Jin Yutong

Chapter 311 Wang Liang's Flower God Cup

"A little familiar?" Wang Liang's words stunned Chen Ran for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly lit up and quickly asked, "Have you seen it at Uncle Root's house or elsewhere?"

If you have seen it at Uncle Gen's house, it will naturally be nothing. If you have seen it elsewhere...

Wang Liang looked at the Flower God Cup on the table, looked at Chen Ran, shook his head and recalled, "I can't remember where I saw it, but I definitely didn't see it at Uncle Gen's house. It seems that I saw it at my house. I can't remember it clearly. It should have been when I was a child. I went home and ask my father. My father should know..."

Before Wang Liang finished speaking, he couldn't wait to stand up and go home to look for it. This cup was so valuable that it obviously stimulated him. If he also had it at home...

Chen Ran was also moved by Wang Liang's words. Liu Laogen's pair of cups are all pomegranate cups in May. Generally, such a situation rarely occurs unless it is exchanged with others, but Liu Laogen's family does not understand this and will definitely not exchange with others for no reason. That is undoubtedly a little strange. Unless it also appeared a lot at once like the August osmanthus cup, but just now he asked Liu Laogen about the origin of the cups. Although it was wrong, it is obvious that there are no other such cups in Liu Laogen's family. Now listening to Wang Liang's words, he can't help but let him guess whether the May pomegranate cup suddenly appeared and Isn't it all obtained by Liu Laogen's family, but also Wang Liang's family?

Seeing Wang Liang running out, Chen Ran put Liu Laogen's pomegranate cup on the counter to avoid being broken by the child, and then quickly followed.

When Wang Liang hurried home with Chen Ran, many people stood at the door and watched curiously around Chen Ran's SUV. Wang Liang ran over and took Chen Ran directly into the yard without saying hello to them.

"Sister-in-law, is our father back?"

Wang Liang's sister-in-law washed clothes in the yard. When she entered the yard, Wang Liang couldn't wait to ask.

"No, I guess I have to wait for a while. What's the matter? What's the matter?" Wang Liang's sister-in-law looked strangely at Wang Liang, who hurried in.

"It's okay, Chen Ran, wait for me first, and I'll look for it." Wang Liang shook his head, greeted Chen Ran, thought for a moment, and ran to the east room.

Chen Ran could also understand his mood at this time, so he didn't say anything and stood in the yard waiting.

Wang Liang's eldest sister-in-law shook her head strangely. Seeing Chen Ran standing there, she wiped her hands and went into the room to bring out a chair for Chen Ran, and took fresh sunflower seeds to sit down with Chen Ran.

Chen Ran politely thanked and sat down to wait, but as soon as he sat down, Wang Liang ran out of the east room. Chen Ran stood up and didn't ask him before he asked him. He ran into the north room again.

Chen Ran couldn't laugh or cry, and didn't sit down. He followed him into the north room. Wang Liang rummaged through boxes and cabinets in the north room, but he couldn't find it.

"I clearly remember where I saw it, why not?" After turning over the north house, he couldn't find it. Wang Liang shook his head and said unwillingly.

Chen Ran patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't look for it. Let's wait for your father to come back and ask him." When Wang Liang looked for it, in fact, he also detected it with an energy aperture, and there was no shadow of the Flower God Cup in this room.

Wang Liang nodded helplessly and went out of the north house with Chen Ran. When he came to the gate of the courtyard, the crowd had almost dispersed, and only a few children were still playing around the SUV.

Chen Ran also wanted to go to Liu Laogen's house to ask Liu Laogen how the pair of pomegranate cups came from. Before he went, a neighbor and Wang Liang said that he saw Wang Liang's father and came back in a while.

In this case, Chen Ran and Wang Liang will wait. Not to mention that Wang Liang is anxious to know whether there is a flower cup at home, Chen Ran also wants to know. Compared with Liu Laogen, it is naturally closer to Wang Liang's family. Liu Laogen may not necessarily know the origin of the cup. Even if he knows it, I'm afraid he will not necessarily sue. Tell him that Wang's father should undoubtedly speak better.

Chen Ran and Wang Liang were not allowed to wait much. In a while, Wang Liang's parents came back. Both of them were both in their fifties. Wang Liang's mother was needless to say. As Chen Ran imagined simplicity and hospitality, what surprised Chen Ran was Wang's father. In his impression, Wang's father should also be like a rural old man, his face was engraved with Traces of the years.

Who knows that at first sight, it is not what Chen Ran imagined at all. He is not only not so experienced so vicissitudes, but also looks radiant and full of wisdom.

Wang Liang's parents obviously knew that there were guests at home, and they knew that Chen Ran was Wang Liang's classmate, and they were very enthusiastic.

