Jin Yutong

Chapter 747 General Dan Rui

Chen Ran never thought that the patient that President Yang asked him to treat turned out to be General Dan Rui of Myanmar.

While waiting for the person arranged by General Yang to pick him up, Chen Ran did not show any intention to acquire the other party's mine except for asking about the mining of several mines.

The people who came to pick him up came quickly and had a lot of appearance, and three helicopter gunships came directly.

The person responsible for picking him up was Colonel Xiong Shaohui, the major military officer of the Embassy in Myanmar.

Although Colonel Xiong Shaohui's military rank is higher than Chen Ran, the military attachés stationed in the embassy are generally under the jurisdiction of the Second Department of the General Staff. Therefore, to a certain extent, Chen Ran is also half the leader of the other party. Of course, the two sides can't care about anyone, but although the other party is abroad, the news is not blocked. I don't know it's okay. I know. How can you find out that Chen Ran is now the general counsellor?

Several people were left under Qinglong's men and Myanmar's national security to be responsible for driving the car back, and the others followed Chen Ran on the helicopter. However, because Colonel Xiong Shaohui had to tell Chen Ran something on the road, others, including Wu Laosan, did not take a helicopter with Chen Ran, only a special identity. Han Yuchun and Feng Xianjun still followed Chen Ran.

It was not until then that Chen Ran knew that the patient that President Yang had asked him to treat was General Danrui of Myanmar.

Chen Ran, who used to turn a deaf ear to things outside the window, certainly did not know who Danrui was, but before he came to Myanmar, he inquired a lot about Myanmar. Myanmar is now at war, so he naturally needs to understand the situation in Myanmar.

It is natural to know Danrui to understand the situation in Myanmar.

Dan Rui is currently the supreme leader of Myanmar, which is a combination of military and political power. He has served as the chairman of the National Peace and Development Committee, the prime minister of the government, the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces and the defense minister.

In April this year, although Myanmar officials announced that Danrui, who had ruled Myanmar for nearly 20 years, had stepped down as a military leader, but this is only superficial. In fact, Danrui is still the number one figure in Myanmar's military and political power, and the person who was pushed out to power was just a puppet he put on the table.

"China is currently facing the most serious strategic encirclement of Western forces. There is an island chain in the east, which seriously binds China's development to the Pacific Ocean. There is a C-shaped encirclement in the west that is encircling China. U.S. military bases in Singapore and Thailand, Afghanistan battlefields, and India, which is hostile to China. At present, this C-shaped The only gap in the enclosure is Myanmar and Pakistan. With the continuous escalation of the so-called war on terror led by the United States, Pakistan has actually been kidnapped by the United States in this strategic ring that actually besieces China in the name of counter-terrorism. A turbulent Pakistan, even if Pakistan and China are strong, the domestic problems are so anxious and cannot be fundamentally strategic. Break free from the kidnapping of the United States' war on terrorism. Therefore, China wants to tear apart the C-shaped encirclement of the United States and build a pearl chain that connects China to the Indian Ocean, which has already laid in the Indian Ocean. Myanmar's strategic significance to China will be very important for a considerable period of time in the future, and it is worth operating a country no matter how much it costs. ......”

"Myanmar is still the great rear of our country, and Myanmar's stability has an immeasurable effect on our country..."

"Myanmar will hold a national election in November. Whether the situation in Myanmar can move towards a favorable situation for China can't have an accident. General Dan Rui's sudden illness at such a critical time is likely to be under the hands of Western forces, but unfortunately At present, the cause of General Danrui's illness has not been found.

Colonel Xiong Shaohui, sitting opposite Chen Ran, said to Chen Ran with a serious and obviously suspicious look.

Major Xiong Shaohui kept telling Chen Ran how important Myanmar is to China, the Myanmar military government supported by China and Dan Rui in Myanmar's upcoming national election. Obviously, he is doubting Chen Ran. Although he knows that Chen Ran is very "red", he doesn't know much about Chen Ran, let alone Chen Ran gives people. As a result, in his knowledge, Chen Ran, a soldier who is still so young, is obviously not unreliable to be sent to treat important people like Dan Rui.

Chen Ran has long been used to such a look and doesn't bother to explain it. However, he learned a lot about the deeper situation in Myanmar from the other party's introduction.

The helicopter was very fast and flew back to Nebito in less than two hours. A national leader like Danrui caught a cold, which was also a state secret. As a result, the other two helicopters turned to fly to a military airport in Nepito.

The helicopter carrying Chen Ran landed in a huge manor on the outskirts of Nepito. The people in the manor were obviously notified in advance. After the helicopter landed, several people in military uniforms and white coats were waiting.

Chen Ran didn't know the leading soldier, but he was an acquaintance in a white coat. It was not someone else but Gu Lao in the maintenance hospital. People in Myanmar obviously knew Chen Ran's situation for a long time. Therefore, they did not recognize the wrong person and stared at Chen Ran at a glance. Of course, although he knew that the magic doctor who was invited was only in his 20s, By Chen Ran, who came down from the helicopter, several soldiers behind the leading soldiers still muttered together for a while, and looked at Chen Ran's eyes a little...

