Golden hairpin

Chapter 65 Hundred Flowers

Man Xiu had a lot of questions in his heart, and the middle-aged beautiful man who seemed to sit there tasting tea also saw through his mind, but the beautiful man didn't say a word, just smelling his tea and tasting his fragrant tea.

Look at the latter two, not to mention that since Man Xiu woke up, he has not seen them change their expressions. They have always been frozen there. Man Xiu doubts that this is a living person?

"Who are you? Where is this again?" Finally, Man Xiu couldn't help asking questions.

The middle-aged beautiful man sitting on the chair tasted tea carefully and said in a tone, "This is the Hundred Flowers Museum. I'm the boss here, called Fuyu!"

"Why am I here?"

"You have been from my Hundred Flowers Museum since today. If you are not here, where should you be?"

"Where is the Hundred Flowers Hall?"

"Hundred Flowers Hall, as the name implies, is a paradise on earth where hundreds of flowers compete for beauty! Here, there is everything beautiful. As long as you want, you can enjoy the supreme joy in the world!"

"Paradise on earth? Supreme joy? What does this have to do with me? Why did I become a member of the Hundred Flowers Museum? I don't know you at all!"

"Isn't that what people are like? I didn't know him yesterday. I met him today. Didn't I know him?

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense here. I'm leaving. I'm going home!" With that, Man Xiu stood up, but obviously, his head was still dizzy. He must have inhaled too much eczziness in his handkerchief just now.

"Go home? Hahahaha! Your home is here. Where else are you going?

"Nonsense, I don't have amnesia. I haven't been to any Hundred Flowers Hall at all. I'm from Ye Mansion. This is not my home!"

"Hehe! I don't care where you used to be. All I know is that this Hundred Flowers Museum has the rules of the Hundred Flowers Museum. If you do well, you will be rewarded, and if you do something wrong, you will be punished! Later, I will send you a master, and he will tell you the rules, and you just need to be obedient, follow my arrangement, and be a good child!"

"I don't want to listen to you!" With that, Man Xiu rushed to the door, but before he could open the door, he was brought back by a big man behind him.

"Oh, I forgot to explain. I only allow good children to survive in the Hundred Flowers Museum, and there is absolutely no rebelliousness or escape. Not before, and never in the future! I didn't say that you just came here. I'll forgive you once. If there is another time, I will be careful with your skin!" Fuyu always smiled when he spoke, but Man Xiu was not so stupid that he really thought he was happy. His smile made people shudder. Man Xiu finally knew why people use "knife in laughter" to describe people. It turned out that there are really people in the world who can kill people with such a smile! First of all, based on the conversation just now, Man Xiu knew that he had met a difficult master to deal with. But where on earth is this Hundred Flowers Hall? Why did he come here? What will he face in the future?

"Oh, by the way, you look like a peach blossom. From today on, you can call it peach blossom!" Fuyu smiled at Man Xiu again and got up and left. The two big men followed Fuyu to the door with a blank face. At least when they sent Fuyu away, they bowed respectfully. The expression on their faces finally changed a little, otherwise Man Xiu really thought they were all made by machines and had no feelings. Two big men guarded at the door of the house, and Man Xiu had no chance to go out at all.

Fu Yu's smile on Man Xiu made him feel uncomfortable all over. It's not a smile. It's even more frightening than a murderous knife! The first conversation with Fuyu ended quickly, but Man Xiu did not find any answer he wanted from the conversation. Instead, I got an alias, Peach Blossom!

Peach blossoms, peach blossoms, peach blossoms... keep repeating this familiar and strange noun. What is familiar is that this used to be his mother's favorite thing. He still has the peach blossom purse that his mother sewed for him when he was one year old. But strangely, he is obviously a man. How could he get such a woman's name inexplicably? Why is there such a name?

In this strange environment, Man Xiu seems to have countless questions, but unfortunately, no one answered them for him. The two big men guarding the door can be completely understood as wood with knives, not only without expression, but also without language. But if only it was really wood, at least Man Xiu could have a chance to escape. But these two pieces of wood, except for being silent and similar to wood, are specially responsible for guarding. As long as they are there, Man Xiu can't leave this room for half a step. But when Manxiu looked out of the window, he found that there were still a lot of such wood in the Hundred Flowers Museum, and almost every ten steps, there were two people guarding them with no expression. And the occasional people who come in and out of this yard are all dressed young people. If you look closely, they are all handsome men! What the hell is this place?

