Jin Yutong

Chapter 447 Two Sides and Three Swords

After digging out a few pieces of jade meat, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. My brothers went to eat snacks again. It was lively until the early morning. Chen Ran returned to the room. When he wanted to sleep, he did not fall asleep. He took out the stone trough and the scraps and put them at the head of the bed for a long time before he could sleep.

Early the next morning, Chen Ran got up. To be precise, he should have been woken up by a phone call. The old man called. The old man was very dissatisfied with him for not doing field trips with Zhu Lao and others all the time, and scolded him angrily.

Chen Ran has been a shopkeeper for the past two days, and he also knows that he is at a loss, so he can only be taught repeatedly. As for the old man, although he said that he fooling around with Zhu Feng made him laugh and cry, he knew that the old man had no good impression on Zhu Feng, so it was not surprising.

"Xiaoran, the little madman is a two-faced person. You should pay more attention to your relationship with him. Although you have a good relationship with him now, he may sell you one day." Before hanging up the phone, the old man did not forget to hum and warn Chen Ran. The old man has a close relationship with the Zhu family, and he is still a good friend of Zhu Feng's old man. He also knows Zhu Feng's family history clearly. Naturally, he is not used to Zhu Feng's style.

"Sir, don't worry, I understand." The old man warned himself with good intentions. Chen Ran also appreciates it, but he couldn't help smiling bitterly. With his current situation, he can't leave Zhu Feng's line. What's more, Zhu Feng is not the only one with three-faced people. Who has two sides and three knives? Besides, at this stage, there is nothing for Zhu Feng to sell. He The relationship with Zhu Feng is only for interest, but there is nothing involved in business, and there is no contradiction for the time being. Fortunately, the old man only asked him to guard against Zhu Feng, but did not let him cut off contact with Zhu Feng.

Hanging up the old man's phone, Chen Ran wanted to exercise his body. He was used to exercising every morning. Now he is a little unaccustomed to not doing it, but the overlord is still sleeping, so he had to give up this idea, rinsed it, and knocked on the door of Guo Hai and Zhang Shuchun. Both of them are still confused. He didn't care about Guo Hai when he slept. It was strange that this guy didn't get up until the sun came up so late last night. He just called up the confused Zhang Shuchun and knocked on the door of Mr. Zhu and Deputy Secretary-General Li. The two had already got up and moved on the balcony.

Chen Ran said hello to Deputy Secretary-General Li, who was washing. Deputy Secretary-General Li couldn't reply when he was brushing his teeth, so he just shook his hand with Chen Ran. Instead, Mr. Zhu heard Chen Ran's voice, looked back and greeted Chen Ran with a smile: "Xiao Chen, you also got up early."

"Didn't you get up earlier than me?" Chen Ran smiled and said to Mr. Zhu that Mr. Zhu used to be a university professor, but he didn't want to be idle and the old man's invitation to work in the association. Chen Ran still sincerely respects such people.

"I'm old, I can't compare with you young people, hehe." Mr. Zhu and Mr. are also old friends, and they still have a good impression of Chen Ran. In his eyes, although President Chen is young, his ability and basic skills are very solid, and he is also stable. It is not easy to find such a young man now.

Chen Ran and Zhu Lao said hello and sat on the sofa in the living room and looked at the materials they studied. Yesterday, they mainly investigated the factory mines of wool in the Tengchong wool market and the various mines of wool that appeared in the market, that is, according to the wool that appeared in the market. It is expected to estimate the mining situation of various jade mines in Myanmar, so as to infer the wool market, and then use this to infer the changes in the jade market.

The mining situation of most emerald mines in Myanmar is confidential, so the mining situation of emerald mines can only be inferred according to market conditions. Although the inference is not necessarily accurate, there is still a certain basis.

