Golden hairpin

Chapter 102 Real Identity

Is he an infatuated person again? Looking at the back of the woman who turned away, she sighed long and waited to leave, but she couldn't rest assured that the girl who had left with tears just now. She couldn't think about doing anything stupid, so she followed her to a secluded lake.

After the girl arrived at the lake, she put the small wooden box on her back to one side first. She sat by the lake and stared at the lake. Man Xiu's hands sweated for fear that she would not jump into the lake and killed herself.

Time passed by minute by, just as the sun had just set in the west, the girl suddenly got up, which shocked Man Xiu, who had been staring at her. The girl took a few steps towards the lake, but before she entered the water, Man Xiu rushed up with an arrow step and couldn't help hugging the woman from behind and pulling her back. Unexpectedly, when she was far away from the lake and could let go, what she got was a woman's fierce mouth.

"What are you ** thief doing?"

This is the second time I've heard someone call him a thief, but Man Xiu is not angry. Girl, it's me! Don't you recognize me?"

"Ah!" The girl's face suddenly turned red, "Why is it you?"

"So it's really you! I, I should call you Miss Lin!"

"It's wrong for me to lie to you yesterday, but you, you just treated me like that, too much!"

"I was afraid that the girl couldn't think about it and found the dagger before she came forward to save her!"

"Can't I open it? Looking for a dagger? Where does this start?"

"Didn't the girl just jump into the lake and committed suicide?"

"Bah! You have to jump into the lake and suicide!"

Ah! Another misunderstanding!

"Since the girl didn't mean to suicide, I was too careful! Please forgive me for offending the girl just now!" Seeing that the girl didn't say anything, Man Xiu continued to say, "In that case, take care, girl!" I, goodbye!"

"Hey..." The woman unexpectedly stopped him.

"What else do you have to order, girl?"

"You really wanted to save me just now? Do you think I'm going to jump into the lake to die?"

"It's true! If there is a lie, there will be five thunderstorms! I just saw the girl leaving with tears under the ring, so I was worried and followed her. I didn't want to offend the girl. Damn it! Just ask the girl to forgive me and don't blame me anymore!"

"Since you are kind to save me, how can I blame you! Since it was a misunderstanding, I just hit you in vain!"

"The girl is fine as she is safe. I'm thick-skinned and fine."

After saying this, the girl couldn't help laughing, but soon turned into her sadness.

"I take the liberty to ask the girl, what is the girl's name...?"

"Ye, Lin Yuwei! Rain and snow, roses!"

"Oh, the girl's appearance yesterday really swayed me."

"Yesterday I got your help, and today I came to save me, but I still hit you..."

"Ha ha, didn't you say it was a misunderstanding just now? Miss Lin, don't take it to heart.

"Ye." Lin Yuwei nodded.

"Does the girl know a girl named Lin Yuqing?"

Yu Wei, who was lost in thought, looked up and looked at Man Xiu, "Do you know him?"

"Oh, I know. I also lived in a house." After saying that, Man Xiu regretted a little and had no reason to mention these things. Whether it is the same room in Yongcheng Inn or the same room in Ziyan Manor, it is not a good memory for Man Xiu. Although Lin Yuqing's attitude towards him later eased, he was still cold and not a friend at all.

"What? Have you lived in a house? Have you been to my house? Do you know your brother well? Obviously, Lin Yuwei was a little surprised. She had only heard that there were close friends among women, but she never thought that men could do the same.

It turns out that he is your brother. I haven't been to your house. I met him outside by chance. By chance, I lived in the same room for only a few days, and I didn't know each other very well. Manxiu

"Oh, he is my own brother, but I haven't seen him for ten years."

"It's no wonder you two look so similar."

"I have been weak since I was a child. When I was six years old, a nun master saved my life and asked my parents to go. Since then, I have learned medicine from my master and walked around to treat diseases and save people. It was not long before Master said that his fate with me was over and asked me to return to my home in Tokyo as soon as possible. I have been away from home for ten years, and I'm not afraid of your jokes. I can't remember what my parents and brother look like.

"I will definitely recognize it when I see it. It looks very similar to you."

"Real?" Yuwei smiled, but then turned to a bitter expression.

"Miss Lin."

"Oh? What?"

"Are you sad for the man in the ring? ..." But looking at Yuwei's tears that were about to shed again, Man Xiu immediately changed his words and said, "Girl, forgive me, just as if I haven't asked!"

"You mean Xiao Fei? It's more than knowing! It's still very familiar!"

Xiao Fei? Didn't he read it wrong and hear it wrong? Just now, on the ring, it was clearly said that it was Bao Siqiu. Isn't it not a person to talk to Miss Lin? But at that time, her eyes were clearly staring at Bao Siqiu! Bao Siqiu? Xiao Fei? What the hell is going on!

