Jin Yutong

Chapter 641 Pool

Carefully passing through the white fog, Chen Ran walked step by step towards the center of the ice cave. As he got closer and closer to the center, hundreds of pious breaths came from him became stronger and stronger. He felt as if he were surrounded by those breaths.

This scene is like a newborn baby at this moment, and these breaths are tolerant of his mother and womb.

Staying in the mother's womb, unconsciously, the baby becomes drowsy...

The remaining reason told Chen Ran that this phenomenon must be something wrong with this place. At this time, he should choose to go back, but the warm feeling attracted him to walk forward unconsciously, as if he was sleeping and dreaming. Sometimes he clearly knew that he was dreaming, but whether it was the development of things or self- My body is not under my control.

Walking, I don't know how long and how far Chen Ran has walked. Chen Ran only felt a trance, and then seemed to be completely asleep.

He fell asleep and fell asleep. Pictures suddenly appeared in Chen Ran's mind. These pictures flashed in Chen Ran's mind as if they were watching a movie. At first, the picture was very vague but gradually became clear. But Chen Ran said what he saw, but he couldn't say clearly, just It's plausible to feel that these pictures are a person leading countless people to worship something...

Chen Ran can't see how many people there are or what the leader looks like, but whenever these people kneel down to worship, he can feel an extremely large and pious atmosphere.

When I saw a picture, I felt a breath, and after feeling this breath, this breath turned into countless voices and countless characters washed Chen Ran's mind over and over again, making Chen Ran's mind calm down little by little.

After hundreds of pictures flashed and no more pictures appeared, Chen Ran suddenly found himself in a white space.

For Chen Ran, he is undoubtedly more familiar with this white space, which is the white space where he used to dream and learn skills.

Chen Ran hasn't entered this white space for a long time, but he didn't expect to suddenly enter here for no reason.

In this white space, Chen Ran still feels like there is no body but a soul.

Chen Ran "looked" and found that today's white space is very different from before. For example, the space is much larger, and there are many kinds of fog in the space.

Chen Ran can feel that these fogs have his ice, his elixir, cold and the flame energy he has absorbed and the fierce air...

These various energies are like ownerless princes and ministers fighting for control of the country.

Chen Ran speculated that this phenomenon should be the reason why he had not been able to contact the white space during this period. without his conscious control, the white space fell into a closed state.

Chen Ran thought for a moment and tried to feel the white space, but as soon as he went to feel it, he suddenly jumped out of the white space in a trance.

Chen Ran thought he would wake up after this, but what surprised him was not. His trance did come out of the white space, but it seemed that...

Because Chen Ran suddenly "seeed" himself, he stood there as if he were an old monk, and then he "saw" a pool.

The pool is two or three meters in radius and is only four or five meters deep. The water quality is crystal clear and transparent. You can see the bottom of the pool at a glance, while the bottom of the pool is scattered with silverware or bone tools one after another. At roughly, there are at least hundreds of them.

Chen Ran can feel that each of these objects exudes a mysterious and pious atmosphere, which attracts him to float over...

But Chen Ran did not move at all, as if the attraction of these objects had little effect on him.

Then Chen Ran "saw" a red cocoon at the bottom of the pool, and Chen Ran could feel that the red cocoon had a blood connection with him.

Chen Ran immediately knew that this cocoon was the cocoon transformed by the blood cup.

And next to the cocoon, Chen Ran also "saw" the red snake. The red snake seemed to be sleeping, and Chen Ran could feel its breath.

Then Chen Ran passed through layers of white fog and the stone wall that had been closed at some point. "Seeing" the little boy, Chen Ran was surprised to find that he heard the little boy talking.

"Ama, it's not cold..."

Chen Ran not only heard the little boy talking, but he even sensed that the little boy was worried about him at this moment.

Since Chen Ran and Wu Bing saved the little boy together, he has never said a word or even showed any expression, let alone what the little boy was thinking. Now he suddenly heard the little boy talking, which really surprised him.

"Isn't it right? I'm still in the ice cave. I'm not "I" watching..."

