King of Close Combat

Chapter 8 So many famous cars, making movies!

"Who is it?" Li Yang replied naturally, and there was no usual cynicism in his tone.

"It's my military division, don't be so serious! It's like listening to the dead!" There was a complaint on the phone.

"Cut, it's your boy!" Li Yang couldn't help making joke that when he was in the army, he and the military division were brothers of life and death. They had already been brothers with each other. Every time they met, they had to make fun of each other. The phone call was no exception: "You boy called with this number and won't come to chat with me, will you?"

"Of course not, fierce beast! The order from the army has been issued, the Flying Eagle C plan has been started, and I will be your superior in the future. Everything you have to report to me. If you don't understand, you can consult me!" There was a slightly complacent voice on the phone.

"Bah, you dare to order me. If you haven't seen me for a while, you dare to climb over my head and give orders!" Li Yang hit it rudely and had no intention of obeying at all.

"Hey, how dare you! But I'm really excited to be your contact this time! It's so cool to climb on your head!" The military munist returned with a cheerful smile.

"You boy!" Li Yang had no choice. In the past, as long as the military division had the upper hand, he would show such a breath and raised his eyebrows, quite like an upstart. He didn't care about it and changed the topic and said, "Do you have any instructions from the superior?"

The military division regained his serious look and said, "Everything is the same as before. You continue your current state of life. Since you were discharged from the Shenlong, all brothers are envious and jealous! And pay more attention to the Shangguan family. According to the information I got, this Shangguan family has some problems!"

"The Shangguan family?" Li Yang was a little surprised. Obviously, he didn't expect that the Shangguan family would attract the attention of his superiors.

The military division also felt that Li Yang's tone was a little different and asked, "Ferocious beast, what? What happened between you and the officials?

Li Yang didn't hide it and replied, "It's okay. It's just that they broke one leg!"

"Tut! Fierce beast, you or you, you won't suffer any loss wherever you go! It didn't take long to get into trouble!" The military division frowned and said, with vague envy in his tone.

"Don't stink, is there anything else?" Li Yang directly interrupted that he didn't like such a compliment from the military division.

"One more thing, that is..." With that, the military division paused for a moment before continuing, "This time you really have to listen to me. I say one, you can't say two, I call you..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Yang hung up the phone directly. He ignored the military division's self-bragging and self-intoxicated speech.

After calling, Li Yang was sleepy now. As soon as he touched his stomach, he found that he was still a little hungry. He immediately got up and prepared to go to the refrigerator to get something to eat.

Opening the refrigerator, there were all kinds of fruits and vegetables in it. Li Yang was quite satisfied. He took out a few favorite vegetables and went into the kitchen. After washing and cutting them, he put them directly into the pot. Suddenly, there was a fire in the kitchen. After a burst of smoke, two home-cooked dishes with full color, fragrance and taste came out of the pot, and then took a bowl of rice and served the meal. Eat at the table.

After a storm, Li Yang wiped out the food. After a full meal, he looked at the clock on the wall and found that it was already 8 p.m., and then looked outside, the full moon was hanging high and the stars!

Now that Lin Waner hasn't come back, Li Yang is bored in the room. She walks out of the door in big trousers and vest and is ready to walk down the street. Maybe she can see the cute girl!

With this mentality, Li Yang came to the street alone. The street was extremely lively and brightly lit, and all kinds of stalls came out to make money.

Li Yang was wandering around the street in flip-flops and felt quite comfortable. When passing a fork in the road, a woman dressed in enchanting and heavy makeup came to pull Li Yang's arm and flattered her, "Brother, are you interested in coming in and playing? There are so many tricks!"

Li Yang turned his head and found that the woman in front of him was still eye-catching, but if he removed his makeup, he would definitely be ugly in the old city!

Look up again, the bee star karaoke hall! Li Yang couldn't help saying secretly, "Intention, I came here!"

Irrely ignored the warm greeting of the woman in front of him, Li Yang turned around and walked towards another dark path.

When the woman saw Li Yang leave, she couldn't help cursing, "Poor man!"

Li Yang didn't care. He still walked happily. Looking around, there was no light at all. The path was dark. If he did something, this was really an excellent place!

While thinking about it, a crisp bell-like voice suddenly came to Li Yang's ear: "You three hooligans, get out of the way quickly!"

