Golden hairpin

Chapter 115 Pulling the Snake into the Hole

Time passes by minute by second. Fang Ziyan's subordinates sent went to major places in the city. A voice sounded almost everywhere in Jiangning's mansion at the same time, that is, a master who used poison appeared in the world, and his use of poison means can be called the first in the world. In particular, the use of broken intestine grass has harmed many people's lives, so it has won the name "broken intestines". Now, it is said that some people have seen this broken heart in the slum at the east end of the city. In just one night, none of the people in the slum disappeared. It is estimated that he was given some smart means to kill those people. Alas! I don't know how many more uproar he will cause when he appears in Jiangning Mansion!

The rumor was so eye-catching that people were panicked for a while. Although Fang Ziyan and others did not want to see it, there was an emergency, and there was no better way to attract Qi Tianqing out, so they had to apologize to the people of Jiangning Mansion and let them worry about themselves. After the Qi Tianqing or the poisonous man was captured, Man Xiu was rescued, and then told everyone that Ziyan Manor was harmful to the people of Jiangning Mansion, and the reputation of Ziyan Manor should increase in the world without damage.

Say both ends, and Man Xiu is indeed next to this girl named Qi Tianqing at this time. However, as Lin Yuqing expected, he was tied, and Qi Tianqing did not untie the rope in his hand at all.

That night, Mu Lanzhi left angrily, and Mu Feng tied himself tightly to the pillar of the broken temple and left. Manxiu is called that every day is not effective, and the ground should not be. I thought I had to go to Huangquan Road like this, but I didn't think about it, but a guest came to the ruined temple. It is said that he missed the head of the house because he was greedy for the journey. When he saw this broken temple, he had to stay for a night first. Manxiu was so grateful to God that he sent such a beautiful girl to save him. As long as he untied the rope, he rushed to the slum in the east of the city and must be able to find Mu Lanzhi. No matter what the end of the gold and silver matter was, at least he did not have to die so lonely.

However, he thought it was too good. The girl who entered the ruined temple looked at him and smiled. Man Xiu didn't know what she was laughing at, but felt what was hidden under this smile. As for what it was, he soon knew it. The girl didn't follow what he said and untied the rope for him, but took out a small handkerchief from her body. After carefully opening the layers, he said to let him taste it.

Meet each other and inexplicably let him taste the white powder in the handkerchief? He is not an idiot. Of course he won't eat it. But the girl took out a dagger and insisted on prying his mouth. That's good. There is no savior, but the evil star. The girl poured the white powder from her handkerchief into Manxiu's mouth. Manxiu sneezed several times, and the white powder came out a lot, but it was useless. He still ate a lot.

When Man Xiu asked him what he had just eaten, the girl undisguisedly said that it was poison, which she newly developed. It was in order to find this medicine that she wandered alone in the wilderness. Finally, she found it and ground it into powder. She was about to find a tester to see the effect of the medicine, but she didn't expect to encounter it.

Oh my God! A thief stole and a poison came. Are there few good women in the world? Yes, there are also Mrs. Yu, Yunxuan, Xue'er, Fang Ziyan, Lin Yuwei, and Jinlan... It doesn't matter. Anyway, leaving Mulan is the final death. What does it matter? While Man Xiu was waiting for the poison to die, the new girl in the broken temple carved her proud work - poppy on the pillar.

"This is really like you!"

"Are you talking about this flower? I think so."

"What's your name? I'm going to die soon. It should be better to die clearly!"

"What are you doing? Are you a ghost coming to find revenge for me? But I'm not afraid! Remember, my name is Qi Tianqing. Remember to sue me when you go to the king of the world! It happens that I have been everywhere, but I haven't visited the hell yet. If I go, I can let the Lord of Hell taste my tricks!"

Little girl, what a big tone! No wonder she carved poppies. It's really poisonous!

"That's not true. I've been poisoned before. If you don't come, I'll die tomorrow. I can help you test the toxicity, but I have done a good thing.

"Oh? Have you ever been poisoned? At this time, Qi Tianqing looked at Man Xiu. It was really a pity that such a handsome man was poisoned. Huh? That's not right! Why hasn't this person taken his new medicine at all?

Qi Tianqing tried the pulse of the comic practice. How could this be possible?! There is no sign of poisoning on the man in front of him. He is obviously the same as a normal person!

"What poison did you have before?" Qi Tianqing was thinking about whether she accidentally hit and relieved the previous poison for this man?

"One day. Have you heard of it?

"One day? How can it be! That doesn't match my medicine at all!"

"What did you say?"

Qi Tianqing stopped talking and took out a pill from her body, "Eat it!"


"If I ask you to eat it, you can eat it! No, I'm going to kill you now!"

Manxiu had no choice but to eat it.

Qi Tianqing stared at his reaction. As a result, after a long time, Man Xiu still did not respond at all. That one is poison! Not to mention that the white powder just now will not solve the poison of a day's dispersion at all. Even if you take a step back, what about this poison? Why is his pulse still so stable?