Chen Ran got off the helicopter, and the group greeted him. After welcoming Chen Ran, several soldiers under the leadership of the leading soldiers saluted Chen Ran. Chen Ran nodded to Gu Lao and returned a military salute, and then Colonel Xiong Shaohui introduced the leading soldiers to Chen Ran.

The soldier led by is General Wu Ruiman of Myanmar.

When Colonel Xiong Shaohui introduced the situation in Myanmar to Chen Ran, he mentioned Wu Ruiman, so Chen Ran knew the origin of the other party as soon as he heard it.

Wu Ruiman is the successor trained by Dan Rui. He is currently the third leader of Myanmar and the Myanmar military. At the same time, he also serves as the chairman of the People's House and the acting chairman of the Myanmar Federation for Consolidation and Development Party in the government.

Although Myanmar is in power by the military government, it has also established a formal democratic government under the control of Danrui over the years, but on the surface, the government is *, but in fact, the Gongfa Party is the ruling party of the Myanmar government.

As the successor of General Dan Rui, Wu Ruiman is very likely to take over the president of Myanmar's next government.

Chen Ran's current role is just a military doctor, not a politician, so he did not greet others. He returned a military salute and shook hands with Wu Ruiman, and said directly, "Take me to see the patient."

"Okay, please follow me." Chen Ran's straightforward style dispelled Wu Ruiman's doubts, and he nodded immediately without hesitation.

Then Chen Ran followed the other party to the manor. Along the way, Gu Lao came to Chen Ran and briefly talked about General Danrui's current situation. Danrui suddenly fainted half a month ago without any symptoms. Then General Danrui showed symptoms of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, and his skin color also changed. He is weak, has a high fever and has been in a coma.

As the ruler of Myanmar, General Dan Rui himself has a medical team dedicated to serving him. The doctors of this medical team are all expert doctors hired from abroad with high salaries. At first, General Dan Rui's condition did not attract the attention of these experts. He was only regarded as an ordinary gastrointestinal disease. Unexpectedly, it became more and more severe in the end. Heavy, this attracted the attention of experts, but after the examination, nothing was detected except that General Dan Rui's physical data had been declining. Finally, a Chinese doctor made some opinions.

Although this Chinese doctor is Chinese, he also studied Western medicine, but he also knows some simple diagnosis and treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine. After he used traditional Chinese medicine to diagnose and treat General Dan Rui, he felt that General Danrui had suffered a great loss of energy, so this Chinese doctor said that it was better to hire a traditional Chinese medicine doctor to help Dan Rui. The general will replenish the essence.

Received the request from here, and China also attaches great importance to it. Gu Lao and several other well-known domestic traditional Chinese medicine experts, who are known as "the great master of traditional Chinese medicine", were immediately sent. After the diagnosis and treatment of General Dan Rui, Gu Lao and others also found that Danrui's essence loss was severely lost. After the synthesis, several people immediately came up with a set of treatment plan.

Under the treatment of this medical plan, General Danrui's body soon improved significantly, but when he was about to cure General Danrui, who knew that General Danrui's body suddenly went down sharply, and it was faster and more serious than the last time.

Gu Lao's prescription for Danrui is mainly used to supplement essence. After Danrui's body went down sharply, they diagnosed and found that General Danrui still had a serious loss of essence and was more serious than last time. After discussion, Gu Lao had to increase the dosage...

But General Danrui's body seems to have a bottomless hole in it. They mend it on this side and lost it over there. Although they constantly adjust the amount of drugs according to the condition of General Danrui's body, General Danrui's body seems to be specially aligned with them. They add weight, and Dan Rui adds the speed of loss of essence in his body...

This afternoon, General Danrui's condition turned down sharply. Suddenly, the remaining essence in his body lost seven or eight. Although they immediately replenished General Danrui's essence, it seemed to be useless, so they hurriedly contacted Chen Ran.

The manor was heavily guarded. Every few meters, there were guards with live ammunition. Several people walked quickly and came to the backyard. What surprised Chen Ran was that the backyard turned out to be a temple.

I saw from Myanmar's materials that Danrui is a devout Buddhist. Under his power, Buddhism is designated as the state religion of Myanmar, and almost everyone in Myanmar believes in Buddhism. Unexpectedly, Danrui's family has become a temple.

When he walked to the door, there was a sudden quarrel outside. Chen Ran looked back, and Gu Lao whispered to him that it was General Danrui's attending physician who wanted to see General Danrui.

President Yang asked Chen Ran to come and treat General Dan Rui and proposed to keep Chen Ran's identity secret, so before Chen Ran arrived, the unrelevant people were directly separated.

