Jin Yutong

Chapter 635 Weird Child

Chen Ran stared at the scene in front of him and said it was a hell on earth...

Although he had seen a living person swallowed by a monster, see a living person being eroded by ten thousand insects, a mountain of bones with his own eyes, a living person disappearing from his eyes, a living person tearing a living person in half, and seeing a living person with his own eyes. The living person's body suddenly soared and blew up, but the scene in front of him still shocked him deeply.

In any case, he can't believe that under the universe of Langlang and under the legal system of the Celestial Empire, someone would do such a tragic case of destroying humanity.

If the people killed in front of him are executioners with blood on their hands like Black Hawk, it's not surprising, but the people who were slaughtered in front of him are obviously not. They are just ordinary villagers.

Who will do it? How can they do it?

"Let's see if there is anything alive!"

Chen Ran was stunned for a moment before suddenly remembered what he should do most at this moment. He didn't have time to think more. He called Wu Bing, who was also stunned, and hurried forward to check the injuries of these people.

Compared with Chen Ran, Wu Bing was obviously more shocked. In addition to following Chen Ran through a trip to the ground, it was not an exasterable to say that it was a greenhouse flower. He had never seen such a tragic scene. His whole body was dumbfounded. Although he heard Chen Ran's shouting followed Chen Ran like a reflex, his whole body seemed to be stupid. It was not until he followed Chen Ran to a villager who was still in good health that he suddenly woke up and turned around to check the other killed villagers.

At this time, the most important thing is to see if there are still alive or saved, so Chen Ran did not take care of the bodies of those villagers who are obviously impossible to be alive for the time being. These villagers are old and young, men and women. It seems that they fled here in panic from the front yard of the stockade before being killed. They were all directly stabbed to death by knives or It was hacked to death.

In this backyard, Chen Ran found a total of 14 bodies, all of whom died and were alive.

Regardless of anger and mourning for them, Chen Ran and Wu Bing met and rushed to the front yard in a panic.

This village seems to be a kind of courtyard in ancient times, but the houses are made of simple wood, and the ground is made of gravel or stone steps. At this moment, at a glance, the houses have collapsed, and everything that can be ignited has almost been burned.

If Chen Ran is angry at the tragic situation of the villagers in the backyard, then when he sees the scene in the front yard in the front yard, he is angry and wants to kill.

The yard of the stockade is paved with stone steps, so the bodies of the villagers killed in the yard have not been cremated.

Looking at the situation in the front yard, Chen Ran and Wu Bing can also roughly imagine what the situation was at that time.

Seven or eight bodies lying at the door of the front yard of the stockade are young female villagers, including women, girls... and even a pregnant woman with a big belly. These women and girls have been striped of their clothes without exception. Obviously, it is not one or two people who did it, but a group of people. They broke into the stockade and first captured the younger women and girls together, and then some people did animal things and some people slaughtered the other villagers in the stockade with weapons.

After checking one by one, Chen Ran and Wu Bing were silent.

There are no 37 people living in the whole cottage.

It would not be surprising if such a massacre was encountered in ancient times, but what era is it now?

Who is the murderer? What are they doing here? Why did they kill all the people in this village?

These problems are constantly emerging in Chen Ran's mind.

"Look again... Go after them. They must not have gone far."

Shaking his head and throwing out the problem of his brain, Chen Ran immediately said to Wu Bing that the stockade was so hidden that if they left like this, I'm afraid no one would know that there was a massacre here. Since they encountered it, they could not let these people go unpunish in any case.

To be honest, Chen Ran has never killed anyone, but now if these people stand in front of him, he will never be soft at all.


Wu Bing was obviously full of murder. Hearing Chen Ran's words, he hurried to the other side to find it without saying a word.

Just now they just checked whether the villagers killed in the yard were alive, but they didn't go to the burned houses and the vegetable garden on the other side.

The two acted separately. In order not to miss a possible living villager, Chen Ran even used ice gas.

"Brother Chen, there is a living here!"

Chen Ran searched the houses here with ice and heard Wu Bing's shouts. He turned his head and saw Wu Bing beckoning at him in front of the cliff on the other side of the valley.

Unable to continue searching, Chen Ran ran over in a panic.

Running to Wu Bing, he saw Wu Bing bending down and drilling into a cave on the cliff.

Chen Ran just understood what was going on at a glance. The row of wooden houses in front of him were built against the cliffs. If the wooden house had not been burned, the cave should be in the wall of the wooden house. It may be a secret road dug by the owner or a storage room dug by the owner. It should not have been seen. This cave, but the house was burned down, and the cave was exposed.

The cave is not big, and it seems that he took out the size of a Buddha statue in the Buddha cave and then went deeper. Chen Ran looked at it and saw a man sitting there against the wall. Now there is no reaction. I guess he fainted by the smoke.

After Wu Bing got in, he dragged the man out. Chen Ran quickly took him over. At a glance, he was a child about 12 or three years old, wearing a red minority dress, a red hat on his head, and a red paint on his face, but he couldn't see what he looked for a while. What does it look like.

The two took him to the open space that was not burned and quickly checked the child's body to see if he was injured. Fortunately, he just fell into a coma.

Chen Ran and Wu Bing looked at each other and felt a little heavy. I don't know if it was time to wake up the child and let him see the tragic situation in front of him...

In the end, Chen Ran decided not to let him wake up first.

Chen Ran carried him on his back and Wu Bing looked at it separately. After confirming that there were no more living villagers, the two silently moved the bodies of all the villagers together to get some dry firewood and light them off.

This is an uninhabited mountain, most of which are beasts. Obviously, it is not possible to bury them.

The raging fire soon swallowed up the bodies of these villagers. Chen Ran looked quietly and did not say anything, but obviously they were very uneasy. Although strictly speaking, they did not know these villagers, and the disaster had nothing to do with them...

