Golden hairpin

Chapter 282 Sound East Strike West

Due to my uncle's order, this room is not allowed to see light. Therefore, fire folds, lanterns, oil lamps, etc. are completely invisible here, and they are not useful. Fortunately, Shiling inquired about it in advance, otherwise, she would have revealed her identity at the moment she came in to deliver the meal.

The room was so dark that Shiling was very uncomfortable at the moment she just entered. Between the guards outside, Shiling learned from the man's voice, "Hey, get up and eat." But his eyes are trying their best to adapt to the darkness and try his best to find Qin Manxiu's place. He hasn't eaten for three days. He must have fainted.

The more you go in, the more the bloody stench in the room fills Shiling's sense of smell and brain. It must be that his trauma has not been treated in time or has been treated inhumanely. Shi Ling thought of this, but she felt more heartache.

"Qin Manxiu!"

When Shi Ling was looking for Qin Manxiu in the silent darkness, she suddenly felt a cold light. Shi Ling, who had been practicing martial arts since childhood, knew with a keen feeling that it was a sharp dagger...

Soon, a scream came from the dark room. The guards at the door panicked and rushed into the house. They faintly saw a man lying on the ground. When the soldiers outside hurriedly lit up the lamp to check, everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them, and Qin Manxiu held a sharp dagger in his hand. The soldiers who had just delivered the meal fell into a pool of blood.

Qin Manxiu was quickly controlled, and when looking at the soldier, everyone heard a sad scream. Isn't this Miss Li Shiling?

Qin Manxiu killed Miss Shiling! In an instant, the post hall was shocked by the news.

Prince Li, who hasn't been at the door of the post for many days, also appeared like a ghost at this moment. It's right to say that it's a ghost. After hearing that Shi Ling is dead, there is no trace of blood on Prince Li's face. His two eyes are as deep as a pool of water, and no one can guess what the prince will do. But everyone knows that this time, Qin Manxiu will definitely die.

The hall of the post hall was even a little horrible at this time. The prince and the princess sat high on the hall, with strict hair on both sides, stewards, soldiers, kneeling with Qin Manxiu tied by five flowers, sobbing maids Mingyu and Xing'er, and two trembling guards guarding Qin Manxiu.

"Shut up!" The prince was obviously angry. This scolding did work, and Mingyu, Xing'er and others immediately suppressed the crying.

"Your Majesty, Mingyu knows his mistake. Mingyu once advised the lady not to go to see Qin Manxiu, but she didn't think that the lady would finally go. It was Mingyu's fault. Mingyu didn't take good care of the young lady. Now that the young lady has left, Mingyu has no thoughts. Please allow Mingyu to go with the young lady. On the Huangquan Road, there is also a care. Miss, she will not be lonely.

"Hmm! It's not that easy to die! I will investigate your sins! But now, it's not your turn!" With that, the prince's eyes fixed on Qin Manxiu's body. Obviously, this culprit should be smashed. However, the prince asked the following words, "Where did the dagger come from?"

Qin Manxiu below did not say a word, and the guards beside him replied nervously, "Go back to the prince, I have thoroughly searched him before he was imprisoned, and nothing was found, let alone a dagger."

"So I asked, where did the dagger come from!" The prince's tone increased by eight degrees, making the people present more shudder.

"I don't know." Qin Manxiu answered four words quietly.

"Don't you know?"

"Yes, when I was awake, I saw that the dagger was already in my hand."

"When you are awake? Don't tell me that you don't know that you killed someone, and that person is still Shiling!"

"Yes, I really don't know."

"Oh? So you want to say that you have been controlled by others to kill people?

"Your Majesty, don't listen to his nonsense here! He is arguing for himself. He is afraid of taking the responsibility of killing Shi Ling! This bitch, Shiling treated him so well. He didn't know how to repay him, but he actually did this... My poor Shiling, you left so inexplicably, but how can we confess to your parents!" With that, Zhang Siyi wiped away her tears. It was like a seamed eye, but now it can't be found.

"Your Majesty, people say that people are about to die, and their words are also good. Qin Manxiu knows that he is guilty and does not ask the prince for forgiveness, but what he just said is true and there is no falsehood. Please check it clearly."

"If it's true as you said, it's someone plotting to harm Shi Ling. I will not stop here and let the real murderer go unpunished! Let's talk about the specific situation these days?"

"Your Majesty, don't be fooled by his rhetoric. He is simply exonerate himself!"

"Oh, princess. Aren't you surprised how he got the killing dagger when the search guard was so strict? Shiling died such an unclear tragic death. If I don't ask her back for justice, how can I make her soul safe?

As soon as he heard the prince say so, Zhang Siyi stopped talking. I heard the prince say to Qin Man again, "Tell me!"