Although Chen Ran has been wandering around with Zhu Feng and others, he has a good memory and observes it by the way. Moreover, when he was with Zhao Guosheng, Zhao Guosheng also revealed a little information about this to him, so after reading the materials of Zhu Lao and Deputy Secretary-General Li, he also wrote a copy. My own investigation report is to estimate various mines in Myanmar. The Jade Association also has its own magazines. After collation and review, it will be published in the magazine. Generally, practitioners in related industries will buy it. Of course, if it is not authoritative, it depends on the accuracy of the Jade Association's inference.

Zhu Feng and Deputy Secretary-General Li are still a little dissatisfied with Chen Ran's failure to become a shopkeeper when he arrived at Tengchong. After reading the investigation report written by Chen Ran, although they did not fully agree with the investigation materials written by Chen Ran, they can also see that Chen Ran has made some efforts. The analysis is not to say that the views are clearly organized, but also a little bit Xindu's dissatisfaction was gone, but the two enthusiastically caught and discussed with Chen Ran.

After discussing for a while, it was getting late, Chen Ran had to interrupt the two of them, and then called Zhang Shuchun, two jade sculptors and two staff to eat something. After eating and saying hello to Zhu Feng, he went out for a field trip. Tomorrow, the jade carving competition will begin, and then There is no time. After participating in the jade sculpture competition, they should go back after this inspection.

Today, it is mainly to do jade market research, that is, what products, styles, types, prices, customer groups, passenger flow, and even the decoration of jade stores are included. These are the work of the Jade Association, because the Jade Association is for the local jade. The market has a regulatory and guiding role.

Chen Ran is also happy about it. After all, he is also ready to enter this industry, and now he is also doing a market research.

I ran a few jade cities. At noon, Chen Ran accompanied Mr. Zhu and Deputy Secretary-General Li for dinner. The two of them were also old and tired all morning. After eating, they sent them back to the hotel.

Chen Ran also followed him back to the hotel. Zhu Feng and Guo Hai were not there. I guess they went out, and he didn't contact them. He sent Zhang Shuchun and Yang Shijie to let them go back to their room for a rest. He also went back to his room to sleep. This sleep was a little long. When he woke up, it was already past 2 p.m.

After waking up, I looked at my mobile phone and found that there were many un Answered calls, including his cousin Chen Min, Zhu Feng, Guo Hai, and Chen Xiaomei.

Chen Ran saw that Chen Xiaomei had just called him for more than ten minutes, so he first called Chen Xiaomei. The bell rang twice and was connected.

"Brother, guess who my mother and I just met?" When the phone was connected, Chen Xiaomei's smiling and pretending to be mysterious came.

"Who have you seen?" This girl obviously caught him, and Chen Ran did whatever she wanted.

"Hey, I won't tell you yet. Our mother is angry now and said that she will deal with you when you come back." Chen Xiaomei didn't know who she had met, and she was very happy.

Hearing what Chen Xiaomei said, Chen Ran was really curious, but how did he ask? Chen Xiaomei just didn't tell him. It was not until she hung up the phone that she secretly told him.

"My mother and I are at Chen Xiaowen's school. Our mother is really awesome. Haha, hang up. You should be careful when you come back." Before she finished speaking, Chen Xiaomei hung up the phone.

Chen Ran muttered angrily about this girl, thinking about why her mother went to Xiaowen's school. Did Xiaowen cause trouble at school?

It's not like thinking about it. Seeing that this girl is so happy, she specially called him to let him guess who she met? Xiaowen School? Dizzy, it's not going to see Mu's school beauty, is it?

Chen Ran suddenly thought of Mu's school beauty. Looking at this situation, it's really not wrong, and if his mother's anxious nature knows his relationship with Mu's school beauty, it may really be possible to run secretly to meet Mu's school beauty.

Chen Ran has no objection to his mother going to see Mu's school beauty, but he is quite speechless, but after thinking about it, he is relieved. Anyway, sooner or later, it's okay to let them see her first, but I don't know if this fool knows that his mother is going to see her?

