Jin Yutong

Chapter 732 Bid

Hanging up the phone, Chen Ran frowned. Mr. Yang called and said two things. One thing is that a patient may need him to come forward to treat him and prepare him. Naturally, there is nothing to say about this matter. General Xia and others put him at the high position of deputy director of the General Staff Office. "Medical skills"? He has long been psychologically prepared for such a thing, so there is no repulsion. What's more, President Yang also said that the patient is a senior member of the Myanmar military government, and treating the other party will not delay his own affairs. If the other party is cured, he will definitely not lose his benefits.

He obviously has no reason to refuse, whether for public or private reasons.

Of course, President Yang used the word "possible", that is, he may take action, or he may not say it all.

What made Chen Ran frown was the second thing President Yang told him, saying that the overseas branch of the general staff's intelligence department monitored that someone had paid a high price of $1 million to kill him.

Chen Ran frowned not to wonder if there would be a killer to kill him, but who was buying to kill him.

According to him, he should have thought of Song Yiming at the first time, but he didn't think so, because if it was Song Yiming, Song Yiming would be too simple. With Song Yiming's identity and status, it should be easy to find out his status as the general seng, and knowing his status as the general seng, he still uses such a means to Pay him, that's too brainless.

Even if the other party has the intention to assassinate him, he will only secretly send people to do it. How can he pay so much money to hire a killer?

But if it hadn't been for Song Yiming, who would have killed him and had a problem with him... Zhang Hongjun is still in the tiger prison, and President Yang has launched it. Whether it is Zhang Hongjun himself or the people behind him to protect themselves at this time, how can he attack him in this situation?

Except for Zhang Hongjun... Zhou Jianyun? Zheng's family?

seems unlikely.

Chen Ran thought about it and put this matter aside for the time being. President Yang told him that this was not to prevent the killer who took the assassination task, but just to remind him that someone had paid the killer to assassinate him. The killer organization that released the task had just released the task and was The intelligence department supervised it, and then the department hacked the other party's release platform to cancel the task first, and then issued a deadline for the other party to cancel the task within half an hour. There are also killers within the killer organization, so it is not enough to cancel the task on the release platform.

The other party will cancel the task within half an hour and solve all the follow-up problems caused by the release of this task, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk. How can you bear it? There are also two secret strongholds of the organization sent together.

This killer organization obviously does not know the identity of Chen Ran as the general counselor, otherwise they will not have issued such a mission in any case. They dare to issue a mission to assassinate an official of the government, and also dare to issue a mission to assassinate a president or a general of an African country, and even dare to issue an assassination of U.S. President Oba. Ma's mission, but they never dare to provoke intelligence organizations such as the CIA and the British Intelligence Service.

And Chinese agents are even more terrible than the CIA and the British Military Intelligence Agency in their eyes. The means they do to save their lives is secret. The infiltration ability of Chinese agents is even afraid of the United States, not to mention that they are such a killer group that is blind and has no government support. Weaving, if you want to kill them, you don't need to take action at all, just reveal their secret strongholds...

General Yang said bluntly about the killer's matter, so that he didn't have to worry about the timely handling of the department and no killer taking over the task, and the killer organization had already responded when he told him about it.

According to Director Yang, what the killer organization was worried about at this time was not the inability to complete the task, but that there was no problem with his safety during this period.

If there is a problem with his safety during this period, the killer organization...

Although Chen Ran is not afraid of killers to kill him, he is naturally happy to eliminate this threat in this way. After all, the key for him is to find the person who pays for the murderer, not to bother to respond to the killer sent by this killer organization.


Hanging up Mr. Yang's phone, Chen Ran and several people returned to the jade public market venue. The morning was the bidding time, and between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. was the bid time. Although Chen Ran did not choose many materials, there were some of them, and there were more than 20 pieces that he promised to take down.

There are even three glass materials in it. You know, he didn't find many glass in the whole jade public plate.

Although the other 20 pieces are not glass, they are basically high-grade materials of high ice and high water and glutinous seeds.

"Brother!" The bidding was on the floor of the trading center. Chen Ran and his party saw Chang Fatty waiting here when they arrived at the door. When they saw Chen Ran and his party, Chang Fatty welcomed him enthusiastically.

