Golden hairpin

Chapter 60 Strange Experience

The teenager who appeared in Sandong Village was Qin Manxiu who fell off the cliff when his mother Meng Ling was chased by Zhu Si and Zhou Ke and others. Thanks to the obstruction of many trees on the cliff, the seven-year-old maneuver did not die. But when he woke up after a few days in a coma, he found himself in a completely strange environment. In addition to mountains and trees, there was often a curious little squirrel passing by. Looking at him, he immediately left. The seven-year-old child cried loudly to his mother in this strange mountain forest, hoping that his mother could stretch out her gentle and powerful arms and hold himself tightly on a thunder and lightning night as before... But no matter how much he cried, there may only be thunder and lightning here, but there will never be a mother's reply. Answer or respond.

I'm tired of crying and shouting, and Man Xiu feels hungry. He hasn't eaten for a few days. He searched everywhere, and there was nothing else except some fruit hanging on the towering trees, which he could only see but could not eat. I'm so hungry that I can only dig grass to satisfy my hunger first. But after all, this is not a long-term solution, so Manxiu walked aimlessly, hoping to get out of this big maze quickly. Even if he can't go out, it's good to find some food to fill his stomach first.

In this way, he walked for a few days and nights, but the mountains and forests were so big that he couldn't even find the place where he had fallen. Instead of walking out of the maze he thought first, he seemed to have turned into the depths of the maze. I haven't seen anyone around for days and nights, and I even have hallucinations. Is this what people often call heaven? Although there is no one here and there is nothing to eat, it is still good in terms of scenery. At the same time, the hell opposite to heaven is often described as 18 floors, and torture is difficult to see. Although he is only seven years old, he is also a little naughty, he has never done any great evil and should not be sent to the ground. Come to prison. Moreover, he believes that this should be heaven. If he goes on, maybe at any moment, he will see the hero's father or his loving mother.

After a few days, he finally couldn't stand it with grass, bark and wild fruits every day, but at this time, he found a snake at his feet. Since he was a child, he went up the mountain with his father. He was good at catching snakes. And look, the snake was not a triangular tip and should be non-poisonous, so the hungry man Xiu grabbed the little snake. No matter what, he bit the snake's neck, took off its skin, and devoured the snake raw and ate it raw. The taste of eating raw is not good, but the hunger in the stomach can be slightly relieved after eating, which is still good. Since then, Manxiu has lived a raw savage life in the mountains and forests.

Until one day, he accidentally broke into a cave. Although he couldn't see his fingers in the cave, he was also a little scared, but it was much better than sleeping outside. So Man Xiu chose to use the cave as his place to live. Because the cave is wet and full of snakes, there is enough food for the cultivation. In addition, the surrounding mountains and forests often rain, so the problem of drinking water is also solved. Slowly, Man Xiu adapted to this darker life and did not want to go to the outside world. Even if you go out, most of them choose at night. And he found that the cave was connected with the cave. In addition to the three large caves, there was also a small cave. The place is relatively secretive and difficult to be found.

Speaking of the discovery of this small cave, there is also a small episode. One day, when Man Xiu was wandering around his so-called home, he accidentally found a very beautiful viper. However, the snake is poisonous, and he dares not approach easily or run away for fear of snake attack. So he chose to retreat slowly, but the viper seemed to guess his intention and kept following his footsteps. Manxiu panicked and accidentally fell into a small cave that he had never seen before, but at the moment he fell, the viper attacked it.

Man Xiu was bitten, but he also grabbed the seven inches of the viper, and the viper fell into the inconspicuous cave with Man Xiu. After thinking that this cave was his burial place and tried his best to eat the viper that bit him into his stomach, he fell into a coma. But a few days later, he woke up again, and since he was bitten by the viper and ate the viper, he was no longer afraid of any poison. Even if he was unfortunately injured by the poisonous snake, he was completely fine. Man Xiu realized that he might produce antitoxin substances in his blood, that is, the legendary invulnerable.

