Golden hairpin

Chapter 250 Dumb Old man

Manxiu's eyes were wet. After Qi Tianqing opened a chain on his hand with all his strength, he smiled at him and gently scratched the poppy flower exposed on Manxiu's blood suit, and his smile seemed to bloom more brightly. But immediately, it was the sound of the body falling to the ground.

Looking at the motionless Qi Tianqing, tears poured out like a spring. Although he was not sure whether Qi Tianqing fainted or left forever at this moment, he would rather believe in the former. Even if he uses the rest of his life to compensate Qi Tianqing.

When he got the key, Man Xiu opened the chain bound to himself. My legs have already been broken, and I can't stand and walk at all. After climbing a few steps, he felt an inhuman pain all over his body. But this is not as painful as his heart at all.

Manxiu gently picked up Tianqing, and finally ignited a glimmer of hope when he touched Qi Tianqing's sometimes absence at that time. However, with her current situation, she was rescued to find a doctor, as if it were a fantasy. However, this is the last hope.

Man Xiu did not dare to delay for a moment and straightened his leg bones first. However, there was nothing that could be fixed. Even if he endured it, he could not walk normally like an ordinary person, let alone bring a dying person. At present, he could only hold Tianqing in one hand and support the ground with the other. Fortunately, he was interrupted by Feng Ximeng and reconnected with his left hand. Relying on the support of his right hand, although it was hard, he still climbed to the door step by step.

Passing by, Mr.'s body, it turned out that there was really no god to say. No matter how much he knew, in the end, it was just a cold corpse on the ground.

passed by again and fainted Shen Han. It's a great opportunity to kill him at this time, but unfortunately, Man Xiu doesn't want to waste a little more time. He wastes one more moment to make Qi Tianqing die for a while.

After a lot of effort, I finally arrived at the door. Man Xiu was about to stand up and find a way to open the stone wall, but he heard a trivial footsteps outside.


Man Xiu hurriedly withdrew his body and hid Qi Tianqing behind him. Then, he seemed to remember something and touched Qi Tianqing's cuffs and waist, and there were indeed many poisonous needles. Manxiu quickly hid several hidden weapons under his cuffs, and tightly pinched a few poison needles in his hand.

Quiet... Waiting for the stone wall to open is the time to break out.

Sure enough, the footsteps became clearer and clearer. It sounds like a person, and the footsteps seem to be a little heavy, not like a person with strong martial arts skills... Now it's better to say!

Man Xiu's hand holding the poison needle tightened a little more, and saw that the stone wall slowly began to rotate. Just as the stone wall stopped rotating, when a figure was about to enter, Manxiu attacked violently, holding the other party's neck in one hand, and the poison needle in the other hand only forced the other party's acupuncture point.

"Is that you?"

When Manxiu saw the comer clearly, he was stunned. It turned out that an old man with gray hair came in. Man Xiu recognized that since he entered the underground room yesterday, the old man had been responsible for delivering him water and food.

Man Xiu disdained Zhou Ke's men, especially those who obeyed their orders in this underground secret room, but he had an indescribable special feeling for this old man.

Since I came in yesterday evening, I was forced to confess and fainted many times. Last night, I was hanged all night, and my whole body seemed to have been emptied. But in a daze, Manxiu seemed to hear someone talking, saying, "Don't worry, your son is fine now. As long as you keep your promise, you will be at peace with each other." The speaker's voice is too cold. No matter how you listen to it, it feels like Shen Han? However, Manxiu was powerless to open his eyes again, and soon fell into a coma again.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw the old man. He not only patiently fed himself water and wiped his wounds, but more importantly, there seemed to be tears in his eyes. Man Xiu didn't know if he was knocked unconscious and looked away, but when he looked again, he was still sure that there were tears on the other party's face.

seemed to feel the sobriety of Manxiu. The old man quickly pretended to raise his hand to hand over the water and wiped his tears clean by the way. But this does not mean that tears will no longer be left. Why did he cry? Are you crying yourself? Is the conversation about the "son" heard in the confusion just for this old man?

The old man had no intention of communicating with him at all, but he also felt that the old man was very good to him. When feeding water, the water tank will be lifted to an appropriate height, and you won't feel tired or choked when drinking it. When wiping the wound, it is also very gentle, not like treating prisoners at all, but more like treating their own family.

But since Shen Han appeared, Man Xiu could feel the hand of the old man who stayed on his face shaking gently, and the action of wiping Man Xiu immediately stopped. After that, this moment of stagnation turned into packing up and leaving the secret room.