"Brother Chang, it's not a small change since I haven't seen you in a few months. I almost can't recognize you." Chen Ran said nothing. He almost couldn't recognize Chang Fatty. In the past few months, he has changed a lot, and Chang Fatty has changed a lot. In the past, although Chang Fatty asked others to call him Chang Fatty, in fact, he was just a little fat. It's not enough to call him Fatty, but now he calls him Fatty is worthy of his name. The waist is thick, and the former square face is now completely round.

"Brother, don't bury your brother. I think you have changed a lot." Chang Fatty looked at Chen Ran and said, and looked at Feng Xianjun and Han Yuchun, who followed Chen Ran like a shadow. He also had a little eyesight and saw at a glance that the two were not ordinary followers.

"Boss Zhu and Brother Zhang are also here." Chang Fatty greeted Zhu Feng and Zhang Shuchun again. Last time he met Zhu Feng and Zhang Shuchun in Tengchong, he also saw Wu Laosan, but he did not follow Chen Ran, so he was not impressed, but he felt a little familiar.

Zhang Shuchun nodded with a smile.

Zhu Feng looked at him and asked with a smile, "The auction is about to begin. Why is Boss Chang still standing outside if he doesn't participate in the auction?" What he said was obviously a run of fat people.

Chang Fatty was not embarrassed. He smiled and said, "Aren't I waiting for Brother Chen and Boss Zhu?" Being squeezed by Zhu Feng, he didn't hide anymore. He simply said to Chen Ran, "Brother, the last time I followed my brother to make money was missed by my brother in vain. This time I have to give him another chance..."

When Tengchong participated in the gambling, he and Mr. Yan had agreed with Chen Ran that they would bet with Chen Ran, but after seeing Chen Ran took a piece of scraps to participate in the killing, they did not miss the opportunity to make a lot of money in vain.

In fact, Chang Fatty had other ideas before he saw Chen Ran. After learning that the bid king Chen Ran got back had cut a big rise again, he desperately wanted to pull Chen Ran into his company. For this reason, he even went to Tianzhong in person, but Chen Ran didn't know where he had gone, and he couldn't get in touch with the phone. Later, he gave Chen Ran a lot. I called, but the phone was answered by Yang Shijie. After several contacts, I didn't believe it before giving up. Unexpectedly, Chen Ran also came this time.

Although Zhao Guosheng saw that his idea reminded him that Chen Ran was not an ordinary person, he still had this idea in his heart before he met Chen Ran, but he couldn't say such words when he saw Chen Ran.

"Didn't you bring the gambling stone master?" Chen Ran looked behind him and said, followed by three people, two of whom were bodyguards, and the other was pulling his face, obviously the gambling stone consultant he brought.

"We still have too few people. There are so many materials on the public plate that we can't choose at all." Chang Fatty said with a smile that this is naturally just an excuse. The materials on the public market really can't be seen by them, but they can't eat how much money they can bring.

"Boss Chang, I have my own jewelry company now..." Zhu Feng took over the words before Chen Ran could speak.

Zhu Feng took over the words not only because he was afraid that Chen Ran would not be able to open his mouth to relieve Chen Ran, but also obviously had his own selfishness. Chen Ran himself prepared 800 million euros. Wu Laosan's side had 50 million euros, and Huang Shang's other side ignored it and his total of 100 million euros was almost 1 billion euros.

How much can Chen Ran see if the wool is broken by himself? How many good materials can be selected? If it is at the level of a normal person, let alone give it to him and Wu Laosan, Chen Ran is not enough to eat.

Although Chen Ran said that he saw the wool quickly, the key is not to look at the wool quickly, but how many good materials can be bet on rising. How many materials can be bet on the whole public market? How many can Chen Ran choose with the power of one person? Chen Ran saw that no matter how accurate the wool is, it is impossible to pick out all the materials that can rise on the public market, right?

In Zhu Feng's view, with their financial strength, they can completely eat the wool selected by Chen Ran and even have the remaining funds, which is not enough to be divided. How can they be allocated to others


Zhu Feng's idea is right, but he obviously underestimated Chen Ran's "ability" to look at the wool. Chen Ran can really select all the materials that can rise on the public market.

"My brother opened a jewelry company by himself?" Chang Fatty was surprised, but obviously he was surprised, but he was not too surprised. Sooner or later, it would be a matter of opening a jewelry company with Chen Ran's ability to gamble stones.