"Yes, the prince is wise." After that, Qin Manxiu slowly said what had happened since he was imprisoned in the woodshed. The general situation is as follows: when he was locked in the woodshed that day, many soldiers were on the spot, responsible for fixing the chain or nailing the window door. If there is anything strange, it is before these soldiers leave, Man Xiu saw a deep look through a trace of light when the window was not fastened. And with the nail of the last board, the deep eyes immediately disappeared.

After that, the door was locked, and Man Xiu tried his best to keep his head clear, but he felt confused anyway. As for when he woke up, he couldn't tell when he had more daggers in his hand. He only knew that by the time he fully woke up, a man was already lying in a pool of blood, and that person was exactly Li Shiling, who pretended to be a soldier to bring him food.

After listening to Man Xiu's narrative, the prince was silent for a long time and then asked, "Do you think you saw a deep look?"


"Your Majesty, this is simply nonsense! Isn't it too ridiculous to say that you are a passive murder with just one look? Zhang Siyi said angrily.

"No, besides this look, I still have evidence."

"What? Evidence?" The people in the hall also became nervous.

"Yes, evidence. At that time, the man with deep eyes was in front of me. I also subconsciously took down an object from him and is now in the woodshed. Naturally, there are many princes in the post hall. It must not be difficult to check people according to things.

As soon as Qin Manxiu said this, Zhang Siyi's eyes narrowed into a slit.

"Hmm! Stealing an object from someone else? You'd better not deceive me, or I will make you die very ugly!"

"If you don't believe it, you can check it. The thing is in the woodshed.

"Okay, I will give you a chance. Come on, go to the woodshed!"

After the prince finished speaking, just as he was about to get up, he saw a soldier coming in outside and knelt down and said, "Report! Lord, Lord Ye, please see me." The prince looked back at Qin Manxiu and thought for a long time before he said to the bodyguard beside him, "You take him to the woodshed to find something. After finding it out, he first offered it to the lady's mourning hall, and he also locked him there and waited for me to come back!"


The captain of the guard took on the task without saying a word, and the prince walked out of the hall without looking back.

Zhang Siyi gave Yan Chengfa a wink when the bodyguard took several soldiers to pull Qin Manxiu to the woodshed. Yan Chengfa was understanding and immediately secretly followed the crowd to the woodshed.

The captain of the guard was the prince's confidant and was very meticulous. When he arrived at the door of the firewood room, he told everyone, "This matter is of great importance, and it involves the real murderer of the young lady. Therefore, only Qin Manxiu and I entered, and you are all guarding outside. Don't let the thief take advantage of the loophole."


The soldiers firmly guarded the door outside, including Yan Chengfa, and had to stamp their feet outside and wander for a long time before they saw the bodyguard and Qin Manxiu coming out, holding something wrapped in a handkerchief in their hands.

"Ber the box!" After the chief bodyguard came out, he said to a soldier beside him. It turned out that the prince ordered to worship the objects on the mourning hall first. He was afraid that it would be unclean and stained the lady's spiritual position, so he prepared a delicate box in advance.

The captain of the guard carefully put the things in his hand into the box in front of everyone, covered it, and took it to the young lady's mourning hall together with Qin Manxiu.

After offering things according to the prince's instructions, locking the prisoner and worshipping the lady respectfully, the captain of the guard said to the two soldiers beside him, "I'm going to restore my life to the prince. You, and you, the two of you, are responsible for guarding things in the mourning hall, and the murderer! If you want to make a mistake, just talk with your head!"


The captain of the guard left with the rest of the people. Yan Chengfa just wanted to think about how to enter the mourning hall, but as soon as his eyes turned, he immediately followed the team of the bodyguard.

Sure enough, outside the main hall, I saw the prince come out and secretly meet the captain of the guard. What the captain of the guard showed the prince was exactly what he wrapped with a handkerchief when he came out of the woodshed. Because the distance is too far and the angle is not right, I didn't see what it was, but the handkerchief Yan Chengfa knew it.

"Hmm, play with me!" For his intelligence, Yan Cheng couldn't help laughing proudly.

After that, the prince quietly attached to the bodyguard's ear and ordered a few words to return to the main hall, while the bodyguard looked left and right for a moment to make sure that no one left alone. At this time, he was more convinced of Yan Chengfa's speculation that what was found from the firewood room must be in the hands of the captain of the guard. Therefore, he also followed the chief of the guard. It was not until he entered the temporary study of the post hall that Yan Chengfa quietly squatted under the window and glued the window paper with saliva. He saw that the bodyguard carefully locked the thing with a handkerchief into the cabinet of the desk. After coming out, he looked left and right to confirm for a while before he was willing to leave.