Jin Yutong

Chapter 692 Fossil

With a giant snake leading the way, Chen Ran easily found the warehouse of the underground fortress. Although most of it collapsed, it can also be seen that the warehouse is divided into several.

The first thing Chen Ran saw was the No. 5 warehouse, which was still full of supplies, but the cement wall on the other side fell upside down and hit it. Seeing this, he was too lazy to look over it. He directly glanced at it with golden energy and found that there were army coats, boots, military quilts, lunch boxes, and gas masks piled up. For daily necessities, this fortress may be well designed, and most of these supplies are still intact.

However, Chen Ran is obviously not interested in these.

Since there is warehouse No. 5, it is obvious that there is also warehouse 1, 2 3 4, and even warehouse No. 6 first. Chen Ran found warehouse No. 4.

Warehouse 4 was packed with canned food, and Chen Ran even found beer and Japanese sake in it.

After warehouse No. 4, I turned around and arrived at Warehouse No. 3. Warehouse No. 3 was filled with grain and rice. This warehouse was the most bombed and all of them were buried. Then Warehouse No. 1 and No. 2 was the place where the storage of arms found by the giant snake.

The two warehouses are full of boxes of ammunition. Chen Ran took a cursory look and found that there are at least hundreds of boxes. Each box is either machine guns, rifles or bullets. So many munitions can be equipped with at least one division.

Although there are many arms, Chen Ran is not interested. Although he can sell these arms secretly for a lot of money, it is not troublesome for him and not cost-effective.

However, since it has been found, it can't be left here. It's okay if it's found by a kind-hearted person, but if it's found by a crazy person, it's undoubtedly bad.

Then Chen Ran went to other places to look, but he didn't find anything.

This underground fortress is obviously more than this floor, but the bottom has been blown up and buried. Chen Ran did not want to bother to clean up the exit, so he simply released golden energy to investigate the whole fortress.

Under the exploration of golden light energy, the fortress has three floors. The first floor is the upper one, the second floor seems to be residential, and the third floor is for prisoners.


After searching all the places, nothing was found. Just as Chen Ran was about to recover the golden light energy, he suddenly found a storage room in a room that immediately attracted his attention.

"Fal? Spece specimen?"

Jinguang Energy went in and glanced at it, and found that the storage room was full of all kinds of stones, which made him interested.

This storage room is in the innermost room on the second floor. Chen Ran checked that the second floor has been buried. If he wants to enter, either clean up the passage on the second floor or go straight through the first floor, but it has to be cleaned up.

In comparison, it is undoubtedly easier to go from the first layer.

The giant snake obviously found that Chen Ran was not interested in the "things" it regarded as a treasure, so it stayed with Chen Ran without any interest.

Although Officer Yuan knew that the giant snake would not hurt her, he was obviously a little frightened to grab Chen Ran's arm and dared not let go.

Chen Ran took Officer Yuan to touch the room, and the giant snake followed slowly.

With a "boom", Chen Ran kicked out a cut in the blocked wall. These cement walls were shaken by explosives, and now they are not very strong, and Chen Ran hardly exerted much force.

From the kicking out, he didn't go far to the top of the room. This room is the closest room, and the other side is the stone wall of the mountain peak, so it only collapsed in half. Chen Ran just stepped on the collapsed half to the room on the second floor.

The storage room found by Chen Ran is in this room. The room is very large. It should have been an official's residence before the fortress was blown up.

The storage room was dug out of the stone wall against the room, so the storage room is still well preserved.

Chen Ran squatted down to clean up the bricks and gravel blocked in front of the hidden door of the storage room, and then opened the secret door.

There were desktop electric lights in the storage room. Chen Ran tried to turn on one, and there was electricity, so he turned them on one by one.

Officer Yuan also followed in with a flashlight, and the giant snake that followed leaned in and looked at it.

The storage room is not big. There are exhibition cabinets on both sides, and then there is also a display cabinet in the middle. Chen Ran looked at them one by one. These stones are fossils of various animals, including all kinds of animals, and even many dinosaur fossils and dinosaur eggs.

Dinosaur fossils and dinosaur eggs are rare in the world, but they are very common in China. Dinosaur fossils and dinosaur eggs unearthed in China are second to none in number and types. They have been unearthed in Central Plains, Sichuan, Guangdong and many other places. Some concentrated places are even everywhere, and you can pick them up anywhere. And it is often seen in the cultural relics market that sometimes you can buy one for 200 yuan.

However, these are all inferior, some are inferior, and naturally there are also high. High ones are rare treasures, each of which is valuable and can't be bought even if you want to buy them.

Chen Ran doesn't know much about such things, so he can't see the value of these fossils for a while. In addition to fossils, there are also some animal specimens in the cabinet. Chen Ran also found a jade fossil. From here, it can undoubtedly be guessed that the owner of this room should be a enthusiast or Expert.

Chen Ran opened the cabinet door and looked at it. In addition to fossils and specimens, there were some information, but these materials were all in Japanese.

In the cabinet door below, Chen Ran also found two large and small white wooden boxes. He also opened them and looked at them. There were cotton bags inside. The top one should have been opened and then wrapped casually, so the bag was not very tight.

Chen Ran took it out and took it apart and found that there was a bone inside, which should also be a fossil.