Thinking of her mother secretly meeting with Mu's school beauty and being fooled by her mother without her knowledge, Chen Ran couldn't help but be happy. Originally, he thought about whether to remind Mu's school beauty, but think about it naturally and remind her that she may be nervous. Although he doesn't care about Mu's performance, It's better to make a good impression on her when she meets her mother for the first time.

Chen Ran didn't think much about it. He washed his face and called Guo Hai.

"Damn, I'm willing to call my buddy. My buddy and Brother Pig are at the Emerald Time Hotel. Come here quickly." When the phone was connected, Guo Hai shouted. It was a little noisy on his side, but it didn't sound like it was in public, and I didn't know where it was. This guy shouted and hung up the phone.

Although Chen Ran was a little surprised how they went to the Emerald Time Hotel, he didn't think much about it. When he greeted the overlord and Yang Shijie sitting in the living room and wanted to call Zhang Shuchun, he was told by Yang Shijie that he went to Guo Hai soon after he came back.

Tengchong Emerald Time Hotel is quite famous, but it is easy to find. It took more than ten minutes to get to the ground.

As soon as Chen Ran walked into the hotel with the overlord and Yang Shijie, a familiar greeting came from behind him: "Brother Chen."

Chen Ran looked back and saw a fat man chasing after him with two people breathlessly. This fat man was none other than the fat man he met in the stone carving workshop last night, that is, the boss of Jin Furong. Chen Ran looked at his business card and knew his surname Chang.

"Boss Chang." Although Chen Ran was not familiar with Boss Chang, he always met him. When he saw him, he stopped to wait for him.

"It looks like you, Brother Chen, are you also looking for wool?" After Boss Chang ran to Chen Ran breathlessly, he greeted Chen Ran with a smile.

"That's not true. Several friends are looking at wool here. Let me come and have a look, Boss Chang. Is there any wool sellers in this hotel?" Although it was a little strange how to run here to see the wool, Chen Ran also knew how Zhu Feng and Guo Hai came here. Look, Chang Fatty also obviously went to see the wool, so he stopped calling Guo Hai and went there with Chang Fatty.

"Brother Chen, let's say as we walk, hehe, the wool here is not sold in hotels, but in the exhibition of venture capital companies. As you know, the price of wool has risen again and again in recent years. In addition to the reasons in Myanmar, it is hyped up by these investment companies. These investment companies one by one They are all relatively rich. Whether it is Pingzhou or Myanmar jade public market, almost all the goods have been divided up by them. The goods eaten by jewelry companies like us have not been achieved. They have bought wool and did not untie it. Even if they untie it, they will only untie half of it. After it rises, they will turn out..."

When Chang Pangzi heard Chen Ran's question, he spat with Chen Ran, saying that these venture capital companies have speculated the price of wool, the price of wool has quarreled, and the price of jade has been speculated, and their business is not easy to do. Chen Ran is a little funny. Naturally, he doesn't believe this guy. I'm afraid that these jade merchants are eager for the price of jade to be quarreled. The wool comes out of the sheep, the wool is hyped up, and the money is still on the consumers. What does it have to do with them? It is they who earn it?

Chang Fatty learned that Chen Ran was also going to the wool exhibition area, so he patted his chest and enthusiastically pulled Chen Ran together. Although Chen Ran couldn't stand his enthusiasm, he had to go with him.

The wool exhibition hall is on the third floor of the hotel. When I took the elevator to the third floor, I entered a place like a big conference hall. There were many people in the conference hall. Chen Ran was still looking for Guo Hai and Zhu Feng, and Zhu Feng's shout came from his ear: "Brother, come on, this way."

Following the sound, Zhu Feng was not very far away from him. Just outside the *meter, there were talking around several people. Hearing Zhu Feng's shouting, Chen Ran and Chang Fatty said hello and walked over. When they approached, they found that they were still acquaintances who talked and laughing with Zhu Feng.

This acquaintance is not someone else, but Wu Laosan.

[The plot of gambling stones is so difficult to write. Now there are too many gambling stones, and we have to write them, so we have to try to be different.]