Golden hairpin

Chapter 312 is both good and evil

"Then you..." Man Xiu looked at the once mythical figure in front of him, but stopped talking.

"You want to ask me why I got along with the Zhou family?"


"I thought you would pay attention to me. It turned out that you only paid attention to the Zhou family, which was really disappointing."

Disappointed? This word is too exaggerated. I just met him for the first time. What's strange about not paying attention to him? Man Xiu thought to himself, but he didn't say it.

"Mangosteen said you are special. Where is it?" After a while, Mr. Qingsi muttered to himself, but aroused the interest of Man Xiu.

"Master mentioned me to you? When?"

"You want to ask me when I saw mangosteen and if he is here now? I can tell you clearly that I don't remember when I saw mangosteen. I only remember that when I went out one day, I happened to meet mangosteen and his wife, and they also lived here for a short time. Later, I thought the two of them were too noisy, so I drove them away.

Man Xiu is a little disappointed and a little happy. If the master is here, I'm afraid it will be more pinched by Zhou Xinran. People who have retired from the mountains and forests should not be involved in what is a grudge for nothing, not to mention his enmity with the Zhou family. Regardless of this, Man Xiu is really a little dissatisfied with the words of this green silk prince. What does it mean to think that the two of them are too noisy? As far as he knows, there is no quieter than Master Shanzhu. The teacher is also a virtuous person. How can she " quarrel" with the young man in front of her and be driven away?

"You...wait, do you mean that Master and his wife have lived here for a while?"

"Yes, is there any problem? Isn't it the best place to go here with green mountains and green water, playing the piano, drinking and killing time?

"No, I mean, this residence is yours?"

Seeing Man Xiu's surprised expression, Mr. Qingsi felt interesting, squeezed his lips and smiled, "I never said no! Ha ha, no one would have thought that a person who knew everything and tired of everything in the capital would eventually choose to spend the rest of his life in the capital.

It's okay, it's still in the capital. Man Xiu thought that he was familiar with the geography of the capital, but he didn't know that there was really a mountain outside the mountain. It was the first time he saw this fairy residence. If he hadn't seen him in this situation of kidnapping, I'm afraid he would have fallen in love with this place like Mr. Qingsi.

"What happened that week..."

"Zhou Xinran? Oh, you said it was the eldest lady of the Zhou family, right? To be precise, they should have disturbed my life. I lived well, but I didn't think that a group of people suddenly broke in a few days ago and disturbed my cleanliness. Between his words, Mr. Qingsi rarely showed a trace of disgust.

"They didn't kill you, it's your fate."

Even Mr. Qingsi has to admit that this apprentice of mangosteen can often surprise people. If ordinary people know that he is the son of the famous capital, he should be either flattered, jealous, surprised, or disgusted, but the apprentice of Shanzhu did not show any personal emotions at all. On the contrary, he is more like talking about things with an equal status. Although there is some gladness in his words that he did not mean to be killed, in fact, it is more persuasion, so that he should not care about whether he has lost his personal purity at this moment, and whether it is true whether he can grasp the right and evil and whether he will lose step by step because of the difference in one thought.

Mr. Qingsi was a little glad that he came to see the peach blossoms. If he hadn't heard the guard of the Zhou family say that the person locked in the cave was Qin Manxiu, that is, the peach blossoms in the Hundred Flowers Museum in those years, he would not have been so interested. Who would have let Mangosteen and his wife live here occasionally for a period of time, but praised his apprentice, who was called Peach Blossom. What about Qin Manxiu?

"Oh? How do you know they will be willing to kill me?"

"It seems that covering up the fugitive is also a death penalty, right?"

"Oh? But as far as I know, the person who shielded you didn't get any punishment, let alone death!"

Man Xiu knew what Mr. Qingsi pointed out. He was also a fugitive at that time, not only a fugitive from the Hundred Flowers Museum and the Military Department, but also a fugitive from the court and the barracks. However, really, it seems that the people who shielded him were not punished... However, how did Mr. Qingsi, who lived in seclusion in the mountains, know this?

"The green silk prince is really elegant! I really don't know whether to live here for a complete retreat or a better come back to the world!" For the young man in front of him, it is not love or hate. Because he himself disdained to have anything to do with male prostitutes, even when he heard that the green silk prince was popular all over the capital, he just listened to the story and forgot it. However, when he heard that the green silk prince suddenly disappeared, he still left a glimmer of hope. It was the green silk prince who was tired of the colorful life and resolutely chose to leave. Whether his guess was true or not, Man Xiu admired the courage of the young man to leave resolutely at that time. Including his perseverance digging the corner of the backyard of the Hundred Flowers Hall in order to get out of the sea of suffering as soon as possible, it can't help but say that there is no incentive for this green silk man.

