Jin Yutong

Chapter 307 Concern

"Xiaoran, do you remember me as an old guy, ha ha..."

After the phone was connected, there was a happy voice from Uncle Huang from Xiaojingshui Village.

"Uncle Huang, how can I forget you..." Chen Ran also smiled, but was a little surprised. Uncle Huang hasn't contacted him for a while. He is still very impressed by Uncle Huang and naturally won't forget it. This is not only because Uncle Huang is warm-hearted, but also because Huang The old man played with the collection, which was also brought into the door.

"As long as I didn't forget, I'm here to trouble you again..."

On the phone, Uncle Huang didn't talk much to Chen Ran. He just said that recently, Chen Ran would go to his place one day when he had time. Needless to say, Chen Ran also guessed that Uncle Huang must have bought some antiques and asked him to give it to his palm.

"Well... Uncle Huang, are you at home now? If you are here, I will go there..." Chen Ran heard Uncle Huang's words and opened his notebook to check it. His next target is not in Central Plains Province. He explored it. Next, he may have to go to Tianjin, not to mention spending money on the road. Time is just taking back the other party's flower god cup. I guess it will take some time to think about it. I don't know how long it will take to return, so I just go to Uncle Huang first.

Hearing Chen Ran say that this would pass, Uncle Huang happily agreed after asking if it would delay Chen Ran's answer.

Hanging up the phone, Chen Ran put away his notebook and cleaned the room. He hasn't come back for many days, and there is inevitably some dust in the room.

It took half an hour to clean up and go out with a small box containing two flower cups. He took these two flower cups with him. Whether it was in the car or in the apartment, he was obviously not very worried.


Chen Ran was about to go out, but the doorbell suddenly rang. Chen Ran thought it was Yang Long who ran over and opened the door, but it was not a middle-aged man in a suit.

"Hello, are you Mr. Chen? My surname is Wu, and I'm from the community property management. Mr. Chen, we should have met..." The middle-aged man introduced himself when he saw Chen Ran open the door and shook hands with Chen Ran with a smile.

Chen Ran reached out and shook hands with him. He still had some impression of this person. He met him when he accompanied the policewoman landlord to register. After shaking hands, Manager Wu also came straight to explain his intention, but came to collect the property fee. The property fee paid before has expired. According to the agreement at the time of renting the house, the property fee Chen Ran should have paid, but he hasn't been able to contact Chen Ran during this period. Just now, when he saw Chen Ran come back in the surveillance, he came to the door in person.

When Chen Ran heard about this, he apologized to the other party, and then followed the other party to the property department to pay the property fee. The apartment he rented was half a year, and now it was half gone, and he paid all the remaining property fees.

"Manager Wu, I can't contact the head of the household now. Can you contact her here?" After paying the property fee and about to leave, Chen Ran suddenly stopped and turned around to ask.

"You mean Miss Yuan, right?" Manager Wu shook his head: "I can't contact her now."

Chen Ran was not disappointed when he heard Manager Wu say that he could not contact the landlady. Unexpectedly, when the policewoman left, he obviously meant to hide from him. How could he leave contact information to the property?

"So what should I do with this house if my rent is due?" The note left by Chen Ranji's policewoman landlord seemed to say that the rent had expired and someone would take it back.

"We don't know..." Manager Wu obviously has nothing to do about not being able to contact the policewoman landlord.

Chen Ran frowned: "Do you have the contact information of the head of the family here?" However, he thought of Yuan's father at the Shuilinglong Club. Yuan's father should have news about the policewoman landlord.

Chen Ran is looking for a policewoman landlord, but he doesn't want to have something with the policewoman landlord. He just wants to know. Maybe even if he finds out the news of the policewoman landlord, he will not necessarily go to her. Even if he goes to find her, he may not meet her. He just wants to know where she is and whether she is doing well. That's enough. .

This is also a kind of concern.

To Chen Ran's disappointment, Manager Wu still shook his head: "Only Miss Yuan is registered here. Oh, by the way, I forgot one thing. Although the owner of this house is Miss Yuan, there is also a co-owner, but this co-owner has not been here for many years. I work here. I have been working for several years, and I haven't seen him once. I don't know what the specific situation is. Well, Mr. Chen, I'll check it for you. When I find the contact information of that person, I'll call you and tell you..."

Leave a personal contact information for Manager Wu, and Chen Ran also left the apartment. Although he did not find the information of the policewoman's landlord's family, it was an unexpected gain to have the contact information of the common person.

Although it is difficult to say the relationship between the head of the household and the co-owner, there should generally be a deep relationship.