"You, who are you?"

"What?" Man Xiu was stunned by the question of Qi Tianqing in front of him. What kind of person?

"What's your name?"

"Why should I tell you? You want to kill me!"

"Where am I going to kill you? Just let you try the medicine! In this way, you take the last medicine. If nothing happens, I will help you untie the rope tied on the pillar. What do you think?

At this time, there was no room for Manxiu to choose, so he had no choice but to take another medicine from Qi Tianqing. It's still okay.

"Have you eaten anything before? For example, drugs that can solve poisons and so on.

After taking poison three times in a row and being reminded by Qi Tianqing, Man Xiu suddenly remembered the beautiful viper he had met when he lived in a cave under the cliff. Ah! Why are you so stupid? Since then, you have obviously been invulnerable, and now you have suffered so much anger from Mulan for a day's scattered poison! Why did you forget it?

"You are invulnerable, aren't you?" Qi Tianqing saw the change of Man Xiu's expression and knew that she had guessed right.

"You just said that as long as I take the last medicine, if it's okay, you will let me go!"

"Yes, I said, but if your ears are fine, I'm saying that if it's okay, I'll help you untie the rope on the pillar. But not now, but tomorrow morning!"

was tied up and slept in the ruined temple all night. The next morning, when he got up, he saw Qi Tianqing cutting the rope along the pillar with a dagger, and then holding this end of the rope in one hand and putting the dagger on Manxiu's neck with the other hand.

"What are you doing? Aren't you going to let me go?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you! I have been looking for an invulnerable person for a long time! After drinking your blood, I must be invulnerable, won't I?"

"You, you vicious woman!"

"Ha ha, don't be so nervous! I won't kill you now! I have to take you to meet someone who is my master! She also needs you! If she sees me take you back, she must be moved to teach her everything she has learned all her life! At that time, even if there is no invulsible poison, I will still be invincible in the world!"

In this way, Man Xiu was forced out of the door of the broken temple by Qi Tianqing with a dagger. Along the street, in the inn, Man Xiu wanted to ask outsiders for help several times. However, Qi Tianqing looked at him very tightly and was afraid of implicting others. He had no choice but to swallow his anger again.

broken? In the inn, when Qi Tianqing heard the name, she sneered at it. If you can use a broken grass to kill people, you dare to be the first in the world. You really don't know the depth of heaven and earth! All right! Just let Qi Tianqing end your life with poison! Thinking about it, a smile appeared at the corners of Qi Tianqing's mouth.

"Are you going to find him?" Seeing that Qi Tianqing, who took herself to a room tied up in the inn, turned around and was about to go out, Man Xiu couldn't help asking.

"What, are you worried about me?"

"That's not true. From my standpoint, I hope you won't come back this time!"

"Hehe, unfortunately, it's impossible! Wait here to come back obediently. When I finish teaching that broken-hearted world, I will take you away!"

Manxiu stopped making a sound, but at this time, he felt that he was hit by a heavy object behind him and Manxiu fainted.

Mulan smiled and turned to leave the room of the inn. Go to the slum in the east of the city to see if you can find this legendary broken heart.

And here, in the anxious waiting, a familiar figure came into Lin Yuwei's sight. It was Qi Tianqing! She is the only one, which is really lucky! Everything is ready, just waiting for you to come! Yuwei smiled and turned back to tell Lin Yuqing. Lin Yuqing sent two rich businessmen pretending to be for medicine, and he quickly told Xue'er, and Xue'er told Fang Jing again. Everything is ready, just waiting for Qi Tianqing to enter the slum.

Qi Tianqing followed the two rich businessmen who asked for medicine and soon found the slum in the east of the city. Seeing the desolate scene here, Qi Tianqing couldn't help humming. In this way, he also deserves to be the first in the world? Qi Tianqing did not go in, but observed for a while in the distance.

The two rich businessmen who asked for medicine came out of a house. When Qi Tianqing passed by him, he made a little move and saw that the two people immediately turned black and couldn't breathe smoothly. Ah! The battle between the poisonous people began. Qi Tianqing did this just to see if the people in the room had real ability.

Sure enough, two silver needles flew out of the room and inserted them directly into the acupuncture point between their necks. The two people felt uncomfortable for a while and vomited some black water. Their breathing became smooth and their faces changed back to their original appearance.

Hehe, it's really good! However, that was just a small test knife! The real contest just kicked off!

"Are you two all right?" Qi Tianqing pretended to help them, but when she helped the first person, the man immediately foamed at the mouth, and the other person was waiting to save him, but he also lay on the ground and twitched. Qi Tianqing looked at the room and saw that there was no response, and smiled, ranking first in the world! Humph!

But at this time, several rows of silver needles flew out of the room, inserting several big holes of the two people. The previous convulsions and foaming at the mouth soon recovered miraculously.

The two people who were rescued again finally recovered their lives. They didn't dare to stay much and quickly fled.