Now, the legendary characters have been seen. However, the feeling is very subtle. Do you think Mr. Qingsi will take care of him? I did send him delicious food and would feed him in person. But you said you wanted to help him, right? The other party doesn't seem to have any intention of secretly letting him go. He lives in the deep mountains, but he knows such trivial things outside like the palm of his hand. This person is really like a legendary mythical figure, both good and evil, and difficult to control.

"This is too sour. Naturally, I live here to hide from the world. I'm actually not interested in listening to your stories, but some people pay attention to you, which also make my ears suffer.

Manxiu didn't know whether the "someone" in Mr. Qingsi's mouth was referring to the Shanzhu couple or Zhou Xinran and others. All he knew was that when Mr. Qingsi said this, he took a few steps closer to him, but it was the proximity that made Man Xiu faintly smell the smell of medicine. "If I guess correctly, I want Zhou Xinran to take the blood test medicine. The husband should be the prince, right? Su Wen's son is omnipotent, and his medical skills are even better. When I see him today, he really lives up to his reputation.

Sure enough, as soon as this word came out, it made the other party stunned, but then it was a big laugh.

"You boy, I like it very much! Just stay with me all the time. I haven't met such a smart person for a long time.

"Thank you, Mr. Qingsi, for your praise, but I don't know how to praise you. If you want to leave or stay, obviously, I can't decide now, can I?"

"Ha ha, are you trying to persuade me to let you go? Sorry, I don't have the legendary ability. However, if you are strong in martial arts, now break the bondage by yourself, knock me out, and leave by yourself, it's another matter.

After this reminder from Mr. Qingsi, Man Xiu remembered the internal strength of Uncle Yuan Fei in his body. But how can he use it flexibly and break the iron ring that binds his limbs? Man Xiu tried secretly several times, and it was obvious that he did not have the ability at present.

"You have even heard of me, so you should know that the people of the Zhou family can't help."

"Oh? This is unreasonable. They are all people. Why can't the people in this week's family help?

Man Xiu said that the people of the Zhou family are now the most wanted criminals of the emperor. Helping them is tantamount to great rebellion and helping Zhou to abuse. But on second thought, this green silk prince has good medical skills. It is understandable that he helped a wounded man in the deep mountains. In the eyes of the doctor, patients need to be separated from the Zhang family, but they are too small.

"The prince only allowed me to tell the truth. Is the injured person Zhou Ke?"

"It's not."

"So, thank you very much."

It seems that the injured person is undoubtedly Hu. The person who can make Zhou Xinran care about.

"Don't you ask who the injured is?"

"I already know."

"It seems that you know her very well."

Man Xiu smiled bitterly, "I don't want to."

"Your blood is very special. Born, or have you encountered any special opportunity?

"With that blood, it has not been detoxified, has it?"

"Oh?" Mr. Qingsi looked at Man Xiu with some doubts. What's in this child's mind? He only said that his blood was very special, and it was inferred that the blood did not play a detoxifying role. Is it too much experience, and the guiding nerves are too **? Or did the cruelty of reality make him realize the maturity he needed earlier? However, no matter what, it is too cruel for this young man with a pair of pure and loving eyes.

"You don't have to look at me like this. In fact, I'm just a vulgar person. The purpose of asking these questions is nothing more than to know what the next thing Zhou Xinran wants me to do. It seems that she also expected that my blood could not be detoxified.

"You know much faster than I thought." A figure flashed into the cave again, but Man Xiu never wanted to see this person again.

"Miss Zhou." Mr. Qingsi politely nodded to Zhou Xinran as a courtesy.

"The green silk prince is so elegant. If you don't develop an antidote, you have time to talk to the prisoner."

"Did I not tell you the name and location of the antidote? If the young lady doesn't hear it or write it down, she doesn't mind saying it again. The poison in the wife is called the scattered soul antelope. As the name implies, as long as you get this poison, your soul will be scattered. I'm not boasting. If Miss hadn't sent her here in time and happened to meet me, I'm afraid my wife's soul would have flown to the Hall to report.

"That's why I respect Mr. Qingsi, isn't it?"

"Miss Zhou is so fast-to-be! There is nothing to say about it. I just remind the lady that the name of the antidote is soul-gathering elixir. There must be poisoners. If the young lady wants to send someone to look for it, she needs to do it as soon as possible. Because I just set up a magic altar to protect my wife's soul from being sucked away in time, but I can't guarantee how long it will take.

"According to the opinion of Mr. Qingsi, how many days can the Dharma altar save his mother's life?"

"Open from now, up to seven days. I will do my best. However, it also requires the strong cooperation of the young lady's guards to protect the altar with great care.

"This prince is relieved. This is their task! They apologized with death if they couldn't protect their mother well. Now they should thank God for giving them such a chance to make up for their achievements! But then again, the people who hurt my mother are all thieves who robbed the rich. Where can I find them for a while? That's why I asked Mr. Qingsi to hurry up with the medicine, didn't he?"