Chen Ran didn't care. Under the leadership of General Wu Ruiman, the three entered a Buddhist-like room. The guards of this room were very strict, and the soldiers who followed him except Wu Ruiman did not seem to be able to enter.

Entering the ward, there were three traditional Chinese medicine doctors guarding and two guards with live ammunition.

Chen Ran, one of the three traditional Chinese medicine doctors, was familiar with him. When the familiar doctor saw Chen Ran, he immediately greeted him with excitement. Although the other two also followed, he looked at Chen Ran's expression was half-confident.

"Mr. Chen, General Dan Rui is a very important leader of our country. Please do your best!" After taking Chen Ran to the ward, General Wu Ruiman told Chen Ran very seriously and solemnly.

Chen Ran didn't talk nonsense. He nodded and arrived at the bed. The familiar doctor followed Chen Ran and said, "It's stable for the time being, but the heart and blood pressure are barely maintained, and the brain wave fluctuations are also very weak."

Chen Ran nodded and took out the patient's left hand from the thin quilt and looked at General Dan Rui, who was lying with a weak breath and maintained by the oxygen mask. Although he fell into a deep coma and his breath was weak, the general Danrui still looked extraordinary.

According to the diagnosis and treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine, he took the pulse of General Danrui and turned over his facial features, and Chen Ran raised his head.

"How about it?" Chen Ran's view is too simple. Generally speaking, it is difficult to determine the patient's condition with such a preliminary diagnosis. Not to mention General Dan Rui's complex condition, even ordinary minor diseases also need to look at other diagnoses. However, when he saw Chen Ran looking up, Gu Lao asked.

Other people in the ward also looked at Chen Ran.

"Poisoned!" Almost beyond everyone's expectation, Chen Ran actually asserted his illness directly, so that everyone was stunned for a moment. Without waiting for everyone's question, Chen Ran continued to say, "This should be a new type of high-tech compound toxin, colorless and tasteless, gas, and has a strong ability to infect. The essence in General Dan Rui's body is this It is infected and then turns into a new toxin, and this toxin has a strong camouflage. It can disguise itself as oxygen in the body so that ordinary means and instruments cannot find it..."

What Chen Ran didn't say was that because the essence in General Danrui's body was infected with new toxins, the more prescriptions for General Gu and others to replenish the qi for General Danrui, the faster the toxin spread. The body that could have been able to survive for a month would not work in half a month.

Chen Ran said that this is a new high-tech compound toxin that he naturally analyzed in combination with his visitation. His visiting ability is obviously no worse than the world's most sophisticated detection instrument in detecting toxin components. Although he doesn't know the name of the gene that makes up this toxin, he can Analyzing its composition, such a complex composition and performance can never be studied without the help of high-tech instruments.

It is impossible for Chen Ran to see that he will be poisoned and directly see the composition and performance of the toxin in Chen Ran, but on Chen Ran, Gu Lao did not have any doubt and immediately asked, "Can you extract a toxin sample?" "

With a toxin sample, it is easy to take the right medicine, but even with a toxin sample, it is obviously not possible to study it in a moment, and then just found a poison-killing drug? ...When the antidote is developed, General Dan Rui will also be early...

"Unable to extract..." Chen Ran shook his head. When he was talking just now, he tested it. Once the toxin was separated, it would dissolve immediately.

If it can't be extracted, it can't be studied. Gu Lao suddenly squeaked his mouth.

At this time, General Wu Ruiman, who had been watching by the door, also frowned and said, "Is there any way to treat it?"

Chen Ran looked at him and nodded: "It's not a big problem."

"What?" General Wu Ruiman and Gu Lao were stunned for a moment, and then Gu Lao was surprised and said, "Is there a way to treat it?"

General Wu Ruiman and the other three doctors in the room also looked at Chen Ran in surprise. Just now, Chen Ran shook his head and said that it could not be extracted. They thought that Chen Ran could not be cured. Who knew that Chen Ran answered a "no big problem".

This tone, this answer... It feels like they found that the other party was just a small problem and then said to the patient when they diagnosed the patient.

Chen Ran nodded again and then said to Gu Lao, "Gu Lao, I will first force out the toxins in the patient's body, and then you can take the patient's medicine according to the previous prescription, but the patient is very weak and remember to take the appropriate amount."

"Okay, okay, no problem." Gu Laolian nodded and said.


General Danrui's body has puzzled his medical team and several traditional Chinese medicine doctors. But for Chen Ran, in fact, it is really not a big problem, especially this toxin is still a gas. After changing other poisons, Chen Ran still has to do it, and this kind of "poison" does not need to be used.

Chen Ran can even absorb it directly into the white space.

In less than a minute, Chen Ran absorbed the "toxin" in Dan Rui's body.

In order not to be less shocking, Chen Ran naturally did not show that "the work has been done". By the way, he combed Danrui's body. Danrui obviously suffered from diabetes.

Of course, Chen Ran didn't cure him at once, but relieved him a little.