Golden hairpin

Chapter 55 Bloodthirsty Monster

After listening, Zilian also understood the special reason why Zheng Langzhong set such rules. But there is no medicine for snake poison. It's not easy to cross the snake mountain with bare hands!

Being worried, I only heard the village head say, "The princes don't have to worry about snake poison now, because in recent years, there have been fewer and fewer snakes."

"Oh, is this a good thing? If there is no poisonous snake to poison passers-by, you can go with more peace of mind. Although Zilian was a little happy, it can be seen that the village head's face seemed to be more gloomy. So he continued to ask, "What else is the village head worried about?" Why don't you come and listen? Maybe we can help one or two.

"Ha ha, the prince is really good-sighted, and he can see at a glance that he is old and has something on his mind. But I'm afraid this matter won't help. I don't know what evil our people in Sandong Village have done in their last life. In this life, God has punished us one after another.

"What did the village head say?"

"Well, it's like this. Nowadays, although there are fewer snakes, there are fewer other animals in the mountain, because a bloodthirsty monster has appeared on the mountain in recent years.

As soon as this word came out, Zilian and others couldn't help but be shocked. What? Bloodthirsty monster?

"Yes, the bloodthirsty monster specializes in eating creatures, snakes, squirrels and rabbits on the mountain. Since its appearance, the number has become smaller and smaller, and now it is basically not seen. However, the villagers did not dare to go up the mountain easily, but they were afraid that this beast would rise one day and catch people to eat. This is a pain for the woodcutter. Every time they go up the mountain, they dare to walk in groups, and they also cut down trees closer to the village. They just hope that if they are unlucky to see the bloodthirsty monster, they will have a chance to escape and return to the village alive.

"Is this just a coincidence? Has anyone ever seen that bloodthirsty monster?

"We didn't pay attention to it at first, but later, as there were fewer and fewer animals on the mountain, some people in the village said that they had seen a shadow on the mountain, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye. Some people said that they had seen a headless viper on the mountain, so the bloodthirsty monster began to spread. After that, the rumors became more and more ridiculous. There were all kinds of white ghosts, blood basins, and even three heads and six arms.

"Ye, according to what I see below, the previous statements are still credible, and the latter ones are a little exaggerated."

"The old man also thinks so, which is fearsome. Slowly, the bloodthirsty monster was said to be an evil monster. Some children were disobedient, and the adults talked about it, which made people panic. And it is said that the monster often appears at night, especially in the three holes on the mountain. Therefore, even if the villagers are bold, they don't dare to get close to the three caves, and no one dares to pass through the mountain and go to Tokyo City.

"Has this bloodthirsty monster ever killed people?"

"That's not true. Since the rumor, I have never heard of it hurting people. Maybe I only eat animals. But it turned out that the beast only moved in the mountains and never heard him come to the village, so this village became a place for all villagers to ensure their safety. But just a few days ago, I'm afraid that the animals on the mountain were almost eaten by the monster, and it actually came up with the idea of a village. Although my family is closest to these three caves, I only farm, not chickens and ducks. The chicken raised by Uncle Huang next door has been bitten to death one after another, and the ground is full of blood. Isn't it scary!"

"Oh? Is there such a thing?

"Let's go. I'll show you the chicken next door, and you will know why we call it a bloodthirsty monster."

With that, the village head took Zilian and the other three to Uncle Huang's house next door. Uncle Huang's sad face. Originally, his life was not rich. It was easy to raise some chickens, rely on eggs or sell chickens to make money to support the whole family. Now it's okay, he is inexplicably targeted by bloodthirsty monsters on the mountain. The chickens at home often died desperately and just died yesterday. Looking at Uncle Huang's chicken, although Zilian felt nauseous and couldn't help it, the little stone went aside and vomited for a long time, because several of them were directly bitten off the chicken head, leaving only half a hard chicken body.

Zi Lian asked Uncle Huang, "When did this start?"

In retrossibly, it was about a month ago.

Zilian also asked Uncle Huang who had ever offended, because he always felt that the bloodthirsty monster was made by man. Maybe someone pretended to be a ghost and carried out his own revenge. However, Uncle Huang is simple and kind. More than a dozen families around him are old neighbors and have always got along well. He has never had anyone come outside for many years. An old man has never competed with others. Where did he come from?

This is a little difficult for Zilian. Bloodthirsty monster! These four words have been lingering in his mind. If you want to know the truth of the matter, you have to go to Sandong Mountain to find out. But without saying a word, he was completely denied by Yang Quan beside him. Yang Quan resolutely disagreed with Zilian's expedition to Sandong Mountain. He said that he would rather return on the same road and take more unjust roads than pass through Sandong Mountain to the capital.

But Zilian's curiosity has been mentioned, so how can Yang Quan suppress it alone? That night, while Yang Quan was sleeping, Zilian took a small stone to explore Sandong Mountain with him. Xiaoshio didn't listen to his advice and was worried that the young master would be in danger by himself, so he had to follow him, but Xiaoshitou was very afraid. What if there was a bloodthirsty monster? He and the young master can't do martial arts, and they don't wait to be eaten by the monster! The more I thought about it, the more scared I became. From the moment I entered Sandong Mountain, the small stone always felt that a terrible monster would jump out of the trees next to it at any time, and the vegetation was full of soldiers.

Although Zilian is also a little scared, she is much bolder than Xiaoshio. He held a torch in his hand and opened the way in front of him. From time to time, he comforted the little stone and said, "Don't scare yourself. Monsters are afraid of fire. We all have fire in our hands. If it is extinguished, there are fire folds. We can start fire at any time. What are you afraid of?" Xiao Shitou can calm down after hearing this, but isn't the young master coaxing people? Where have you ever heard that monsters are afraid of fire?

Zi Lian has clearly inquired about the location of the three holes during the day, so although he entered the mountain at night, he followed the right direction. Soon, he and the little stone arrived at the entrance of the cave of Sandong Mountain. The little stone drew a big mark with stones at the entrance of the cave according to Zilian's requirements. This is the most and most meaningful thing he did in the back when he came. Don't get lost, otherwise it will not become a delicious meal in the belly of the bloodthirsty monster, and it may also become A delicacy in the mouth of other mountain animals. If you don't get bitten to death, it should be even worse to starve to death.

Zi Lian doesn't care so much, he came here to find out the details of the so-called bloodthirsty monsters. He has a torch in his hand, a dagger from Yang Quan on his waist, and the surrounding mountains and forests and roadside stones can become his weapons. I don't even know whether it's a human or an animal. There's no need to be afraid! He doesn't believe that there are really bloodthirsty monsters in the world, let alone hear that terrible monsters only eat snakes, rabbits and chickens raised by villagers.

Zilian took the lead in entering the cave. The cave was very wet, with four walls of potholes and some strange stone decorations. If the villagers hadn't said that bloodthirsty monsters often lived here, Zilian would have almost regarded this place as a good place for his travel. The three holes were connected, and the magic work, and even wanted to write a poem here to praise the wonder of the three cave mountains.

But Xiaoshili couldn't do it. He was very nervous from the beginning. He even held Zilian and didn't let him in, but even Xiaoshitou himself knew that this was purely futile. Zilian's character was the best. Since he wanted to decipher the true face of the bloodthirsty monster, no one could stop him. In this way, he nervously walked through a cave and was about to turn to the next one, but the little stone became anxious because he was too nervous.

Zi Lian said to wait for him, so the little stone turned to a corner and did something. As a result, a shadow flashed in the torch in the hand of the little stone.