Jin Yutong

Chapter 644 Spiritual Spring

"Isn't it too much to say that this pool is a spiritual spring? There are indeed all strange things in the world. A natural magnetic field has formed under the pool. This should be what those feng shui warlocks said, right? It seems that these warlocks are not all fools.

Although Chen Ran, who was almost soaked in the pool, was sweating and panting, his face looked exhilarating.

There is no reason not to be excited.

The pool he soaked is the pool in the center of the ice cave.

Yesterday, he went into the ice cave again and planned to absorb some cold air and investigate the situation of blood cup and red snakes. After entering the ice cave, he went straight to the pool.

Seeing that the blood cup and the red snake had not woken up, he looked at the pool.

The first thing he looked at was the silverware and bone tools that exuded a pious atmosphere.

In fact, Chen Ran is not unfamiliar with these silver and bone tools, because there is such an instrument in every picture that appears in his mind when he first entered the ice cave.

These utensils seem to be the leader he saw in those pictures, and he doesn't know whether they are the patriarch or the ornaments worn by the sacrifices within the clan.

At that time, more than 100 pictures flashed in his mind, and now there are just more than 100 utensils in the pool. It should be a picture of a device.

Chen Ran guessed that the picture that appeared in his mind should be caused by him absorbing or receiving the breath contained in these utensils.

This scene is like the memory he received by Ding Dian and the breath stored in the centurion's eyes.

This gives Chen Ran a deeper understanding of his special ability. For example, he used energy aperture to identify antiques. Each antique is like the tree wheel. The tree wheel records the age of the tree, and antiques also have such traces, but trees are tree wheels that can be seen with the naked eyes, and antiques It is a historical atmosphere that is invisible to the naked eye.

For example, it is like that every object and thing has its own magnetic field, and what you say and do will generate some magnetic force. The magnetic field that receives these magnetic force is likely to store these words and pictures. It's like a "mirage" and some places where no one can hear anyone. Talking or crying.

And his special ability is undoubtedly to absorb the information stored in these items, but the magnetic field generated by most items is too weak. Although it absorbs this information, it cannot form pictures or words.

Originally, Chen Ran felt that the pool was so magical that it should be caused by these utensils, but he soon found that it was not these utensils that made the pool magical, but the water in the pool that made these utensils magical.

This is about to put his hand into the pool to test the water temperature. The whole ice cave in this ice cave is full of ice and cold air. Obviously, the temperature is not a few degrees below zero. Even the cold giant snake dares to enter. You can imagine how low the temperature is during the period, and only Chen Ran, who has been transformed by ice gas, dares to enter. It is not frozen.

From this, although Chen Ran wondered why the water in the pool did not freeze, he also felt that the water in the pool must be extremely cold. However, what he did not expect was that he put his hand into the pool to test the water temperature and was surprised to find that the water in the pool was not cold but warm.

Chen Ran was surprised that he was still behind. After he found that the water was actually warm, he clearly felt a very strange energy that penetrated into his body along his arm. This energy was gentle and mysterious, and the Buddha was faintly carried The refreshing coolness.

After the energy penetrated into Chen Ran's body, he felt that the cells, bones and organs in his body were making an urgent sound, which was like meeting some indispensable tonic and eager to absorb the energy.

After these energies were absorbed, Chen Ran felt that his whole body seemed to be extremely excited as if he had taken some panacea.

At this time, Chen Ran didn't know why the blood cup and the red snake had been unconscious, and he didn't know that the water in this pool was by no means ordinary water.

Although I don't know how the water can be so magical, in the following time, in addition to accompanying the little boy and the giant snake, he has been practicing strange dances while absorbing the energy of the pool in the ice cave.

With the help of the energy in the pool, Chen Ran practiced the strange dance to the ninth section in one fell swoop.

You should know that before, he was still in the seventh bar, and he was just beginning to practice the seventh bar, and the later this strange dance became, the more difficult it became. Even with special ability, it took him a long time to get from the fifth bar to the sixth bar, and the sixth bar to the seventh bar Not to mention the festival, the power has been used, the method of medicinal bath has also been used, and a semi-finished product has been made, which is barely enough to enter the seventh section with one foot.

It is so difficult for the sixth bar to enter the seventh bar, and the difficulty behind it can be imagined.

Now, with the help of the energy in the pool, Chen Ran has made great gains from the seventh bar to the ninth bar after only one day of practice.

And the most important thing is that Chen Ran can feel that this has not reached his limit. As long as he keeps practicing like this, he will definitely make another breakthrough.

After practicing the ninth section, Chen Ran obviously felt that his body had improved qualitatively in both strength and flexibility.

In terms of power, not to mention killing a cow with one punch, Chen Ran feels that he can do it with one punch.

The focus should be on the flexibility of Chen Ran's body, and the most important thing in "strateful dance" is undoubtedly the body's responsiveness and flexibility.

This time, from the seventh bar to the ninth bar, Chen Ran felt that his bone marrow, veins, etc. had made a huge breakthrough in flexibility.

This feeling is very obvious. For example, if a master who has practiced bone shrinkage now appears in front of him and compares with the flexibility of his body, that person absolutely can't compare with him.

That is to say, Chen Ran's current body is as flexible as bone shrinkage.

While the body absorbs the energy refining in the pool water, the golden light energy absorbed and transformed by Chen Ran's white space has also reached saturation.

