Golden hairpin

Chapter 293 Face to Face

Unexpectedly, when Man Xiu handed over the picture, Zhou Ke didn't pick it up at all. He just took it with a look. The picture was taken over by the soldier next to him. Man Xiu's heart immediately sank, but he said, "It seems that this picture is not very important to you." However, Zhou Ke, who he was looking forward to, was captured by the distribution map of soldiers and horses, or looked at the picture with his own eyes. There is nothing we can do but make a move.

However, at the moment when Manxiu attacked Zhou Ke, his arm was fiercely folded by Zhou Ke. Remember not to play such a small move next time! Oh, is there another time?" After a moment, the soldier's eyes were so hot that he lay on the ground and rolled away in pain. Zhou Ke looked at it with great interest and said a warning to Man Xiu.

Manshu is speechless. He is indeed not an insider. Qi Tianqing's poison can't play its original role in his hands, but he swore that this is the first time in his life that he solemnly wants to harm people. This evil incarnation that kills his father, drives his mother crazy, and is also unfavorable to the Song Dynasty!

What about the antidote? If you don't want your mother to be equally painful.

Man Xiu has to admit that Zhou Ke has a good way to pinch other people's seven inches. Otherwise, he has too many weaknesses to be pinched by others. Man Xiu handed over the medicine. He wanted to learn from Jing Ke to stab the King of Qin (just replaced the dagger with poison, because he was really not sure that he could stab Zhou Ke, who had strong martial arts skills in one fell swoop), but he still failed like Jing Ke.

The antidote is real. After confirming that there was no danger, Zhou Ke took over the military and horse distribution map. After opening it for a few glances, I couldn't help laughing. God helps me too! With the help of this picture, are you afraid that something big will happen? The Song Dynasty is not dead?"

Looking at Zhou Ke's bloodthirsty eyes closely, Man Xiu suddenly felt a little familiar. By the way, when he hung his father's head in front of the horse, he also looked at him like this. Is this... a sign of murder?

"When someone comes, kill him and Meng Ling and push him down the mountain."

This is the promise of the second-grade Ma Shuai. This should not be cooked by rabbits and dogs, right? When he came, Man Xiu thought of this result, but when he heard it from Zhou Kekou, he still felt a little unreal. Can people really be so cruel?

There is no anger and resistance expected by Zhou in Qin Manxiu's eyes. Why is that feeling so like pity? Compassion?! Who is he pitying? Do you pity him and Meng Ling who are about to lose their lives, or do you pity him Zhou Ke? What do you think, how do you look like the latter? How dare he pity him? Ridiculous! It's a big deal! However, somehow, as soon as his brain was eroded by this thought, it was like falling into a deep whirlpool and could not extricate himself. He dared to pity him!

Anger made Zhou Ke lose his mind again, "Hurry up! Kill them!"

Manxiu was pushed to the edge of the cliff by two soldiers. Maybe because Zhou Ke also ordered them to be pushed down the cliff, he was not killed just now, right? However, Man Xiu had no intention to think about how to die soon. He looked straight at his mother and wanted to freeze his life with love at the last moment.

"General, slow down!" Unexpectedly, Shen Han stopped the soldiers from killing him and his mother.

"What?" Zhou Ke looked at Shen Han impatiently. Isn't this person the one who wants Qin Man to die the most? Now that I'm going to kill him, why did I come forward to stop him?

"General, this picture is fake." Shen Han's words still have no emotional color, but this sentence is enough to make Zhou Ke, who has lost some reason, angry again. What are you talking about?

"General, look. Here, here, and here. I have been to these three places. On the surface, it seems that there is no problem, but in fact, if we really want to attack according to this picture, we will really fall into an eternal place!"

Zhou Ke grabbed the picture, and this time, he looked at it carefully. After a long time, he squeezed out two words from his mouth, "Damn it!" Because not only has the position of the distribution of soldiers and horses in the picture mentioned by Shen Han has changed, but the key is that there is still ink in the corner of the picture he has just deeply pinched!

He should have thought that Qin Manxiu's piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are all complete, and it is not difficult to imitate a map of soldiers and horses. It was difficult for him to imitate it in such a short time and arrived at Guanyin Mountain in time according to the agreed time. It seems that Shen Han's original use of silk clothes to control him is not nonsense, and his light work can no longer be ignored. Then he just climbed the mountain and was still out of breath... The only explanation was to paralyze him, and the sneak attack was successful. Unfortunately, it's so young to play such a child's trick with Zhou Ke!

"Where is the real picture?" Zhou Ke walked to the edge of the cliff, and his eyes seemed to spew fire.

"Haha! Do you think I will tell you the truth based on your judgment of our fate just now? At this time, Man Xiu smiled particularly clearly, and the whole Guanyin Mountain seemed to echo his laughter. Far from here, Du Xueer, Lin Yuqing, Xiao Fei and others couldn't help but stagnate, and he was there.

