Jin Yutong

Chapter 280 Everything is ready but the east wind

Chen Ran stared at the pile of porcelain cups in front of him as if he had seen a ghost. He was stunned for a long time. After a while, the first action after reacting was to rub his eyes in disbelief, as if he were questioning whether he was dazzled...

In fact, after Chen Ran reacted, the first thought that came to his mind was that he really felt that he must be dazzled, otherwise how could it be...

It can't be blamed. After all, the pile of porcelain cups in front of him is so weird that he can't believe that everything in front of him is real.

In addition to the one broken by Chen Xiaomei, there are six left, and the six porcelain cups are exactly the same, all of which are...

August Osmanthus Cup!

That is to say, seven August osmanthus cups suddenly appeared in front of me.

If this changes to others, no matter who, even if it is a porcelain collector, the first reaction to this scene will definitely think that this pile of porcelain cups are high imitation porcelain, not genuine.

Even if they put this pile of porcelain cups in front of them, they will definitely shake their heads and turn around and leave, and they won't even look at them.

After all, this situation is too strange. Seeing this situation, the first thing they think of is not to pick up leaks, but to think that they are all high imitations or mass production...

Kangxi colorful December flower god cups are rare. Generally speaking, it is good to collect a pair. If you can collect four, it will be valuable. Especially in August, the osmanthus cup is the rarest kind. Now seven flower god cups have emerged, all of which are osmanthus cups. If you believe it It's weird.

Chen Ran also couldn't believe it, but the osmanthus cup that had just been broken has been identified by him with his energy aperture. It is indeed genuine, which is only genuine, which makes him have a little more expectations.

After reacting, Chen Ran did not care about observing his eyesight first, but directly used the energy aperture. At this moment, whether he relied on his own eyesight to observe whether it was true or not, he would not believe it, and only the result of energy aperture identification could make him believe it.

"It's true!" Chen Ran took a breath of cold air. Although he was a little prepared, he was stunned for a long time when the identification result of the energy aperture came out.

In fact, in addition to the broken osmanthus cup, Chen Ran only identified two of the remaining six with energy apertures. The reason why he did not continue to identify them was that his energy aperture was almost gone. He only needed six energy apertures to identify, absorb three, and all the six released were porcelain. The cup is absorbed, so that for each identification, he has to lose three energy apertures.

His energy aperture is not much. After identifying two, there are less than six, and the rest naturally cannot be identified.

Two have been identified, both of which are authentic. Although the remaining four have not been identified, judging from the two identified and the identification results of the broken one, the remaining four are not genuine. There is no doubt that you will know the result.

After being stunned for a long time, Chen Ran took a long breath and shook his head. He never thought that in addition to a large amount of silver and 500,000 US dollars in the cave, there would be such a harvest.

"How about it, really or fake?" When Chen Ran observed the Flower God Cup, Guo Hai did not disturb Chen Ran. It was not until he saw Chen Ran shaking his head that he opened his mouth. Although he saw that this kind of porcelain cup was similar to the one Chen Ran picked up last time, he didn't know anything else. For him, all he cared about was whether these porcelain cups were true or false. As for his eyes What these six porcelain cups mean exactly the same, that's what he can't see.

"It really can't be true anymore!" In ordinary times, Chen Ran would certainly have bothered to pay attention to him, but now Chen Ran is in good interest. He not only answered him, but also answered affirmatively.

"It's all true. How much are those six cups worth? One is 200,000 yuan, and six are 1.8 million yuan. In addition, this broken one is almost two million yuan. It's not bad. Buy a big villa and add an extra villa. This business is cost-effective..." Guo Hai grinned and giggled. Already, although these two million has nothing to do with him, Chen Ran got this unexpected wealth and what he got. Although Chen Ran smashed these two million to him, he definitely didn't want it, but he felt that the money Chen Ran got was what he got.

"It's a good deal for you." Seeing his financial fan appearance, Chen Ran laughed and shook his head. These six or seven osmanthus cups are only worth two million, and one is worth more than one million yuan. It should be about 1.4 million and 1.5 million. According to 1.5 million, six are nine million, and the broken one is almost 1,000. Ten thousand.

500,000 US dollars gave him more than 3.2 million yuan, and the batch of silver gave him 422 million yuan. Now he suddenly got this pile of osmanthus cups, but it was nearly 10 million. In this way, buying this villa, not counting the value of the villa itself, it has brought him 5,000 Five million net profit.

