Jin Yutong

Chapter 418 Expensive ride

"It is said that the stewardess is beautiful, and I don't look good. She is not as good-looking as my Yanyan." When he got on the plane, the others were fine. Only Guo Hai was the first time to take the plane, which seemed a little excited. Looking at it, the stewardess on the plane was naturally his key observation object. After observing, he proudly came to such a conclusion.

Chen Ran couldn't stand him. He simply looked down and read the newspaper. However, Zhang Shuchun, who was drinking a drink, heard his words and almost spit out a mouthful of the drink. It was not easy to spit it out, but he was choked.

Zhang Shuchun's reaction was so big that Guo Hai rolled his eyes.

"Brother Guo, you can't say that. Home flowers don't have the fragrance of wild flowers. Wild flowers may not be beautiful, but they must be more fragrant than home flowers... Cough... Well, where did we talk about?" Zhang Shuchun put the drink aside and talked to Guo Hai. What he said made everyone sitting nearby look at him, especially the women among them gave him a contemptuous look. When he was looked at by so many people, he was embarrassed to go on and pulled it randomly, but Guo Hai did not at all. Without cooperating with him, he directly turned his head aside. He looked like I didn't know you all the way. He was very angry and ignored Guo Hai.

It's just that not long after, the two couldn't help but put their heads together to talk.

It took about three hours to fly from Nandu to Baoshan City. At 1:20 p.m., Chen Ran and his party arrived at Baoshan Airport in Yunnan.

Taking a group of people out of the airport, he greeted two middle-aged people who claimed to be sent by the ninth master to pick them up. Before that, Chen Ran had known that the old man had arranged someone to pick them up here, so there was no surprise. He politely chatted with the two middle-aged people who picked them up and went out with them. Waiting hall.

Outside the airport, two commercial vehicles were already waiting. Chen Ran took Guo Hai, Bawang, Zhang Shuchun, Yang Shijie and two armed policemen into a car, and the rest of them sat in a car.

Chen Ran's car had two big mouths, Guo Hai and Zhang Shuchun, but it was also lively. The two middle-aged people who picked up the plane and the leading middle-aged man also sat in the car with Chen Ran. After introduction, they knew that this person was called Zhao Guosheng, and he was also very enthusiastic and answered questions to Guo Hai and Zhang Shuchun.

Chen Ran originally wanted to inquire about the situation of Tengchong's jade gambling stones with Zhao Guosheng, so that he could first understand the distribution of Tengchong's wool market, but when he saw that Guo Hai and Zhang Shuchun had been talking to Zhao Guosheng, he did not ask. He thought it was better to wait for a place to inquire about it.

The commercial car did not enter Baoshan City, but directly turned and drove to the mountain road. This road must be the road to Tengchong. The terrain here is really steep, and the road is also quite scary. On one side is the steep wall, the other side is the cliff, and the road is also winding around. It is frightening and afraid of driving. The young man drove the car off the cliff.

At this time, Guo Hai and Zhang Shuchun also stopped talking. In addition to the fear of affecting the driver's driving, they were also dizzy by this road, so they simply closed their eyes and rested.

Chen Ran also closed his eyes, but not long after he closed his eyes, he suddenly heard the voice of the driver in front of him and Zhao Guosheng talking, so he opened his eyes and looked over.

A taxi was parked not far in front of them. The taxi was obviously broken. The driver was lying under the car and repairing it. There were three or four people standing next to it. It should be passengers.

Looking at the leader of these four people, Chen Ran was stunned for a long time. He didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here. He was still a very special acquaintance who impressed him.

This will see their business car coming. One of the four people is standing in the middle of the road, splitting his legs and waving his arms vigorously at the business car, shouting, "Stop, stop."

Needless to say, I knew at a glance that these four people wanted to take a ride. There were so many people in the car, but they were not afraid of *. So when he saw this scene, Zhao Guosheng asked the driver to stop. Although the car behind was full, how many people could sit in their car.

The driver said hello and slowed down the speed of the business car. Zhao Guosheng also had to put down the window, but before he put it down, he was suddenly interrupted by Chen Ran: "Manager Zhao, how much did you buy this business car?"

Zhao Guosheng was stunned by Chen Ran's inexplicable words. Before he could speak, Guo Hai answered Chen Ran's question for him with a smile: "This car is a new Spent A3 luxury business car, which costs more than 1.6 million yuan."

Guo Hai is a complete fan of the car. There are almost no cars he doesn't know. When he got on the car just now, he observed the car. He knew that Chen Ran was blind, so as soon as Chen Ran asked, he answered.

"Hehe, Mr. Chen, Mr. Guo is right. This business car was picked up by our ninth master in Kunming a month ago, and the price at that time was 1.68 million yuan." Only then did Zhao Guosheng react.

