Golden hairpin

Chapter 328 Crazy Life

"It's a pity that you only found me." At this time, his eyes turned and followed the old man's thoughts just now. Sure enough, as soon as this word came out, it attracted a strong alert reaction from the other party.

"say! Did you give the imperial court the wind? How many people came? Who is in command? Which way are they going to attack? The person who pretended to be Zhou Ke couldn't wait to ask a series of questions.

Looking at the other party's idiotic and serious and nervous appearance, he smiled. I'm really afraid that others will say that he is not Zhou Ke's person, acting so impatiently and showing his cards to the enemy so easily. It's really... cute, but not funny! But, wait... Is it true that other people have arrived here besides him? Otherwise, how can the other party be so nervous?

At the same time, the old man also stared at Zhou Ke's stand-in who spoke fiercely. Is there such a question? Ask everything you want to know at once! Isn't this also revealing their weaknesses? In his stronghold, he doesn't know how many people have invaded, and he doesn't know who the intruder is. Isn't it ridiculous?

And the stand-in also seemed to realize his mistake and shrank his neck awkwardly. It was not until this that Man Xiu deeply felt that this person's so-called temperament was like Zhou Ke, which may only come out after a long training. For this person himself, he was by no means unique to Zhou Ke's domineering.

"You are really awesome. The court has ordered the mountain to be closed, and you still have a way to come back!" Man Xiu did not continue with the other party's idiot's question, but changed the topic.

"Haha! The court? After searching the mountain several times and collecting a few bodies, I thought it was over and no longer took care of it. This is the court of the Song Dynasty! Haha!" The old man said and laughed.

"That's thanks to the news you spread everywhere about Zhou Ke's whereabouts. It's really a means to lead the court's nose. The officers and soldiers were fooled around like monkeys, sometimes going to the famous mansion, sometimes going to the Liao and Song border, and sometimes going to Shaanxi, but you effortlessly made a comeback in Guanyin Mountain. Such bold ideas and practices are really admirable.

"Ha ha, if you want to join us, I don't mind being an introducer. Although, I still don't believe you."

Man Xiu looked at the old man for a long time and was silent for a long time. Then Man Xiu slowly opened his mouth, "If I guess correctly, you are the famous Ma Haiqing in Shaanxi, Ma Dashan, right?"

After saying that, the old man's eyes lit up, and it seemed that he guessed right.

"I didn't expect Qin Wei to have a smart son."

" Thank you for your praise. However, I should have guessed that it was yours, the originator of all this.

"The originator of everything? Haha, I dare not make such a high evaluation. If you want to find the emperor of the Song Dynasty!"

"The emperor of the Song Dynasty?"

"Yes. The originator of everything you said is the emperor of the Song Dynasty.

It seems that the reason is here, and Man Xiu looked at the other party with great interest. Sure enough, the other party didn't seem to want to hide his intention and continued to say, "You must want to know why I said that the originator of all this was the emperor of the Song Dynasty, right? OK, I'll tell you a story first.

Everyone has their own story, starting with such a popular opening, which is also expected by Man Xiu.

"Once, there was a talented teenager who was able to write poetry at the age of five and wrote ten volumes without crown. In the Southern Tang Dynasty, he was elected as a scholar, and then became an official several times. After returning to Song, he was only dedicated to the court. However, the court, the court of the Song Dynasty, gave him an unwarranted charge because of a high and powerful prime minister, and let him die in a foreign country!" With that, Ma Haiqing became a little excited. Man Xiu guessed who he said who he was. Isn't it Hong Zhan, a university student who was exiled and died in Huazhou because of his involvement in the bribery fraud case in the examination room? People said that this was a case of injustice, but at that time, no one complained about the power of the chancellor Wang Qinruo. It is also said that Hong Zhan had a young son at that time, isn't it possible...

"Yes! I am his son! Hong Yuan, the only son of the Hong family! Unfortunately, in order to avenge my father, I, who was over 60 years old, hid my name for 50 years!" Maybe his ability to observe words and expressions was too strong. Just looking at Man Xiu's expression, Ma Haiqing knew that the other party had guessed his identity.

over 60 years old? Because of this age, Man Xiu is stunned. This man looks only 50 years old. Did he take any panacea? Or, did you also use something to hide your identity?

"You don't have to guess. After I have the money, I have a high price *. I think Peng Zu's hundreds of years old people seem young to eat this, not to mention me, a mortal who is only dozens of years old? However, I have been too worried over the years. No matter how many elixirs I take, I can't get any immortality. I hope I can live immortality and at least laugh for the demise of the Song Dynasty for a few more years!"