Chen Ran nodded, thought for a moment and said to Chang Pangzi, "Brother Chang, I won't help you choose for the time being, but if you trust me, tell me the wool number you feel bad about. If I have an impression, I will tell you my impression, and then you will decide whether to take action or not. "

"That's all right." Chang Fatty thought for a moment and nodded. Chen Ran's first words seemed to be perfunctory, but the words he thought about were actually similar to helping him choose materials. The key was that Chen Ran was a little sincere to him.

However, if Chen Ran's words are really perfunctory, the two are the same. In fact, there is nothing to say. Whether Chen Ran chooses wool for him or gives him advice, he must try first. At that time, even if Chen Ran doesn't help him seriously, he won't suffer much.

"In a while, I will choose a few pieces of the clearly marked materials for today's bidding and send them to my mobile phone. I'll help my brother have a look first." Chen Ran said with a smile. Naturally, he knew that whether he directly recommended materials to Chang Pangzi or only gave some opinions to the other party, the other party would not directly believe him. This is also human nature. After all, he is not too familiar with Chang Fatty, and he would have done so.

Trust is cultivated. You can't let everyone trust you unconditionally just because you think you are trustworthy.

"That's settled." Fatty Chang was not polite at all and patted Chen Ran on the shoulder happily.

The Jade Public Market venue is held at the Jade Trading Center in Myanmar. There are a total of ten halls in which can participate in the bidding of the public market. Each hall can accommodate 300 people and can accommodate 3,000 people to bid at the same time.

Although there are more than 3,000 people who come to participate in the public auction, not all buyers will participate in the bid, or even only some will participate, and there is a limit on the number of jewelry companies participating, so ten halls are enough for all those who come to participate in the bid auction.

Before entering the hall, you should report in the hall and then get a number plate. When reporting, the staff will tell you which hall to enter. Naturally, the ten halls are not randomly entered, but are bounded according to the number on the admission card.

Chen Ran, Wu Laosan and Feng Xianjun, Han Yuchun Xiaohei and the five of them issued certificates together, so the numbers of the five of them are connected. Now they are naturally divided into a hall, and even the seat number plates are connected.

Zhu Feng did not handle it with them, so it was divided into the next hall. If Zhang Shuchun also participated, it would be the same hall as Zhu Feng, but Chen Ran did not recommend clear materials to Zhang Shuchun, so Zhu Feng could only be alone in a hall, but in the end, he called Zhang Shuchun to help him bid.

Although Zhu Feng has many bodyguards around him, two of the four he brought into the field are foreign devils. Obviously, it is not as reliable as Zhang Shuchun to let them do this.

Chang Pangzi's admission ticket was earlier, and Chen Ran naturally couldn't go to the same hall.

They came a little late, so they didn't say more after getting the number plate, and went straight to the synagogue.

At the entrance of the hall, several soldiers with live ammunition were guarding, carefully checking the auction number plates and admission certificates of everyone entering the hall to prevent people from fishing in troubled waters.

After entering the hall, they sat in their own position according to the number plate. It was in the third row. The position was quite good. The position could not sit randomly. Each auction number plate represents themselves. The plain wool auctioned with this auction number plate must be presented by the auction number plate and identity certificate before they can be paid. Take.

There is a very small computer bidding instrument in front of each seat. Each bidding instrument is a small laptop with a special identifier, which is connected to the main screen. In order to save time, you can first number the wool prepared for bidding. Just enter it and bid directly later.

After sitting down, Chen Ran found that their left and right and the front two rows were almost all acquaintances. Needless to say, they were naturally the people who came by plane with them. They originally arrived in Myanmar together and arrived a day late, so they were almost all in the same hall. .

Almost all the people sitting in the front two rows are from several major jewelry companies in the capital. According to the organizing committee, this position in the hall is based on the number of the admission card, but if there is no tricks in it, it is obviously false.

However, Chen Ran and others are obviously also the beneficiaries. The front rows are all people from the Beijing Jade Association and the Zhongbao Association.

On the left side of Chen Ran's front row is Mr. Chu of the emperor jewelry who talked to Chen Ran. When Chen Ran and the others came over, these big bosses were talking. When Chen Ran and others came over, they all took a look. Although they didn't know Chen Ran, they also remembered that Chen Ran and others came with them, but They all regarded Chen Ran and others as men who came to join in the fun.

