Jin Yutong

Chapter 722 The coming will always come

When he went out in the morning, Chen Ran found that someone was following him, but this time he did not find it himself, but with his two bodyguards. These two bodyguards were the central guards arranged for him by Mr. Yang, one named Feng Xianjun and the other Han Yuchun, who spoke was Han Yuchun.

Chen Ran found earlier than Han Yuchun that the person who had been secretly monitoring him was leaving, because the man answered a phone call and left. The other end of the phone asked Chen Ran what he had done and asked Chen Ran to go back after learning that Chen Ran had been wandering around the public market venue all morning.

Knowing that the other party was leaving, Chen Ran immediately let the blood cup follow.


"I will go straight back to the villa later."

Chen Ran said without raising his head and said that although he had let the blood cup follow, he did not refuse Han Yuchun's proposal. First, he did not intend to let anyone know the existence of the blood cup, and secondly, he also wanted to find something for his subordinate to do and see the other party's ability and mind.

With Chen Ran's consent, Han Yuchun turned away quietly. He did not go in the direction the man left, but in the opposite direction.

After Han Yuchun left, Chen Ran couldn't help thinking about who would send someone to follow him. On this trip to Myanmar, he did not contact outsiders or meet any acquaintances he had met before in Tengchong Gambling Stone. After getting off the plane, he did not make peace with the jewelers who came with him, and directly parted ways. Later, he lived directly. In the private summer manor, I didn't even have contact with strangers except for coming to the public venue, and I didn't see an acquaintance except Mr. Chu at the venue.

Just now, when the man reported to the boss behind him, he also said that Mr. Chu greeted him, so it was definitely not Mr. Chu who asked him to follow him.

Judging from the man's dress, this person is obviously a local.

Is it Qinglong?

Qinglong is not someone else, but the chairman of Myanmar Qinglong Minerals Co., Ltd. At the same time, he is also a non-staff member of the general staff. After Chen Ran got off the plane, he sent someone to pick him up at the airport. After that, food, accommodation and travel were arranged by the other party.

However, the other party did not know Chen Ran's identity. He only regarded Chen Ran as a prince related to the general counselor in the capital, so he never appeared, but arranged someone to be responsible for receiving Chen Ran.


Qinglong is also a big boss in Myanmar. He has not revealed his identity. He should not care that he has specially sent someone to follow him... Chen Ran thought to himself that there are many such special non-staff personnel. Although he belongs to the general counsellor, he can't treat the other party as a subordinate. The two sides are more cooperative relations. , the stronger the local relationship, the more active the cooperation with the general participants, such as Qinglong.

In fact, most of these people are supported by the general ginseng. They are nothing at the beginning of their entrepreneurship. It is under the support of the general ginseng that they have grown up step by step. Of course, in addition to the support of the general ginseng, they also have certain skills. Otherwise, that is the A Douchang who can't afford to help. Long time.

After the generalcan supported them to become bigger, they naturally did not want to be controlled by the generalcan, but although they wanted to get out of the control of the generalcan, they did not dare to fall out with the generalcan. After all, the generalcan represented the country, and the strength of the country was there. The country really fell out with the country, and the country could deal with them anytime and anywhere. Therefore In the end, such a cooperative relationship was formed.

And the general participation is about this effect. The strength in their hands is very large for them, but it is nothing for the general participation. The general participation will not care about their strength.

Just as the United States always wants its influence to cover the world, so does the generalcan, and what it wants is influence.

Qinglong is also a non-staff member supported by the general ginseng. When he was in China, Qinglong was just a fool to watch the scene. Later, he was offended and fled to Myanmar and went to a mine for mining.

To this point, Qinglong is naturally also a capable person. It didn't take long to unite many Chinese workers mining in the mine, which is a little powerful. However, if it goes on like this, Qinglong is at most a Burmese gangster. In the final analysis, it just sounds good. Some, called: mine protection team.

After receiving the support of the general counsellor, Qinglong developed rapidly. He not only soon had his own territory and his own mine, but later stepped into the Burmese military and political circles, and later became the son-in-law of the Red Peng family, which had great influence in the Myanmar military and political circles.

Now that the Qinglong climate has become, Chen Ran has not revealed his identity. Obviously, he will not care about a prince like Chen Ran with the identity and status of the other party, let alone secretly monitor Chen Ran.


Except for Qinglong, I have no contact with anyone else in Myanmar... It's not native to Myanmar, but domestic.