Until this time, Chen Ran seemed to suddenly wake up. Now he is not looking at it with his naked eye, as if he was "seeing" like he used elixir detection.

How can you still feel what the little boy is thinking?

Chen Ran didn't think about it. The feeling of "watching" didn't seem to allow him to think about it, which directly made him see the next scene.

Then Chen Ran was surprised to "see" that the treasure room at this moment was completely frozen, and even the giant snake was frozen into an ice sculpture. However, the giant snake had broken out of the ice crystal but seemed to be seriously injured and swallowing the snake's head while swallowing the chill that had not yet dissipated and gasped to the little boy. The words...

Finally, Chen Ran saw "Wu Bing" in the karst cave outside. The cave was also frozen, the stone walls on the ground were frozen, and Wu Bing was also frozen into an ice sculpture.

In addition to Wu Bing, Chen Ran also "saw" another human-shaped ice sculpture in the cave.

Some outsiders have come in!

Chen Ran was shocked... Then he "saw" a small river in a cave, and along the river, he "saw" a one-person-high cave. The hole seemed very dilapidated, and there were a lot of bones piled up on the edge of the cave...

Later, Chen Ran "saw" a valley that was said to be a mess, and "saw" many corpses...

Soon Chen Ran will "see" the mouth of the valley, but at this time, he only felt the darkness in front of his eyes and could not see anything.

When Chen Ran saw something again, he saw a pool of water.

stunned and stunned, Chen Ran reacted. After reacting, he looked around and saw exactly what he seemed to have detected with elixir just now, but it seemed to be different.

And the place where he stood was in the center of the ice cave. In this place, there was a pool of water, and the scene in the pool was exactly what he had just "seeed".

The only difference is that he looked at the silverware and bone organs scattered at the bottom of the pool but could not see the breath from them. Of course, he could still feel it.

These silverware and bone utensils are obviously different from those silverware outside. Although the outside looks beautiful, it only gives people a gorgeous feeling at most, while the silverware and bone utensils here have a dreamy color that makes people unconsciously want to indulge in it.

Thinking of the red snake he "saw" at the bottom of the pool just now, Chen Ran immediately looked at the location of the red snake. At this glance, he saw the blood cocoon turned into by the red snake and the blood cup.

Although the two stay at the bottom of the pool and do not move, Chen Ran can feel their breath. Obviously, their state at this moment must be related to this pool, and it is likely that they have fallen into a mysterious and mysterious state like him just now.

Although Chen Ran had not checked his body at this time, he could feel that his mental state could not be better at this time. His brain was much clearer, and his breathing was much smoother. He felt as if his body had been purified by the fairy water, and his whole body was indescribably floating.

If the current situation of the red snake and blood cup is the same as that just now, there is no doubt that it will be good and no harm to the red snake and blood cup.

It was not until this time that Chen Ran was finally relieved.

After being relieved, thinking of the scene he had just "seeed" outside, Chen Ran didn't care to study those silverware and bone organs with huge breath, so he walked out while checking his body.

Chen Ran felt that although there was no energy in his body, it was very smooth. How to put it, it was as if the master practicing internal skills in martial arts novels suddenly opened up Ren Du's second vein. That feeling... walking seemed to be a little fluttering.

Since the heart injury, Chen Ran has not felt this way, and this feeling is better than before the heart injury.

Although Chen Ran doesn't know what's going on, he feels that it should be related to the silverware and bone tools at the bottom of the pool.

It should be that those breaths transformed his body like an energy aperture.

Anyway, this is undoubtedly a good thing for him.

Walking, Chen Ran also unexpectedly found that he could absorb the severe cold air emitted from the ice cave. Although it was absorbed slowly, it was indeed absorbing, and it was these severe cold air that actively floated into his eyebrows.

Although Chen Ran was extremely surprised, he had no time to study at this time.

When he arrived at the closed stone wall, Chen Ran was trying to find the switch. As soon as he stood in front of the stone wall, the stone wall reopened with a bang.

When the stone wall opened, a burst of violent cold air overflowed out of the ice cave, and the giant snake, which had been freed from the ice crystal, suddenly formed a thin layer of ice.

