Golden hairpin

Chapter 18 United Front

The next day, Hu Yong received an invitation from Ma Haiqing, saying that he was invited to have a drink at home in the evening. Hu Yong was rejected for proposing marriage to Qin Wei a few days ago, and his concubine Hua Yun was almost stained by Qin Wei's proposal again, so he was depressed all day long. He was about to find a place to drink to relieve his worries, so he was invited to go.

During the banquet, the plan was staggered, and the song and dance were flat. But Hu Yong has always been depressed and often drinks by himself. Ma Haiqing has been looking at it, but he is still calm. After half of the tour, Ma Haiqing felt that the time was almost ready, so he suddenly stopped singing and dancing. When everyone retreated, Ma Haiqing bent down and knelt down and said, "Please forgive me!"

The song and dance were suddenly stopped, and Ma Haiqing was like this again. Hu Yong was a little at a loss, so he quickly got up and helped Ma Haiqing and said, "What's wrong with Brother Ma? Why is it like this?

"The adult works for the country and the people all day long. The villain is afraid that the adult will be exhausted. Today, he specially prepared a banquet and invited the adult to have a few drinks, but he didn't expect to annoy the adult. The villain deserves to die!"

"There is no such thing as anger! Brother Ma's words are heavy! Please get up, please get up!"

After being helped up by Hu Yong and sat down again, Ma Haiqing continued, "Then how can I see you sad today? Isn't it because the villain is not well received, or because this banquet is too wasteful, how can adults do this?

"Alas! Brother Ma misunderstood!" With that, Hu Yong often sighed and poured a glass of wine and drank it all at once.

At this time, Ma Haiqing winked, and the girls and servants next to him also went down, leaving Hu Yong and Ma Haiqing at the wine table. Ma Haiqing said, "Why did you sigh? I don't know if I can talk to my younger brother, maybe I can share the problem with the adults.

"Alas, this matter is hard to say!

"Is it possible that Xixia came to harass the border again, which made the adults so bored?"

"Hmm, if only it were Xixia! Send him out to fight, it's better not to come back!"

Ma Haiqing smiled in his heart and finally came to the point. Therefore, he continued, "The villain dares not figure out the adult's mind, but the 'he' mentioned by the adult refers to Qin Wei?"

"Brother Ma, who knows me! Who else is there besides him?"

"So it is!"

"How did Brother Ma say that?"

"Oh, this..."

"But it's okay to say it!"

"Ha ha, I also heard rumors. Adults are really angry when they hear it!"

"Come on!" Hu Yong frowned.

"Some people said that the adult wanted to marry his only daughter to please Qin Wei, but he didn't know how to lift it up and refused the adult on the spot. After that... After that, he even went everywhere and said that the daughter of the camp was not worthy of him at all, and he didn't see it at all..."

"Hmm!" Hu Yong's glass fell on the wine table with a crack, and more than half of the wine was spilled!

"My lord, forgive me! This is just a rumor of some unruly people in the streets and alleys! Damn it, damn it!" Ma Haiqing quickly pleaded guilty.

"Oh, it's none of Brother Ma's business! This Qin Wei is really bullying! I, Hu Yong, have no time with him!" Seeing Hu Yong's fist clenched tightly and gritted his teeth while speaking, Ma Haiqing thought it was time. So he said to Hu Yong, "Your Excellency, when I heard the rumor, I was also very angry. He was a small deputy camp, relying on his stay here for a few more years, but he didn't pay attention to the adult at all! Usually, he is against the adults everywhere. Now the adults are kind to marry his daughter to him, but he still makes such unbearable words, which is really abominable!"

"Alas! But what can I do? Now he has been deeply appeased by the adults. His soldiers worship what kind of powerful general he is and listen to his deployment. No matter what I want, what can I do?

"Your Excellency, don't forget that you are the main camp! Not only is he your subordinate, but the other soldiers are also your subordinates. As long as you say something, are you afraid that they won't hear you?

"The power is weak and there is nothing we can do!"

"If adults don't dislike it, the villain is willing to follow the adults and be the backing of adults!"

"Oh? Brother Ma's heart, Hu got it! Brother Ma has donated a lot of rice, grain and property in the army. How can I let Brother Ma be saddled and behind the horse!"

"Your Excellency, the heart of the villain, the sun and the moon can be seen! The villain has admired the lord for a long time. People say that the scholar dies for his confidant. Although I am a rich man, I have no soldiers or power, but I have wealth! My lord, this is a little heart of the villain. I hope you can accept it!" With that, Ma Haiqing took out a silver ticket of 500,000 taels and handed it to Hu Yong. Hu Yong was originally a Beijing official, and he was also accustomed to this book, but since then, he was either slightly appeased and admonished by the lord, or he was not proud of Qin's prestige. Because he was not favored, Hu's mansion was actually a great finch. Ma Haiqing not only stood up at this time and not only gave him property, but also vowed to serve him to die, which moved Hu Yong. fen.

But Hu Yong said again, "Even with the support of Brother Ma, with Qin Wei, I actually have no real power. What's the use?"

Ma Haiqing said, "If you believe me, I would like to recommend someone."

"Who is it?"

"Zhou Ke!"

"Isn't he Qin Wei's deputy general?"

"Yes, this person is excellent in martial arts, smart and steady, and deeply respected by his subordinates. He is a trustable person."

"He was not pulled up by Qin Wei. How can he use it for us?"

"This is the difference between him and Qin Wei. Qin Wei is stubborn and conceited, but this week he can be changeable and understand the current affairs. As long as he does a little work, he must be able to use it for us!"

"How to do it?"

"Does adults really want to regain their real power and rise step by step?"

"That's natural!"

"The first thing you need to do is to marry Miss Zhou Ke."

Ah? Xu for a vice general?"

"Your excellency should not underestimate Zhou Ke. This person will never be just a deputy general. I have observed him for a long time. He is smart and steady, and he will definitely rise to the top every day. Miss, are you afraid that you won't have a good life with such a general? Even adults will not only be in this position. At that time, both son-in-law will occupy half of the civil and martial arts of the court. Who dares to disrespect the adults?

Hu Yong was very happy to hear Ma Haiqing's words. He immediately opened his heart and said, "If there is that day, I will never forget Brother Ma's kindness!" The two filled with wine and clinked a glass to celebrate!

After another day, Hu Yong hosted a banquet to entertain Zhou Ke. Zhou Ke had been moved by Ma Haiqing's words the day before yesterday. Today, when he saw Hu Xingying meet and treat him at such a feast, he understood three points in his heart. At the same time, he also thought that he really could not underestimate Ma Haiqing's ability. In just one day, he actually moved Lord Hu.

Sure enough, Hu Yong kept looking at Zhou Ke during the banquet, with a heroic spirit between his eyebrows. Although he didn't speak much, he spoke very well. Maybe as Ma Haiqing said, this person must not be a person who has lived for a long time. Hu Yong was very satisfied with Zhou Ke and wanted to strengthen his power, so he followed Ma Haiqing's suggestion and began to ask about Zhou Ke's family situation, and Zhou Ke answered truthfully. Hu Yong repeatedly praised, saying that only when people experience hardships can they know how to cherish success. Later, he asked Zhou Ke if he was married. Zhou Ke answered that he had not yet married. Even if Hu Yongdang proposed to marry Zhou Ke, Zhou Ke agreed.

This is not what Zhou Ke readily agreed, but he thought about the conclusion that came out two days and nights. He is unwilling to be just a deputy general all his life. With the help of his father-in-law Hu and Ma Haiqing, the richest man, his days will begin!

Although the purposes are different, these three have reached a united front in a sense.