Chen Ran nodded, thought about it, and said, "Manager Zhao, you can directly tell them that your business car was bought for 1.68 million yuan. If you want a ride, you will pay 1.68 million yuan for the ride fee, otherwise they will continue to wait."

Chen Ran said lightly, but it stunned the others in the car.

Zhao Guosheng was stunned and then asked, "Mr. Chen, is your friend?"

He still thought that the person who stopped the car was Chen Ran's friend. Chen Ran wanted to joke with them. Obviously, others also thought so. Why didn't he directly ask for the ride fee of a new car?

What they didn't expect was that Chen Ran shook his head and said, "It's not my friend. I don't know him. Just say so."

"Don't ask for more or less. If they pay, let them take the back one." Chen Ran added again before others could react.

"Mr. Chen, this..." Although Chen Ran said he didn't know him, Zhao Guosheng was still skeptical, 1.618 million, which had not been paid attention to by him, but the other party took a ride and asked the other party for 1.6 million yuan? If you know each other, it's normal. It's just a joke between friends. If you don't know each other, it's undoubtedly not normal. Do you want to get a ride directly for a new car? Even a plane won't cost so much.

paid back to sit in the back? May they pay? Just don't curse.

But if it is a friend's joke, Chen Ran's expression doesn't look like him, and if he is a friend, he won't let them sit in the back and sit together directly. After all, their car is still empty, and the car behind him is full, which makes Zhao Guosheng a little confused.

Just at this time, the driver stopped the car and the four people who stopped the car came over. Among them, the young man who had just stood in the middle of the road and waved directly ran to the co-pilot's seat and knocked on the window glass.

Zhao Guosheng was still stunned for a moment before putting down the car window.

"The car is broken. Open the door and give it a ride." The young man who knocked on the car window approached and found that he was just a high school student about 16 or 17 years old. Although he wanted to take a ride, the young man's tone was quite horizontal and there was no tone of request. He directly opened the door, just like a spoiled child.

The other three also ran over. The leader was about 30 years old. He was wearing a black sweatshirt, but he was wearing big colorful trousers, a cigarette butts in his mouth, and a pair of sunglasses on his head. Behind him, the two people were wearing black suits and sunglasses. Seeing that they should dress up, they should be guaranteed. Dart.

The man in big trousers seemed to know that the young man who knocked on the window was a little rude. He came over and threw away the cigarette butt in his hand and pulled the young man aside. Then he stared at the young man and said to Zhao Guosheng, "Can you still sit in the car? How about opening the door and getting a ride?

What this man said is actually no different from what the young man said. Although there is one more "how", the tone of the two is almost carved from the same mold.

"This..." Zhao Guosheng was a little uncertain about the relationship between the other party and Chen Ran. He hesitated for a moment, looked back at Chen Ran, and then said with a wry smile, "Our boss said that our car was bought for 1.688 million yuan. If you want to take a ride, you have to pay 1.6 million yuan for a ride."

Zhao Guosheng didn't know what Chen Ran was, but since it was the person that Master Jiu personally arranged for him to pick up, there was some reason, so after thinking about it, he decided to follow Chen Ran's words. It's just that he played a little cleverness and called Chen Ran as his boss, which means that he completely heard Chen Ran. The order has nothing to do with him.

Zhao Guosheng's words stunned all four people outside.

"Fuck, 1.66 million? I have to buy you a car. It's a fucking robbery. It's your honor for me to give you a ride, and I still want to..."

The young man was stunned for a moment and was furious. When he scolded, he kicked the car door fiercely.

The leading man was also stunned, and then quickly pulled the young man aside. The two bodyguards were also alert and took a step forward together to protect the young man and the leading man in the middle.

The leading man also took a step back, squinted, looked at Zhao Guosheng with a smile and asked, "What's your boss's name?"

"The surname is Chen, and my name is Chen Ran." Zhao Guosheng looked back at Chen Ran and saw that Chen Ran didn't say anything, so he answered the other party's question.

"Chen Ran? I haven't heard of..." The leading man twisted his eyebrows and seemed to have never heard of Chen Ran. He shook his head and wanted to say something he didn't know, but before he said anything, a figure suddenly flashed in his mind.

Thinking of who Chen Ran was, the leading man was stunned for a long time before suddenly shook his head and laughed at himself: "1.680,000, right? I'll give it to you, isn't it 1.618 million? Wu Laosan's favorite thing to do is to smash people with money.

[This chapter is so difficult to write. It has been written all afternoon. Oh, my God... In 12 years, Xiao Shu and Blue Bear's three book friends rewarded.]