Golden hairpin

Chapter 69 Check in the backyard

A few days later, Fuyu made public the time and content of the assessment. A total of eight people were assessed this time, including Man Xiu and the Narcissus, all the skills that a male prostitute needs to master, that is, what they learned after entering the Hundred Flowers Hall. It is mainly divided into two parts, one is excellent skills such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and the other is the practical assessment of receiving people and things.

In the first part of the assessment, the performance of Manxiu's piano, chess, calligraphy and painting skills made Fuyu very satisfied. Although it still lacks a lot of heat, compared with Qinglian, who lived on the fourth floor and just captured Huakui's skills, Manxiu and others' skills can only be regarded as a beginner, but after only half a year of learning, they can have such results. It's terrible for later life. !

But when Fuyu pretended to be guests and let these newcomers who were assessed be responsible for the reception, in addition to the performance of the newcomers who were born with honey on their mouths, the other seven people were more or less deficient. For example, Narcissus nervously knocked overturned the wine glass, and the rain bamboo shoots were too active, revealing their backs when they came up. The tattoo... especially Man Xiu, who was so nervous that he didn't say a word from beginning to end, just blushed and stood aside shyly. What did Fuyu tell him to do?

After all, it has not been practiced, and it is inevitable that it is not done well, and it can be corrected slowly. However, Manxiu is not a question of whether it can be corrected. Fuyu even doubts whether he will not do it or does not want to do it!

The narcissus, vine, jade bamboo shoots and black peony successfully entered the list of living in the backyard, while the other three just came. Either a simple song could not be played, or even the posture of holding the pen was wrong. Because of their poor skills, they continued to stay in Cuizhuxuan and gave them another three months of learning opportunities.

Only Manxiu, Fuyu did not make a decision. There is nothing to say about the skills of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but it is really not flattering. This is the Hundred Flowers Museum, which is a place to open its doors and do business. The former is only used to serve the latter. There is no way to put the cart before the horse.

Fuyu called mangosteen, because he was the master of Man Xiu and was also the elder of the Hundred Flowers Hall. After listening to Fuyu's inquiry, mangosteen, who has been crawling around in this industry for more than ten years, naturally understand, but he was not in a hurry to answer, but just told Fuyu, "I used to decorate peony on the window sill of the room, but one day, because the peony was gone, I had to change to Cuizhu, but Mrs. Tian, who often came to my house. To me, Cuizhu is better, fresh and elegant. The previous peony was too pungent. Only then did I know that I like peony, which doesn't mean that others also like it. Maybe someone likes Cuizhu?

Fuyu agreed and immediately wrote Man Xiu's name on the list of people living in the backyard, and the next day, it was announced that the five people would live in the backyard a week later.

During this week, Man Xiu and four other newcomers were given special training, presided over by several seniors living on the second floor. It is said that some of them are even one or two years older than them, but they have been here for a long time and have some experience. And the so-called special training, that is, these so-called predecessors teach them the so-called experience. Unfortunately, Man Xiu's heart has long been here. Because, on the day the list was announced, Manxiu and four other people were pulled to a place. In the dark hut, the left side of Manxiu's front shoulder was stabbed with a unique peuge, a peach blossom. Everyone else was the same, and they were stabbed with flowers and plants related to their names in the same position. This time, it was completely branded as the Hundred Flowers Museum! The peach blossom looks so enchanting and dazzling! This deeply stung Man Xiu.

A week has passed so fast. How much Man Xiu hopes that time can stop here and not face the confused future. At the age of 13, since the change of seven years old, Man Xiu has hardly lived a completely normal life, including the year in Yefu. Now, I have lived in Baihua Hall for half a year. When I meet a good person like Master Shanzhu, my daily study is also full, but the question is that the bitter days have just begun. When will it end? Man Xiu has seen the skills of Qinglian who won Huakui, and not to mention him, even the master Shanzhu who lives on the third floor can't keep up. Even if he works hard for another year, two years, or even three or four years, can he really get what he wants? And how can he survive 365 days a year in this year?

