Jin Yutong

Chapter 536 Doubt

[Do you know how this chapter was written? I was holding my notebook and writing on my laptop while surfing the Internet computer... Today, if the network cable was not repaired, I would collapse. Originally, I wanted to explode when it was put on the shelves, but as a result... I said too much, it was tears. Thank you for your support. Kind of request.]

Chen Ran had a long dream, or had a lot of dreams. In the dream, he dreamed of the woman who made him think about. Although the figure he dreamed of was not very clear, or even just flashed by, the fairy-like face seemed to be engraved in his brain and could not be shaken off. He dreamed of the first The next time she saw her, she regarded him as the frightened rabbit. She dreamed of the momentary surprise brought to her for the first time when she was praised by the stars. She also dreamed of the scene of Ghost Bear Ridge, and even dreamed that he was forced by Wu Laosan to completely break off the relationship with her. The scene of opening the hospital is so clear and unforgettable.

Chen Ran also dreamed of the police landlord, as well as Mu school beauty and Cao Huiyao, and even Zhou Jianyun and Guo Hai. One familiar figure after another kept swaying in his mind.

In the end, Chen Ran also dreamed of his family, including the present, the past, and the scene of his childhood.

Chen Ran's dreams are not made in order, but there will be this, that, and even sometimes two dreams or several dreams suddenly come together, just like when he dreamed that he and Mu school beauty together, Xiaoyu suddenly appeared in front of him...

I don't know how long he had dreamed. When he was doing it, suddenly everything was gone, as if he was left alone in the whole space, empty, and there was nothing here, but in an instant, he found that he suddenly appeared in the water and there was nothing in the water, which made him feel depressed and feel He suffocated and felt more and more uncomfortable, but he couldn't shout. The whole scene was like a ghost pressing the bed.

He could only feel that his strength was slowly disappearing and slowly losing, and he was getting more and more sleepy. Finally, the last light was about to disappear, and the endless night was about to swallow him up. But at this time, he suddenly felt that his breathing seemed to be smoother, but he was still very sleepy.

Just when he was sleepy again, his breathing suddenly became smooth again, but this still couldn't stop him from getting more and more sleepy, so he wandered like this. Whenever he was sleepy, his breathing suddenly became smoother, and his sleepiness seemed to weaken a little, but then he became more and more sleepy.

I don't know how long it has passed. Although Chen Ran's consciousness has become more and more blurred, sometimes he suddenly wakes up. The whole scene seems that a fever has confused people. However, with the loss of time, his consciousness has become less and less, and the feeling that breathing suddenly becomes smoother. It was getting weaker and weaker, as if his stamina was insufficient. Even in the end, he didn't have that feeling for a long time, and his consciousness suddenly reached the edge of collapse. But at this moment, the feeling that made him breathe smoothly suddenly broke out. This time, the feeling was very strong. The strong even eliminated most of his sleepiness at once.

Chen Ran suddenly opened his eyes, but at this time, his eyes seemed to have lost focus, just staring at the top of his head, and in the process, with the awakening of consciousness little by little, the focus in his eyes slowly converged little by little.

And when consciousness completely returned to the brain, Chen Ran woke up in an instant and remembered that he was hit in the heart by the blocker. Is this dead?

"I'm still alive?"

The first thing Chen Ran thought about when he woke up was that he was dead? But the next moment, he suddenly realized that he seemed to be alive, and the pain from his body made him realize this.

"Why am I not dead?" Chen Ran clearly remembered that he was dead at that time. He still remembers the feeling at that time until now, but he never thought that he was not dead in that situation.

What the hell is going on? What happened? Who killed himself? Didn't I get hit in the heart by the blocker?

Just in a moment, so many questions came to Chen Ran's mind, and there were too many questions in his mind at this moment.

Chen Ran wanted to move, but he found that his body was so painful. There was almost no pain in every inch of skin from top to bottom, and no matter how he controlled it, his body could not move, and even his neck was stiff and hard. He wanted to twist his neck. Not even.

Since he can't move, Chen Ran can only maintain this posture to observe the environment in front of him.

Because he is lying, the first thing he sees is the top of his head. Although he can't observe the environment in front of him in an all-round way, it can also be seen from the scene above his head that he lies in a cave. The light in the cave is not very bright, but finally there is still a little light. It doesn't look too dark, just It's like when it's almost dark but not yet dark.

The cave is not cut flat, but uneven. The place where he lies seems to be a slope. In addition to what can be observed, you can faintly hear the sound of running water. The sound is loud and rustling, just like the sound of a waterfall. The sound should be in the hole. Outside, although he can't see the hole, he can also feel that the hole should be not far behind him.

What is this place? Who got himself here?

After Chen Ran looked at the environment in front of him, he couldn't help but be full of doubts. When he thought so, a figure couldn't help but appear in his mind. This figure was Chairman Ye. He clearly remembered that President Ye hugged him at the moment he lost consciousness.

If he really dies like that, then Chairman Ye will be the last person he has seen in the world.

It's always good not to die. Chen Ran smiled with emotion, which was quite the taste of the rest of his life after the disaster.

When Chen Ran smiled, he suddenly realized that something was moving on his body.

Noticing this, he wanted to look over and have a look at it, but because he was lying down, he couldn't see it at all, but he felt a blanket covered by his body. From the corner of his eyes, he could see that the blanket he covered was exactly the military quilt they brought when they came, this kind of military The quilt is also specially made. Although it is very thin, it is warmer than the thick quilts in ordinary people's homes. When they come, they are basically available.

Chen Ran also felt that the quilt did not seem to be very dry, a little wet, as if the washed quilt was about to dry.