The same is true of another box. Seeing this, Chen Ran wrapped the bones and put them in the box. Although he is also interested in these fossils, he is only interested in them but has no intention of collecting them by himself. Obviously, the value of such cultural relics research is greater than the value of collection, and it is still given to those experts. Let's study it.

Chen Ran was going to close the box again, but when he closed it, he released golden energy and scanned the cloth bag below at random. As a result, this sweep immediately stunned him.

"How is that possible?"

Chen Ran looked at the box in front of him in surprise, and then hurriedly checked the other cloth bags and another box.

As the investigation went on, the shock on his face gradually turned into stunned.

"Why is this thing here?"

"Isn't it on the Awa Maru?"


Ren Chenran's imagination was so rich that he couldn't imagine that this thing would be hidden in such a small storage room, and he couldn't imagine that the rare treasure that attracted the whole world would be found by himself. This feeling is like something that is not in the same world as himself suddenly happened. It's like myself.

Although Chen Ran also imagined finding some treasures with his power, he couldn't even think about the treasure in front of him. He felt that it was too far away from him, but now he suddenly appeared in front of him. He felt an unreal feeling.

Chen Ran didn't think too far. Although the things in front of him made him feel a little unreal, the fact did happen. Putting the flashlight aside, he took out a large oilcloth bag from the box with an indescribable mood.

Carefully put the oilcloth bag on the middle showcase, and then Chen Ran took off the oilcloth and wrapped it up.

Chen Ran's action is very light, and this oil cloth is obviously wrapped in more than one layer. Chen Ran first dismantled the medical cloth outside, then opened a layer of white powder paper, then opened a layer of cotton gauze, and then a kind of cotton cloth. This was not finished, followed by white cotton paper, and then fine cotton cloth, which was wrapped in a total of six layers. Until then, what was wrapped in layers inside was ** Come out.

is a skull.

To be precise, it is a fossil of a skull, also known as the "Beijing" skull.

Yes, what Chen Ran found in this box is the skull of the "Beijing people".

Every Chinese must have heard of the name of the "Beijing people" skull. In the 1920s, scientists found two teeth belonging to early humans in Zhoukoudian. In October of the same year, when the scientific community in Beijing reported this important discovery, it immediately caused a sensation at home and abroad. Later, scientists decided to name the owners of these two teeth "Beijing People" and later named them "Beijing Chinese Ape Man."

After that, the China Geological Survey and the Union Medical College jointly excavated the Beijing site of Zhoukoudian. In the second year of the excavation, two capable young paleontologists in China, Yang Zhongjian and Pei Wenzhong, participated in the excavation of Zhoukoudian. They were energetic and brought anger to the whole scene. In 1929, a miracle that shocked the world academic community finally happened: the first complete Beijing skull was found in Zhoukou store.

It was the early winter of this year. During the excavation, the staff suddenly saw a small hole, and the cracks in the hole were narrow for only one person to enter and exit.

In order to find out the truth, Pei Wenwen came to the cave and took a closer look. He was very happy. It turned out that many animal fossils unexpectedly appeared here.

He decided to continue the excavation work regardless of the cold. By 4 p.m. on December 2, the Xishan Mountain had already set, and the sky outside the cave was gradually dark, and the roaring cold wind was blowing in the mountains. The cave felt colder, but people were still concentrating on working under the dim yellow candlelight.

Suddenly, Pei Wen shouted happily: "It's an ape!"

Everyone gathered around and really found that the skull of an ape man had been exposed to the ground, and the other half was still buried in hard soil. People were so excited that they couldn't take their eyes off.

At this time, it was getting darker and darker, but everyone was already impatient. Pei Wen resolutely decided to continue digging until the first Beijing skull was completely unearthed. Everyone didn't sleep well this night.

Early the next morning, Pei Wen sent someone to report the good news to the Geological Survey in Beijing. A few days later, on December 6, Pei Wenzhong personally sat in the car and wrapped the rare treasure in the city with his own two quilts, mattresses and felt.

In 1936, Jialanpo found three "Beijing Ape Man" skull fossils in the Ape Man Cave. A total of 6 skulls, 12 skull fragments, 15 lower jaw bones, 157 teeth and broken femur, fishy bones, etc., were unearthed, belonging to more than 40 men, women and children.

The discovery of human ruins and fossils in Beijing is a major event in the history of world paleoanthropological research. So far, no ancient human site has such a large number of ancient human, ancient culture, ancient animal fossils and other materials as the Beijing People's Site in Zhoukoudian.

Beijing fossils have become a rare treasure that has attracted the attention of the world scientific community. Although "Beijing people" are not the earliest human beings, as a representative of the intermediate link from apes to humans, they are known as "the most meaningful and touching discovery in the history of ancient human beings". Therefore, the preciousness of "Beijing people's skull" can be imagined.

Such a thing can no longer be measured by national treasures, and its significance cannot be measured by money or even value.

However, because of its preciousness, it has also become the object coveted by some speculators and *.

The skulls and a batch of fossils excavated by Pei Wenzhong and others strangely "disappeared" during the Anti-Japanese War.

This incident has become a theft that shocked the world. For decades, not only Chinese people have been looking for it, but also scientists and scholars from other countries have been looking for it, but there is still no result.

However, who would have thought that the skulls of Beijing people who are looking for all over the world would lie quietly in such a small storage room without anyone paying attention...