This deal is really not an ordinary bargain.

At this time, Chen Ran naturally did not know that buying this villa brought him more than 55 million benefits, but what could give him greater benefits in the future was just ignored by him at this time. Of course, this is the afterth.

Chen Ran first collected these seven osmanthus cups into the study, and then looked for Chen Xiaomei where they went and found that they didn't care about them when they were playing by the fish pond in the back garden. Next, they carried out a big search of the whole villa.

Chen Ran thought a lot about things and accidentally found seven osmanthus cups in the villa, which naturally reminded him of Li Jianjun, the original owner of the villa.

According to Li Jianjun's diary, Li Jianjun is the leader of the tomb robbery gang in Tianzhong City. Even if Li Jianjun doesn't know antiques, he must come into contact with some. After all, over the years, his treasures have long been squandered by him, and it is he who supports his financial resources. Brother, you will naturally come into contact with some antiques. When you see what you like, it is not impossible to bring them back for your own collection. If you don't know antiques, it doesn't mean that you can't collect antiques. He, a tomb robber, must have sent him a lot of antiques.

At this point, it can be seen from those account books that Li Jianjun gave others not only money, but also gave a lot of antiques to those bigwigs in the later period.

Presumably, these six or seven osmanthus cups were the ones he got from his brothers, but he didn't know the goods, so he used them as tea cups.

In fact, Chen Ran guessed this wrongly. These seven osmanthus cups were not obtained by Li Jianjun from his brothers, but directly from the secret warehouse left by Japan. When the little devils searched for supplies in China, Chinese antiques were the focus of their search, which was from every You can dig out a lot of antiques by finding a place where the devil buried materials.

I don't know how these seven osmanthus cups were obtained by the little devils. When Li Jianjun got them, the seven osmanthus cups were not stored with other antique porcelain, so Li Jianjun and the tomb robbers carve up the treasure. These seven osmanthus cups were not given to the tomb robbers for the tomb robbers to deal with, but inadvertently divided them. After giving it to Li Jianjun, Li Jianjun also found out later. When he found it, he fell in love with this kind of porcelain cup at a glance and brought it back to his home to collect it. After the villa was decorated here, he found it and brought it to the villa to be used as a teacup, but unfortunately it has not been used yet...

Li Jianjun will naturally not write such a small thing in his diary, so of course Chen Ran can't guess it.

What disappointed Chen Ran a little was that he searched the whole villa carefully and never found anything like antiques.

Of course, Chen Ran was just disappointed and relieved. He accidentally found that the seven osmanthus cups were undoubtedly an accident for him. Obviously, he was able to get the seven osmanthus cups because they were not recognized as antiques.

Li Jianjun was double regulated. This villa is also a stolen property. I don't know how many times the villa has been searched. Even if Li Jianjun collects some antiques in the villa, it is estimated that they have been taken away. Now there is nothing in the villa except furniture. Just look at the study and indoor bars. Whether it is a study or an indoor bar, almost all of them have been emptied.

These seven osmanthus cups were left behind, and obviously they were left behind as ordinary tea sets.

Chen Ran will naturally not kindly give these seven osmanthus cups to the government. He is not so aware of it.

He has already figured out that he is not going to auction out all seven osmanthus cups, leaving one or two by himself. Since he got a June lotus cup, he has been thinking about collecting one set. Now it is equivalent to collecting another one or the rarest one, and then transferring it to Mr. Bai. , Mr. Bai is good to himself. Anyway, he has to repay him. The rest depends on the situation...

After being busy for a long time, Chen Ping also drove here. When he returned home and saw no one in his family, he called to ask. As soon as he heard that his son had bought a villa in the city and went to the city to see the villa, he also came here with great interest.

Seeing the villa bought by Chen Ran, Chen Ping was obviously shocked. He was surprised for a long time before he recovered. Then he was naturally very happy. In his words, that is, this villa still lives in a style!

At noon, Chen Ran and his family ate directly in the city, which was also a celebration.

After dinner, he sent his family and Guo Hai back. Originally, Chen Ran was going to go to the jade market, but he was also able to find out first to prepare for the opening of the jade business. Now he has enough funds, and it can be said that everything is ready.

However, he just arrived in the city and received a phone call from He Zhenhua.

He Zhenhua has returned to the sky!

[Thank you for the reward of Brother Jun.]