Golden hairpin

Chapter 317 require vengeance with virtue

Following the pace of Ma Liuer, Meng Xing and others came to the hall. At this time, there was no one else in the hall except a few little ones.

"Where's Master Shi?" Ma Liuer also felt that it was too rude for Fifth Master Meng, who had just left his friends and went to welcome him. Now he has returned to the hall. He wanted to introduce them to each other, but he didn't think of his friends. So he asked his men next to him in a low voice. However, this question did not escape the ears of Meng Xing and others.

"Brother, Master Shi said that he was a little uncomfortable and went back to his room to rest first."


"What? Do you have any friends? Meng Xing first thought of the blue and white snake, so he asked Ma Liuer.

Ma Liuer was stunned, but then smiled. Who is this fifth master Meng? His martial arts skills are first-class. Doing small moves in front of him is tantamount to playing with the class. Thinking of this, Ma Liuer said generously, "Oh, there is a friend named Shi Ming. At the beginning, he escaped from the pursuit of the governor of Suzhou, and thanks to the help of the Shi brothers, he was able to escape safely. Now he has passed here and came to my bamboo forest mountain as a guest. As a mountain owner, I naturally have the friendship of a landlord. I wanted to introduce the Shi brothers and the fifth master, but he is not feeling well, so please ask the fifth master Haihan to see you another day.

"Your friend is nicknamed Blue Snake?"

"Oh? How did the fifth master know?

"Brother, to be honest, the three of us came for him today."

"Oh?" Ma Liuer looked puzzled.

Therefore, Meng Xing explained the things before and after to Ma Liuer, but simply used the word mother and daughter when explaining, osing the real identities of Hu and Zhou Xinran. If Ma Liuer knows that Zhou Xinran is Zhou Ke's daughter, and it is Zhou Ke's wife Hu who needs the antidote for the injury, it would be strange to get the antidote!

And it was not until this time that Ma Liuer knew that the blue and white snake had seriously injured people's lives and came to hide from him.

"Uncle Ma, a woman came to Zhulin Mountain yesterday?" At this moment, Ma Liuer heard a long inquiry. In fact, as soon as I entered the mountain, I have always wanted to export this problem.

Woman? Yesterday, a woman did come to the mountain, with several subordinates, very arrogant. If you don't tell her the whereabouts of the horse thief, you will raze the bamboo forest mountain to the ground and make them thieves dead.

Maybe the tragic encounter between the two masters of the He family and the former Danyang Zhulin Mountain left a knot on Ma Liuer, so since then, what he hates most is "razing the ground", "thieves", and some other sayings such as "no place to die". However, these taboos came from the mouth of the arrogant woman. The next son jumped out. How can Ma Liuer tolerate her?

However, in order to avoid unnecessary fighting and losing manpower, Ma Liuer took measures to treat each other with false feelings and traps. Zhou Xinran and the several bodyguards she brought fell into his elaborate dungeon. Ha ha, I want to get out of that place, but it's harder than going to the sky!

When his men asked him how to deal with it, Ma Liuer didn't think much about it. He only said that he had been three or five days, and then went in to have a look. There was no water and food in it, and the air was not circulating. I guess that he didn't have to do it himself, and those rude people would pay the price of death. At that time, he only needs to send a few people to drag the body away and throw it to the back mountain to separate the wild wolf.

It turned out that he was in a hurry to save his mother and came to find the blue and white snake Shi Ming for the antidote.

Although Ma Liuer is very disgusted with the other party's rude behavior, it is understandable when he is extremely emotional. In contrast, I didn't notice it and took people indiscriminately. Fortunately, less than a day has passed. I hope these people can survive better.

Under the guidance of Ma Liuer, Man Xiu and others arrived at the entrance of the dungeon.

Feng Ximeng listened to the movement inside first, but there was no sound at all. After looking at each other warily, they gently opened the door of the dungeon.

Ma Liuer first ordered someone to put a burning candle into the dungeon. Strangely, the candle not only shows no sign of extinguishing, but also has no dying. Is there enough air in the dungeon?

This has brought the vigilance of several people in the line to the extreme. Ma Liuer and several people held Pu Dao in their hands and walked forward carefully. Meng Xing, Feng Ximeng and Man Xiu are ready to fight at any time.

However, after entering the dungeon, it was a shocking scene in front of everyone. There were many people lying on the ground. Ma Liuer recognized them. These were the guards who followed the girl yesterday. I don't know which big family the blue snake has provoked. Only these guards who follow are masters at a glance.

However, now these masters have fallen into his dungeon. Should he be proud of the dungeon he designed?

"They are all poisoned." At this time, Feng Ximeng's calm judgment came into Ma Liuer's ears.

"What? Not suffocation? Or are you hungry?

