Golden hairpin

Chapter 158 Worship the Father

It turned out that Zhu Si had a difficult life and had a spiritual child, and it was even more inconvenient to move. It took another two years from Kaifeng to Jinhua, so there was a saying that Liu Xiyi had gone for * years.

In response to Liu Xi's inquiry, Zhu Si respectfully replied, "Thank you, master, for your care. I chased the girl and the young master all the way..."

"Hmm?" Liu Xi stared, and Zhu Si knew that she had said something wrong.

"Oh, no, it's that little evil seed. He was supposed to win, but unexpectedly, he killed Cheng Yaojin halfway and saved the two of them many times. In order to complete the master's order, I only chased it for thousands of miles, and I didn't catch it until Kaifeng two years ago!"

"Okay, where's the corpse of the little evil beast?"

"I dare not hide the master. Just as I was about to kill him, he rolled down the cliff first. I have surveyed that the cliff is high and steep, and it is life-threatening!"

Huh? Brother Zhu, don't blame me for talking about you! Taking people's money is to eliminate disasters. I gave you two a generous reward on that day, but the conditions are also very clear. Be sure to see the girl and the little evil seed's corpse. Who saw it now? You said that he fell from the cliff. Didn't I say that he drowned in the water that day? You have to be honest, don't you? It's simple to get a reward. How can I lose your share now? I can even give you money and dogs, but if you want to see people and die, you can't ask me for money so empty!"

"Yes, what Master Liu said. But the little evil beast rolled down the cliff, how could I get his body? It must have fallen to pieces!"

"Ye�, it makes some sense. What about the girl?"

Zhu Siben wanted to tell the truth, but after listening to Liu Xi's words just now, he was obviously complaining about his inability to do things and not want to pay the remuneration. Now even if he said that he brought the girl back, Liu Xi was most concerned about the child, and the girl just let them kill him by the way. Thinking of this, Zhu Si replied, "She killed it, but the body was inconvenient to be transported from Kaifeng. It was so eye-catching that she only took her close-fitting jewelry." With that, Zhu Si took out a dress from his arms with a pool of blood stains on it.

This pool of blood actually flowed when he was injured at that time. Later, when he saw that Linger's clothes were also stained with blood, which was too eye-catching, he stole a suit of clothes for Linger, and wrapped the wound in Ling'er's clothes, which was left by himself at that time. Later, the wound slowly healed, and Zhu Si removed the clothes and wanted to throw them away, but Linger's hand always saved a corner of the clothes, and Zhu Si left the clothes again. Unexpectedly, it came in handy today, when the evidence of killing Linger was shown to Liu Xi. After watching it, Liu Xi left his clothes and ordered the account room to pay Zhu Si a large fee, so that he would not look for him again. Zhu Si took the money and Linger with him and left Jinhua. I arrived in Hangzhou this day.

With Linger's fetters, Zhu Si stopped gambling. After 12 years, taking care of Linger has become a habit for him. With the money given by Liu Xi, Zhu Si started a small business. I didn't do it before. Who would do such a harmful thing when I was rich? But why did he save Linger and why he took care of Linger for 12 years? Zhu Si couldn't explain it clearly, but he saved her at that time and took care of her without suspense. We have been together for 12 years. Although there has been no decent communication between them, she is indispensable in Zhu Si's life.

Zhu Si is very good to Linger. She eats, drinks and sleeps all-inclusively, but the only thing she refuses to do for her is to take her for treatment. He was afraid that Linger would suddenly get better one day, and then recognized him as the previous killer and left him.

On the other hand, when he saw his mother's familiar back, he couldn't find it. He thought he had seen it wrong and got on the boat from Hangzhou to Luoyang alone. When he got off the boat and then turned from Luoyang to Kaifeng, he accidentally met another familiar person on the boat. At first, he didn't dare to recognize each other. When he heard someone call him "the sea", Man Xiu came forward and asked, "Is this uncle surnamed Sun?"

The other party was surprised to look at the handsome young man in front of him. He seemed to have some impression, but he did not know it, "You, are...?"

"Uncle used to live in Mahang Street, Kaifeng? Do you remember that there was a child in the neighbor's house called Qin Manxiu?

"Ah! Are you... the son of the Qin brothers?" Obviously, the other party also remembered Man Xiu, but the surprised expression was obvious.

Let's say that the person Manxiu met on the boat was none other than his childhood neighbor, Mrs. Sun Hai, the son of Mrs. Sun. When Man Xiu was a child, he only knew that he was running a boat, but he didn't know which boat he was running. Now it is also a coincidence that we met here. Manxue wanted to inquire about the truth about his father's murder. It was really God's blessing to give his old neighbor to him. Twelve years of separation, the joy of meeting the deceased again made Manxiu sweep away the previous frustration and excitement.

"Uncle Sun, is Grandma Sun still healthy?" Man Xiu also vaguely remembered that the person his mother often took care of was Mrs. Sun.

