Golden hairpin

Chapter 280 Post Hall Robbery

"Prince, Miss, Miss is missing!" The stew manager who replied was obviously a little nervous, and his voice trembled a little.

"Hmm?" The prince put down the tea in his hand and made a questioning voice.

"Go back to the prince, yesterday, the prince ordered to prepare the palace costume for the lady to go to the palace for the banquet. I wanted to ask the lady to make it clear that she needed any special styles, but yesterday I asked the lady that she had gone to bed. I asked again this morning, but she still hesitated and refused to answer. Fearing that the young lady would not adapt to the cold weather here in the morning and evening, she would be infected with the wind and cold, so her subordinates sent apricots to come in to serve. But soon, a scream came from the lady's room. The subordinates and others were afraid of something wrong and rushed in to see what happened. Unexpectedly, they saw Mingyu sleeping in the lady's room, but the young lady did not know where she was going. Ask her, only to say that the young lady went out yesterday and has not returned yet, but she still refuses to say where the young lady is going.

The girl Xing'er should be the girl who first came to report the news. It seems that Li Shiling is also a carefree young lady. Man Xiu thought of it.

"Oh? Then you can't find it, so you send it to me. Are you going to ask me to interrogate him in person? Or did you come to ask for credit and find the missing lady early?

Before Man Xiu reacted, he saw the people kneeling all over the ground. The prince was really majestic. In just one sentence, there was such a great deterrent. However, a dignified Miss Xixia can disappear silently from the post hall, and all the guards are still unaware of it. Is there anything more serious than this dereliction of duty? It is impossible to kill. It also depends on these people to protect his safety in the Song Dynasty. No, to be more precise, it depends on these people to maintain his face of Xixia. However, this punishment... Humph, I don't think anyone can escape.

"Where is Shifeng?"

"back, back to the prince, ten thousand deaths! The prince doesn't know where he is.

The person who replied was really brave, but Man Xiu was not worried about the prince of Xixia at this time. What he was more worried about was that Prince Li would spread his anger on him and the poisonous people, so that there would be no chance to save Qi Tianqing.

"What did you say?"

"Your Majesty, your subordinates have dereliction of duty! Please punish the prince! But I have a ruthless request. I want to find the prince and the lady safely first, and then kill and punish me, just by the prince!"

"Would you like to make contributions? But I'm afraid there is no chance."

Man Xiuwan did not expect such a conclusion. Although he had only known him for two days, it should be said that it has been less than two days, but words such as cruelty and bloodthirsty are still not associated with him. Otherwise, with yesterday's misunderstanding and his identity as the son of Qin Wei, the prince will have countless opportunities to give himself. He was doomed, but he only knelt down all night. How can such a person not give him a chance to change, or is he originally a bloodthirsty man, but because his mother hasn't got it yet and he hasn't tasted his means?

Thinking about it, Man Xiu's body trembled unconsciously.

"Miss! Miss, you are back!" Mingyu's eyes were sharp and found the lady dressed in men's clothing who had just entered the post hall. She was so excited that she almost didn't shed tears. On the one hand, she was happy that the young lady had returned safely, and more importantly, her life was really hanging on the line now. With a young lady, she should be more likely to live...

Only then did Man Xiu notice Li Shiling, who was dressed in a man's clothing, unconsciously reappeared in his mind the scene of the first meeting in Guanyin Temple. At the same time, he also had some appreciation for Prince Li. He must have seen Li Shiling first before saying what he said just now.

"Shiling met her uncle, princess."

"Yo, it turned out to be Shi Ling. This appearance made my aunt almost not recognize it! Fortunately, it was daytime, otherwise, I would have thought that this post hall had become the target of thieves!" Obviously, she was blamed for her indecent dress and lost Miss Xixia's identity. That's all. He even turned around and scolded her as a thief!

Shi Ling looked at the poisonous man who was captured. This result was expected by her, but whether she should help her or not, she hasn't thought about it yet. Before solving this problem...

"Ah! By the way, the princess is an experienced person! I heard that the princess met a thief when she was in the Song Dynasty barracks and was stunned by the thief in blasphemy clothes. If I had known, I should have learned more from the princess. The place of the Song Dynasty was uneasy. After saying these words seriously, Shi Ling saw that Zhang Siyi's face turned green. Yes, a dignified princess was exposed in public, which can be said to have lost face.

"Shi Ling, I was not in the post office last night. Where did you go?" Perhaps because he felt that he wanted to maintain Zhang Siyi's face, the prince turned the topic around and asked Shi Ling.

"Uncle, yesterday, Shiling was playful for a while, changed into men's clothing and went to find her brother."

"Oh? But did you find it?"

"Eh, after all, they are brothers and sisters. As soon as they went out, Shi Ling found them. I was also with my brother last night.

"Oh, what about Shifeng?"

"Shiling came back in a hurry to tell her uncle that his brother had something urgent to do and go back to Xixia first."