"It's poisoning." Feng Ximeng said again without doubt.

How is it possible? Has anyone come in? Ma Liuer said to herself.

"Is there no guard here?"

"No, this dungeon is built by the mountain, and it has been carefully designed by me for many years. It's not my big words. Even if people who are familiar with the strange door escape armor enter this natural danger, it may be difficult to escape smoothly. Therefore, it took no more manpower to come and guard it.

"Does anyone else know the entrance to this dungeon besides you?"

"I have told several people about this, but they are all my good brothers. How could he break into this dungeon for no reason and poison all the people? ..." While talking, Ma Liuer herself was stunned. Because he also found that not all the people who fell here, and the woman was not among them. And poison, Ma Liuer didn't expect that any of his brothers would use it so well except the blue and white snake Shi Ming. After all, if it's him, it's not for no reason. His good woman is famous, and the woman who came yesterday was obviously looking for him to get the antidote from his hand to his mother.

It's really a headache!

"Find it separately!"

Several people rushed out of the dungeon. Ma Liuer ordered his men to search for people all over the mountain, while Meng Xing, Feng Ximeng and Man Xiu really went to find people separately.

When Man Xiu found Zhou Xinran, most of her coat had been torn off. The pink belly pocket set off her extremely shy and angry face, which was also the first time to see her. Obviously, she was hit by a hole and didn't even have a chance to commit suicide.

However, Manxiu dares to be sure that as long as she can move, she will not choose to commit suicide in order to maintain her chastity like those weak women. Because she will first remove eight pieces of the person who violated her, chop it into meat sauce, beat the bones and raise the ashes, and then kill the people who know this person, or have the same clan and surname, or even similar appearance. People with similar behaviors will be willing to die, and death at that time is probably also a natural law of human beings. In a word, if Zhou Xinran encounters such things, her reaction will definitely be revenge and will never choose to feel sorry for herself, although the main tone of her life will also be pain or madness caused by pain.

Shi Ming, the blue and white snake, was only buried in Zhou Xinran's delicate and smooth skin at this time. Naturally, he did not notice the abnormalities around him, and Zhou Xinran's eyes, who could not move, were not fixed on the beast in front of him, but looked around for weapons that could save him. As a result, what she found was Qin Manxiu.

Although Manxiu is still a distance away from the two, he can obviously feel Zhou Xinran's hot eyes and the degree of heat that can even melt people away.

It is important to save people. Although Zhou Xinran is so unforgivable, in this case, she is just a helpless woman.

Immediately, I didn't dare to delay for a moment. Just as the blue and white snake wanted to solve Zhou Xinran's underwear and wanted to do something wrong, it suddenly felt a heavy attack behind it. Dizzy, only a big stone appeared in front of him, and the one holding the stone seemed to be a tall man. If he could enjoy it, it would be delicious... The blue snake fell down.

At this time, Man Xiu saw that Zhou Xinran's only pink belly pocket that had just covered his body also fell to the ground with the fall of the blue snake. Man Xiu subconsciously turned around.

"Big boss, there is no one here."

"No? Go over there and have a look. If you don't come out of Zhulin Mountain, it must be here.

not far away, there was a fragmentary voice.

Man Xiu thought of Zhou Xinran, who was naked on his upper body, if he was seen by those people in Zhulin Mountain again...

Dare to think about it, Man Xiu quickly untied his coat and found Zhou Xinran with a sense of direction. However, even with her eyes closed, she could not avoid touching her smooth body when wrapping her coat.

You don't have to look at it to imagine what Zhou Xinran's expression is now. He must want to swallow him and even chew his bones to pieces. However, he didn't want to, who let him meet him!

When he closed his eyes and wanted to end the same painful process for him, Man Xiu suddenly felt Zhou Xinran's body stiff under his fingers. Before I could react to what had happened, I felt a cold chill on my neck. It's a dagger.

At this time, Manxiu had tied Zhou Xinran's clothes. He slowly opened his eyes. Sure enough, there was a dark-blooded dagger on his neck, which was Zhou Xinran's. However, the one who controls this dagger now is not its original owner, but the blue and white snake that just fell down. It turned out that the stone just now did not expect to make the blue and white snake faint. He was just pretending to faint. He underestimated the enemy again.

Manxiu can't see the expression of the blue and white snake threatening him with a dagger behind his back, but he can see Zhou Xinran, which can be said to be "with great interest" watching. With this expression alone, Man Xiu knew that Zhou Xinran would not help him for a while, and even hoped that he would die to punish his rudeness to her just now. And even if he is helped, it will be when he is really going to die, because if he dies, she will suffer. This man is really selfish! She has obviously rewarded her grievances with virtue, regardless of the past, but how can she repay her with grievances so much?