Golden hairpin

Chapter 48 Trial

Zilian followed the shouting and saw a man 18 feet tall and wearing filial piety open his arms and stopping in front of him. Hearing his words about his brother, with infinite sadness and indignation, it must be Tian Qikun among the people just now. After the man shouted again and again, the funeral team stopped, and the crying and mourning stopped. The onlookers were silent and waited to see the reaction of the Tian family.

The young woman who cried and didn't see tears just now came out, wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and said, "Tian Qikun, what are you doing? Didn't you see that we were funeraling the master?

"Well, it was because my eldest brother passed away that I came to mourn. Otherwise, with you, how could I step into this Heaven again!" Obviously, Tian Qikun said this with some chagrin in his anger.

"Although you were kicked out of your home and in addition to the name of genealogy, now that the master has left, I still let people inform you. It's just that you are the only person in the world who has a blood relationship with the master. It's good to send more people to the master, but it's not for you to make trouble! Don't get out of the way. If you miss the time, how to give it to the master!"

"Humph, did you ask someone to inform me? Isn't it because I first learned about my eldest brother's death and came to the door in person? Why did you pretend that you were sending someone to find me? If you sincerely invite me, how can you not tell me today? If it weren't for the ghost in my heart, how could it be? Now you dare to tell me that you missed the time. How can you tell the eldest brother? You framed me first, drowned Yun'er, and now killed my brother. How dare you explain it?

"Tian Qikun, don't spit people with blood! It was the master who drove you out. Yun'er accidentally fell into the water and died while playing. What does it have to do with me? Now the master has gone, and there are also several autopsies. What is the poison? I respect that you used to be my little uncle. I don't care about you, and don't mess around here and delay the time of the master's burial!"

"I don't believe you! I want to reopen the coffin!"

"Tian Qikun, don't bully people too much! Look, I'm young and widowed, isn't it? Master! Why did you go there like this? Open your eyes and look at that. Before you were grounded, someone bullied me in public. Sir, you have to make the decision for me!" With that, the woman turned around and fell on Master Tian's coffin and cried again.

"Let's get out of the way! I will definitely open another coffin for autopsy today! I can't let my brother die so vaguely!" With that, Tian Qikun was about to push away the crowd and open the coffin, but was stopped by the people who were buried.

"Hmm! Come on, knock out this unknown thing! If you are neither a person in the government nor a person from the Tian family, what qualifications do you have to open a coffin for autopsy? Now the time for the master's burial is important. You framed my words in public and will talk to you later!" Hearing his wife's order, many of his men rushed up together and pushed Tian Qikun to the side of the road. Tian Qikun was so tiger that he could not fight a group of wolves and was knocked to the ground by everyone. Tian Qikun shouted, "My brother died unjustly!" You wicked woman can't die!" Such words resisted everyone's attack. However, the funeral team still went away.

At this time, Zilian, who had been watching, couldn't stand it anymore and shouted, "This brother is wronged. Why don't you report to the official?" Although this sentence reminded Tian Qikun, it angered the family of Tianfu and came to Zilian together. Yang Quan came in handy at this time. How could he let others hurt the young master? Only three or five times, the family members of Tianfu were knocked to the ground. Because Tianfu family members were used to bullying the people. Today, I saw someone overturn them and vented their anger for everyone, so they all cheered.

Zi Lian went to help Tian Qikun and said, "If Ye Zilian doesn't dislike it, I would like to accompany my brother to the government." Yang Quan waited to stop him, but it was too late. Seeing that Zilian had inquired about the location of the Tianfu government office, let the little stone carry his luggage, and he helped Tian Qikun, who was limping, walk towards the Yamen. To be honest, Yang Quan doesn't want the young master to be involved in the murder case, let alone infer without evidence.

Because he heard that Tian Qikun was going to sue his brother and sister-in-law, the onlookers also raised their interest. There were many good things and directions, and some of them followed them. The group quickly arrived at the government, beat the drums and went to the hall. At this time, the surname of Yin Zhuang was sitting in Yingtianfu, with a single name and a wing character. After receiving the paper handed over by Tian Qikun, he originally accused his brother and sister-in-law Mao of falsely accusing him of being in front of him, drowned his brother's son Tian Yun, and now he has killed his brother.

Lord Zhuang took over the case and sent someone to pass it on to Mao, while first went to court to interrogate the plaintiff Tian Qikun.

Lord Zhuang asked, "Who is kneeling under the hall?"

Tian Qikun replied respectfully, "Your Excellency, Tian Qikun, the little man, is the younger brother of the deceased Tian Qiqian."

"What is the relationship with the defendant?"

"If you go back to the adult, the Mao family complained about by the villain is the brother and sister-in-law of the villain now."

"Why sue?"

"Three years ago, I was framed by the Mao family, misled and drove out of the house by the eldest brother. I was also removed from my clan. However, I didn't know that this woman was extremely vicious. Later, she murdered my nephew Tian Yun. Now it is even worse and killed my brother. Please make the master to make the decision!"

"Let's talk about it in detail, how did Mao frame you?"

"My lord, that's it. Five years ago, my original sister-in-law Yan passed away, leaving a two-year-old son Tian Yun. Three years ago, my eldest brother Tian Qiqian suddenly told me that he wanted to marry again. Because my eldest brother has been depressed since his sister-in-law died, it is also a good thing that he can win his favor, so I was responsible for the wedding of the eldest brother and Mao. . When I saw Mao the next morning, I was shocked. I didn't expect that the woman the eldest brother married was so young and beautiful. It should be said that she looked frivolous. I was worried that the purpose of marrying the eldest brother was not pure, but there was no evidence and she could not judge people by her appearance. What's more, the eldest brother was very happy after marriage, and he was afraid that he was more careful. That's enough.

Unexpectedly, on the first day two months after marriage, the eldest brother went to other places for business, and the Mao family provoked me from time to time. I knew that Mao was not a good person, but I was afraid that it would damage the reputation of the Tian family, so I ignored it. When she provoked again, I abused her. At that time, I only hoped that my eldest brother would come back soon to remind him. As a result, one night after that, Mao's girl Chunlian came to me in a hurry and said that my wife suddenly fell into a coma and asked me to have a look. At that time, I didn't think much about it. I just felt that nothing would happen, so I hurriedly followed Chunlian to Mao's room in the inner house. As a result, as soon as I entered the room and went to the bed to see Mao, I was forcibly hugged by her, and desperately tore her clothes and shouted for help. At that time, I didn't know why she was like this. It was not until the eldest brother pushed the door and broke in, that I knew that it had been designed by her early. She must have misunderstood me. After that, she cried and made trouble and had to find a dagger. The eldest brother loved her heart. So he kicked me out of the house, which was not enough. Mao also asked the eldest brother to remove my name from the genealogy. Unexpectedly, the eldest brother also did so. At that time, I vowed not to see each other in my lifetime and left Yingtianfu, but after all, I was deeply brotherly and worried that my brother would be poisoned by this woman. Although I was not in Tianfu, I always missed him. There were several heartfelt minimen in Tianfu who often told me the situation of Tianfu, so I actually knew the situation of Tianfu. This time I came to mourn. That's it."

After hearing this, Lord Zhuang asked again, "What did you just say about your nephew Tian Yun's drowning?"