Golden hairpin

Chapter 85 Crossing the Sea

"I have never hurt her, and I have never even thought of hurting her. At that time, I just wanted to leave, just wanted to leave, and I just wanted to live well. I had no choice but to threaten her to leave together. At the dock, I also want to wait for you to come, even if it's good to look at your seat belt from afar on the boat. However, before you came first, I saw the people of the Hundred Flowers Museum first. I unconsciously pulled her on the boat. Of course, I didn't want to leave her there alone. I was afraid that the people of the Hundred Flowers Hall would be unfavorable to her. I didn't know that she was so seasick that she had to get off the boat when she arrived in Yongcheng. Just before you came in, she vomited me all over. I took off my coat and saw that her sleeves were full of dirt, so I wanted to untie and wash her. At this time, you broke in, that's all.

Man Xiu's narrative is very plain, but it can be heard that he is very guilty for kidnapping Yunxuan to this point and causing her suffering.

"Do you think I will believe your nonsense?" With that, Xueer lifted the quilt that had just covered her sister, and as a result, there was really some dirt on her sleeves. He also picked out the embroidered blue jacket on the ground with a dagger, which was also dirty and smelly. Cher stood up and nodded to Yuqing.

"I didn't lie to you. What I said is true."

"Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

"What did you say earlier? Have you ever given me a chance to speak?

"Oh, you blame us!"

"Please let me go."

"Haha! Let you go? Beautiful thoughts! I have to take you back to the capital, and then the government will deal with you!"

"The government? Did I kill someone? Did I set fire? Did I rob? Did I steal it? What big bad things have I done to ask the government to deal with me? You tied me up and beat me in vain. Do you still want to bite back and ask the government to treat me? Hearing the two words of the government, Man Xiu thought that he was not at a loss, so he spoke a little more righteously.

"Ha, do you still have reason? Uncle Yang clearly said that he was searching for fugitives and arresting fugitives by the government. They must be traitors and evil people! Plain? You kidnapped my sister, and now it's so hard for her. Can't I teach you a lesson for her and wrong her? Cher didn't know why the Ministry of War arrested him, so she could only give the last example to refute him.

"The fugitive? Haha!" Man Xiu stopped making a sound, just turned his head to one side. He knew that he would definitely die this time, and the fragrance of the Hundred Flowers Museum would not let him go.

At this moment, Yunxuan, who heard ** cough twice, obviously woke up. Yuqing and Xueer hurriedly left the peach blossoms to see Yunxuan. At this moment, Yunxuan's face turned pale, as if she had just come back from the ghost gate, which made people feel very sad.

"Sister, are you all right?"

"Hm, it's better. Why did you come?"

"I'm not worried about my sister! We lost our sister, so we have to find her in person.

"I want to drink some water."

"Okay, sister, I'll pour it down for you." Xueer stood up, walked to the table, poured a glass of water for her sister, and didn't forget to stare at her fiercely before turning around.

Yunxuan half sat up with difficulty, but first saw the peach blossoms tied at the door. What's wrong with him?"

"He! You deserve it!"

"Let him go, he is also forced to be helpless."

"My sister is really a Bodhisattva's heart. You are so good at helping him, but he kidnapped you. Moreover, without him, how could you get on the boat and suffer the crime now!" Cher said and held the water in front of her sister.

But when Yunxuan raised her arm to pick up the water cup, she accidentally found that her sleeves were full of dirt and couldn't help frowning. At this time, Xue'er also saw it and said hurriedly, "Look at me, I forgot it again. Sister, take off this dirty clothes quickly. I'll buy you a good one and change it later." Yunxuan nodded, but unexpectedly found that the button had been unbuttoned. Yunxuan looked at Xue'er and seemed to ask, "Did you help me solve the buckle?" Because there are four people in this room, and two of them are big men! But Xue'er didn't care about her sister. When she was tired again, she asked her sister to take off her clothes and lie down before resting for a while. Seeing that her sister had been hesitating, Xue'er knew that it was because of Yuqing and Peach Blossom, so she first found a piece of cloth from the room, blindfolded Peach Blossom fiercely, and asked Brother Lin to go out and wait for a while to settle her sister down before Yuqing came in again. But the cloth on the peach blossom eyes has not been removed.

Just then, someone knocked on the door and said it was the medicine delivery man. Cher simply stuffed a piece of cloth into the peach blossom's mouth and warned him not to move, otherwise he would be rude to him. After that, he opened the door, and Man Xiu was also sandwiched between the two doors as he opened the door, but this time he was very obedient and did not move. Xue'er took the medicine at the door, rewarded the little guy with a few money, and came back to carefully serve her sister and drink the medicine. After drinking the medicine, Yunxuan lay down and rested. Seeing her waxy face, not only Xueer, but also Yuqing beside her was really distressed.