Mr. Chu nodded to Chen Ran.

Chen Ran also responded.

What Chen Ran didn't expect was that as soon as he sat down, he heard several big bosses talking about Jin Yuxuan. They didn't know that Jin Yuxuan had changed his boss, but they just wondered why Jin Yuxuan didn't come this time. Although there was an accident in the Lin family, they should not have sent people to participate in the public market.

Some people naturally speculated that the Lin family must want to sell Jin Yuxuan. If they don't plan to do it, they will naturally not invest money in it to buy wool.

Although what these big bosses said were all gossip, Chen Ran still listened carefully, because although what they said was gossip, it was all about the industry.

If Chen Ran is just gambling to make money, he naturally doesn't need to care so much, but as the boss of a jewelry company, he must always pay attention to these.

"Let's see how this thing works. Third brother, let Xiaohei vote for you when you have a job, and help me vote when you don't have a job." Chen Ran listened to them and told Wu Laosan first.

Although he chose fewer clearly marked materials, but relatively speaking, he also has to invest more than 100 yuan for the clearly marked materials in today's bidding. The bidding method is 15 minutes for a round. When the materials he needs to invest are less brushed out in a round, he can take care of it. If he brushes out more, he can't care about it. Unexpectedly, this is a bid, and you can't get it with a single bid, and you don't have to think that the key time to guess the bid must be within one minute of the end. If he invests more, he will definitely not be able to take care of it in the end.


Wu Laosan nodded and responded. He is also paying attention to the big bosses of the previous big jewelry companies, but his attention is different from Chen Ran. He is concerned about the * behind these big jewelry companies. Anyone can do jewelry, but it doesn't matter if he wants to be bigger, and he can count them in a place like Beijing. The * behind the second is definitely at the core level of the power circle in Beijing.

Naturally, Xiaohei and others have no problem. They all took a look at how to play this thing first. Several of them, including Chen Ran, participated in the public market for the first time. Although they saw the bidding instructions for public auction before, it is not clear how to operate it. .

This thing is easy to handle. After fiddling with it, everyone will know how to operate it. At this time before the official start of the auction, Chen Ran divided the wool that needs to be photographed. The wool brushed out in each round is not randomly brushed randomly, but brushed in the order of the wool number. The first round is the first 500 yuan, and the second The round is 500 yuan after the first 500 yuan... In this order, everyone will know which piece of wool he threw appeared at a glance.

You can set it up on the bidder before the auction starts, and then you just need to raise the price.

Chen Ran divided the task and asked Feng Xianjun and Han Yuchun to set the wool number they asked them to help with first. Five minutes before the official start of the bidding, Chen Ran received a text message from Chang Pangzi.

Chang Pangzi sent ten pieces of wool number. Chen Ran did not care whether the ten pieces of wool sent by the other party were the material that the other party really planned to bid for. After a look, he replied to the other party. Only two of the ten pieces sent by Chang Pangzi can be bet on rising. One can rise slightly, and one piece of them can rise more. Specifically Obviously, how much it can rise depends on the final price. After all, this is everyone's bidding. No one knows what price can win in the end, but Chen Ran, who rose more, was recommended to Wu Laosan.

Although he has recommended it to Wu Laosan, Chen Ran did not lie and told the other party that he was more optimistic about this, but did not give the range of the price.

This is undoubtedly equivalent to giving Chang Pangzi an opportunity to compete with Wu Laosan, but because Chen Ran gave Wu Laosan the scope of bidding, Wu Laosan will naturally occupy more when competing.

Compared with Chang Fatty, it is naturally close to Wu Laosan. Naturally, he has to take care of Wu Laosan first. If he can tell the other party that he is optimistic about this material, he will be benevolent. What's more, even if there is no competitor like Wu Laosan, the other party will also have other competitors. In the end, it depends on whether he can win it. The ability of the other party to bid.

Chen Ran, who can rise slightly, gave the bidding range, while Chen Ran either made no impression of the remaining eight pieces of wool, or was directly "not optimistic".

It soon became three o'clock. After a middle-aged staff member came to the stage and said a scene in Burmese, Chinese and English respectively, it was announced that the official start of the public plate marked auction. At the same time, the big screen in front of them suddenly flashed, and the people who were still talking leisurely seemed to be waiting. The suddenly tightened clockwork immediately entered the countdown state.