Time is cruel and will not stop for a moment. It should be said that it will not stop for anyone. In a blink of an eye, a week passed, and Man Xiu and other five people successfully moved into the backyard. Manxiu still remembers that Narcissus was particularly excited the night before he checked in and specially asked him for a good drink. After Manxiu came to the Hundred Flowers Hall, under the ** of mangosteen, in addition to skills, the biggest gain is probably drinking. Maybe he drank a lot with his father, and since then, he has never lost to Master Mangkhut, who also loves drinking. On that day, Manxiu was completely drunk for the first time, drunk and unconscious. But in addition to vaguely remembering to vomit fiercely many times that night, it was a headache and stomachache the next day. Of course, the wine left him more than that, but also what Master Mangosteen said, which will make him more worried.

Backyard, a term often heard recently. I still remember how novel and despised Manxiu was when I first heard this term six months ago, and how yearning I was after that. But now, he has really become a member of the backyard, although he still lives in a corner of the first floor.

Looking at the fourth floor of the backyard, perhaps one day, he will climb to the highest throne like the green lotus. But the problem is that Manxiu's purpose is different from others. He doesn't really want to do his best in the Hundred Flowers Museum and get a rich appreciation. Maybe he can climb dragons and phoenixes and go straight up. If he can escape like this, he will never choose to compete for the position of the flower leader.

What he has to do is to find his mother, find the murderer who killed his father, and get justice for his father! He wants to fulfill what he once promised his father, protect his mother, live well, and be a hero!

But the word hero seems to be getting farther and farther away from Manxiu at this time, but Manxiu still clearly remembers his father's definition of heroes: when he encounters bitterness and pain, he can still laugh at life and use his courage to conquer and overcome difficulties is the hero!

Thinking of my father, recalling my father's tall back, his valiant and heroic posture, I couldn't help showing a rare smile at the corners of my mouth! He stroked the peach blossom purse that his mother sewed for himself and wore since he was a child, and thought of his name in the Hundred Flowers Hall, and laughed! These are rare smiles since he fell from the cliff. But he decided to start laughing at life. Because his father died and his mother's whereabouts were unknown, Zilian did not know that he had been sold here. There was only so much that Master Shanzhu could do for him. No one in this world can help him. He can only rely on himself.

Man Xiu decided to accept everything with optimism. But the first test that optimism needs to face is that he needs to receive guests.

Fury will not waste any opportunity to make money. On the second day after Man Xiu and others moved into the backyard, Fuyu ordered them to dress up early in the morning and then gather in the front yard. This is also the first time that Manxiu entered the front yard after five new people moved into the backyard. It turned out to be a four-story small building. Unlike the backyard, there are several halls on each floor, and there is no level between the floor. It may be designed out of the principle of not dividing guests into three or six. It can be said that Manxiu later knew that distinguished guests would still have special treatment, and how could such a shrewd person like Fuyu fall off the chain on such a thing!

Man Xiu still remembers that after gathering in the front yard that day, everyone was divided into ten groups, and he and the narcissus were coincidentally divided into one group, which was a good thing. At least he could have a care of. And their team leader is a man named Flower Pomegranate. This name is really right. This person always speaks sourly and a little mean. After listening to the brief lecture, Man Xiu and others followed the pomegranate to a hall on the third floor called Ningxiang Hall. After entering, the first thing you can see is a plaque of "Ningxiang Pavilion" hanging high in the hall. The calligraphy is strong and powerful, which shows its foundation. It is said to be a pavilion, but there is a hollow carved door frame in the hall, with a string of bead curtains hanging on it. The space in the hall is very large and elegantly decorated. The fragrance of flowers in the hall and the burning sandalwood in the pavilion make the air overflow with a faint fragrance everywhere. I don't know that I think I have mistakenly entered the boudoir of a lady. But after faintly seeing a graceful woman sitting high on the main seat of the pavilion tasting tea through the bead curtain, Man Xiu woke up again. This is the Hundred Flowers Museum!

According to the requirements of the pomegranate, Man Xiu and others stood in a row outside the bead curtain. Man Xiu knew very well that this meant to let the woman choose a person. Sure enough, after they stood up, the pomegranate served around the bead curtain and asked his wife to choose a person.

In this group, in addition to Manxiu and Narcissus as newcomers, Manxiu has also seen other things, such as Dingxiang, which has given them special training, and lilies that have just moved into the third floor of the backyard, ah! Unexpectedly, there are Qinglian who has just won the flower leader! Looking at today's dress, these people have worked hard to stand out in front of the guests! I really don't know what these big men think. Obviously, a good man who chooses to do this kind of industry is actually proud of fighting for beauty! But while he despised them, he found that from today on, he was also one of the despised objects! And the first person to despise him was himself!

Poor! Hate it!