Jin Yutong

Chapter 668 I want to have two drinks

Although Chen Ran has been to the clubhouse once, his current location is not in the same direction as the main hospital, so he still needs to use navigation to search.

Beijing's traffic jam is famous, and this is just the time to eat, so Chen Ran can only hang behind with the long traffic.

Along the way, Chen Ran wanted to find some topics to talk to Officer Yuan, but he didn't know what to say when he thought of the unclear relationship between the two.

Before the police academy happened, he could say anything, but now he can't say something, just don't say it, right? But I feel that there is a lot to say.

In fact, seriously, he doesn't know much about Officer Yuan. He doesn't know anything except that she and Ruoruo's dead uncle had been engaged and a little situation in her family.

Officer Yuan lowered his head and seemed to be playing with his mobile phone, but Chen Ran knew that her mind was not on the mobile phone at all, because every time she would look at him intentionally or unintentionally.

Her appearance made Chen Ran feel interesting and couldn't help thinking about the first meeting between the two and the various scenes that happened between them later.

Chen Ran's feeling is a little inexplicable, inexplicably suspicious, inexplicably sad, and inexplicably emotional...

I doubt that she thought she was like that, and she should hate herself to death, but now looking at her appearance, it's obviously not... What's heartbreaking is that she is actually quite bitter, endures too much, and bears too much...

As for the emotion, it's more.

"It's just a dream, and it's still a dream after waking up..." This is Chen Ran's answer to He Zhenhua when he asked He Zhenhua if he regretted it on the yacht after following He Zhenhua to come out of Xiapeng's casino. Now Chen Ran inexplicably thought of this sentence.

If he didn't suddenly get the power, is it still possible for him and Officer Yuan to meet?

If he didn't know Officer Yuan, what kind of life would Officer Yuan live?


In silence, Chen Ran suddenly asked, "Are you still drinking now?"

Officer Yuan was stunned by his question, but then he remembered the scene of drinking in front of Chen Ran before. His face couldn't help but be a little embarrassed, but he reluctantly replied, "I haven't drunk for a long time." With that, he turned his head aside.

Chen Ran smiled and then teased her, "Why don't you drink? I also want to have two drinks with you."

He asked her if she was still drinking, but he didn't want to care about her as before, but he really loved her.

At that time, he wanted to find a gentle and considerate girlfriend, and at that time, he regarded her as his girlfriend. As a result, he was very dissatisfied with her drinking, but at that time, he never thought about why she was drunk?

Now his ideas are naturally different from before.

Officer Yuan listened to what he said and couldn't help showing a smile on his cold face, but in terms of her character, this was her limit, and then she obviously kept silent.

Chen Ran knew that she couldn't help but be embarrassed and didn't tease her much, but after a while, he found that there was something wrong with her eyes looking at him.

Chen Ran was a little strange at first, but soon figured it out. The only time the two of them drank together was the time they had an accident while drinking. Now that he said so, if you think about it carefully, it's inevitable that it's a little...

After understanding the reason, Chen Ran was angry and funny, but he couldn't help looking at her unconsciously.

I don't know whether it is psychological or other reasons. At this time, the atmosphere in the car also becomes ambiguous. Perhaps noticing his eyes, Officer Yuan unconsciously became a little uncomfortable, and finally simply moved his body and even twisted his body to the other side.

Although Chen Ran was a little funny, he also stabilized his mind.


It took more than an hour for Chen Ran to get to the clubhouse and park the car. As he called He Zhenhua, he took Officer Yuan upstairs.

When he came out of the elevator, Chen Ran saw He Zhenhua waiting for him in the lobby of the clubhouse, but at this time, He Zhenhua was talking to several people.

The two rows of waitresses standing at the door in white shirts were not surprised to see Chen Ran in the major's military uniform and Officer Yuan. Obviously, it was not the first time they had seen them in military uniforms.

Generally speaking, formal clubs and clubs need to wear formal clothes to enter, but how can these rules stop people and privileged people? Can some members turn here halfway and not be allowed to enter?

And every member of a conference like the Beijing Club has his own exclusive room here, and there are spare clothes in the room, so they have been wearing any clothes. They have been surprised for a long time.

After respectfully greeting the two, the two waitresses standing in the front led them in. Because Chen Ran wore a military uniform and only came once, not only did the waitresses who welcomed the guests here last time did not recognize Chen Ran, but also the hospitality manager at the service desk did not recognize Chen Ran.

As soon as she came in, a female hostess in a professional dress greeted her. First, she said hello to her husband with a smile, and then asked, "Is this your first time here, sir?"

Chen Ran smiled at her and didn't say anything when he saw He Zhenhua had seen him.

The female manager was surprised and wanted to ask again, but He Zhenhua had already greeted him. When he arrived, he asked first, "Why are you a major?"

Chen Ran couldn't talk to him for a while, so Xiaoxiao said casually, "Isn't it the last time? Last time I did the boss a favor and got me such an identity. I just came from there and didn't have time to change it..."

In the last two months when he disappeared, he explained to He Zhenhua that he had gone to work for the general manager. Later, when He Zhenhua saw Wu Bing, he also introduced Wu Bing to He Zhenhua as the guard of Chief Yang.

So when He Zhenhua heard what he said, he knew what he was talking about, but he just knew it, but he was still a little surprised.