After leaving the apartment, Chen Ran drove to Xiaojingshui Village.

When he arrived at Xiaojingshui Village, Chen Ran thought of Uncle Luo. Since the last separation, he came to Xiaojingshui Village twice and didn't see Uncle Luo. When he turned a corner and walked to the door of Uncle Luo's house, he took a look and found that the door was locked, so he had to rush to Uncle Huang. Uncle Huang already knew him. When he wanted to come over and enthusiastically welcomed him into the room, he took out a lot of various specialties to entertain him, such as large plates of dried persimmons, osmanthus cake, dates, mountain peaches, mountain grapes, and some of which Chen Ran had never seen before.

These things are authentic specialties. For example, mountain grapes can't be bought. Although there are also artificial cultivation now, the taste has changed. Only the taste of mountain grapes produced in the mountains is the most authentic. When he was a child, when the mountain grapes were ripe, Chen Ran often followed the adults to the mountains to fight grapes. Eat, one person carries a sack and comes back with more than half a bag.

Chen Ran curiously asked Uncle Huang where he got so many authentic specialties. After asking, he knew that Uncle Huang had been wandering around the countryside during this period, traveling while collecting some antique specialties and so on...

After hearing this, Chen Ran was really impressed. Uncle Huang was at least fifty or sixty, and he still had this mentality. No wonder when he saw Uncle Huang, he felt that Uncle Huang was dusty, as if he had made a long trip.

"So much!" After tasting the specialties, Uncle Huang took Chen Ran into the inner room and entered the inner room. Chen Ran was surprised. The floor of this room was full of large and small broken bowls and plates. Roughly, there were at least hundreds of them...

"I have selected a county in each city in our Central Plains Province. During this period, I have been able to travel all over our Central Plains. Xiaoran, take a look. Some of the broken things are collected by me, and some of them are picked up by me, and it didn't cost much money..." Uncle Huang said happily.

Chen Ran nodded. He has always praised Uncle Huang's mentality of playing antiques.

Squat down and look at these antiques on the ground, but Chen Ran couldn't laugh or cry. As soon as he saw so many things, he was shocked. Before he took a closer look, he saw a large area of broken bowls and broken jars. It was simply... It can only be said that modern art is not even called a modern art. It should be the countryside. The porcelain of folk daily necessities produced in the small workshop has no collection value at all.

Chen Ran told Uncle Huang about the result, and Uncle Huang was not disappointed. Instead, he happily asked Chen Ran to select the antiques and put aside the other.

These things, for Chen Ran, are almost all things at a glance. Although there are few antiques, some of them can also be called antiques, but they are of little value.

While Chen Ran and Uncle Huang were separated, he explained it to Uncle Huang when he met the ancient play. Uncle Huang couldn't remember it and asked Chen Ran to write it for him. In the future, he would look at it and study it slowly.

After all the classification, these hundreds of things, which can be called antiques, have also selected 20 or 30 pieces, but the total value is at most 10,000 yuan. There is still a folk kiln jar worth four or five thousand in the Republic of China.

After listening to this, Uncle Huang was not disappointed at all. He happily said that he only spent 5,000 or 6,000 yuan on collecting these things and spending all the way.

In this case, Uncle Huang has also gained a lot. Let's not mention how much he has made, at least he has earned all the travel expenses, all of which are regarded as a play.

Chen Ran had been squatting. When he was about to stand up, he suddenly noticed that there were still a small pile of porcelain pieces piled up in the corner of Uncle Huang's room.

Chen Ran hasn't had time to study the two porcelain pieces bought in Yuzhou not long ago. Although he hasn't studied it yet, his prototype should undoubtedly be an official kiln heavy weapon.

Seeing Uncle Huang's small pile of porcelain pieces, Chen Ran was also interested. He stood up and walked over and squatted down to see.

"Xiaoran, I picked up these porcelain pieces. Some of them look very beautiful, but I don't know whether they are valuable or not. I heard that there are still people who collect porcelain pieces to play now..." Uncle Huang saw Chen Ran squatting down and looking at the pile of porcelain pieces he picked up, so he followed him. Although he didn't care much about the value of these antiques he received. But if it can be of great value, it will naturally be the best.

After fiddling with this small pile of porcelain pieces, Chen Ran shook his head. These porcelain pieces are just ordinary folk daily porcelain and have no value for collection.

Seeing this, Chen Ran also lost interest, but when he turned his head to talk to Uncle Huang about the value of these porcelain pieces, a familiar color suddenly flashed in the corner of his eyes...

[From 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., my speed... I really vomited blood. Thank you for the reward of the leidi brothers.]