"Dad, I remember that in our family, there seemed to be a cup like that, white porcelain, with poems on it. By the way, I remember that when I was a child, you asked me to recite the poems on it. Where did the cup go and is it still there?" As soon as he said a few words, Wang Liang couldn't wait to ask about the Flower God Cup, but he couldn't describe the appearance of the Flower God Cup, so he could only describe it with the verse above. In this way, it suddenly reminded him of how he had seen this kind of cup and made sure that he had really seen this kind of cup, and he suddenly became a little excited.

Seeing Wang Liang's appearance, Chen Ran was also refreshed and looked at Wang's father with expectation. Wang Liang couldn't speak clearly. Wang's father couldn't remember it for a moment. He could only strangely ask Wang Liang what he did.

"It's what my classmates want, just tell me where it went." Wang Liang is anxious, but he doesn't have to explain so much.

When he heard that it was Chen Ran wanted it, Wang's father paid attention to it, frowned and asked, "You make it clear, how big is the cup?"

Wang Liang can only describe it again, but it is obviously difficult to remember if it takes a long time. Wang's father thought about it and has no impression. Seeing this, Chen Ran took out the key, opened the off-road vehicle, and took out a pair of flower cups containing Uncle Lin from under the back seat for Wang's father to see. One time.

"Old Uncle Wang, is this kind of cup. Do you have any impression?"

"That's it. There are still poems on it. You asked me to recite the poems when I was a child..." Wang Liang reached out and pointed to Wang's father to the poem on it and said excitedly.

The king's father reached out and took out the lotus cups in a pair of cups and looked at them. While putting the cups in the box, he thought about it for a long time before saying to Wang, "Go to the top of the medicine cabinet of the old house."

Before Wang's father's voice fell, Wang Liang turned around and ran away happily. Wang Liang's mother shouted twice and blamed him well.

Chen Ran was also quite surprised. Wang's father's words undoubtedly showed that Wang Liang's family really had the Flower God Cup, which was really a surprise.

After Wang Liang left, Wang Liang's mother warmly greeted Chen Ran into the house. Chen Ran put away the Flower God Cup and followed his father into the house without any politeness.

Wang's father invited Chen Ran to sit down and talked with Chen Ran. Although Wang's father had never seen Chen Ran, he was not strange to Chen Ran. When Wang Liang mentioned his college classmates at home, he often talked about Chen Ran, so Wang's father said many words of thanks to Chen Ran, and Chen Ran was a little embarrassed, although he was in school. At that time, he did take good care of Wang Liang, but the care here was only the care between classmates, but there was no practical help. On the contrary, Wang Liang later helped him a lot.

Although Chen Ran wants to ask the origin of Wang Liang's cup, after all, he is not sure that Wang Liang's family really has it, so he can only suppress this thought.

"Chen Ran, let's see if it's such a cup..." As soon as he sat down and didn't take a sip of tea, he saw Wang Liang running in happily with two jars in his arms.

Chen Ran looked up and immediately lit up. Although the two jars held by Wang Liang were covered with black things on the surface, Chen Ran recognized that the two jars were indeed the Flower God Cup.

As for whether it is the colorful flower cup in the Kangxi period, you have to see it.

Chen Ran quickly stood up and took one from Wang Liang's arms to watch. This flower god cup was obviously used as a medicine jar by Wang Liang's family, smelling of Chinese herbs.

"Where did you pour the plaster? Have you put it away?" Wang's father also came over and asked with some reproach when he saw that the herbs in the jar had been poured out.

"I fell on the newspaper." Wang Liang was in a hurry to take the jar for Chen Ran to read. How could he care about the herbs contained in it? He directly found a newspaper and poured the herbs on the newspaper.

Seeing that Wang's father was going to get angry, Wang Liang quickly told Wang's father about the jar.

"So many." Hearing Wang Liang say that the jar was worth 400,000 yuan, Wang's father was also shocked and looked at the two jars observed by Chen Ran in disbelief.

After observation and detection, Chen Ran also confirmed that the two jars held by Wang Liang were indeed the real colorful flower cups of the Kangxi period.

What surprised him was that Wang Liang's pair of flower god cups were actually peach cups in March, instead of the May pomegranate cups he imagined. When it was just confirmed that Wang Liang's family also had flower god cups, he also thought that Wang Liang's family should also be May's pomegranate cups. Needless to say, the result was not the case.

Wang Liang's pair of flower glasses are also the same, not the pomegranate cups in May, but the peach blossom cups in March.

This really surprised Chen Ran.

What the hell is going on?

Liu Laogen's family is a pair of May pomegranate cups, but Wang Liang's is a pair of March peach blossom cups...

Liu Laogen's family has it, as well as Wang Liang's family, and they are all the same couple. Obviously, there must be some involvement between them.

Chen Ran felt a little incredible. He put down the Flower God Cup and couldn't wait to ask the king's father.

[Sorry, there was a sudden water and power outage yesterday afternoon, and there has been no call so far. The high temperature is 35 degrees, and the water and power outage are very miserable... There are very few red tickets today. Ask for red tickets!]