Jin Yutong

Chapter 424 Bet

"Lao Zhao, what are you doing?"

Boss Liao brought Chen Ran into the warehouse with the real old pit goods in Myanmar for Chen Ran to see, and he came out. After all, no one wanted to be disturbed when he looked at the wool. After coming out, he waved and arranged several people to guard outside the warehouse. For Chen Ran, he was relieved. He was worried about other merchants. Since the door was opened, other merchants can't stop them when they want to enter. It's okay to go in, but someone must follow them at any time. You should know that the wool stored in it is all his belongings. After arranging it, he turned around and saw Zhao Guosheng looking around a piece of wool. He strangely walked away. Come on.

Zhao Guosheng ignored him. He squatted on the ground with a flashlight and looked at the wool on the ground carefully. After looking at it for a long time, he asked without raising his head and asked, "Lao Liao, do you think this wool can cut out the emerald? What is the possibility of greening?

If Guo Hai was present, he would find that the wool that Zhao Guosheng was staring at was the one he originally selected but was denied by Chen Ran.

Hearing Zhao Guosheng's words, Boss Liao was stunned and then laughed dumbly: "Lao, that's what we did. You don't know what the situation is. No matter how good the performance of wool may collapse. A piece of waste may also cut out Gao Cui. The possibility of saying green is bullshit. Even the possibility of green is 100%. Ninety-nine so what? As long as it is 1% impossible, it may not be able to cut the emerald. After a piece of wool is cut open, there are only two situations, one is gambling, the other is gambling collapse, and gambling stone is originally gambling..."

Before Boss Liao finished his words, he was interrupted by Zhao Guosheng standing up and scolding with a smile: "I said you are an old man. I just asked casually. You taught me a lesson. Lao Liao, hehe, do you dare to bet with me that we will take this piece of wool to cut it open and cut it up. It's counted as you winning. I'll get one cent of the money for the wool. A lot of money will be paid to you, and the cut jade will also belong to you. If it is cut, you will pay for the wool.

"The sun came out in the west. Who doesn't know that you, General Manager Zhao, have never participated in gambling stones. What's going on today?"

Boss Liao was stunned by Zhao Guosheng's words. Zhao Guosheng is one of the heads of the ninth master's wool business and is specially responsible for the ninth master's wool business in Tengchong. This is also the reason why he calls Zhao Guosheng Zhao's general manager. For their tengchong wool merchants, Zhao Guosheng is also their general manager. They are from the ninth master In fact, he took the goods from Zhao Guosheng. After all, the ninth master is also a big family, and it is impossible to do everything by himself. Of course, the distribution of wool is still in the hands of the ninth master. Although Zhao Guosheng did this job, he never gambled stones. Now Zhao Guosheng suddenly said that he wanted to bet on him, which made him stunned him. .

"Don't talk nonsense, do you dare to gamble?" Zhao Guosheng laughed and scolded. It was only a temporary rise for him to suddenly propose to gamble with Boss Liao. Naturally, the purpose was self-evident. He just wanted to see whether Chen Ran's estimate was accurate. He had no other meaning. He was just curious. When Chen Ran was here just now, he only cared about being embarrassed and didn't think about anything else. Now that I am idle, I remember that the two pieces of wool cut by Guo Hai and Zhang Shuchun have been estimated by Chen Ran. Although Chen Ran was not sure at that time, it was undoubtedly valuable to achieve this step. He wanted to see if this wool was also assessed by Chen Ran, that is, as Chen Ran said, "I don't feel good. If Chen Ran is really guessed right, then Chen Ran is really a veritable stone gambler. He has also seen a lot of stone gamblers, not to mention other things, such as the ninth master. Although the ninth master is the descendant of Wang Longyun in Yunnan, the Long family fell in the 1950s. At that time, the ninth master was still young. It is said that Later, Master Jiu relied on gambling stones to make a fortune. Since his debut, he has not heard of Master Jiu's gambling once. Especially in the past few years, the battle between Master Jiu and the Jade King of Japan has completely established the position of Master Jiu in the world of jade gambling stones. He has seen many gambling stone masters, but it is the first time he has seen him at such a young age. Yes, and it seems that I have never heard of Chen Ran before. According to the level of the Chen brothers, they should be very famous, right?

In fact, he is just curious.

"What dare you bet on? I'm still afraid of you? But Lao Zhao, is our bet too small? How about I add an additional condition?

Hearing what Zhao Guosheng said, Boss Liao agreed without looking at the wool. Anyway, it was a piece of wool worth 80,000 yuan, so what if he lost it? Since Zhao Guosheng had this Yaxing, he should accompany him. After agreeing, he looked at the wool. After reading it, he felt the wool. The possibility of cutting out the emerald is still very high, which can be seen from the pine flowers scattered on the wool, so as soon as his eyes turned, he immediately put forward a condition with a face.

"Lao Liao, you still have to take an inch, don't you?" Zhao Guosheng said angrily. Don't think about it. He knew what the idea was in Boss Liao's stomach. Didn't he just want to share some good goods? Those who make money in the wool business are still the kind of high-end goods that can easily get tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yuan, but such high-end goods can't be obtained by everyone. Even if they go to participate in Myanmar's jade public market, it is not so easy to get them. Even if they get them, they can get them at a high price. Wool dealers can't solve the stone. They buy wool and then turn around. It is suspected that the cost is also large.