"Thinking for personal revenge! He is going to assassinate the magistrate Yue Qiming. It is said that Yue Qiming and his father were classmates and friends, and they were Jinshi in the same year, and the two wives were pregnant at the same time, which can be said to be a big fate. Both families once got married, so that the children born in the future would either become brothers or husband and wife. But before the baby's kiss was settled, the news came from the court that there was a vacant magistrate. At that time, the court intended to appoint Xiao Fei's father, but Yue Qiming, who was also a scholar, was unwilling. He designed to frame Xiao Fei's father, saying that he had accepted a bribe from the local rich man. When the court sent people to investigate, not only the human evidence and material evidence were available, but Yue Qiming also became the most important human witness. He not only testified that Xiao Fei's father received bribes, but also revealed where he hid bribes. Because of the conclusive evidence, Lord Xiao, who was supposed to be promoted to a magistrate, was suddenly demoted to a commoner and will never be used. The future was uncertain, and the frame-up of his friends made Xiao Fei's father frustrated. In a few years, he ended up depressed. Xiao Fei's mother also committed suicide after the death of her father. Xiao Fei, who left his young age, began to live a wandering life. He blamed his unfortunate life on the magistrate, so he vowed revenge. I learned from teachers everywhere, and met the guidance of masters. Finally, I returned from learning and sought revenge.

Ah, so it is!

"He wants to assassinate Lord Yue, but Lord Yue has always been guarded by four masters. With his skills, I'm afraid he will be captured and killed before he gets close to him. It is also the martial arts competition that began today, which provides him with an excellent opportunity. Because as long as you become Miss Yue's son-in-law, you will have unlimited opportunities to assassinate Lord Yue.

"Is this the emergency you mentioned yesterday?"

"Yes, I was in a hurry to find him and persuade him not to take revenge. Unfortunately, he didn't listen to me and went.

"If you tell me this, won't you be afraid that I will tell you?"

Yu Wei looked at Man Xiu, sighed and said, "Even if you want to whistleblower to receive the reward, it's too late. Because this morning, he told me to meet me at sunset, right by the lake. He said that if he hadn't come at that time, something would have happened.

"Isn't there an unlimited chance to assassinate Lord Yue? Why are you in a hurry at this moment?

"He has some conscience and doesn't want to ruin Miss Yue. Because from tomorrow, he will be busy for the wedding banquet, and it is a custom that he can no longer appear in Yue's mansion until before marriage.

"So how did he do it today? Aren't those guards always following the magistrate's protection?

"You don't know that there is a custom of marriage here. There is a family banquet at the wedding party. The so-called family banquet is attended by only family members. Xiao Fei's parents had already died. Naturally, only he participated, and the other party was nothing more than the magistrate's family of three. If you choose to do it at home banquet, you still have a good chance of winning.

"Miss Yue's kung fu is not an idle person. How can he be so confident?"

"Of course, it's too late to love the Ruyi Langjun you chose. How can you think of him and beware of assassinating his father?"

"That's true, but in the final analysis, it's better to take advantage of Miss Yue."

"It's better than marrying them, ruining their chastity, and killing her father."

"Isn't this also ruining Miss Yue's reputation? In the light of day, in full view of the public, she won the ring, wrote a promise to 'take the hand of the son and grow old with him', and then use the opportunity of the family banquet to assassinate her future father-in-law. Can you say that Miss Yue has not been hurt much?

"You pity the jade! When her father robbed Xiao Fei's parents' lives, did he also think that Xiao Fei would be hurt because of this?

"The affairs of the fathers should be borne by the next generation. What's more, Xiao Fei's parents were not killed by the governor of Yue. Why do they have to take this road of no return?

"I don't kill Bo Ren, but Bo Ren died because of me. Although Xiao Fei's parents were not killed by Yue Qiming, after all, the reason was that he harmed Xiao Fei's father and robbed him of his position. It is understandable to seek justice for your parents.

Man Xiu saw Lin Yuwei speaking for Xiao Fei everywhere. Although he had different opinions, it was inconvenient to say more. If Lin Yuwei also agrees with Xiao Fei's assassination, there is no need to rush to stop him. It can't be stopped. When he saw that Xiao Fei successfully became the son-in-law of Yue Zhifu, why did he burst into tears and be sad?

"Before he left home and wandered, he only took one thing at home, that is, his mother's handkerchief before his death. Before going to the ring today, he handed me the handkerchief. He said that if he didn't come to meet me at sunset, he would ask me to bury this handkerchief in the ground, even his grave. But I dug a hole in front of my eyes, but I felt that the handkerchief was dirty and was about to wash it in the lake. Unexpectedly, you rushed up indiscriminately. I thought I met a bandit and almost pricked your acupuncture point with this needle.

At this time, Man Xiu noticed that there were three needles hidden in Yuwei's wrist, and she was almost regarded as a ** thief, and almost died! How can all the women in the world be so capable? They can't help but feel a little embarrassed. They think they can do everything, but it turns out that they are far behind.