From beginning to end, the old man did not say a word to Man Xiu, and there was no expression on his face, except for the tears that he didn't know who flowed for.

At noon today, Man Xiu saw the old man again and saw that his eyes were red and swollen. He should have cried since he went back. What made him so sad? Son, has his son become the handle of the other party now? But he is an ordinary old man (to be precise, when Man Xiu looks at him closely, he thinks it is more appropriate to call him uncle, and his white hair makes him look much older than his actual age). What threat can he pose to the Zhou family? Why, why did it fall here?

"Is your son also in Zhou's house?"

Man Xiu obviously felt that the old man's hand shook again, and it seemed that he had guessed it.

"What's his name? Maybe, I've seen it."

The old man's eyes were wide open, and he was determined to look at Manxiu's beautiful eyes. That look was obviously full of hope.

"I'm a slave of this week's family. I've been in this week's family for a long time." Man Xiu laughed at himself, but he couldn't help coughing and blood together.

The old man came forward to wipe the blood from his mouth, took a water bag, and fed Manxiu some water.

The man in front of him with blood and broken legs blurred the old man's eyes again, but the old man did not seem to want Man Xiu to see his current appearance and hurried back to wipe away the tears that were about to come out of his eyes. Hasn't the pain of last night been healed? Or, are you really crying for yourself?

"Don't you want to tell me?"

The old man lowered his eyelids and still didn't say a word.

"You can't speak? Are you dumb? ...Or, you don't trust me and don't want to tell me your son's name? Or, don't you believe that I will come out of this underground room at all?

The other party still did not respond, but better than just now, his eyes seemed to show a little worry and sadness. Is he, the old man who has only met twice, showing sorrow for him?

"Do you recognize me?"

The other party did not answer. However, there is no possibility of recognition. Unless the slaves in his house are really famous.

"Cough..." Man Xiu spit out a little blood again, and the old man hurried forward to wipe him.

"Thank you, thank you... You're right, I don't know if I've ever been out of this underground secret room... Cough, but, Zhou Fu, I'm right, otherwise... Cough... How can I see so many secret rooms? It's simply...a hell on earth!"

Man Xiu coughed more severely, but still caught the patience and contradiction in the other party's eyes. Is he sympathizing with himself? But what about sympathy?

"How long have you been here?"

Just when Man Xiu thought that the other party would answer his question in silence, he saw that the other party drew two numbers with his hand. Twenty.

"You have been here for 20 years, is that what you mean?"

The old man nodded. So that's it.

"Have you been living in this dark underground room for 20 years?"

The old man nodded again.

"Because they took your son hostage? Who are you?"

The old man looked nervous, but in the end he only nodded slowly.

Twenty years, how many twenty years in life! An old father has lived in such a dark place for 20 years... Is he waiting for his son to find him? No, it's not. Even if there is a glimmer of hope, it's just hope. I'm afraid what he is waiting for is just a piece of news about his son's safety.

This stupid father, if the other party had bad intentions, would have killed your son and imprisoned you with that needless existence! How can you be so convinced that your son is still alive and willing to pay for it for 20 years?

Seeing him, Man Xiu couldn't help thinking of his father and Uncle Yuan. For him, his father fought against the enemy alone and fell into a different place. For him, Uncle Yuan took the risk of saving him and fell into a trap. Now his life and death are unknown.

Sometimes, Man Xiu regrets that he was born in this world, and his existence seems to hurt the people he loves. This feeling is hundreds of times more sad than hurting himself.

"If I go out one day, I will definitely take you out, and then you can find your son openly. As a son of man, it must be very exciting to meet his father in his lifetime. Man Xiu said with a smile that in this case, although no one will believe this, it can give people hope. Look, isn't the sadness on the old man's face now replaced by hope and longing?

I still did a good thing.

20, the old man drew this number again, and Man Xiu was a little puzzled. However, looking at the direction of the old man's finger, he couldn't help asking in surprise, "Twenty? Are you asking me how old I am this year? No, I'm 21 years old. What, is your son 20 years old?

The old man nodded thoughtfully and shook his head quickly. It seems that it is really difficult to talk to a mute person who is very contradictory to express his feelings.

Twenty-six. The old man drew a number again.

"He is 26 years old this year?"

The old man nodded and pointed to the whip marks on the body, measured the length of a finger, and moved it to the back of the right shoulder.

"Is there a scar on the back of his right shoulder?"

The old man nodded excitedly again. It seems that there is more and more tacit understanding between them.