"Oh, don't mention it. Since the fire that day, I was in a hurry to rescue my mother out of the house. When I settled down and went to look for you, your family of three disappeared. Because the fire that day burned down several houses around them, we were also placed elsewhere with everyone. Later, my mother asked me to look for your mother and son several times, but there was nowhere to find them. A few years later, my mother also passed away. Before his death, he had been thinking about the spirit of his neighbor? He said, 'Why haven't you seen her come to see me for so many years? When she comes back, you must tell me at my grave...' Alas, Tokyo is very big. Where can I find neighbors who have been separated for many years? After burying my mother, I took the house out and only concentrated on going to sea and sailing. I didn't expect to meet an old friend I haven't seen for more than ten years on the boat. What a fate! By the way, where is your mother? Is she okay? Are you living in Hangzhou now, or are you still in Kaifeng?

Mrs. Sun's last words and Sun Dahai's caring greetings also deeply stimulated Man Xiu's heart. My mother and I ran away from the fire, and I'm still looking for her. Uncle Sun, if you meet me when you run the boat, you must let me know! I will live in the Ruyi restaurant on Mahang Street. Even if I'm not here, I will leave a message with me!" Obviously, Manxiu can't and doesn't want to give up any chance to find his mother.

"Hehe, that's natural! If I see you, I will definitely look for you." Speaking of this, Sun Dahai looked around and whispered to Man Xiu, "Come to the cabin later!"

Man Xiu immediately agreed that this was Sun Hai had something else to say to him, which should be about his father's death. At present, my heart is a little excited, and the truth of my father's murder is finally coming to the surface!

Shortly after Man Xiu saw Sun Dahai walk into the cabin, he also went in. Sun Dahai pulled him to a secluded place and asked, "Have you ever worshipped your father?"

"Twelve years, I don't even know where my father's body was buried." As Man Xiu said, he burst into tears.

"I know where it is!"

This made Man Xiu suddenly raise his head, "Do you know?"

"Yes! I buried your father's body with my own hands!" After that, Sun Dahai described the situation at that time. He clearly remembered that when the fire started, several officers dressed as officers rode to check, and there was the head of Qin Wei he was familiar with in front of a horse. At that time, he was scared. He didn't expect that such a good man as the Qin brothers would be a criminal of the imperial court, and he would die. Thanks to Meng Ling for taking care of his mother for a long time, Sun Dahai managed to find Qin Wei's body after settling down his mother and buried it in the vast site. However, Sun Dahai did not set up any inscriptions there for fear of growing branches, but piled up some small stones for easy search in the future.

"Thank you, Uncle Sun!" Man Xiu was grateful and immediately knelt down and kowtowed several times to Sun Dahai.

"Wing up! I also think that the Qin brothers are not as bad people. Although the twists and turns of their killing are unknown to us, they have gone. How can we let them corpse again in the wilderness? Therefore, it was put into the earth. I've been looking for you for many years, but I haven't seen you two. I just thought you were in trouble. I didn't expect to meet you here!"

"Besides, Uncle Sun, you just said that several officers dressed as officers cut off my father's head at that time. Do you know the origin of those people?"

"I inquired later. I heard that it is from the barracks on Qinfeng Road, Shaanxi Province. We ordinary people can't control the things in the barracks. Why do you think your father is such a good person, why... alas!"

Shaanxi Qinfeng Road Military Camp? How can Dad get involved with the people in the barracks? Man Xiu's father, whom he has known since he can remember, is just a grocery man who combines heroism and heroism. The death of father, their pursuit of themselves and their mother, and what they want is by no means accidental. Maybe the problem lies in this military camp on Qinfeng Road, Shaanxi? However, how can we find it out?

I took a boat to Luoyang and then to Kaifeng. The first thing Man Xiu did was to find the place where his father and he rode a horse, that is, the place where his father's body was buried in the ground.

After 12 years, when I stepped on this land again, I burst into tears. There is no more vitality here, replaced by barren grass. My father taught me the patience of riding skills little by little, for fear that I would not be able to control the pony at a young age, the love when I touched my forehead at rest, and the spirit when I immediately talked about heroes with myself... All these pictures of the past came to the mind one after another. Unfortunately, things are wrong now. It is no longer the one who was still standing on this land, but my father has been buried in the ground.

"Father! Children are unfilial! It's been 12 years since I came back to see you!" Man Xiu accurately found a grave according to Sun Dahai's instructions. It is said to be a tomb, but the mound is slightly higher than elsewhere. There is no inscription, but there is a neat pile of small stones on it. The special pattern of this small stone is exactly what Sun Dahai told Manxiu. It's here, and my father is here!

Man Xiu knelt down and cried and kowtowed dozens of times to his father, "Father, don't worry, I will definitely get justice for you! You will be buried in the scenery! I won't let you bear the name of the unknown court!"