But this did not affect his life. There was still only himself in his life. He still lived as usual, but what has not changed is that he has never forgotten that he is Qin Manxiu, that he still has a deep blood vengeance, and his mother needs him to find help. Man Xiu was afraid that he would completely become a savage if he went on like this, so he desperately recalled every teaching his father and mother and the teacher had taught him, repeated his father and mother's words every day, carried the books taught by his husband, and picked up branches from time to time to practice writing on the land outside. What he was afraid of was that he had forgotten who he was when he could go out one day, let alone revenge.

But the days passed, and Manxiu was still wandering in the cave. The snakes in and around the cave have been almost eaten by him, and all the squirrels and rabbits outside have been eaten. He can't count how many days and months have fallen from the cliff. He only remembers that there have been four spring and autumn changes in the mountains and forests, and last winter was particularly cold. He almost always hid in a small cave and trembled.

Spring is coming, but there is really not much food around here. He has to go further away to find food. But at this moment, he saw hope. That's the person he has not seen for a long time! He wanted to go and call for help, but the saddest thing was that when he wanted to call for help, he found that he didn't know how to speak. Just as he gradually wanted to get close to those people, someone first found him and shouted, "Ghost!" Help!" Although Man Xiu is not fluent, he can understand the human language he is familiar with. As everyone fled the mountains and forests crazily, he realized that the ghost meant him. Man Xiu didn't know why these people said this. It was not until he found a stream and went to drink water that he knew why people were so excited to see him. It turned out that the reflection in the stream also shocked Man Xiu himself. He was no longer the beloved child of that person. His long messy hair and white scary skin made him feel like a ghost, let alone those people.

Man Xiu was very sad, and the opportunity he had been looking forward to was scared away by himself. He returned to the cave alone. In addition to his sadness, he even thought of waiting to die silently. Here, no one will know his existence, and no one will comfort him and help him. Even if he dies, no one will know. It can only return to the original state of life and become rotten soil fertilizer.

In this way, he was alone in the cave for three days and hungry. Just as he was drowsy, his father appeared in front of him, and his father's kind and majestic words always lingered in his ears: "Life is alive, there are ten people who are unhappy*! When you encounter bitter pain, it is the hero who can still smile at life and conquer and overcome difficulties with your own courage! In fact, everyone living in this world has a chance to become a hero. It only depends on how they grasp it!" Sore and painful? Manxiu has never been more painful since he can remember. Show your courage to laugh at life? Did Manxiu do it?

"You have grown up. No matter what difficulties you encounter in the future, you have to be like a man, protect your mother and live well!"

"You must live and live well!" His parents' advice made Man Xiu suddenly open his eyes again. He reluctantly dragged his powerless body and went to look for food. In this way, he chose to continue to live bravely.

After that, he saw people several times, and he would not be as reckless as the first time, but hid far away and watched everyone cut firewood and carry them down. Following the crowd, he knew that there was a small village next to the mountain called Sandong Village.

As the food dried up, Man Xiu chose to take the risk to steal some food in the village. Although he knew that stealing was wrong, there was nothing he could do, because he chose to live. He got nothing from the village head's home, but Uncle Huang's home next door made him feast. In the next month, he lived on Uncle Huang's living chickens. But how did he know that because of his stealing food, the whole Sandong Village, which had been rumored everywhere, made everyone more dangerous, as if monsters would come to the village at any time and eat people unscrupulously.

Until Manxiu saw Zilian and others who came to explore the cave where he lived, he chose to hide in the small cave because he was afraid that he did not know what the other party meant. Because of this, Zilian and others explored the cave twice and did not find Manxiu's hiding place. And the figure that flashed in the small stone torch before was also Man Xiu. Later, the little stone was bitten by a poisonous snake, and Zilian also fell asleep at the mouth of the cave. Man Xiu, who thought that the person who came to explore had left, walked out of the cave and saw two people sleeping at the mouth of the cave. Man Xiu was about to leave, but he saw traces of being bitten by a snake on the leg of the small stone, as well as the poisonous snake cut off by the snake hole. Man Xiu knew that he was invulnerable. Even if he smoked venom, it didn't matter. If he saved a person and did a good deed, he bent down and sucked poisoned blood as a small stone. But when he still wanted to take away the cut-off poisonous snake, he saw Zilian wake up and had to escape quickly. After that, things were as expected by Zilian. Because of hunger, he finally chose to continue to steal chickens at Aunt Pan's house, so that he was arrested.