Golden hairpin

Chapter 322 Interpretation

"Just... I'm crazy..." In the face of Zhou Xinran's inquiry, Man Xiu said such an irrelevant sentence lightly.

After that, he took out a wire from his arms and easily opened the lock that bound Zhou Xinran with the unlocking technique given to him by Mu Feng. Then, take off your coat and a ball of medicinal cloth and tokens, and hand it to Zhou Xinran. Put on your clothes and wrap your right hand like this. When you go out, cover your face with your right hand as I just came in, and your left hand is responsible for lighting up the token. The guard will only pay attention to the token and the wound in the hand, ignoring whether it is a real person or not. However, remember to go straight to the left of this cave, for fear that you don't know the way. I just put some stones on the ground when I came here, and you will know at a glance. Because it is less likely to meet acquaintances on this road, but if you really meet them, you will have a bad life.

Of course, Zhou Xinran knows who the acquaintance Man Xiu refers to. Once she is not a soldier, but a person like Du Xueer, her identity will inevitably be exposed. However, Zhou Xinran is not obsessed with whether she can be recognized and defeated, but she really didn't expect that the person who helped her in the end would be the person she had been torturing or wanting to conquer.

"Oh! Are you afraid that the token is fake? I personally stole it from Uncle Ma. He took care of the blue and white snake, sent people to follow Mr. Qingsi, and had to catch up with Uncle Meng. In addition, he had no time to take care of this at all. I just brought this in smoothly, and there is no problem at all. In addition, when did you see the mountain owner working in the mountain and give yourself a token? I guess it will take a long time for him to know if he lost the token!"

"Are you afraid that he hates you?"

"Does he hate me? Shall I let you go?"


"I didn't say let you go like this."


I mean, you have to knock me out. No matter how you don't believe it, you have to make a look. I have to explain it to the brothers in the mountains. Just think that you are too cunning! And I'm too kind and have no practical experience. I've been cheated by you so many times. It's not too much to add this time.

"Bah! Are you kind?"

"What? Isn't it?"

"The unlocking is so slippery, and the level of stealing is not low. Although the martial arts skills are mediocre and excellent, but... the thief in Zhoufu is you!"

"Thank you, Miss Zhou, for your praise. I don't dare." Thieves are right, but if you want to say "family thief", Man Xiu will not admit it. He never felt that he was a member of the Zhou family. Where did he come from?

"Sir, did you kill him too?"

"Didn't you believe it? ...Wait, are you interrogating me? And still in this place now?" Man Xiu felt a little neurotic. How could he find a way to let this woman go and still talk nonsense to her here.

"There is a saying that the most dangerous place is also the safest place."

"Hm, what about then?"

"There is another saying that it is dark under the lamp."


"Good luck." After saying that, Zhou Xinran smiled bitterly, raised his hand and got into Manxiu's dizzy hole. He walked out of the cave where he was imprisoned according to the method he had just taught her.

Man Xiu woke up in the room temporarily arranged for himself by Uncle Ma, and Meng Xing was the only one guarding him.

"Uncle Meng..." To be honest, this sentence was very guilty, because for the first time he found that he could not see the expression on Uncle Meng's face at this moment. After all, it was overcast or sunny.

"Xue and the others have been sent back to the room by me."

"Oh..." Meng Xing suddenly said such a sentence for no reason, which made Man Xiu not know how to answer.

"You have nothing to say to me?"

"I'm sorry, Uncle Meng." Alas, after thinking about it, it's better to take the initiative to confess. With Uncle Meng's intelligence, how could he not guess that he deliberately wanted to let Zhou Xinran go? Otherwise, with his kung fu, how could he make Zhou Xinran, who was locked, faint?

"Do you know I'm sorry? Do you know that this is likely to release the tiger back to the mountain?

"It's very likely, but not necessarily."

"Prevent problems before they happen. Have you never heard of it? Why do you have to make a hole in it when you are 100% sure? Don't tell me that you like her? I want to let her live!"

When listening to Meng Xing's first half of the sentence, Man Xiu was still full of guilt, but the second half of the sentence was confused. What and what!" Uncle Meng!"

"Man Xiu, now you and me, you tell Uncle Meng the truth, is that right? I promise I will never tell Cher. Meng Xing's face was anxious, and his facial expression was very tangled, but in Man Xiu's eyes, it was really funny.

"Uncle Meng, what are you talking about! Even if the sky collapses and the earth sinks, I can't do anything to her... Have you heard too many words on the street?"

Meng Xing was relieved and embarrassed to be said by Man Xiu. What is it? I have heard too many words on the street. How can this child speak? So, even if the color is correct, "not the best! Then tell me why you let her go!"

"In fact, there is no special reason, but I don't want to do this."

"What?! Is this called a reason?

"Uncle Meng, can't Zhou Ke's fault be borne by Zhou Ke alone? Why do you want to involve his wife and daughter?

"Have you forgotten how Zhou Xinran treated you? Are you still talking for her?"