Manxiu opened the door several times, but the two pieces of wood at the door will immediately lie in front of Manxiu like two walls. If you want to go to the toilet, these two pieces of wood will follow closely, and there is no chance to escape at all! Helpless, it's only about going to the door and being imprisoned in the house. Finally, in the evening, the door of Manxiu's house opened, but a man in his 30s who seemed to be seven minutes drunk came in. Like the men seen in Manxiu's window, he was also a talented person in front of him. In addition, he was a little old, not frivolous as a teenager, but a little more mature. .

Man Xiu did not get up to welcome the man, but silently watched his every move. After walking in step by step, the man only glanced at Manxiu with his afterglow, then collapsed on the chair, kept shaking the wine pot in his hand, and struggled to aim at the open mouth, but as a result, there was no drop of wine. The man threw the wine jug to the ground like a drunkenness and shouted, "There's no wine. Bring the wine!"

Unexpectedly, after a while, the door opened, and the two pieces of wood guarding the door were still standing there in a state, but a dressed man came in, with a wine bottle and two wine glasses sitting on the tray in his hand. The young man skillfully put the wine pot and glass on the table next to the man, and then retreated with the tray. Before leaving, he remembered to bring the door up. From entering to going out, the little man didn't need to speak. He didn't even open his mouth. Man Xiu felt that the people in this Hundred Flowers Hall were too strange.

"Are you the new peach blossom? Come and sit down!"

The man said this with a little drunkenness, but Man Xiu thought that the man was drunk and was talking to himself, so he didn't pay attention to it at all. Obviously, Manxiu is still very uncomfortable with his new name, Peach Blossom!

At this time, the man had filled both glasses with wine. Seeing that Man Xiu was still sitting still in place and did not move at all, he unconsciously said, "What about you? Come here!"

Man Xiu looked around and realized that the man seemed to be talking to him. Suddenly, he remembered the name Fuyu gave himself before he left. It turned out that he was also talking to himself just now. So Manxiu stood up and went to the chair opposite the man's finger to sit down.

"Come on, drink it!" The man's hand picked up the wine glass in his hand, and Man Xiu was worried about whether he would drop the wine glass to the ground. However, he was too worried. Although the glass was a little shaking, it was firmly in the man's hand, and even a drop of wine in the glass was not spilled out.

The man raised his wine glass and motioned Man Xiu to drink it. Man Xiu picked up his glass and drank the wine without saying a word. But this time, he spit out his tongue. This was the first time he drank in his life. He didn't know that his father's favorite wine could be so spicy.

"Hahahaha!" The man couldn't help laughing at Man Xiu's appearance. But this makes Man Xiu feel very uncomfortable. The strong competitive heart made Manxiu fill a full glass of wine, drink it all, and then another full glass, or drink it all... Man Xiu seems to be silently expressing that he is not the incompetent person you imagine, isn't it just a glass of wine! Why can't I drink it?

"Ha ha, I can't see that it's a good drinker. It's a good material!" Every pronunciation of the man is very clear, and Man Xiu really doesn't understand. Is this person really drunk or fake drunk? Why did you come in and drink with him for no reason?

"Who are you?"

"Ha ha, hasn't anyone told you? From today on, I will be your master."

Fuyu just mentioned the master to him, but Man Xiu didn't even know where it was, let alone what he wanted the master to come for.

Looking at Man Xiu's doubtful face, the man said slowly, "It seems that Fuyu didn't tell you that my name is Shanzhu, and you will learn from me in the future."

"What to learn?"

"Haha, what are you learning? This is the first time someone has asked me this question.

"Why have you taught so many people? But I'm very sorry that no matter what you want to teach me, I won't learn it. I don't belong here!"

Man Xiu's resolute refusal attracted the attention of the man. For the first time, he looked carefully at the almost thin boy in front of him. He had been in the Hundred Flowers Hall for more than ten years, and it was the first time that he completely rejected his own person before he knew what to learn.

"You really don't learn?"

"No learning! I hate it here!"

Man Xiu's stubbornness made the man smile, and then poured himself a glass of wine and said slowly, "This is the Hundred Flowers Museum. I'm afraid it's not up to you!" After saying that, he drank all the wine.

"Baihua Hall, Baihua Hall, what the hell is this place?"

"Ha ha, you really used the right word, Baihua Hall, a ghost place! Baihua Hall is a place for the devil to stay!" After saying that, the man laughed.