Golden hairpin

Chapter 184 The True Murderer

"Then can't I pretend to be sick and not participate?" Man Xiu still wants to leave a way out for himself.

"No, unless you are dead or seriously ill and unable to participate. However, that also means the end of your military career. Would you like to?"

What? End your military career? How can that be! It was so easy to come in and suffered such a great humiliation! I haven't started to inquire about anything yet. Why did I end my career as a soldier so inexplicably?

"If you don't want to, then don't talk about it."

"What the captain just said is not that I will do whatever project he wants me to do. What does it mean?"

"Oh, that's right. Isn't there a total of five projects? Which project is decided by their respective teams. With his mind, he will definitely look at the list we have set before deciding on the order of his superiors.

"Oh, it seems that a head-on confrontation with him is inevitable."

"Yes! That's it. But you are relatively sure about the five projects, right?

"What are these five projects?"

"It's a comparison of weapons, strength, horse racing, archery, and sumo."

"Is there a horse race?"

"Yes, can you ride a horse?"

"Ye, I learned some when I was a child."

"That's great! Just race the horse! Just in case... In this way, you have been focusing on practicing weapons during the day these days.

Ah? Man Xiu just had to have doubts, but suddenly understood Yao Tian's intention. This is to protect themselves and give people the illusion that they want to compete with weapons, so as not to let those who have intentions do things in front of the horse race to ensure fair competition.

The day of the barracks test is closer, and there are still seven days left. On this day, when it was his turn to practice on duty, he went out to patrol as usual. But on the way, I heard all the soldiers talking about it. General Zhou was transferred to the Kaifeng Forbidden Army and became the commander of the horse army of the bodyguard in front of the palace, which became a resounding second-grade Ma Shuai! And General Zhou's history has also been spread as a myth. First, he was a soldier for several years. Later, he was promoted to deputy general because of his excellent performance in the test, and then became the deputy camp of Qinfeng Road. In less than two years, he took the position of general manager of soldiers and horses in Shaanxi Province. Because he has made many achievements and performed well in stabilizing the peaceful relationship with Xixia, and has been safeguarded by the ministers and valued by the emperor, he has now become a second-grade official. Zhou Ke's experience as a soldier can be said to have stimulled everyone. Everyone also hopes that one day he can get rid of the low treatment of soldiers and rise out and show off their ancestors.

Just when everyone was talking, I saw a man with a wine pot and a beard in the corner said angrily, "If he hadn't killed Brother Qin that day, how could he have been today's glory!" When he said this, everyone around him was stunned. A man next to him hurriedly said, "I think you have drunk too much!" Why did you talk nonsense in broad daylight? He hurriedly pulled him away.

"Ren go! Did I say something wrong? If he hadn't framed and killed Brother Qin that day, would he have become a deputy camp? Can it be today?"

"Zong Xian! Are you crazy? What are you talking about here?"

"I'm not crazy. Where's the brother who followed Brother Qin that day? Where is your sense of justice? Oh, I almost forgot that those who can be killed early, and those who can be adjusted early, and the rest are those who dare not say anything. Haha, I'm actually one of them!"

"Soong Xian!"

Today is the anniversary of Brother Qin's death! Have you all forgotten? Yes, it's been 12 years, and I should forget it!" When this man first entered the camp, he was still when Qin Wei was the deputy camp. At that time, because he was the youngest, Qin Wei was very grateful for his extra care. However, he later heard that Qin Wei was hunted for killing Hu Yong's concubine Hua Yun and the enemy. His life and death were unknown, and Zhou Ke became the deputy camp and killed several confidants around Qin Wei. Naturally, he was still retained as a soldier, but he did not believe that Qin Wei would kill Hu Xingying's concubine and communicate with the enemy! Later, Zhou Ke mentioned Qin Wei's head and told the whole army that the prisoner had subdued the law to set an example. On that day, Song Xian was drunk and said a lot of doubts about Zhou Ke. Fortunately, his best friend Fan Yuanfeng, who had always respected Qin Wei very much and did not stab him out, otherwise Song Xian would have died at that time.

It has been 12 years since that day. The day Zhou Ke hung Qin Wei's head on the flagpole was also recorded as the anniversary of Qin Wei's death by Song Xian, so today is the anniversary of Qin's death. Fan Yuanfeng hurriedly said that he was drunk while pulling him away. But what he said fell in Man Xiu's heart, "It's been 12 years, Brother Qin!" His father has also passed away for 12 years, but today is not his death anniversary.

Man Xiu casually asked like an older soldier next to him, "Who is Brother Qin?"

"Oh... you're new here, right? What he said...!"

"Hey, I said, are you tired of living? Didn't you say that you can't mention the past?" Hearing the reminder from the people next to him, the older soldier who wanted to speak before stopped talking, but Man Xiu felt strange inexplicably, Brother Qin? Twelve years? Shaanxi Qinfeng Road Military Camp? Is there really such a coincidence in the world?