Li Yang immediately became energetic when he heard the voice. He judged that this was definitely the voice of a girl under 25 and it sounded like he was in trouble. He hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound.

Only 5 meters away from him, there were three well-dressed gangsters, all of whom showed greedy eyes.

And opposite them, there is a little beauty in a knee-length skirt, with bright teeth, clear eyes, cut water, hair like fine willows, picturesque eyebrows, and an indisputable atmosphere all over her body. Looking down, you can see the high peaks.

Li Yang's eyes glanced a few more times, and the preliminary judgment was 36d!

And the three gangsters also moved at this time. A bloated gangster stood up and kept looking at the beautiful woman with greedy eyes: "Where are we hooligans? We are the pioneers of benefiting society. Come with us to ensure that you will be immortal!"

A look of disgust flashed on the beautiful woman's face. Facing the gangster in front of her, she didn't leave a word: "You scum of society, I'm the daughter of Chen Tianfeng, the king of Southeast China. When my father comes, I will let him throw you into the mountain and feed the wolves!"

The bloated gangster obviously didn't believe it. He laughed and said, "The Southeast King is the boss of the underworld in Haicheng. How can his daughter appear here? Are you fooling me? If you are Chen Tianfeng's daughter, then I am Chen Haonan's son!"

As soon as this came out, the other two hoodlums also covered their stomachs and laughed.

The beautiful woman looked at the gangsters with contemptuous face, "You are looking for death!"

The bloated gangster looked at the two brothers beside him and said, "Brothers, it's still the same rule to go together. You two hold your limbs and I'll do it first!"

The two gangsters did not object and walked towards the beautiful woman with great interest. One of them smiled obscenely and said, "Little sister, you'd better cooperate!"

The beautiful woman gently bit her lips. How could she beat these three gangsters? Now she is also at a loss. I really hope someone can come and save him!

Suddenly, a 41-yard flip-flop slipper flew in the air, which hit the face of a beautiful gangster who was approaching, and directly patted him on the ground. Suddenly, his eyes were golden, and he couldn't find anywhere in the north!

The bloated gangster looked around warily and shouted, "Who! Give it to me!"

Li Yang was rude. He also turned over another flip-flop, knocked the bloated gangster dizzy and fell to the ground. The remaining third gangster was so scared that he kept looking around, feeling as if he had seen a ghost!

Helping others is the foundation of happiness, not to mention being a famous beauty. Of course, Li Yang can do it. He walked over barefoot, and the rest of the gangster saw him and swallowed his saliva. Obviously, the hidden device of slippers just now caused a shadow in his heart. One slipper hit a person, and then the other one fainted. The man was too powerful.

When the beautiful woman saw that someone was really saving her, her hanging heart was slightly relieved.

At this time, the two hoodlums who were stunned by slippers also woke up and slowly stood up.

Li Yang looked at them and said, "Get out of here!"

"Get out of here?" The bloated gangster replied rudely, "You hit it just now, didn't you? The end of provoking me is to let you meet the king of the den, brothers, copy the guy for me and stab him!"

As soon as the words came out, the two standing gangsters took out a long slapped dagger at the same time, and even the hesitant gangster took out the dagger. The three suddenly rushed up like hungry wolves.

Li Yang kicked his chin with a hook foot at the swollen gangster. With a click, the man fell to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, and two front teeth spit out.

When the two hoodlums saw it, they were so scared that they were furry all over. At this moment, they didn't dare to rush forward. They didn't care about the bloated hoodlums at all. They ran out and soon ran away!

Li Yang was also too lazy to chase, so he picked up his slippers and put them back on his feet.

The little beauty also came to him at this time. Li Yang sniffed his nose slightly and could still smell a girl's fragrance. Looking closer, it was a beautiful face: "Thank you for saving me once. My name is Chen Xueqing. What's your name?"

The beauty asked, and Li Yang also reported his name independently: "My name is Li Yang, the peach and plum, the sun's sun!"

"What an interesting introduction!" Chen Xueqing covered her white fingers and smiled softly, smiling like a flower in the bright moonlight.

At this moment, a car horn sounded. Li Yang hurriedly turned around and found that more than a dozen cars were driving with momentum, basically famous cars: "Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche... and so on!"

"I'll go, so many famous cars! Shooting speed and **!" Li Yang couldn't help complaining.