Golden hairpin

Chapter 87 Reunion of the Manor

Do you use flowers as fertilizer? What does this mean? Let them bury themselves in the ground? Isn't that what it means to die? What's the reason!

"Your landlord is so unreasonable. We just broke into it by mistake when we were playing. Besides, you didn't stand up and say that it was your place. If you didn't say it, how could we know! It should be your fault to investigate. How can we be fat and sacrifice our lives for your mistakes?

"In the woods, when you smell the flowers, there should be a stone tablet next to you."

"A stone tablet, what a stone tablet!" Xue'er was only excited when she smelled the fragrance of flowers and didn't notice the objects around her, but Lin Yuqing and Yunxuan did see it. As soon as they caught up with Xue'er and didn't have time to tell her, they were captured.

"A stone tablet with 'Ziyan Manor, the death of trespassers' written together! I stood up. You didn't see that it was your business. If you break into my manor, you have to follow the rules of my manor. Knowing that you broke in by mistake, I gave you another choice. If it hadn't been for this, I would have filled you in the earth long ago!"

"What are you kidding! Do you know who we are?

"Mother Huang, tell them, I don't like to repeat the same thing twice!" Fang Ziyan actually ignored Xue'er directly. From childhood to age, except for Man Xiu, she was the second person to provoke Xueer.

"Which is it to be the owner's servant or flower fat? You can choose!" One of the women holding the guqin before. So her name is Huang Ma. Seeing that the three of them didn't say anything, Huang's mother continued, "As long as you enter the manor, you will never go out again. Either serve the landlord for life, or die now!" If you don't answer, just think of it as a dead end..."

"Hate! Let's choose students!" Yunxuan replied.

"Sister!" Cher looked at her sister in surprise. Is the daughter of a military servant going to become a slave? However, she also knew that her sister made the right choice. If you don't choose the way to live, you will inevitably face a dead end! Because, this owner is as beautiful as a flower, but his heart is like a snake and scorpion. He regards human life like grass mustard, so he won't mind killing one more person or one less!

"Which of the three of you can grow flowers?" Yunxuan replied that she knew a little about it.

"Good! You go to the garden to grow flowers. You and you, listen to Huang's mother's arrangement. Ah, and one more thing to say, when you just broke into the manor, you touched the mechanism. There is not only smoke, but also pity powder around you, which will gradually feel weak. Every seven days, Huang Ma will send you the antidote, and you will recover your strength after eating it. But don't worry, it won't do any harm to the human body. However, it is absolutely impossible for those who want to escape from my manor with their own efforts. No wonder Lin Yuqing just wanted to break the rope, but he always couldn't use it. It turned out that this so-called pity powder was working. This landlord is really interesting. Obviously, it is a harmful thing, but it is such an elegant name!

In this way, Yunxuan was arranged to raise flowers. Yuqing and Xueer followed Huang's instructions, one was responsible for cleaning the flower nursery and the other was responsible for cleaning the rockery. The division of labor is very detailed! Fortunately, we can meet every day! But this way of meeting was very reluctant. If Brother Lin hadn't repeatedly told her that the landlord was not like joking, it was important to save her life first. How to escape would have been a matter of the future. She would have exploded and fought with the owner.

But at present, I always feel that my body is soft and I can't use my strength. After taking a pill the size of a mung bean given by Huang Ma, I feel more energetic. Xue'er calculated how to escape, but she was always muttered by Huang's mother, "Go back to read the rules of the village, ask questions at any time, and be punished if you can't recite it!" Penalty for non-compliance! The order must be completed on the same day, and it will be punished if it is not completed! On that day, there will be a foreman's inspection work, and penalties for not doing well..." and other interruptions.

This garden really opened the eyes of the three people, because Fang Ziyan likes flowers and actually visited good varieties all over the country and planted them in her own garden. Not to mention that, for the evergreen of the four seasons, she specially invited famous gardeners from all over the country to take care of it for her. Therefore, even in this cold winter, you can smell the fragrance of flowers.

Fortunately, Lin Yuqing has been in the officialdom for a long time and knows some worldly wisdom. He took out two dozen pieces of silver and ordered Huang Ma and the foreman in the garden. Therefore, they are taken care of in the arrangement and practical work. But in this way, Xue'er, who has been spoiled since she was a child, can't stand the work here. It's dirty and exhausting. Not to mention, Xue'er's delicate hands bubbled because of holding a broom. It was much better than this when she learned kung fu before! Xue'er, who has never done such a low job, scolded Fang Ziyan thousands of times in her heart, and made up her mind to leave here, otherwise she would definitely be suffocated, exhausted and angry if she was not killed.

