Golden hairpin

Chapter 241 Avoiding Snow in the Cave

Unexpectedly, Man Xiu's retalent words made Feng Ximeng put away the knife. And Manxiu will never know that the reason why Feng Ximeng closed the knife was because he saw his face clearly. When I first saw it, I felt a little familiar. Until now, I remembered that the man in front of me was Chen Tao, Lin Yuwei and others who had been worried about Qin Manxiu painted on the wanted map of the military camp on Qinfeng Road, Shaanxi Province. The banquet in the New Year's palace also confirmed the unity of the two. He is now a slave of Zhou Xinran.

"The wind and snow are so strong. Let's avoid it first." After Man Xiu saw that the man said this to the woman, the woman also nodded and agreed. Does this mean that the other party will no longer force themselves to ask anything? Man Xiu endured the pain of the broken arm and insisted on walking in the opposite direction from the two.

"Where are you going?"

"Aren't you going to let me go? I said, I don't know."

"With such a heavy wind and snow, it will be dangerous for you to walk here. It's better to wait until the snow stops."

"Then you send me to the government? There is nothing to reward!" Man Xiu didn't buy a man's account, and his words were still rude.

Feng Ximeng didn't have the good temper of Menglang. He reached out and took Man Xiu over and said nothing more. He just pulled his collar to find another cave and avoid the snow first.

What a strange two people. They just beat and kill themselves. Now, they actually let themselves not move and want to take their arms.

"You don't have to be kind!"

Before Man Xiu's words fell, he heard a click, and Feng Ximeng had taken over his bones.

"It will take 100 days to hurt your muscles and bones. Take a good rest."

This sentence for no reason has made Man Xiu not wake up for a long time. Is the other party caring about himself? However, she broke the arm!

Only women and villains are difficult to raise!

Man Xiu can't guess the woman's heart and doesn't want to guess. He just waits for the blizzard in the mountain to stop quickly so that he can go back to Zhoufu. This punishment is settled. However, I hope it won't fall into Zhou Xinran's hands, and he will die. In addition, will you see that you had the intention to save the assassin at that time? Why did he suddenly appear beside Zhou Xinran? Alas, I have a headache! If possible, it's better to leave now, but in that case, I'm afraid my father's bloody case will never come out, and I will never be out.

Man Xiu has been frowning, but Feng Ximeng only thinks that he is enduring the pain and dares not say it.

"Little brother, why are you in this barren mountain?" In the dialogue between the three, Menglang always seems to play a gentle role.

" passing by." Man Xiu didn't want to explain more, but only said a vague reason. Anyway, the other party didn't really want to know why he appeared here.

"Didn't you escape?" Feng Ximeng's speech seems to have never left room for others, and it seems that he is not very pleasant.

"I said that there will be no reward for sending me to the government."

"You won't know until you send it."

"Whatever, I'm too lazy to tell you."

"I don't have the ability to say it, my subordinates are defeated!" Feng Ximeng's words were thorny, and he frowned and ignored her.

"Who did you learn from Shaolin's kung fu?" Looking at Manxiu's answer, Feng Ximeng came back again. I have to say that a slave with such good skills, especially such a stubborn character, has indeed attracted the attention of Feng Ximeng. In particular, after recognizing that this slave was Qin Manxiu, Feng Ximeng was more interested.

"I said you don't know each other." Man Xiu didn't like others to ask questions, especially the woman's question, so he answered rudely.

"How do you know if you don't know us?"

"Who did I learn kung fu from? What does it have to do with you?"

"Okay, whose slave are you?"

"It's none of your business."

Feng Ximeng paused for a moment and patiently asked another question, "Daxia Dragon Sparrow Knife, how did you recognize it?"

"If you know it, you know it. How can you recognize it?"

As a result of the continuous collision, the Daxia dragon sparrow knife forced Manxiu to the wall of the cave, and the face of the magnificent woman was in front of her. For a moment, it was a little difficult to breathe.

"If you don't want your head to fall to the ground, you'd better answer my question obediently."

Manxiu was waiting to resist, but he was bullied by Feng Ximeng, as if his body was completely embedded in the wall.

"You woman, you are so unreasonable. Why do you care so about other people's affairs? When we met for the first time, didn't you feel too rude to inquire about other people's affairs? If I also ask you if you and this uncle are married, when did you start to have a bed brother, how did his arm break, and how did you grab the Daxia dragon sparrow knife, will you answer truthfully?

Man Xiu's words made Feng Ximeng blush. I can't see that this boy's martial arts skills are not good, and his mouth is really good, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"If you want to kill, why bother to spend time here? Anyway, I don't have a declining life anymore. It's better to die here!"

"The person who teaches you kung fu is a person named Yuan Fei?"

As soon as Feng Ximeng said this, he was even stunned. There is only one possibility that even the name and surname are accurate, that is, this woman knows Uncle Yuan and his kung fu. It took so long to guess, which only shows that I am not good at learning. Although my fists and feet are similar, it is not true. Therefore, it is this kind of uncertainty in the other party's tone.

"Hehe, I guessed right, right? Let me guess again, your name is Qin Manxiu, and now you are Zhou Xinran's slave, but is that right?" Without waiting for Man Xiu's answer, Feng Ximeng asked again. She was confident about this speculation.