"Haha, don't tell the truth? What a big threat! But do you think I will be afraid of this threat?

"Haha! Are you afraid? I didn't say you would be afraid of any threats. However, I can still tell you that I'm not afraid. Ah! It's almost this hour! The banquet should start soon!"

Zhou Ke looked at the bound man in front of him again. Is this reminding him that the emperor is going to attack him?

"Yes, the palace banquet is about to start. It must be very lively. The Ye family will not show that evidence to speak. They are afraid of asking for trouble. Fortunately, Ye Zilian is smart, but the hundreds of posts I prepared for him are useless. Unfortunately, it's really a pity.

Man Xiu is not a fool. He heard that this plan was indeed set by Zhou Ke, and even prepared some posts for Ye Zilian. It is estimated that the words on the so-called evidence of communication with the enemy should be exactly the same as Ye Zilian's font! Fortunately! That's so lucky! In case it is poked out in public, the Ye family has a mouth all over and can't explain it clearly.

"Can your soldiers defeat the army of the Song Dynasty?"

"There are two points that need to be corrected. First of all, I am not driven by such soldiers, but a lot more than you think. Secondly, you have also entered the military camp of the Song Dynasty, and you should know the situation inside. A country, which respects literature and suppresses martial arts, has raised a group of monsters who can only intrigue and regard wealth as life, but are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, integrity! War? Those scholars who can be blown down by a weak gust of wind? Or those ministers who were scared to pee in their pants before they started beating? Big expenses? Where is it really used for the construction of the army? Isn't it used by those so-called ministers to bribe, socialize and squander? Talent? How many talents can there be in an army? Aren't they all old, weak, sick and disabled? The army of the Song Dynasty? If you really have enough power to resist the enemy thousands of miles away, you won't be attacked on all sides and live with your tail everywhere! I'm different! I will carefully train my soldiers, and I will make them into the best state. If I go out, I will occupy the territory, and if I enter, I will protect my home and protect my country. In my lifetime, I want to expand my territory, and I want to restore the prosperity of the first emperor and unify the world!"

Man Xiu saw that Zhou Ke was ** high-spirited when he said this, and even his bloodthirsty eyes are now more arrogant. It's like the devil who came out of hell and wants to dominate the world. Yes, I have to admit that what Zhou Ke said is indeed partly true. The army of the Song Dynasty and even the court should be rectified. Song, who is in a corner of the world, has indeed been attacked all year round for various reasons. The emperor of the Song Dynasty ruled the world with benevolence, and Zhou Ke's great ambition was to turn benevolence into martial rule, believing that only on horseback can he win the world.

"Is this your wish? For this, you climb up at all costs, including killing the one who uprooted your benefactor?"

"Haha! Are you talking about Qin Wei? I have to say that he is a talent. On the battlefield, he has extraordinary judgment. He defends his country and gallops on the battlefield. He is a good man! Unfortunately, he is too pedantic. He doesn't know how to fight for his right to speak for himself. After working all his life, he just stays in a small sub-camp, and even his generals are under the control of a camp that doesn't understand the military at all! What a ridiculous thing!"

"So, you killed him? Climb up step by step through the position of the deputy camp to fight for your so-called right to speak, right? You said you were different, but in my opinion, what's the difference between you and the monsters you said are talking about, who are full of benevolence, morality and integrity? The same despicable, shameless, unscrupulous for his selfish desires..." Before Man Xiu finished his words, he only heard a crack, half of his face swelled up. It was hot, but Manxiu didn't feel any pain at all. He just smiled and said, "What? Did you say it right? Are you guilty? People often pretend to be strong in order to hide their weaknesses. Do you also know that your meanness will leave a reputation for yourself? Unfortunately, I tell you, you can't even keep a reputation for thousands of years. The books of history will only record that this is a prosperous era for the people to live and work in peace and contentment. Zhao's dynasty is endless. No one will remember who Zhou Ke is, just like no one will remember who the wild dog died alone in a corner of the roadside!"

Man Xiu's words came out, and even the soldiers who bound him were stunned. No one dares to talk to Zhou Ke like this, not to mention him, a former slave of Zhou's family!

Man Xiu also felt it. At this time, Zhou couldn't wait to tear him to pieces immediately. However, he was not afraid of panic at all, because when he came, he had already reported his determination to die. He would not give it to Zhou Ke, but he still had to accompany his mother. Therefore, the only choice was to die with his mother, just like his mother's choice 15 years ago. Before he died, he said what he wanted to say. Although it was not a useful last word, he was still very angry when he saw Zhou Ke's angry appearance. Emperor, will you deal with this rebel soon? He is waiting in the underworld.