In the Zhang Hongjun incident, he did not reveal his identity, and he should not be a person in this field. In this way, he can only...


Chen Ran frowned, but then stretched out. What should come will always come. Since he can't avoid it, let himself see what the other party has to do.

In the following time, Chen Ran saw that the speed of wool accelerated a lot, and even simply found a seat where no one rested. The service provided by the Myanmar public market organizing committee for merchants participating in the public market can basically be counted as zero. The reason why the word "basically" is used to describe it, not without, is because There will be a pergola at every distance in the venue. Under the pergola, there are seats for merchants to sit down and rest, and there is hot water next to it. Hot water is naturally used to drink, while water is used to clean wool.

After the wool is cleaned with clean water, the characteristics of the above will be clearer, especially the semi-gambling material that opens the skylight. Some merchants will pour some water on it when observing the wool to make the above characteristics more obvious. If the surface is green, the color will become bright.

The nature of splashing water on it is the same when dissolving wool. When jade is made into jewelry, it looks beautiful and bright, but in fact, if it is not polished or cleaned, the jade raw materials are not very good.

He told Feng Xianjun to remind him when someone came, Chen Ran simply sat under the pergola and lowered his head without raising his head as if he were copying a book. Outsiders thought he was calculating the funds needed for the wool for bidding registration, but in fact, no one knew that he was still choosing wool.

Under the cover of mental strength, Chen Ran almost wrote like a pen, and in a short time, he registered more than 100 pieces of wool.

Compared with the domestic wool market, the quality of wool on Myanmar's public market is still very good. If calculated according to Chen Ran's own mental valuation, the probability of gambling has almost reached 10 to 1, which is undoubtedly quite high.

And Chen Ran's registered wool is obviously not only able to gamble, but also at least double the profit, but now it's only registered. It's hard to say whether it will bid or not in the end. Now it's just a first draft, and it needs to be screened after reading all the wool.

After registering more than 100 pieces of wool, Chen Ran finally saw a piece of Gao Cui material, which is a very inconspicuous wool. The skin is yellow and brown. Chen Ran can't see which field the material came from. It is estimated that it was dug out by which new field.

The wool weighs about 50 kilograms, and the skylight has been opened, and the four sides have been cut, but nothing can be seen from the surface. It is not an exaverse to bet on wool, but there is a large mass of watermelon green high ice jade in this piece of wool, and the jade meat inside is at least five kilograms.

Such a material can be sold directly and sold at a price of 40 to 50 million yuan. If it is made into a product, it can be sold for at least 70 million yuan. If such a large material is designed into a special shape, the price will be higher.

And the reserve price of this wool is only 80,000 euros.

For Chen Ran, what is important is not the price, but the appearance of this wool is very average. It is estimated that not many people will buy it if it was sold directly for 80,000 euros in the past. Now the reserve price is 80,000 euros, so others will not add too much. In this way, Chen Ran is undoubtedly very It's easy to put this material in the bag.

Chen Ran registered this piece of wool separately, which is to ensure that the wool must be cast.


Chen Ran stayed on this piece of wool for a while. When he was about to look down, he suddenly saw two acquaintances, one was Huang Shang and the other was a jade merchant surnamed Ping.

Both are jewelry merchants in Tianzhong City and members of the Tianzhong Jade Association. Needless to say, the silver Chen Ran dug out from the villa was sold to him, and Chen Ran, a jade merchant surnamed Ping, also had a meal with the other party.

The two obviously also saw him, but it may be because they are a little far away. They don't seem to be sure whether it is Chen Ran or not.

Chen Ran waved when he saw the situation, and the two rushed over as soon as they saw it.

"President Chen, it's really you." When he arrived, Huang Shang said happily.

"What? Haven't seen me for a while and can't recognize me?" Chen Ran responded with a smile and greeted them to sit down and chat.

Huang Shang smiled awkwardly. He really didn't recognize Chen Ran just now.

"No wonder Lao Huang can't recognize it. Chairman Chen has changed too much." The jade merchant surnamed Ping looked at Chen Ran and said that he was only 27 or 28 years younger than Huang Shang.

Chen Ran nodded and smiled, and then asked, "When did you arrive?" Has Lao Zhang come yet? Before coming to Myanmar, he and Zhang Shuchun made a phone call. Last time, the other party tasted the benefits in Tengchong. This time, he heard that he would also participate in the public market and the other party would immediately follow.

