King of Close Combat

Chapter 67 ji ji, Kill and Kill

After 8 o'clock at night, many policemen put on their casual clothes and did not make a big deal. Instead, they were divided into several teams and arrived around Shangguan's house one after another.

Lin Waner sat in a white business car, * outside the shoulder-type bulletproof vest, next to Li Yang, and behind her sat five policemen, all* plus bulletproof vests.

At this time, the pager in Lin Waner's hand sounded.

"The leading team reported that Shangguanxing did not leave the villa. On the way, three business vehicles covered with glass entered it and then left."

"The first team has arrived in the south of the villa."

"The second team has arrived in the southeast..."

Every five minutes, someone sends a report until the 20th team reports, and it is already nine o'clock at night.

Then, Lin Waner waved her arm and shouted, "Let's go!"

The business car walked towards the villa where Shangguanxing was located, and there was also a business car in the rear, including five policemen and deputy director Li Qiang.

Li Qiang looked out of the window, and no one could see his eyes. At this time, there was a trace of excitement in his eyes, as if he was getting revenge, and he was about to rise.

"The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. I followed Wang Hong to become the deputy director. Now the mountain housekeeper has been eradicated, which is a great achievement. As long as Lin Waner leaves, the position of the director is mine, Gaga..." Li Qiang was extremely happy.

Lin Wan'er arrived at her destination in about ten minutes, not far from the villa where Shangguanhang lived.

Walking down from the police car, Li Yang saw several men around him who seemed to be ordinary people, but were actually dressed as policemen, and looked at them here.

Lin Waner nodded and walked to the door of Shangguan's villa. She raised her foot and kicked her. She shouted, "Open the door!"

Li Yang's sweat, if Lin Wan'er was a female general in ancient times, she was definitely the kind of person who rushed out against a group of people. It's not about ability, but too much courage.

Li Yang stood beside Lin Waner and looked around in case someone from the Shangguan family was really attacked.

Soon, the door opened a small door. An elderly man poked out his head and said in an old voice, "What's the matter?"

Lin Waner directly unfolded a piece of paper and simply said, "Police, arrest warrant, open the door. I want to arrest Shangguan. If you don't open the door, you will resist the law and arrest you.

She has endured this day for two years. Today, she can finally avenge her cousin, and Lin Waner doesn't care what others think. What she wants is to rush in, get into the officialdom, and shoot him.

Li Qiang beside him is very happy. The worse Lin Waner is performing now, which shows that she may not want to develop in Haicheng. Naturally, this position will naturally be his.

The old man's eyes showed shock. He quickly opened the big iron door and said in horror, "This has nothing to do with me. Don't arrest me!"

"If you want to die, leave quickly." Lin Waner took a look at the old man, then looked at the police behind her and waved her arms: "Follow me."

Li Qiang and 11 other policemen rushed into the villa yard.

While walking, Lin Waner took out the pager and whispered, "All go out."

At this time, on the third floor of the villa, Shangguan Xing and Shangguan Yun are in front of the window.

Shangguanxing looked down, and Lin Waner and others came and said plainly, "Yun'er, do you know why I didn't let people take you away in advance?"

Shangguan Yun wondered, "I don't know."

Shangguan said, "I just want you to see a battle to let you know that there is no such thing as justice in the world, only strong force. What do you think will happen if I kill everyone who came here today?

Shangguan Yun showed an unbelievable look and said, "Dad, are you kidding? They are all police, so that we can't stay in Haicheng, even if we can't stay in Haixia.

Shangguanxing grabbed his right hand and clenched his fist, as if he had grasped a lot of energy. He said, "Haicheng, compared with Huaxia, is just a small particle. Even if they all died in my Shangguan's villa, it's not necessarily my Shangguanxing. Look at it.

Lin Waner was in high spirits and strode forward quickly approaching the door of the villa.

But as the distance got closer, Li Yang frowned. The curtains of the villa were closed, and it looked like people were resting inside, but he felt a strange crisis brewing.

Nearly ten meters away, Li Yang was suddenly shocked and hurriedly shouted, "Hide!"

As he shouted, he saw a bullet flying from the top of the villa. Target, Lin Waner!

"Sniper!" Li Yang was shocked, hugged Lin Waner, and rushed to one side.

"Wo!" The bullet passed through the air and shot on the ground.

At this time, the sound of broken glass sounded continuously, but 30 men in black, all with AK47 rifles in their arms, rushed out from the first floor of the villa and shot at Lin Waner and others.


At that time, three policemen were shot in the leg and shot in the forehead and fell to the ground and died. And some people's bulletproof vests were hit by bullets, but because the impact was too strong, they couldn't help flying backwards.

Although Li Qiang was fat, his reaction was not slow. When Li Yang fell on Lin Wan's child, he rushed to the side, rolled on the ground and rolled into the grass not far away.