"Well, Zhao, isn't there nothing we can do? You see, the gambling market is about to start. I don't have a big boss here yet. Can I not be in a hurry? If you don't store some good goods, I'll go to drink the northwest wind next year. Boss Liao said with a sad face.

Boss Liao is obviously crying poor here, but Zhao Guosheng didn't like this and laughed and scolded, "Go lie to the ghost. I heard that there are a few good pieces of good goods you are suppressing."

"How can I get into the eyes of those big bosses?" Boss Liao answered with a smile.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Just promise you, but I have agreed that no one else will know about it." Zhao Guosheng was a little impatient. He thought that even if he promised Boss Liao, he would not be able to eat much with Boss Liao's strength, so he agreed. Although the allocation of these wool merchants was set by Master Jiu, he still had a little distribution power. It was enough to distribute a little from those big wool merchants to Boss Liao, not to mention who It is not certain who wins or loses.

Hearing that Zhao Guosheng agreed, Boss Liao was immediately very happy and waved to call two guys to carry out the wool, and the two also followed.

Chen Ran naturally didn't know about this. Even if he knew it, I'm afraid he wouldn't care about it. He didn't deliberately hide it. Naturally, he was not afraid that others would know. After gambling on the original stone at the big luck, he checked it. Just like there are gambling gods in the gambling world, there are also gambling gods in the gambling stone world, but It is that the gambling world is not called the god of gambling, but the Jade King. The two movies "Emerald King" and "Emerald Phoenix Introduction" tell the story of the Jade King. In particular, Chang Jingzhai, the protagonist in the movie "Emerald Phoenix Introduction", is quite similar to him. Chang Jingzhai is the Jade King and is also a magic workman and has lost. Jade carving stunts have written countless legends of the jade carving class.

Of course, he can't be compared with Chang Jingzhai now.

This is the story in the movie. In reality, there are also several jade kings. Just like Mr. Ma, it is said that any piece of wool without "cutting" is placed in front of him, and he can estimate whether there is jade in the wool, and even estimate the value of jade in the wool.

In the gambling world, they are legends.

Chen Ran did not want to become a legend in the gambling stone world, but he did not mind showing a little of his achievements in gambling stones. Although people should not be too sharp, they should not be blindly hidden. When it is time to be exposed, it must be exposed, just like gambling stones. Since the energy aperture can detect the internal situation of wool, he will definitely have it in the future. Dealing with people in this field, there is no doubt that he will not only make people doubt him, but also facilitate himself.

Zhang Shuchun's mood came and went quickly. Although he was hit hard, he was persuaded by Chen Ran and Zhao Guosheng. Under the shout of Guo Hai, the two went to choose wool again. After this incident, both of them were much more cautious.

After persuading Zhang Shuchun, Boss Liao also came to ask him to take a look at the warehouse where the old pit goods were stored. Chen Ran did not refuse. After all, relatively speaking, the possibility of the old pit goods coming out of Gao Cui is still very high, and it's good to have a look.

Boss Liao obviously attached great importance to his old pit goods. The warehouse was all made of alloy and pressed various anti-theft locks.

Boss Liao took him to the warehouse, turned on the light for him, greeted him, and left first.

The warehouse for storing old pit goods is not very large. It is decorated like an exhibition hall. There is a row of glass cabinets at the door. There are more wool in this row of glass cabinets, and there are several pieces in a cabinet. Through this row of glass cabinets, in the center of the warehouse, these glass cabinets are surrounded by a circle of glass cabinets. There is only one piece of wool in each cabinet, which is obviously high-end goods.

Chen Ran took a look at the wool in the front row and found that these old pit goods should be from Houjiang Factory. As the saying goes, "I don't know the field, don't play gambling stones". The jade of different field mouths has common characteristics and particularities, especially some famous field mouths are so distinctive, so that some characteristics only belong to a certain field. Mouth, that's why jade merchants always have to determine its field when they see a stone. Only by determining which field it belongs to can they observe and judge the gambling nature of this stone according to the particularity of the stone of this field.

Houjiang Factory, also known as Kandi Factory, Leida Factory, produces sedimentary sand in the riverbed. The skin surface is gray-green and yellow, and the individual is small, rarely more than three kilograms. It is often green and green, and the water is well planted well. At noon, the solar energy can see the situation in the shallow part of the skin.

Chen Ran first looked at the wool in the glass cabinet in the front row. This row of wool is about 20 yuan. The overall price is obviously much higher than the price outside, and there is no less than 600,000 yuan. This is still low-end, not to mention the high-end ones inside.

Chen Ran squatted down and checked for about a few minutes, and his eyebrows frowned. Most of the more than 20 pieces of old pit goods contain jade, but the jade is not satisfactory, especially the price is still so high. Even if the best piece of jade is used to bet, there is no profit.

Chen Ran was not disappointed. He shook his head and crossed the row of glass cabinets. Originally, he wanted to look at the rows of glass cabinets in a circle, but suddenly found that there was a cabinet in the center of the warehouse, that is, in the middle of the row of glass cabinets in a circle.

This cabinet is square, small, but very high. Against the background of the surrounding display cabinets, it is like the king of the moon by many stars. For a moment, it aroused Chen Ran's curiosity and couldn't help walking over.

[The update is late, and the information is checked late. I'm sorry. Thank you for your 12 years of reward.]