It seems that people who knew what happened 12 years ago still exist, but except Song Xian, most people chose to be silent and avoided. In this case, direct inquiry will undoubtedly be rejected, and it may lead to murder. What should I do? Only secret visits! And Song Xian, who was full of anger just now, should be a good breakthrough! And including the person who just stopped Song Xian, and the two people who wanted to stop talking must have more or less known the truth at that time!

What is the truth? This requires removing the veil in the fog layer by layer to peep at all of it!

Song Xian! A key person who may solve problems for him! Man Xiu decided to start with him first.

But when Man Xiu inquired about Song Xian's team and went to find him, he was called back by his captain like everyone else. It turned out that the rules of the barracks were temporarily changed, and the five-athlons were reduced to three. Horseback riding and archery were included in one, and sumo was removed, that is to say, there were only three events left: test weapons, strength, and horseback riding and archery. It is stipulated that if there are no special circumstances, all people in the battalion, especially the recruits, should participate. The competition will officially begin tomorrow. First, the preliminary competition will be decided by drawing lots between the team and the team. Only the top three winners of each team composed of five teams can participate in the competition between the whole battalion seven days later. The final winner not only has a reward of 500 taels of silver, but also represents an infinite future. Even low-level soldiers can be promoted.

This is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for those who are really good at it. But for Man Xiu, the news is neither good or bad. Because his heart has already flown to Song Xian. Compared with martial arts, what he wants to do now is to find Song Xian, ask him whether the eldest brother Qin he said is his father Qin Wei, and ask what happened 12 years ago in Qinfeng Road barracks? Why did Song Xian say that it was Brother Qin, who was killed by the prominent Zhou Ke, who sat in today's position? Is it nonsense or facts?

Ah! By the way, Song Xian mentioned the word "sub-camp" just now! Man Xiu tried to recall every word Song Xian said. Song Xian said that if Zhou Ke hadn't framed and killed his brother Qin on that day, how could he become a deputy camp?

"The deputy camp here?" Man Xiu couldn't help talking to himself.

"Chu Xingying? Haven't you seen it too? What does he have to do with the competition? Yao Tian, who had just ordered to go on the task, took over the words.

"Oh, nothing! Has he always been a deputy camp here?

"Oh, I was transferred three years ago, and I have always been a deputy camp."

"Who was he before?"

"Deputy Wang's camp?"

"What's the surname Wang?" Man Xiu couldn't help frowning.

"Yes, Deputy Wang Xingying served for four years before he was transferred."

"What about before Wang's deputy camp?"

Yao Tian couldn't help laughing when he saw Man Xiu inquired about the previous deputy camp. Because he also heard that Zhou Ke was going to be promoted to the capital as an official. I'm afraid this recruit also heard about Zhou Ke's legendary story, so he asked that.

"It's Zhou's deputy camp."

"Zhou's deputy camp?"

"Yes, Zhou Kezhou's deputy camp is about to become the second-grade Ma Shuai. Such an excellent figure has appeared in Qinfenglu's military camp, which is also worth learning from!"

"What about before the deputy camp this week?"

Yao Tian was stunned. He thought that the new recruit in front of him would dance as excitedly as others and be proud to be in such a military camp. However, he continued to inquire! Yao Tian worked as a soldier when Wang's deputy camp was in Qinfeng Road camp. For this legendary Zhou Ke, he is also unattainable, but Zhou Ke has always been the object of his worship. He also hopes that one day he can rise up and be reused with his true skills like Vice Zhou's camp.

"Why do you ask this?"

"Oh, I'm just curious, just asking. I heard that it's a camp with the surname Qin, isn't it?" Man Xiu asked Yao Tian with a possible mentality.

"Yes, my surname is Qin. But he is a thief who betrays the country! He also seduced the wife of the camp at that time to die! He doesn't deserve to do anything!"

"Tell the enemy and betray the country? Seductive Mrs. Camp?" This answer was really unexpected by Man Xiu. With his understanding of his father, he will never do it! Father is not that kind of person at all!

"Yes! Although Xixia and I are good friends now, it is actually a wolf's ambition! More than ten years ago, when I was in the middle of the war between the Song Dynasty and Xixia, I had an affair with foreign enemies and killed Mrs. Xingying. I really deserved to die!"

"What's the name of this Qin Vice Camp?"

"What Qin's deputy camp! He doesn't deserve it! However, it is necessary for you new recruits to remember his name. Remember not to betray the enemy and the country like him in the future, and finally end up in a different place! His name is Qin Wei!"

Ah! Man Xiu's heart is trembling! Qin Wei! Qin Vice Camp! Head in a different place!

"I heard that he was killed 12 years ago? Just in this barracks?"

"I forgot it more than ten years ago, but it seems to be in Tokyo. Qin Wei was also able to escape. After harming the life of Mrs. Xingying, he fled for his life and failed to capture her for several years. However, in the end, it was also a matter of good reason and let him lie down.

"Is it the legendary Vice Camp Zhou who killed him?" Man Xiu asked in a terrible way.