It's really inconvenient for four people to be in one room. The most important thing is that they can't talk for fear of affecting Yunxuan's rest. But although Yunxuan was lying in ** at this time, she was much more energetic than before. Yunxuan repeatedly told Xueer to let go of the man. He was also unintentional, but Xueer didn't listen and only advised her sister to rest and not to worry about such trivial matters.

After a while, Xue'er saw that her sister's face gradually improved, so she proposed to let Brother Lin take care of her sister first and go out to buy clothes for her sister. She was so dirty that she couldn't wear it. Yuqing insisted on leaving Xue'er. He went out by himself and bought some snacks that Yunxuan liked. He vomited along the way. He must be very weak and had to make up for it.

Yuqing went out, leaving only Man Xiu, Xue'er and Yunxuan in the room. Man Xiu hasn't said a word since he laughed. Xue'er didn't embarras him again for fear of disturbing her sister's rest. Therefore, although there were three people in a room, it was surprisingly quiet.

The first person to break the silence was Yunxuan. She pulled Cher and whispered to her ear. It turned out that she wanted to go to the toilet. But Brother Lin hasn't come back yet. Anyway, people are in a hurry. They can't wait for clothes. Cher was bold. She took off her coat and put it on her sister. She only wore a blue jacket and helped her sister out of the door step by step.

Although Man Xiu was blindfolded, he heard Xue'er say, "Sister, be careful, the threshold is high", and when he opened and closed the door, he knew that Xue'er and Yunxuan were going out. Of course, it was not something he was qualified to know where to go. But the important thing for him is that he is the only one left in the room now.

When will you wait if you don't leave now? I'm really waiting to be escorted back to Tokyo! Man Xiu didn't even dare to believe how fate could favor him so much and give him such an excellent chance to escape. But the question is, how to escape? His mouth was blocked, and there was nothing he could do to call for help. What's more, he also knew that Yunxuan and Xueer should not have gone far. Don't call them back in advance before calling others, but there was good fruit to eat again. Yunxuan is not afraid, but Xueer is still afraid of three points.

The hands are tied too tightly and for too long, and they have not been like their own. What should I do? What should I do? In a hurry, Man Xiu suddenly remembered that he was tied to a door. If I remember correctly, the door was very thin and hard, and there should be no problem. Thinking about it, Man Xiu kicked the door with one foot and both arms at the same time. As a result, blood stains were strangled on his wrists, but the door was not broken. Try again! Still can't! Try again! Finally, for the third time, Man Xiu broke the edge of the door, and he was also thrown to the ground by inertia.

Dagger, before Man Xiu was blindfolded, remember that the dagger was put on the table by Cher after picking out her clothes on her ground. Where is the table? Manxiu walked towards the direction of the table based on his impression. Ah! It hurts so much! Unexpectedly, it hit a chair! Bang! The teapot was also taken to the ground by his groping hands and fell to pieces! Ha! Dagger! Manxiu finally touched it!

If your hands are no longer conscious, this is also the time to escape. Be sure to be in a twelve-point spirit! It was easy to pull out the dagger and hold it in his hand. The shackles tied to his hands were finally lifted! Man Xiu quickly untied the cloth blindfolded and took off the cloth stuffed in his mouth. It was so easy! However, looking at that wrist, it is blood-stained. The pain all over the body is indescribable. It's all Xue'er! Alas, now is not the time to pursue these. Man Xiu quietly opened a door crack and looked out. Oh, my God! Aren't those two girls downstairs? Manxiu saw Xueer holding Yunxuan and appeared at the corner of the first floor.

If you go out like this, don't catch it! Manxiu opened the window! Alas! Lin Yuqing is also coming this way on the other side of the street. What should I do? When Man Xiu saw Yunxuan's clothes thrown aside, he turned his mind and hurriedly soaked the dirty sleeves in the water to clean them up, put on this women's coat as soon as possible, changed a women's hairstyle with a golden hairpin, cut off a piece of his original clothes to make a handkerchief, and went out. At this moment, Xue'er is slowly walking up the stairs step by step. Fortunately, Lin Yuqing has not yet entered the inn.

It is inevitable to meet these two women on the stairs, because this is the only passage. Just as I was about to go down the stairs, Manxiu found a problem. After all, this is Yunxuan's clothes. He wears a little thin, and more importantly, he is a little short. His shoes can be exposed. When he goes down the stairs, is he still not seen through?

There is a turn on the stairs, walking along the inside, at least this half of it will definitely not be seen. Just as Manxiu went down to the corner of the stairs, Xue Er and Yunxuan also went up to this corner and finally met. Manxiu casually threw the peach purse he was wearing on the ground and pretended to squat down to pick it up. At the same time, he also covered half of his face with the blue coat and handkerchief, so that not only the clothes did not reveal his feet, but also the face would not be seen by the two women.