At this time, the man Xiu was shocked. There should be many slaves printed with the word "slave". How can the other party guess that it is him? Did a feast in the palace make him so famous?

"Qin Manxiu?" Meng Xing, who was beside him, realized that the slave they saw was the one who Lin Yuwei and others kept talking about in the Dragon Palace on the land before. Do you know Lin Yuwei? Meng Xing asked Qin Manxiu.

Man Xiu's unspeakable feeling in his heart, are these two enemies or friends? He said that he was the enemy, had no intention of killing himself and knew people he knew well, but he said he was a friend. He just broke his arm (although it's still painful now), and there was still a little rudeness in his speech, especially this woman.

"Shh, there's someone!" While thinking about how to answer the other party's questions, Feng Ximeng was wary of the danger outside the cave. Feng Ximeng immediately dragged Manxiu and hid in the depths of the cave with Meng Xing.

Sure enough, after a while, there was a strange sound at the mouth of the cave, "There is a cave here. Go in and have a look!"

Then, the footsteps of three people sounded in the cave. Feng Ximeng and others silently hid in the dark without saying a word. But when these people walked into the cave, Feng Ximeng felt the obvious stiffness of his subordinate Man Xiu's body. Obviously, Qin Manxiu knew these people who entered the cave.

The Ming newspaper said that he saw the two hide in the mountain. How did you catch that cave but replace it with two other things!" A man who went to the cave first complained.

"Well, those two things have been solved by Lord Shen. They really don't know whether they are alive or dead, and they dare to scold us!" The other person is in line with the Tao.

Those two things? Man Xiu thought that the person who entered the cave after him and Xie Bin should have been chased by the man and woman around him. Although he tried his best not to let him die because of his betrayal, he did not expect that the final result was because of his death. Sometimes fate was really irresistible.

Lord Shen, the first thought of Shen Yuncheng's adoptive father. Because Shen Yuncheng will not be so vicious. And his godfather is hard to say. Obviously, they were two outsiders, but they died because their tongues were not clean. What if he catches you back?

The only thing to be happy about is that these people are here to look for him. Shen Yuncheng's adoptive father is Zhou Ke's confidant. When he came to find himself, he proved that Zhou Ke still wanted such a treasure. As long as he wanted it, he would have a chance to turn over...

Feng Ximeng's eyes at this time did not leave Qin Manxiu for a moment. Looking at the uncertainness on his face, he regretted for a moment, resented for a moment, and excited for a moment. What on earth was he thinking? What an elusive person!

"Do you think the two of them have escaped from this mountain?"

"Alas, whether we have escaped or not, don't we have to follow orders? In the cold weather, we have to go all over this mountain. The mistakes made by others make us suffer here!"

"Come on, say a few words. If you dare to complain at this time, why are you more obedient than the sheep in front of Lord Shen just now?"

"You said me, aren't you the same? Don't you want to go home early when you first came all the way? The wife is still waiting for you on the hot kang! Haha!"

"What, are you jealous? Then you also marry a house, and make fun of me all day long!"

"I don't have your blessing, so I was ordered to pursue the life of the prisoner on a snowy day."

"So many groups of people, according to me, let's just hide from the snow here and go out to look for it when we are smaller. Anyway, the mountain is so complicated that it's normal that we can't find it."

"Ye�, that's really a good idea. Just go back and recover before dark. It's normal if you can't find it.

After discussing, the three sat directly on the ground in the cave and rubbed their hands to keep warm.

"Well, who do you think the person who assassinated the young lady will be?" Soon after, someone made a questioning voice first.

"Who knows, including Shen Guard, and it is said that he has never seen it."

"He has never seen it? That lady probably doesn't know her any more. How could you assassinate Miss?"

"Is there any misunderstanding?"

"No, there is a misunderstanding. How can the gentleman be in a hurry to go out of the house to help the lady?"

"Sir, did you go too?"

"Well, I heard that if he hadn't pretended to be a maid warbler, I'm afraid the thief's poison dart would have taken the life of the young lady."

"Then you will know if you ask Mr. about this."

"Humph, he didn't say anything, how dare you ask? Ping Suli, who has looked up to him except the general? I don't even give any face to my wife, miss, and Lord Shen!"

"That's true. I also feel that this gentleman is usually too arrogant and arrogant. Relying on the general's indulgence to him, he is often easy to behave, and the brothers have repeatedly suffered from him. If there is a chance, I really want to teach him a good lesson!"

Lesson? You are daydreaming. Who dares to teach him a lesson?

"Don't say it, someone really dares to teach him a lesson. I heard that Qin Manxiu once pissed him half to death, so that every time he mentioned the name of Qin Manxiu, he gritted his teeth!"

"True or false? Just rely on that slave?"

"Hm, haven't you seen it? Miss, sir, and the general, which one doesn't hate him so much that he can't do anything about him..."

Feng Ximeng and Meng Xing, who were hiding in the dark, listened to it interestingly, but Man Xiu was sweating vigorously in the cold weather. After all, the speaker was easy and could only move two mouths. What about him? However, it is possible to pay the price of life at any time. If possible, he doesn't want to provoke these people mentioned by the other party!