, and has also made great contributions in the archaeological excavation of ancient cities such as Yin Ruins and Malls.

One day in 2003, Li Jianjun was on duty at the police station. At that time, someone came to the police station with a Luoyang shovel to report the case, saying that an ancient tomb had been stolen and there were tools left at the scene. After receiving the report, the police station immediately set up a task force. Because Li Jianjun was the first to rush to the grave robbery scene, Li Jianjun was also one of the task force. Member.

After the investigation, he also found out the origin of the tomb robbers. It was the people of the village. The police station immediately sent out the police to seize him. In the process of the seizure, he was escaped by one person and entered the deep mountains, and the police also chased him into the mountains.

During the search in Dashan, the escaped man was met by Li Jianjun and then captured. When he was taken away, the tomb robber suddenly got up with money and antiques ** Li Jianjun. How could Li Jianjun believe him?

When the tomb robber fled, he hurriedly rolled up a few treasures and fled into the mountains and buried them. He said that as long as Li Jianjun let him escape, he would give all these things to Li Jianjun.

With half a doubt, Li Jianjun took him to his treasured place and dug out a few treasures. Li Jianjun didn't understand the other treasures, but a few gold bars were real.

In the face of such a**, Li Jianjun could not stand it, but he was murderous. The grave robbers saw Li Jianjun's murderous intention and were immediately scared that he knew a treasure place, which was said to be the place where the little devil buried supplies.

At that time, it was found that the secret warehouse left by the Japanese army was common. In addition, as soon as the grave robber took out these treasures, Li Jianjun believed it. Then he tortured the grave robbers in a secret place with his concealment, and the task force naturally could not find the tomb robber. Thief.

After the task force left the mountain and returned to the police station, he secretly returned to the mountain and released the grave robber.

In order to gain mutual trust, Li Jianjun and the tomb robbers became brothers on the spot. Later, the two found the treasure site left by the Japanese army. This treasure site contains a large number of materials from the Japanese army. Needless to say, the materials of the Japanese army were all collected from China.

Neither of them can open the treasure alone, so they did not quarrel because of the uneven division of stolen goods. In particular, the tomb robbers were still fugitives. Without Li Jianjun's help, he could not escape at all, so he took the initiative to let Li Jianjun take a big head. Li Jianjun knew everything about tomb robbery and antiques. It didn't work, and the tomb robbers were still used. After the treasure was found, the two of them were at peace.

Later, the two excavated the materials left by the Japanese army in batches.

With this experience, Li Jianjun and the tomb robbers also gained mutual trust. Li Jianjun used the property to pave the way for himself in his officialdom. In addition, the grave robbers have repeatedly made contributions to solve the case. Naturally, the result is a smooth journey.

After Li Jianjun took power, he was acquitted of tomb robbers and acted as * for tomb robbers. The tomb robbers also organized tomb robbers.

A few years ago, the black market of cultural relics in the Central Plains was surging. Most tomb robbers were hit to varying degrees, but tomb robbers were exceptional. If his men were arrested for tomb robbery and selling cultural relics, they often turned into small things. Taking advantage of this energy that other people could not come out, tomb robbers gradually became Chinese. He is recognized as the leader of the black market, and the tentacles of tomb robbers also extend into the sky and extend to the Central Plains to explore Shanxi, Shaanxi and other provinces with many underground cultural relics.

With the cooperation between the two brothers, the tomb robbers made a fortune and became more and more powerful, and Li Jianjun was even more like a fish in water in the officialdom. However, at this time, an accident happened. That is, last year, the grave robbers' men stabbed a big basket, stole tombs that should not be stolen, and were suddenly cracked. The matter was too much. The tomb thief can only flee abroad.

Li Jianjun was also worried for a while. Fortunately, he paid some price to make the matter small. He only cracked the grave robber gang, but did not trace him down. However, such a thing happened, which gave him some other ideas in his mind.

He first pretended to have an affair, then divorced his wife, but secretly sent his wife and a pair of children abroad secretly, and transferred some of his property abroad.

Li Jianjun has a special hobby, which is that he has a special hobby of silver, just like a rich man in China who fled abroad for a crime, bought a manor, and then exchanged all the remaining money for silver and buried it under the bed. Li Jianjun also has such a hobby. .