"We arrived the day before yesterday. Lao Zhang estimated that he would arrive tomorrow. Originally, he was asked to come with us, but he said that it was useless to come so early. As long as he could catch up with the bidding, he asked me to see that he was afraid of the heat." Huang Shang joked while wiping his sweat.

Chen Ran smiled helplessly but didn't say much. He just asked, "What do you think?" Do you have a picture?"

"There is one in the picture." Speaking of this, Huang Shang looked bitterly, "It's just that the price is too high, and I can't take a few yuan with the funds brought by Zhongyu."

Zhongyu, a businessman surnamed Ping, also said helplessly: "This year, there are many more jewelers than in previous years. Many of them have never seen them before. It seems that they are new to the industry this year. These people don't care whether the price is worth it or not. They just bid more than one by one. What else can they do if the business goes on like this? Just now, Lao Huang and I were discussing whether we should withdraw from this industry!"

"There are many people in the industry, and now the market is not good, and the price will definitely rise sharply this year. Zhongyu and I are a little frustrated, thinking that we will not do jade business in the future." Huang Shang also sighed and said that his jewelry company and jade company are among the best in Tianzhong City, but on such occasions, the combined funds brought by the two are not even as good as those gambling stone lovers and rich second-generation people just to stimulate them, which makes them Why don't you be discouraged?

"We have been doing jade business for so long, which is not as good as those who don't know anything but only know how to waste money."

In the face of the complaints of the two, Chen Ran couldn't say anything. He just asked, "How much money did you bring?"

"I brought 4 million euros and Zhongyu 3 million euros. We plan to combine the funds to buy wool." Huang Shang said helplessly that 4 million euros were exchanged for more than 30 million yuan. At that time, Chen Ran couldn't eat the batch of silver worth 40 million yuan alone and had to find a few friends to eat it. You can imagine how big his company is, and his jewelry company's main focus is not jade, but gold and silver. It can be seen that he took out so much money and wanted to do a big job. As a result, he brought more funds than him when he inquired about it casually in Myanmar.

"This is also a way."

Chen Ran nodded and put the funds together to buy wool. Although it is necessary to divide part of the profit when choosing a good material, at the same time, if you bet on the broken material, you can share part of the loss, and if you have more funds, you can choose more materials and have more choices. For small companies with limited funds, It is undoubtedly a very good way. After all, they can't afford to lose.

The combined funds of the two are less than 8 million euros. Chen Ran casually took out a little material registered in his notebook, which is undoubtedly enough for them to share. Even if he has not registered his notebook, the materials that he has let go because of little profit are undoubtedly enough, and at least they can guarantee them. The cost has doubled.

Although Chen Ran has a lot of money, it is obviously impossible to bet back all the materials that can rise sharply. Instead of letting outsiders choose or leave it to local companies in Myanmar, it is better to give it to some friends they know.

Although his peers are enemies, his company can't monopolize the whole market. Not to mention that Huang Shang and Ping Zhongyu's small households can't affect Jin Yuxuan, even if it can affect the market in such a large market across the country, it's not a big deal.

Chen Ran knows better that the power of a person can't compete with the strength of the collective. Although many jewelry companies in the whole jewelry industry are competitors, they are also partners of the alliance, in order to compete or deal with other companies together.

Even if Chen Ran is not willing to deal with other companies, he must be prepared to deal with Jin Yuxuan. Instead of these materials being a jeweler who may become his competitors, it is obviously better to share these materials to jewelers who have a good relationship with him.

These jewelers will naturally accept their own feelings when they get benefits from themselves...


After listening to what the two said, Chen Ran had some ideas in his heart, but he just thought about it for the time being. Now he will tell them the material he chose, and they will obviously not take it seriously.

asked them about some more information, but Chen Ran's phone suddenly rang.


Some modifications have been made in the previous chapter, and the marked area is handwritten as a material area. The marked area is a material for public auction, and there are more than just materials in it... In addition, it seems that some people still have doubts about the "water jade" in this book, which is not found in other books, so some readers think that this is compiled by Xiaofu. Yes, but in fact, there is indeed this classification. If you search on Baidu, you should be able to find it, and Xiaofu has asked people in the industry. It is said that there are four situations: colorless aquatic jade is called clear water jade; if it has light and uniform green, it is called green water jade; if it has uniform and light blue, it is called blue water jade. ; It has a light and uniform purple color, which is called purple water emerald.

The prices in the market are clear water emerald and purple water emerald, followed by green water emerald and blue water emerald.

Water jade belongs to the middle and upper-grade Burmese jadeite, and the grade is not even worse than ice jade.