Chen Ran spent a lot of effort and didn't move, so he had to give up.

At this time, Chen Ran suddenly thought of his energy aperture and his energy aperture. He couldn't help but think of the scene when he was shot.

To be honest, since it was found that the energy aperture can treat injuries and proved that the energy aperture has a magical effect on the treatment of injuries and diseases after practice, although Chen Ran did not think in that direction, he unconsciously felt that he had this support, and his life was absolutely guaranteed. It can be said that as long as you don't want to die, no one can let yourself die.

Chen Ran didn't think so, but his attitude was like this, as if he regarded the energy aperture as an omnipotent killer.

This was Chen Ran's previous thought, but at the moment he was about to die, he suddenly understood that the energy aperture was not omnipotent.

Chen Ran clearly remembers how he felt when he knew that he was shot or was shot in the heart. At that time, he was sad and angry, but he was not desperate, because he still had an energy aperture, which was his greatest hope and relied on. However, the results at that time disappointed him. Almost at that moment, his belief in survival suddenly collapsed.

In fact, if his desire for survival could be stronger at that time, although the result was the same, his physical strength could definitely make him last for a while. However, at that time, he had little faith in survival, as if he felt that the energy aperture had no effect and he could not live. .

Although no matter how strong his belief in survival was at that time, the result was still dead, if it happened elsewhere, although the injury was fatal, it did not necessarily die immediately. If he was sent to the hospital in time for rescue, he could still be rescued, but because he gave up his own request The result is not saved due to the desire to live, which is undoubtedly the failure of the energy aperture.

In fact, Chen Ran also understood the crux of the problem at this time. The energy aperture can be said to be omnipotent, but the key is that the owner of the energy aperture, that is, he is not omnipotent.

In the past, although he used energy aperture to save several people whose lives had come to an end, the scene at that time was that he treated others. He had nothing to do. In that case, he undoubtedly had enough time and energy.

But now he is injured or killed by a shot. It's good that the injury didn't let him die directly. How can he be given a chance to think about releasing the energy aperture? And the injury, whether it is the feeling of pain or the weakness of the mind at the end of life, it makes him heartless. God's power to mobilize the energy aperture.

Just like now, he can't lift the slightest strength all over his body. Although his brain is awake, his breath is weak and his mind is very weak. Even if he wants to check the energy aperture, he is powerless.

There was no strength all over his body, and he couldn't move. He couldn't check the situation of the energy aperture. Chen Ran could only lie there motionless and wait for a little physical recovery. After a while, he felt a little strength, and he tried his best to support himself up. I mentioned a little.

Chen Ran tried so hard that he just raised his shoulders and head slightly and leaned against the wall behind him.

The sight expanded, and Chen Ran looked at the cave in front of him again. Only then did he find that the cave was not generally narrow. It was high, but the area was very small, and it looked like a small cave by the river.

Who got himself here?

Chen Ran couldn't help thinking about this again, but at this time, he wanted to shout but couldn't shout, and his voice was very dry.

Thinking that something seemed to be moving on his body just now, he quickly lowered his head and looked over. At this glance, he was stunned.

It turned out to be a red snake lying and squirming on his covered army!

The dazzling fiery red body and the fiery red phoenix crown on the snake's head all indicate that this red snake is the snake Queen called an auspicious snake by Xu Daoming.

Chen Ran was stunned. Isn't this red snake dead? Why didn't you die? You are still with him now.

After being stunned for a moment, Chen Ran suddenly found that the red snake in front of him seemed to be a little different from the red snake he had rescued before. His body seemed to be a little shorter, almost half shorter. It used to be more than one meter long, but now it is estimated that it is not even half a meter, and it is a little thinner, but that kind The fiery red color seems to be a little brighter, just like the color of the big red lanterns and couplets hung during the Spring Festival. It looks extremely festive and gratifying, like a little snake, and you can't see that it's a big viper.

If the red snake looks numb and scary, but the red snake in front of you can't help but fall in love with it at a glance, and there is no sense of fear at all.

I don't know what's going on. Although the red snake in front of him is completely different from the dead red snake, Chen Ran has a feeling that the red snake in front of him is the dead red snake.

The current situation is obvious that this red snake, like him, has not died, and has changed a little.

Chen Ran did not think about why the red snake was dead and appeared here at that time. At this moment, he had too many doubts in his mind, such as why he did not die, such as why he appeared here, such as who killed him at that time, such as where the rest of them went. What the hell is going on?

Of course, the main reason why Chen Ran didn't think about it was that the situation of the red snake in front of him seemed to be a little unoptimistic.

At this time, the red snake lay on Chen Ran's stomach and did not move much. Only the snake's head and tail were still moving. From its posture, it seemed that it had just rolled down from Chen Ran's body. Now it wants to climb in front of Chen Ran, that is, the position on Chen Ran's neck, but anyway I can't climb any more, and the speed of crawling is not as fast as that of a snail. After a while, I just climbed a little distance by the rolling of the snake's head and tail.

Although it can't crawl, it is still crawling little by little. When crawling, it seems that it wants to look at Chen Ran, but the snake's head can't be raised.

Finally, with a lot of effort, the snake's head was finally raised a little, but after raising it, it only looked at Chen Ran's head and fell down suddenly. However, this look also made it see that Chen Ran had woke up.

And at this moment, Chen Ran actually saw a trace of relief and satisfaction in his eyes.

Chen Ran's heart suddenly trembled. At this moment, he suddenly figured out the reason why he did not die. He suddenly figured out what happened to the feeling of breathing smoothly in the dream just now.

It's this red snake. It must be saving him!

The current situation is undoubtedly more obvious. It rescued him, but he is going to die!