Fortunately, after Chen Ran came out of the ice cave, the stone wall closed again.

Chen Ran thought that he probably needed to open the stone wall with energy, so he didn't worry too much. After coming out, he quickly focused on the giant snake and the little boy.

Chen Ran naturally focused on observing the little boy. From this observation, he also found that although the cold air also rushed to the little boy, it could not touch the little boy's body. After approaching the little boy, it seemed that he had met a chemical reaction and was directly turned into fog.

For example, the little boy held the neck of the giant snake. Although the body of the giant snake was frozen, its neck and head were not frozen.


Seeing Chen Ran coming out of the ice cave, the giant snake was obviously relieved. It was obviously worried that Chen Ran would never get out again like those animals that rushed in.

The giant snake swayed its body and broke free from the ice crystal. Although it was injured again, its vitality seemed to be stronger.

Chen Ran guessed that it should have something to do with absorbing the cold fog just now.

After Chen Ran came out, not only did the giant snake look at Chen Ran, but the little boy also looked at Chen Ran. Although the little boy had no expression, Chen Ran felt that the little boy seemed to be happy to see him.

This made Chen Ran curious again. Since the little boy was happy, why didn't he show it at all? Was he born or stayed with the giant snake?

Feel the little boy's concern for him, Chen Ran couldn't help holding him in his arms. Then he looked at the giant snake and saw that the giant snake was already moving. He pointed to the giant snake and took the little boy to the cave outside. The giant snake swallowed twice and followed him.

In the cave outside, Chen Ran found that there was another person besides Wu Bing.

Wu Bing sat in that Shi** and was frozen. Chen Ran walked to Wu Bing and was a little worried about what to do at first, but then he also thought of the scene where he had just absorbed the cold air.

He sank into his mind as if he had been absorbing energy aperture and trying to see if he could absorb the cold air on Wu Bing. Chen Ran was still worried that it would be useless, but he didn't expect that as soon as he tried, he felt a cold air rushing towards his eyebrows.

Chen Ran's previous absorption energy aperture was also absorbed from the eyebrows, and then he came to the white space.

Now he absorbs the cold air through his eyebrows, which undoubtedly shows that the white space that has been closed since the heart injury has been reopened, although he can't feel it for the time being.

What stunned Chen Ran was that a warm current suddenly emerged from his heart after absorbing some cold air. This warm current formed a cycle in his body like his previous elixir.

This warm current is said to be the energy of his previous energy aperture, but it is not. It is said to be his elixir, but it seems to be something more, something more, it seems to be the breath emitted by those objects in the ice cave.

Although this energy is not too much, it seems to be of high quality, just like his previous upgraded version or purified version.

Chen Ran was first surprised, and then happy. This situation is obviously because the huge breath on those silverware and bone tools not only repaired his heart, but also upgraded his special ability again.

Although Chen Ran wants to study the newly upgraded special ability immediately, obviously the most important thing now is to wake up Wu Bing first. After all, Wu Bing will be suffocated even if he is not frozen to death for a long time.

Chen Ran absorbed the cold air on Wu Bing's body, and on the other hand, he tried to release the warm current into Wu Bing's body.

Under Chen Ran's two-pronged approach, Wu Bing soon woke up.

I just don't know what's going on. Although Wu Bing woke up, he was dizzy, as if he was drunk, and even his face was red.

Chen Ran checked his body and was relieved to see that he was fine. Then he didn't care that he was still confused and asked what was going on with the other man who was frozen into an ice sculpture?

As a result, Chen Ran asked for a long time, and Wu Bing finally understood a little, and then shook his head. He didn't seem to know what was going on. It seemed that no outsiders had come in before he fell into a coma.

The result of this person obviously came in later was also frozen.

Chen Ran first checked the man. The man's face looks old, but he can't tell the specific age, but he is at least 40 years old. Wearing a red dress and a bucket hat, he looks like an ethnic minority. Judging from his clothes, it is very similar to the clothes worn by a little boy.

Chen Ran thought about it and decided to wake him up first.