Jin Yutong

Chapter 730 Emerald King

The scene after the bidding is no different from the situation of taking an exam and coming out of the examination room in the college entrance examination. Before the end, everyone is hiding. Now that the bidding is over, there are naturally no scruples. It's like a student's answer. Did you vote for the number of wool? ... After the answer is correct, there are naturally those who regret, those who are excited, those who are happy, and those who are gloating... Of course, there are also people who make low-level mistakes such as filling in the answer card.

With the end of the bidding, everyone gathered in a small circle to discuss, discussing at the venue and being kicked out of the venue at the gate of the venue.

It's like taking the college entrance examination. Naturally, the most popular thing at this time is those who are good at learning. Of course, the answer is to find these good students.

Now the public market is the same. Those famous jade kings and jewelry giants have been surrounded, and even many reporters have participated in it, just like a press conference.

Huang Shang and others are eager to know what the jade kings think of the materials they put in, and how many of the materials they put in, so after they came out, they wanted to join in and listen to it. Even Zhu Feng and Wu Laosan unconsciously followed the excitement.

Chen Ran naturally didn't have this intention, but he also took a look. First, he looked at the bidding of these bigwigs in the gambling stone world, and second, he knew each other.

The "knowledge" here is not to know each other, but it is enough for Chen Ran to know each other unilaterally. Now he just wants to act in a low profile and naturally doesn't want the other party to know him. What's more, although he is a little famous in this industry, his circle is very small. Now he knows others. I won't take him seriously.

Before coming to Myanmar, Chen Ran and Vice President Lin learned about all aspects of the jewelry industry. In addition to the situation in the industry and major jewelry companies, Vice President Lin naturally told him who are currently in the industry.

These bigwigs surrounded in front of them are obviously the most popular people in the industry.

Some Chen Ran has seen it in the past few days, while others have not seen it.

In addition, by observing the bids put in by others in the bid box, Chen Ran also wrote down several powerful figures competing with him.

There are many pieces that Chen Ran thinks no one will value, but as a result, some people also paid a high price. If it's just one or two pieces, it can be said that it's a coincidence, but many pieces are still these people, obviously not a coincidence...

Although Chen Ran can finally take these stones with the advantage of checking the bidding box, he does not dare to underestimate these people at all.

And these people are basically famous figures.

However, Chen Ran has only heard of the other party, but he doesn't know which one is. Now he is sitting in the right place. After all, these people are likely to be his biggest competitors in the next few days. When he knows the other party, it will be more convenient for him to explore the "military situation".


You don't have to ask, and you can know who is who by listening to the comments of people around you.

"In this batch of wool, I value No. 635 and No. 1109, I invested 250,000 euros in No. 635, and 350,000 euros in No. 1109..." It was not someone else who said this, but Mr. Ma, the king of gambling stones.

The era is different from the past. In the past, who dares to call names such as "the first in the world" and "the king of so-and-so" can be seen everywhere in modern times.

Although the gambling stone line is not so flooded, a lot of jade kings have emerged, and even a province can have a jade king.

Some jade kings are fine, but they have strong gambling eyes, but they lack influence in this industry that the name of the jade king is a little unnamed. It's nothing for such an emerald king to be called a jade king, while some jade kings are completely publicized, or they gambled a few cents casually. It is expected that the lay media have given the title of "Jade King" and then spread it to become the "Jade King", or they have ulterior motives to promote the name of "Jade King".

Everyone has a scale in their hearts. The layman hears others say that this person is the "Emerald King" and then regard the other party as the "Emerald King". However, the real insider actually knows who has that ability and who does not have that ability. It's just that even if he knows it in his heart, he will not break it. Even if the other party is not qualified to be called the "Emerald King", he still respects the other party as the "Emerald King" in face.

In fact, in the past, if you want to become the "Emerald King", you should not only have a strong eye, but also have a great influence in this industry.

The "influence" here is not how powerful he is, but how much he has contributed to this industry. In the past, it is prestige.

Being called "king" means that you are regarded as the leader. Since you have been the head of everyone, you have to protect the interests of everyone, that is, the interests of the whole industry.

Only by doing this can we be called the "king".

Just like the two generations of jade kings during the Anti-Japanese War made great contributions to protecting everyone's interests and even sacrificed themselves for it.

Such an "emade king" is naturally respected.

After these two jade kings, there was no jade king again because he was in the special period of founding the country. It was not until the appearance of the Dragon Ninth Master in the 1980s to make up for this vacuum.

Friends who know history know that 1982 is the fourth year of China's reform and opening up and realizing the focus of the Party and the country's work from class struggle to economic work.

In this year, the confinement of jewelry was lifted at the political level, and it was also this year that China's jewelry industry and jewelry market slowly recovered.