At this time, Chen Ran naturally didn't know that the disaster in front of him still had a lot to do with him.

"Let's go."

After seeing that the fire engulfed the villagers' bodies, Chen Ran breathed a sigh of relief and said to Wu Bing.

Wu Bing nodded and turned around and planned to follow Chen Ran, but as soon as he looked at Chen Ran, he suddenly pointed to the child on Chen Ran's back as if he had been cursed and shouted: "Brother Chen, he..."

Chen Ran was stunned, and then couldn't help twisting his neck and looking back at the child on his back. This look coincided with a pair of blue eyes.

It's so cold!

It turned out that the child Chen Ran was carrying had woken up. Chen Ran looked back and happened to look at the other party's eyes. He just looked at each other for a moment. Chen Ran only felt cold and unconsciously wanted to move his eyes away, but fortunately, he reacted immediately.

After he reacted, Chen Ran lost the chill when he looked at the other party again, but although he could not feel the chill, he clearly saw it in the other party's eyes.

This chill is not indifferent or cold, but "cold", as if looking at him will make people feel cold in their hearts.

He was smeared with red paint on his face, and he couldn't see what he looked like or his expression, but from his eyes, he could see that his mood had not changed at all, no sadness, no fear, no happiness... It seemed to be like a pool of water without any fluctuations.

And from the moment he looked at Chen Ran and looked at the still burning fire, he could guess that he had been awake for a long time...

I saw my relatives die tragically... Seeing my family die... I can still be like this...

There is something obviously wrong with this child!

Chen Ran frowned and wanted to put the other party on the ground, but the other party seemed to notice his intention before he bent down and suddenly grabbed him, as if he was afraid that he would leave the other party...

Seeing the other party's behavior, Chen Ran was a little relieved. There is no doubt that the other party's behavior is normal.

"I'm going to chase those murderers. If you want to join me, I'll take you away!" The child was so abnormal that Chen Ran didn't know how to deal with him. After thinking about it, he had to ask for the other party's opinion.

He was still staring at the fire that burned the bodies of his relatives. Hearing Chen Ran's inquiry, he couldn't help grasp Chen Ran a little, and then he didn't answer Chen Ran. He just withdrew his eyes and lowered his head and put his face on Chen Ran's back and quietly closed his eyes.

Obviously, he used his actions to show that he wanted to go with Chen Ran.

Chen Ran's face was suspicious. The child was so strange that he didn't know whether to take him or not, but if he didn't take him, would he be left alone in this wilderness? Turning his head and looking at Wu Bing, he also looked at the other party suspiciously as if he had fallen asleep.

The two looked at each other and felt that today's incident was a little evil. First, they suddenly encountered such a disaster, and then saved such an evil child, which really made them really don't know what to say.

"Let's go."

Looking back, Chen Ran had to say to Wu Bing. Wu Bing nodded and took the lead in opening the way. Chen Ran didn't say much and followed Wu Bing behind the child behind his back.

What neither of them saw was that the child Chen Ran was carrying when they turned around and left. At this time, he opened his eyes and stared at the burning fire, the house that had burned to ashes and the empty valley. Looking at it, a pair of eyes actually emitted a burst of smoke. .

It has been some time to creminate the bodies of these villagers. Chen Ran did not dare to delay any more and quickly chased along some traces left by the other. Originally, the two thought they were going to chase far away, but who knew that they caught up with each other not far away.

[Yesterday, I went to the post bar and found that I was more resented by the end of June than here. I said that I didn't want to end in June. I just want to set a goal for myself. I don't want to be muddle-headed like this. I thought someone would encourage me, but I didn't expect it to be a scolding. I want a bad ending. To be honest, I think the bad ending has been bad. I'm in a bad state now. For me, it's undoubtedly the best choice to open a new book. If I want a bad ending, I don't have to wait for two months later. In fact, if I had a bad ending a year ago, it would have been bad. Everyone knows that this book was bought out for a while last year. The period is a vertical and horizontal buyout ** period. At that time, it was bought out at about the same time as me or a little earlier. As long as the first book was finished and the new book was opened, the price could immediately rise. Most of them chose to finish. At that time, I also hesitated. If the results of my book were finished, the next book would definitely rise, but in the price would definitely rise. I still insisted on writing it step by step, so that now my book is still the price of cabbage, and now the difficulty of buying out vertical and horizontally has increased... I don't know if I can buy out the next book.

There is also the reason why I asked for leave. To be honest, it doesn't matter whether I say the reason or not. I said that the power has been cut off for three days, and it seems that no one believes it, but that's the truth. I am now in my hometown, just a small town. Generally, as long as the weather changes, the power will be cut off. It's better during this period. When I first came back, it had to stop every day. Generally, it stopped until noon the next day after the early morning, and sometimes it had to stop for a while in the afternoon. Last time I said that the power was blackout for three days, it happened to be the days when I thought it was going to be summer and suddenly windy and it rained heavily. Everyone should have a little impressed. At that time, it did stop for three days. Electricity, to be precise, it should have been almost four days. Of course, I occasionally got a call in the middle of the way, but the call only came for an hour or two. Friends who don't believe can search "Is Biyang Caozhuang often blackout" or "Is Biyang Caozhuang often blackout?" After searching, you will find a lot of complaining posts. Windy, thunder, and there will be a power outage... In addition, the problem of slow update is mainly the neurasthenia I mentioned before. Those who understand this disease know what the situation is. After two years, I don't know how many drugs have taken, but it hasn't improved at all... Needless to say, Xiaofu is slowly recovering to update. Now there may only one update every day, but Gradually, the two update will resume. I hope my friends can continue to support Xiaofu. Thank you!]