"She treated me like that not because of my identity, but because I beat her, offended her, and pressed her step by step out of the desire to conquer."

"Zhou is a mutiny. Can you say that their mother and daughter don't know at all? This is the bag! Maybe it's just an accomplice!"

"At that time, my father was also an imperial criminal, and his uncles still took him in. Isn't this also a hiding and an accomplice?"

"You..." Meng Xing had to admit that he found another advantage of Man Xiu, that is, he was very eloquence. In terms of argument, he is willing to bow down. OK OK! I don't care. You can take care of yourself! However, in case one day you know what Zhou Xinran is doing for Zhou Ke to do treason, which makes the Song Dynasty unstable, you will know how wrong your decision is today!"

"Uncle Meng is my pillar and my father's good brother. How can he say that he doesn't care? I'm still counting on Uncle Meng to avenge my father!"

Meng Xing was stunned. He didn't expect that he had just competed with himself for a red-faced man Xiu. Now he is as gentle as a kitten, with two "claws" only dragging his cuffs. Is he acting coquettish?

However, the dynasty of the Song Dynasty is not so easy to shake. If it is really so easy, it is also a problem for the Song Dynasty itself. Didn't Uncle Meng hear a word? It is called, fortresses are often broken from the inside. If the Song Dynasty is solid and the people live and work in peace and contentment, even if he has great ability, isn't it useless to ask for external help such as Khitan and Xixia? When Man Xiu said "I heard a word", his heart thumped. Why is this so familiar? By the way, it's Zhou Xinran. What she said to herself before leaving, "the most dangerous place is also the safest place" and "black under the lamp" is to tell herself what? What should she tell herself?

"You bastard, where did you learn such a set?"

"Where is this? It's just a fact. By the way, Uncle Meng, isn't Uncle Ma angry?

Angry? Why is he angry?"

"Because of me, I let Zhou Xinran go!"

"Well, you still know that others will be angry if you do this!" Speaking of this, Meng Xing deliberately paused and saw that Man Xiu did look guilty, so he raised his eyebrows and continued, "But don't worry, he saw that you fainted and cursed the 18 generations of the Zhou family's ancestors. He was worried that you didn't have time to be angry."

"That's good, that's good!"

"I don't know what you are happy about. Your Uncle Ma sent people out to look for him. He won't be so lucky to catch the Zhou family next time! However, even if Zhou Xinran is easy to catch, Zhou Keke is really cunning enough to be rabbit-level, and I still don't know where he is hiding.

"Didn't you hear that someone saw him in Daming Mansion? The poisonous man also chased after him because of this.

"What? Daming Mansion? How did I hear that someone saw him in Shaanxi?

"What? Shaanxi?"

"Yes. Isn't that where he came from? It makes sense to go back there.

"Yes, but... Uncle Meng, who did you hear that?"

"Who did you hear?"

"Who did you hear when you saw the news from Zhou Ke in Shaanxi?"

"In the inn in the capital. You know, whether it's on the world or the court, the inn is the most complicated place, and the news is the fastest.

"The news that Zhou Ke appeared in Daming Mansion also seems to come from the inn."

"Yes, Shaanxi and Daming Mansion are completely in two directions. I don't know if these people are exaggerating. Zhou Ke is too amazing..." Suddenly, Meng Xing stopped and stunned as if he realized something. At this moment, Man Xiu also understood the meaning of Zhou Xinran's last words, especially the sentence "good luck". Obviously, Zhou Xinran told him Zhou Ke's location to show his gratitude. And as for whether she can find someone or not, it is not something that Zhou Xinran can control. Because she is also contradictory. She never cares about herself, but also hopes that the person she sits in the princess's position is her biological father.

"So, the conclusion is that Zhou Ke has never left the capital at all!" Man Xiu said decisively.

"But, how is this possible? How many eyeliners has the imperial court laid in Tokyo and investigated so strictly? How can he escape from the search again and again?

"Easy-to-understand! When I saw Zhou Xinran a few days ago, she was also easy-to-see. Therefore, Zhou Ke is likely to change his appearance. As long as he changes his appearance, it is not his original appearance. Needless to say, the court is responsible for the officers and soldiers responsible for hunting him. Even if they are familiar with him, I'm afraid they won't recognize him when they see him.

"Then how can we find him?"

"It is the fox that always shows its tail. The only possibility for him to stay in the capital is that he still has some hidden strength. He is waiting for the opportunity and ready to go. And this so-called waiting can never be waiting for the rabbit. He will definitely take action.

"Yes, as long as he takes action to contact his part of his strength, we will have a chance to catch him."


It is judged that Zhou Ke is still in the capital, and several people will no longer stay in Zhulin Mountain. On this side, Ma Liuer sent more people to check if there were any suspicious people in the capital, and they contacted Ye Zilian, Longgong and others respectively to find out the people Zhou Ke might contact. Where they might appear, from the court and the rivers and lakes, they must take the lurking Zhou Ke out of the water.