Suffocation and suffocation only refers to night, because although it is hard to work during the day, at least you can talk to your sister and brother Lin. She had to go back to her room at night, but she was not separated with her sister, but with a little girl named Qiaoer, but Qiaoer was also strange. No matter what Xueer said to her, she just ignored it. Xueer doubted whether she was deaf and mute.

Is the father in Tokyo about to go crazy on New Year's Eve? Even if you go out to play, you will not go home on New Year's Eve. The reunion night is two cities apart! There is no chance to communicate! Humph, after all, it's all about the peach blossoms! If he doesn't kidnap his sister, how can this happen!

The owner was very generous. He had a lively New Year's Eve and held a banquet for all the people in the manor to attend. He also specially set up a stage, with singing, juggling, and performing small clay figurines, just like a lively corner of the capital. Looking at the strings of red lanterns in the manor and the continuous fireworks in the sky, listening to the bustling voices and laughter around her, Xue'er would have been excited in the past, but today, except for sitting next to Lin Yuqing and drinking tea alone, she didn't say a word.

There were other people sitting at my deskmate, but as soon as I talked a few words, I saw that Cher was fierce and wanted to eat people, so I hurriedly looked for another table to sit down. It turned out that in order to relax the atmosphere, Fang Ziyan did not stipulate who had to sit where. She came to find her own seat.

Yuqing saw the clay figurine in the hand of the craftsman in the garden. He was very cute, so he got up and walked away. He wanted to make Xueer happier. At this moment, a man went to Xue'er, pointed to several empty seats next to her and asked, "Is there anyone here?" A seat next to Xue'er was reserved for Yunxuan. Yunxuan was just called by Huang's mother, but she didn't know why. The other is Lin Yuqing, who just got up and left. Others, although there is no one, it is not that there is really no one, but no one dares to sit down.

Xue'er was in an extremely bad mood. At this moment, when she heard this question, she couldn't help but reply rudely: "Find a seat somewhere else! What bad luck!"

"If you don't sit, you won't sit down. How can you talk like this?"

"What's wrong with what I said!" Cher patted the table and looked at the man who was about to turn around and leave. As a result, when the two looked at each other, they were stunned. It turned out that the man who asked was Man Xiu, but because he came late, the other tables were almost full. He saw that there were many empty seats at this table, and only one girl sat there. Out of courtesy, he asked, but he asked the wrong person! When Manxiu hurriedly turned around to leave, he had been captured by Cher and grabbed his arm.

"Okay, there is no place to break the iron shoes, and it will take no time to get there! I was about to find your bad luck, but you sent it to the door by yourself! Let's see how I deal with you today!"

"Ah! It hurts! Be gentle, be gentle." Last time I was beaten by Xue'er, my whole body was still red, swollen and painful. I didn't think I would meet him here again. What a narrow way for enemies!

"Xueer, what good things do you think I brought you?" Yuqing held the pinched clay figurine in his hand, and Yunxuan was still standing beside him. When I went to the craftsman just now, I happened to meet Yunxuan who was also there, so I came with her. I thought I was going to coax Xue'er, but I didn't expect that Xue'er would change her previous depression. Looking at the person held by Xue'er's hand, Yu Qing and Yunxuan immediately knew the reason. So he is here too!

"You girl is so unreasonable. I didn't offend you. Why do you keep an eye on me!"

" Girl? That's what you call it!"

"Ren me go! Do you know that this is Ziyan Manor? If the owner, or Huang's mother and Qi's mother see us like this, they will definitely be in trouble. The rules of the manor do not allow servants to fight privately, and no matter how big or small it is, it must be reported to solve.

"Take these bullshit rules to bluff me! You think I really don't know. If you say so, you just want to escape! I just won't let you!"

"Ren me go! I don't like you!"

"Ha! Like it? Do you deserve it?"

"If you don't let go, I will call someone. If there is any consequence then, you will bear it yourself!"

"Threatening me? I don't like this!"

"What's going on!" Ah! It's Qi's mother's voice! That's another woman around Fang Ziyan, who is responsible for rewarding and punishing people.

Cher unconsciously let go of her hand, but she didn't know how to answer. Man Xiu answered quickly and replied, "Mother Qi, we are having fun on New Year's Eve!"

"Do you still use that for fun?" Anyone with bright eyes doesn't know that it's Xue'er who caught Man Xiu and wanted to deceive Qi's mother's eyes. It's a little hard to say.

"Mother Qi didn't know that we were playmates when we were childhood, and we went our separate ways. I didn't expect to meet here on New Year's Eve today. On the oneyuans, it was a blessing for the owners and mothers, and on the other, it was also a fate. Just because I played a game when I was a child, pretending to catch fast criminals, who caught the other party to win. Now this unexpected meeting can't help but remind people of childhood memories, so I played it once. Unexpectedly, I let Qi's mother bump into it. Don't make fun of us.