Man Xiu sometimes doubts whether this Ma Haiqing will be the legendary mind-reading skill. How can the other party guess what he thinks? A panacea! It is estimated that Ma Haiqing is just to better hide his identity and not let people associate him with Hongyuan in those years. As for immortality, as long as he can successfully see the demise of the Song Dynasty, I guess he will laugh at Jiuquan. What else can he live?

"Hongyuan? So you want to avenge your father!"

Yes! I have devoted my whole life to the day when I can destroy the Song Dynasty with my own hands! This dream should have been completed 22 years ago, but it was your father who didn't know the current affairs. He stole my painstaking efforts and painstakingly! Without him, the distribution map of soldiers and horses would have played its right role, and this vulnerable Song would have long been history!"

Man Xiu knew that the other party meant that his father had taken away the egg-shaped jade pendant with the distribution map of soldiers and horses, which made him have to redo his plan.

"If you have a debt, you should also find Wang Qinruo. How can we say that the originator is the emperor of the Song Dynasty? Manxu planned to persuade the other party, but his voice suddenly stopped. Because at this time, he had found a crazy bloodthirsty expression on Ma Haiqing's face. Shouldn't the former emperor of the Song Dynasty really do something wrong to him?

"He? Haha! He! If Wang Qin is an asshole, the damn Emperor Song is an asshole among assholes! hun jun! Tyrant! I can't wait to dig his body from the ground now until he will never be born!" Ma Haiqing's eyes are getting redder and redder. It seems that the former emperor who hated the Song Dynasty has reached the extreme. Yes, who will say the words of whipping corpses if it is not to this extent? Man Xiu quickly thought in his mind what to do about this matter.

"Think back then..." Ma Haiqing put away his bloodthirsty expression, restored the face of the previous good man, and said slowly, "I vindicated my father at a young age, but it turned out to be a wall everywhere. At that time, the so-called officials in the government office looked at me who complained in and out of the government office, as if they were watching monkeys, as if I went there just to win their happiness! Later, I grew up and gradually understood some truths. I can understand that they were afraid of the power of the prime minister Wang Qinruo and losing their black gauze hat and life because of an unknown boy. Therefore, I put my hopes on a person with a higher official position than Wang Qinruo, and the best candidate is undoubtedly the emperor. Once, like my father, I believed in the emperor so much that he was only blinded for a moment, and I would see it clearly one day. However, after the faint king who would sue the emperor was sent to prison and cruelly tortured me, I woke up. How stupid I used to be, including my father. It's been sold, and I'm still helping people get some money!"

Manxiu's mouth has not been closed for a long time, palace punishment?! So, Ma Haiqing was already... Man Xiu looked at the other party carefully. Sure enough, he was 60 years old, and his face was still very white without a trace of beard.

This time, it's Man Xiu's turn to say it.

"Why, until now, do you still think I'm wrong? If it's really wrong, it's also because I grew up too slowly, and the damn old emperor died too early! Since he is dead, I don't mind letting his son return it.

is another theorist who repays his father's debts. Moreover, worse than Shen Yuncheng, this theorist has completely drilled the horns and may not be able to get out for the rest of his life.

"Don't you see that all over the world is peaceful, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and all the people are grateful for the emperor's benevolence and filial governance of the country? If you start a war, whether it is a Khitan, a Xixia, or an internal coup, it will only damage the people. Do you really want to be a sinner of history?

"Shut up! I don't want to hear this nonsense! Tell me, how many soldiers did the court send here? How much do you know about us? What's the plan? I hope you won't be as ignorant as your father!"

"I've told you, do you know the current affairs?"

"At least, I can keep you alive."

"Only immortality?"

"Qin Wei ruined my whole plan. It's good that I didn't kill you now. Since I promised to protect you from death, what else do you want? Sometimes, people can't be too greedy!"

You also know that you can't be too greedy. So aren't you afraid of retribution if you risk the world to plot a mutiny here?

"Haha! Retribution! I got the retribution decades ago, didn't I? It's not a man's punishment! There is no punishment for children! Is there anything more cruel than this retribution? The emperor of the Song Dynasty gave me such a generous gift. If I don't return it, can I be worthy of him? If you want to pay back, you have to be bigger and more unique than this! What else is more suitable for this gift than the world?

Crazy! This man is crazy!