Before that, Myanmar's emerald was sold to Japan and Southeast Asian countries. Although there were also some markets in Hong Kong and Macao, the largest market at that time was Japan, and Japan even regarded jade as a national stone.

Later, the Tengchong jade market was rebuilt by Long Jiuye from Japan at that time. Although according to the huge domestic market, as long as the domestic ban is lifted, the Japanese market will be slowly attracted, without the efforts of the generation of Long Jiuye, the huge domestic market will probably only be cheaper. Japanese.

The market is available, and then what is missing?

Lack of talent! There is a lack of talents for gambling stones, or the lack of standards for gambling stones. Although there are many experienced gambling stone masters in Yunnan, it is undoubtedly just a drop in the bucket compared with the huge market, and these gambling stone masters are also groped for by themselves without certain standards. Without standards, it is naturally difficult to pass them on to others.

Mr. Ma was a geological expert and scholar at first, and then stepped into the gambling stone industry. After 40 years of gambling and gambling for more than 20 years, Mr. Ma has not only made many tough achievements, but also achieved hundreds of millionaires and even billionaires.

In order to make it more convenient for people to identify jade and grade jade, Mr. Ma also created the theory of "image jadeology" and put forward the [six elements to judge the quality of jade]. So far, it is still the authoritative criterion for identifying the quality of jade.

While gambling stones, Mr. Ma wrote an article about his experience and stone gambling methods to pass on to the world. Now most of the criteria for identifying jade and gambling stones are proposed by Mr. Ma, and the current jewelry merchants' methods of gambling stones are basically handed down by Mr. Ma.

Although Long Jiuye and Mr. Ma are not the jade kings selected as before, they are recognized as two veritable "Jade kings" in the industry.

The most popular thing about Long Jiuye was that he rarely appeared in public in the 1980s and 1990s and in the 21st century. Generally, he was exposed at the jade meeting. Long Jiuye will not appear in public places like in front of him. Therefore, few people will mention Long Jiuye again now. He has never been to the young man who has never been to Tengchong in Yunnan. He didn't even know that there was an emerald king like Master Long Jiu.

With no Long Jiuye, Mr. Ma is undoubtedly recognized as the only "Jade King" in order to distinguish him from other jade kings. The industry calls Mr. Ma the "King of Gambling Stones". In addition, because Mr. Ma created the psychic jewelry and psychic jewelry, he also has the "Psychic Jade King" cheng.

The influence of several other jade kings in the industry is obviously not as good as that of Mr. Ma, but in terms of gambling stone eyesight, these people also have real ability, and everyone will be respectfully called "Jade King" when they meet.

And among these jade kings, the jade saint Bai Fengxian has been the most popular in recent years.


Mr. Ma is not only famous in the industry, but also quite well-known, so he has the largest number of people around him, and he does not hide his ability to answer immediately in the face of people's inquiries.

After listening to his answer, the people around him immediately talked about it. Fortunately, most people had an impression of No. 1109, but most people had no impression of No. 635.

There is nothing to say about No. 635, but for No. 1109, those who did not vote are regretful, because almost no one is more expensive than Mr. Ma's investment.

No matter whether it is invested or not, after listening to it, I just can't wait to re-investiate the bid just now...

Of course, not everyone regrets it. One of them did not regret it after hearing it. This person is not anyone else, but Zhu Feng

After hearing this, Zhu Feng was stunned for a moment and immediately squeezed out of the encirclement of his bodyguards and found Chen Ran standing on the periphery.

"Brother, is the material you asked me to add 150,000 yuan? Is it No. 1109?" Seeing Chen Ran, Zhu Feng couldn't wait to ask.

He also has a lot of materials to put in. He must not remember many numbers of other materials, but in the end, he still remembers the material that Chen Ran asked him to reinvest at a higher price, and he still remembers the number, as if it was No. 1109.

"Brother Feng, don't look at it, it's No. 1109." Chen Ran interrupted him when he saw that he was looking for a list confirmation.

"Realally?" Zhu Feng stared.

Chen Ran nodded affirmatively.

"Old Ma paid 385W, and we happened to be 150,000 more than him. Fortunately, you asked me to add another 150,000, otherwise..." After confirming, Zhu Feng was immediately happy. At the same time, he was a little happy. Fortunately, Chen Ran finally let him add 150,000 yuan. There would be no old man Ma without this offer of 150,000. It's high.

"Brother Feng, if I had known this, I wouldn't have let you raise the price." Chen Ran didn't look happy at all. Instead, he sighed after listening to Zhu Feng's words.

Zhu Feng was stunned for a moment, and then saw that Chen Ran's expression was wrong. He asked puzzled, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Ran shook his head helplessly and looked around to see no outsiders before saying, "Brother Feng, you invested 150,000 more than Mr. Ma on 1109, and 50,000 more than Mr. Ma on 635. If there is no accident, these two pieces will be taken by both of us..."