Shifeng, a child, has a strong heart and does his own things. Regardless of the words around him, it is not surprising that he can make such a move. But obviously, he came all the way from Xixia to the Song Dynasty for his own purpose. Why, why, only five days away, but he said that there was an emergency and hurriedly left without saying goodbye? What on earth is this urgent matter?

"You get out of the way, why are you tying Mingyu?" Shi Ling finally decided to save Mingyu first. After all, this problem is the easiest to solve.

However, without seeing the prince speak, the stewman and others did not dare to release Mingyu. Helpless, he didn't dare to confront this lady head-on. For a while, he felt a little difficult to get off.

" Let her go!"

"But, prince..."

"Twenty boards."

"Uncle!" This time, it was Shiya's turn to be stunned. Uncle said that beating a person is so simple, twenty boards, and he doesn't want Mingyu's half life!

"Uncle, I forced her..."


"But uncle, she is..."


"Miss, don't say any more. Mingyu is grateful for Miss Mingyu's kindness, and Mingyu does not regret it!"

Shi Ling saw that her uncle was determined. At this time, she could only increase the number of boards that Mingyu received. Now she had to swallow the words that needed to be explained. She looked weakly at Mingyu being dragged aside and pressed down on a bench. That cry deeply stung Shiling's heart. Obviously, this board should have been hit on her, and it is not ruled out that this board was given to her by her uncle.

Uncle still never loses his temper with her as before, but why does his heart hurt so much?

"No!" Finally, after Mingyu shouted for more than a dozen times, Shi Ling came to her senses and suddenly fell on Mingyu. Fortunately, the guard responsible for playing the board was fast enough, otherwise, if he hit Miss Shiling, he would really be doomed.

"Uncle, please forgive Mingyu. I made the mistake. Why should I let her bear it?

"Do you also know that you made a mistake? But the mistakes she made are even more unforgivable!"

Of course, Shiling knows that a girl pretends to be a young lady, deceives everyone, and then vows not to tell the whereabouts of the young lady. Of course, everything is fine. What if something happens? The girl should fight!

"Tomorrow, you can go back to Xixia. Steward, do everything for the young lady, arrange a few people with strong martial arts skills, and take care of the young lady on the way. If there is any mistake, you don't have to come back alive.

Shi Ling didn't expect that the result of her not returning home at night was that she was expelled back to Xixia by her uncle. Although her words were still so gentle and her arrangements were very appropriate, this was not the result she wanted. The question is, will her uncle follow her?

"Good! I'll go back! I'll wait for my uncle in front of the Empress's grave!"

Shi Ling also knew that mentioning Qing Niang was undoubtedly like stabbing a sharp blade into her uncle's heart, and it may even cause her uncle's resentment of Qin Manxiu, but she didn't know what happened, so she said it easily. Regretfully looked at Qin Manxiu urgently. Unexpectedly, Qin Manxiu did not look at any resentment, but his eyes were full of gratitude! It must be that the words she said secretly just now worked. She told Qin Manxiu that Qi Tianqing was saved.

Sure enough, the uncle's face changed greatly. Shi Ling had never seen him so resentful. She seemed to grit her teeth and wanted to kill all the people in front of her. For a moment, Shiling was a little heartbroken, but she didn't know what to say to save the words just now. When she was at a loss, she didn't want to feel a gust of wind around her. When I stared at it, I saw a masked man in black flashing through the position of the poisonous man like wind and lightning, and there were only a few soldiers left who did not know whether they were dead or faint. Someone dares to rob people in the post hall in the light of day!

Unexpectedly, the person who came was bolder than Shi Ling imagined. After robbing the poisonous man, he jumped to get Qin Manxiu again. If the rescue of the poisonous man is the lucky man in black to succeed in the sneak attack, Qin Manxiu's situation will be very different. Shiling only saw that her already angry uncle had secretly used his internal force to turn his fist into a fist. As soon as the man arrived, he would hit him with one blow.

Although he doesn't know much about Prince Li's kung fu cultivation, he is by no means an idle person who can become famous on the battlefield. At this moment, Manxiu is very close to Prince Li, and the strong aura and calm reaction around him make Man Xiu more worried about the people in black who are robbing people. If he guesses correctly, the masked man in black is the dumb uncle on Qiushui Yiren Island, and he has learned his skills.

Prince Li is ready to go, and the dumb uncle is bound to win, but once the two of them fought, no matter what the outcome is, it is difficult for the Song Dynasty to make an end to Xixia.

It was late. At that time, when the man in black was about to arrive, Man Xiu was one step ahead of him, jumped quickly, and easily changed his position. Speaking of which, this is thanks to Prince Li's removal of the shackles of silk clothes for him. Otherwise, even if he has great ability, he can't make such a decisive move between the two masters.

Sure enough, the man in black changed the direction of attack as soon as he saw Man Xiu leave. What was left was just a "bang", and the place where the man in black should have been was trapped a little. It can be seen that Prince Li's skills are very powerful.