This batch of silver was definitely among the supplies left by the Japanese army. Instead of transferring the batch of silver, he left it and secretly transferred it to the underground cave of the villa. He also put the silver bars into a pyramid one by one, and came to watch it every two days...

Li Jianjun himself was also ready to escape, and he was prepared to apply for an ID card, a * and visa to go abroad, and even travel expenses.

However, he did not have a money accident, but because he asked for sex, and the incident happened so suddenly. Obviously, he didn't expect it before, so that he didn't even have a chance to escape, so he was directly taken away by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

These shields, visas, ID cards and US dollars are certainly Li Jianjun's preparation for his escape, and the diary was written by him after the gang of grave robbers.

However, the remaining books are all account books, which say such as "At one o'clock in the afternoon of a certain month, invite someone to dinner and send 60,000 yuan on the wine table" and "On a certain month of a certain year, it costs 120,000 yuan to do things for someone" and so on. The more you turn back, the more money you send, the status of the person who sends is getting higher and higher, the lowest There is a deputy director of the police station, the highest even...

After turning over these books, Chen Ran couldn't speak for a long time. At this time, in his eyes, this underground cave is still a place to hide treasures, and it is simply a place where * is buried.

At present, he is not the only one in the world who knows this underground cave, and another person knows that this person is Li Jianjun.

Now that Li Jianjun has been double regulated and the underground cave has not been found, which means that Li Jianjun has not said this place for the time being, but for the time being, who knows whether the other party will confess this place next? If he really confesses it, it will undoubtedly be a big trouble for him. The money in front of him is Small things, the key is these diaries and books, but *, although it has nothing to do with him, he can't say it clearly at that time...

Do you want to burn it?

Chen Ran shook his head and drove this idea out of his brain. It must not work. If Li Jianjun recognizes this place, he will definitely say that he wrote the diary and the account book he wrote. If he can't find it at that time, he won't doubt himself.

Chen Ran thought about it, no matter how he thought about it, the key now is Li Jianjun.

Considering it, Chen Ran has only one way, that is, to inquire about Li Jianjun's news first. If it really doesn't work, it can only be before Li Jianjun admits...

If you want to inquire about Li Jianjun, you naturally have to trouble Ma Zhiyuan.

There was no Ma Zhiyuan's name in those books, which also relieved Chen Ran.

Chen Ran did not dare to delay. After a second of delay, the crisis increased by one minute, but he took out his mobile phone and looked at it, but there was no signal. He could only quickly return to the passage along the original road and climbed out of the hole with a rope.

When the mobile phone restored the signal, Chen Ran dialed Ma Zhiyuan's phone.

"Xiaoran, let's go to see the villa. How does it feel to live in a 20 million mansion?" After the phone was connected, Ma Zhiyuan's smiling voice came.

"It's okay. I'm quite satisfied." Chen Ran took a deep breath and tried his tone to be the same as usual: "The original owner of this villa probably took a lot of effort to get this villa, but unfortunately he couldn't live there. It was cheap to me, Brother Yuan, I heard that the other party was double-regulated, and now he has been sentenced, right? He is so greedy. What sentence has he been sentenced to? Will he be shot? If this is shot, I have to change all the furniture in the villa.

This sentence was said by Chen Ran in a joking tone.

After Chen Ran said this, the other end of the phone was silent. After being silent for a long time, Ma Zhiyuan's voice came: "Xiaoran, do you know it?"

"Brother Yuan, what do you know?" Chen Ran asked strangely, but this sentence was not pretended. He really didn't know what Ma Zhiyuan said he knew.

Ma Zhiyuan pondered for a moment, and then said, "Xiaoran, I shouldn't have let you know about this, but I don't think it will be long. I'll tell you in advance. Li Jianjun, the original owner of the villa you bought, has now committed suicide in fear of crime..."

Suicide for fear of crime?


[I'm really sorry, I'm very helpless. I didn't get a call until after 11 p.m., but I got home after the call, but I couldn't surf the Internet and upload, so I had to run to the Internet cafe again... It's not easy for me today.]