"Retired!" Li Yang also rushed into the bushes with Lin Waner in his arms.

He is also glad that the Shangguan family is rich enough, the villa yard is very large, and there are small woods. Although there are only more than 30 trees, it is enough to hide temporarily.

At this time, the casual policemen who jumped in from the walls of the courtyard on all sides took out their pistols and shot at the 30 men in black.

"Sneer!" Both sides dodged while shooting.

In the blink of an eye, a man in black fell to the ground and died, and the plainclothes police also died.

In front of the villa, bullets flew, loud noises, and the smell of gunpowder spread, accompanied by a disgusting smell of blood.

Bears of the tree trunk, Lin Waner frowned and said, "I didn't expect that this official really jumped over the wall and summoned so many people to take guns. After today, without my action, someone will come to kill him.

Li Yang next to

said, "I'm afraid we can't wait for tomorrow, hide quietly, don't show your head, there is a sniper gun, one shot is enough to kill you."

"Do you want to take care of it?" Lin Waner took a white look at Li Yang, showed her head, and shot standardly!

"Bang!" In front of the villa, a man who had just appeared and wanted to shoot was penetrated by a bullet.

"Yeah! Hundreds of cents." Lin Waner clenched her left fist and said excitedly.

"Come back!" Li Yang grabbed Lin Waner's wrist and pulled her into his arms. A bullet flew through Lin Waner's side.

Lin Waner's little face turned white in an instant. Although she didn't see the trajectory of the bullet too clearly, the bullet flew by her side and scratched her cheeks a little painfully. Let her know that if it slows down, she may be shot through her head!

"Let you not move. No matter how many people you kill, you will die." Li Yang said seriously.

"Oh!" This time, Lin Waner dared not refute. Feeling the temperature on Li Yang's chest, Lin Waner's cheeks turned red for no reason.

At this time, Li Yang listened attentively to everyone's movements.

For about a minute, she let go of Lin Waner and whispered, "I'm going to attack later. Don't scream!"

"Ah?" Lin Waner was puzzled.

Li Yang rolled out more than two meters on the ground and quickly stood up.

"I'm here!"

Li Yang shouted and rolled to the left again.

Seeing an accurate target, the men in black who were hiding all opened their heads and shot at Li Yang.


In the night, the flame on the muzzle flashed, and bullets shuttled to Li Yang.

"Hahaha..." Looking at the fierce flying bullet like a wasp version, Li Yang suddenly laughed excitedly and ran. At this time, a pistol appeared in his right hand. He didn't look at those people at all, but shot quickly.


I saw that those people, either in their hearts or eyebrows, were shot one after another and fell to the ground.

"Wow!" Li Yang passed by a corpse with an extra pistol in his hand. His pace was strange and changeable, and the sound of gunfire sounded rapidly.

"Plop! Plop..."

Some people keep falling to the ground.

For a minute, Li Yang stood in front of the door of the villa, but there was a blood stain on his waist, and all the people in black around him died! Some people have a gun in their hearts, and some people have a heart.

"Thirteen people have never been efficient." Li Yang said, and then looked at the roof of the villa and fired a shot.

"Ah!" A man just poked his head out and was hit in the forehead. He fell from the top of the three-storey villa and hit the ground.

The policemen who jumped in from the surrounding courtyard wall and then fled were shocked!

"Damn! This man rushed over and killed all of them!"

"That's great!"

Li Yang glanced and saw that seven policemen who came from the main door with them died, while five people died in their casual clothes, injuring many people.

Li Yang said loudly, "Everyone stand by. I'll go in and explore."

A group of people rushed out of the villa just now, and there is no guarantee that there will be no more people rushing out. Even if Li Yang didn't say anything, no one wanted to rush in. Li Yang just gave them a step down.

After saying that, Li Yang stepped into the villa. When he landed, his footsteps were very light. As long as there was movement around him, he would immediately hear it.

But just as Li Yang was about to approach the villa, a large truck suddenly rushed into the open door!

Seeing the truck, Li Yang rushed to Lin Waner and shouted, "Escape!"

Subsequently, eight small openings appeared in the carriage of the truck in three directions except for the front, from which eight barrels emerged.

"tu tu..."

Bullets flew like wild bees and shot in all directions.

"Damn, machine gun!" Li Yang was surprised: "Xingguan Xing is really cruel, eight machine guns! That's crazy!"

"Bang!" While running, Li Yang shot casually. The glass of the front window cracked and a small hole appeared. The man's eyebrows were hit by bullets.

At this time, the casual policemen gathered together suffered. Although the accuracy of machine guns was low, there were many bullets, three on both sides and two in the rear.

The barrel of fire and dense bullets are really like the wasp version of sprinting in all directions, covering those casual policemen closest to the door!