Chen Ran felt that whether it was his military uniform or his position as deputy secretary-general, it was used for soy sauce, but this was just his feeling.

In fact, let's not talk about the position of deputy secretary-general for the time being, but his military uniform, both in military uniform and military rank, are real.

is not a military uniform for art, nor is it a military uniform for technology and scientific research...

To put it bluntly, the military uniform worn by Chen Ran and the rank above are the military uniforms of regular soldiers.

Such a military uniform can't be worn casually. Only regular soldiers can wear it, and Chen Ran is obviously not a regular soldier.

It is the duty of citizens to find someone to help the general staff. How can it be organized by a military officer? Even if he becomes an intelligence officer of the general counselor, he is just an affiliation, and the better thing is just a businessman.

The intelligence personnel of the general staff are generally divided into three types, one is secret cadres, which is within the establishment, that is, regular soldiers. In addition, there are "business cadres", which are semi-staffed, not in the establishment of the second part of the General Staff, but registered. Both the General Staff and the Military Commission are admitted, but generally they will not issue military uniforms or even *. They can only call to inquire. Of course, some have also issued military uniforms, but there is no military rank on military uniforms.

The last one is affiliation. " affiliation" is not recorded in the second department. It is just a name in the office of the local general staff or a subordinate department. For example, when an intelligence officer of the second department or a subordinate department performs tasks at the local level, it is necessary to give some military intelligence personnel in order to handle cases. Such a military intelligence officer is named by this intelligence officer and this subordinate department, but there is no such person in the Second General Staff and the Military Commission.

That is to say, even if they become a military intelligence officer, they can only be a "businessman". Even if they have issued military uniforms*, they do not have a formal rank. Their military rank is virtual, but Chen Ran's military rank is real. This is only a regular soldier. Chen Ran wears this military uniform is a regular soldier, but Chen Ran used to be It's not a soldier...

If calculated according to the local position, Chen Ran was not a civil servant, but now he has directly given him a deputy office, which is obviously not in line with the rules. If you want to operate it, you have to pay a lot of money. You not only need to pay money, but also have reasonable reasons to block other people's mouths.

So He Zhenhua couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard it. He Zhenhua was a little surprised, not to mention the two waitresses and female managers standing in front of Chen Ran. Although they did not know the significance of Chen Ran's military uniform, they knew the military rank on the military uniform.

Do you do the boss a favor and then give him the status of a major?

Listen to Chen Ran's tone that you don't seem to want it yet?

If they hadn't known He Zhenhua, I'm afraid they would have thought that Chen Ran was really bragging.

He Zhenhua didn't ask much. Seeing that the two waitresses and the female manager were still standing on one side, he told them, "Open your eyes and see clearly. Mr. Chen will also be the director of our club in the future. Forget it this time. Don't recognize it next time you come..."

Several waitresses and managers were stunned, but then they quickly called it. For the whole club, these people can be said to be the most peripheral roles. With their qualifications, not to mention the directors of the club, even the senior management is not accessible to them, and sometimes they don't even know that there is such a management.

However, this does not affect their work. The nature of clubs and hotels are different, especially clubs that have extremely strict requirements for members, and the nature of general clubs such as the capital club is even more different from that. It can be said that as long as they are members of the clubhouses, it is theirs. Bosses, and among these many bosses, they only need to know who is bigger from the mutual attitude of these people, and they can listen to who is better.

Like Mr. He Zhenhua in front of them, he does not serve in the clubhouse, but they know that the other party belongs to one of the core people in the clubhouse.

Therefore, what He Zhenhua said is more useful than those executives of the club. Since he said that Chen Ran is a director of the club, they also recognized that Chen Ran is...

The director of the club is undoubtedly the core level of the club.

Therefore, at the same time, they were both surprised and curious about Chen Ran. They all looked at Chen Ran secretly. After looking at Chen Ran, they also looked at Officer Yuan.

Although the club repeatedly emphasized that they were not allowed to have any interaction and bad motives with the club's members outside of work, it could not stop them from fantasizing.

Hearing He Zhenhua's words, Chen Ran was also stunned for a moment, but he didn't say anything. Seeing He Zhenhua look at Officer Yuan, he introduced him and didn't say anything else. He just said Officer Yuan's name, and then asked Officer Yuan to call Brother Hua. Officer Yuan still gave face and did not hesitate. Shout.

The last time He Zhenhua came, Officer Yuan had left, so he didn't see Officer Yuan, and he didn't know that Chen Ran's last gamble in the clubhouse was because of her.

Although He Zhenhua saw Mu's school beauty in Zhu Feng's clubhouse in Tianzhong City, and now Chen Ran brought another woman, he didn't care much. After greeting Officer Yuan with a friendly attitude, he called the female manager just now and asked him to apply for a membership card for Officer Yuan.

Although Officer Yuan didn't want it, he still didn't say anything for Chen Ran's face.

Chen Ran originally wanted to open a room to change his clothes first. After all, wearing a military uniform is a little conspicuous and special. It's just that although He Zhenhua told him that he had prepared a room for him or an exclusive room, he told him to introduce him to a few people first.

Seeing that He Zhenhua looked unusual, Chen Ran didn't say anything.

Subsequently, after He Zhenhua arranged for the female manager to accompany Officer Yuan to visit the clubhouse, he took Chen Ran to his room.