During this period, Chen Ran naturally also detected the mystery of the pool. As a result, he found that there was a magnetic field at the bottom of the pool like the natural magnetic field formed by the crystal mine he found underground.

The magnetic field converts the heat energy under the ground into air conditioning, just like an air conditioner, while the magnetic field under the pool does not convert energy, but generates a continuous suction to absorb the heat energy under the ground.

This is obviously a naturally formed magnetic field, and this magnetic field seems to absorb some other breaths, which are all kinds of pious breaths.

The natural magnetic field in front of him made Chen Ran think of the natural magnetic field under the ground, and then thought of the formation arranged by those feng shui warlocks.

In the past, Chen Ran did not believe in these, but with more and more contacts, he felt that these things should still exist, but it was not so evil. In fact, it seems that the array can be completely understood in a scientific way.

Just now, Chen Ran did the "strange dance" hundreds of times in one breath, so he was sweating profusely. Now he is soaked in the pool and feels the energy that penetrates into his body like a panacea. That feeling is really wonderful.

It's just a pity that the water in the pool seems to be unable to be taken out, nor can it be taken out, but if it is taken out, the energy in the pool of water seems to spread out.

Chen Ran also thought of the giant snake and his family when he was using this pool of water to refine his body, but when he tried to take it out to treat the giant snake's injury, it froze directly as soon as he took it out of the pool. The effect of freezing naturally died. It seemed that he could not work without leaving the pool.

However, the giant snake in the ice cave did not dare to enter, because it was too big. Even if it was protected by Chen Ran, it would be frozen immediately. Chen Ran could not absorb the cold air in its body.

However, although he failed to use this pool of water to heal the giant snake, Chen Ran also used his golden energy to comb the giant snake's body.

When combing the giant snake's body, Chen Ran obviously felt that the most serious thing about the giant snake was not its injury, but its longevity.

Because most of the cells in its body have aged, and the giant snake does not know how long it has lived. Now it has reached the limit of its life expectancy. Although Chen Ran suffered a serious injury before he met it, the injury actually did not have much impact on it.

Of course, it is said that it had little impact in the past, and the injury was fine after a period of time with its body's recovery ability, but now it has reached the limit of its life expectancy, and its body's recovery ability is no longer good. Naturally, it will not live long after such a serious injury.

Chen Ran can't do anything about the life of the giant snake, but after recombing the body of the giant snake, it is still no problem to live for a few more years.

The giant snake is not a big problem, but the little boy's problem is very troublesome.

No, you can't call a little boy, you should call a little girl.

When treating the giant snake's injury, Chen Ran also checked what was going on with the "little boy" and was surprised to find that the strange child was actually a little girl.

And the results of exploring his body also stunned Chen Ran.

With the exploration of golden light energy, Chen Ran found that the other party's body was really...

First of all, most of the veins in the other party's body are blocked, and the rest seem to be blocked by external forces.

This is not enough. In addition to the blocked meridians, the little girl's body is also full of a cold energy, which is almost all over the little girl's whole body, in the bone marrow, flesh and blood...

Normally, the little girl has not been able to live in such a situation for a long time, but the little girl is still living well. Except that she can't speak or hear anyone, everything else looks normal.

The most incredible thing for Chen Ran is the paint applied to the little girl. The little girl not only applied the paint on her face, but also all over her body.

I don't know what kind of paint or what kind of master applied to the little girl, but the effect of this paint surprised Chen Ran.

This pigment seems to absorb heat energy, just like when the sun shines on the little girl, the little girl's body inevitably absorbs the heat energy in the sun, and the little girl's body is full of cold energy. After absorbing the heat energy of the sun, the body is inevitably bad, but the current situation is that The layer of paint absorbed all the heat that invaded the little girl's body.

The situation is a bit like a filter, which filters out the warm energy, while the pigment that absorbs heat energy only dissipates heat outside the body but does not enter the body except for its own heat.

When he explored here, Chen Ran knew why the little girl was not afraid of the cold and why the cold air rushed to her and evaporated into fog.

Although the little girl's physical condition was found out, Chen Ran didn't know what to do.

The little girl's physical condition is absolutely unheard of for Chen Ran. Due to the existence of the little girl's layer of paint, the situation in the little girl's body seems to be balanced. He doesn't know whether his rash intervention will make it self-defeating.

So although Chen Ran studied her body when she was with the little girl, she did not dare to easily treat her body with golden energy.

However, Chen Ran has already thought about finding more people to ask and check the information after he goes back to find out the situation of the little girl first.


After soaking in the pool for a while, after the wonderful feeling gradually disappeared, Chen Ran also climbed out of the pool.

Although he only soaked for a while, Chen Ran obviously felt that his body seemed to be a little stronger.

Chen Ran found that he enjoyed this feeling of getting stronger little by little, and seemed to be addicted.

Shaking his head and looking at the blood cup and the red snake still showing no signs of waking up, he came out of the ice cave first.

Out of the ice cave, Chen Ran also saw the little girl. Every time he entered the ice cave for many days, the little girl would sit in front of the stone wall and wait for him.

Although it was only two days, the little girl's dependence on him made him unconsciously treat the little girl as his relatives.

Let the giant snake go hunting by himself. Chen Ran took the little girl to eat something. Then, not long after, he suddenly noticed that someone was coming!