King of Close Combat

Chapter 95 The crisis continues

The first man, the machete was chopped vertically, and the blade was close to the top of Li Yang's head. The strong wind blew, blowing Li Yang's hair, and a sense of murder suddenly broke out.

"Wo!" Li Yang showed a phantom step, including the man, and the ten people who approached Li Yang first, and a dark shadow flashed in front of him at the same time.

A knife light hit Li Yang's shadow, but Li Yang has appeared three meters away from the original place where he stood. And the ten people in the front were dull at the same time. They had a very shallow blood stain on their necks, as if they had drawn a red line with a blood-colored brush.

Everyone didn't care at all. Seeing Li Yang's mountain wall three meters away from the right, five more people rushed over and the machete in their hands cut down mercilessly.

"Sneer!" At this time, among the ten people, the first person who attacked Li Yang, the blood marks on their neck suddenly expanded, and bright red blood water burst out from them, and then nine others, and the blood marks on their necks sprayed blood one after another.

The plop kept ringing, and the ten bravest people closest to Li Yang fell to the ground and died.

At the same time, the snow sword in Li Yang's hand swept by. Before the five people approached him, blood marks appeared on his neck, and blood flowed down. As the first ten people fell to the ground, five people followed and died!

"Me!" The man who wanted to take the opportunity to rush up hurriedly stopped and looked at the fifteen people who fell in the pool of blood with disbelief.

It was too fast. Almost two or three seconds later, 15 people sprayed blood on their necks and fell to the ground and died. Looking at Li Yang, the snow-white slender sword in his hand is still spotless, leaving no drop of blood, like ice jade.

"I said that whoever dares to walk over from me will let whoever die first." Li Yang said, he looked ordinary, as if killing people was like eating. He was used to it and very casual.

And this disregard for life falls into the eyes of those people, but it is tantamount to a heavy hammer hitting their hearts.

"You, do you see how he took action just now?" A man asked the people around him in horror.

"No, no, it's too fast, it feels like a ghost!" A humane.

Someone looked at the person beside him: "Brother Hei, can't we get on?"

"This." The man hesitated.

At this time, a bald man in black casual clothes and shouldered shouted, "I'm afraid of hair, the boss said, whoever kills one of them will give 10 million!" If there are too many ants, he can bite the elephant to death, not to mention that he is not an elephant. I don't believe that he can always be so fast. People will always be tired. As long as he is tired, he can be hacked to death, 10 million! You can also manage a street, glorious and rich!"

"Yes, or die or be brilliant!" One person drinks high.

The crowd began to move.

"Wo!" At this time, Li Yang's virtual shadow stayed in place. He rushed out directly more than 20 meters and appeared in front of the bald man in a blink of an eye.

The sword light flashed, the virtual shadow remained, and Li Yang appeared in place again.

It's only two seconds to rush out and come back.

Everyone was wondering, but someone exclaimed!

"Ah! Brother Yi is dead!"

"What?" In front of him, someone looked back at the crowd, but saw the bald man who had spoken before. A blood hole appeared in his eyebrows, and blood flowed out. The man fell straight to the ground and died!

"Wang!" The crowd was sensational, and no one dared to scold the people who wanted to do it.

And a leader, even with a gun, dares not shoot rashly. For a time, more than 300 people wereland in the middle of Dongshi Street by Li Yang alone, and no one approached him.

At this moment, there was a loud shout: "Four King Kongs, kill Chen Tianfeng! Everyone else shot me and killed Li Yang. Who killed Li Yang? I want him to be the third brother of the Dragon Shadow Club!"

With this loud shout, Wang Long jumped from a square roof and appeared at the street 20 meters behind Li Yang. He was followed by four masters and more than a dozen well-skilled members of the Longyin Association.

As soon as he appeared, the four Xiong Man quickly chased Chen Tianfeng. And the other eight people, when they saw Li Yang, did not hesitate to shoot all of them!

Machine gun, *47,*, bullets drove like raindrops, drowning Li Yang.

"Wo!" Li Yang showed a phantom step, moved more than ten meters horizontally, jumped on the roof of a pedicure on the roadside, and then ran quickly, directly over eight people, and quickly rushed to the Four King Kong.

His current idea is to let Chen Tianfeng leave with Chen Xueqing.

At this time, Chen Tianfeng has run more than 100 meters, and there are still more than 500 meters away from the street. If the four King Kong chases with all their strength, it is likely to stop them, and Chen Xueqing will be in danger.

Therefore, Li Yang must show the fastest speed to stop the four kings.

Eight people next to Wang Long kept shooting, but Li Yang's speed was so fast that all the bullets hit the ground behind him or shuttled past him. Some people predicted to shoot in front of Li Yang, but they were easily dodged because they were too fast.

As soon as the four Xiong Man chased out of less than 20 meters, they were overtake by Li Yang and directly blocked the way.

"Bang!" The silver stick pierced the ground a foot deep, and the snow blade sword was directly pulled out by Li Yang, revealing a fierce cold breath.

"Hight!" Li Yang shouted loudly. The murderous spirit broke out, and his eyes stared at the four people without blinking.

"Get out of here!" The strong bear scolded, regardless of Li Yang's obstruction. He stepped out more than three meters and rushed to Li Yang, like a black bear pounced on food, with black pointed fists, and hit Li Yang.

"Wo!" Li Yang disappeared in place.

He didn't see Xiong Man's fist fall to that part at all, and a sword stabbed the latter's eyebrows.

The next moment, Xiong Man realized that he punched Li Yang, and he might not be able to kill him, but if his eyebrows were penetrated by the sword, he would definitely die!

Xiong Man seemed to be bulky, but his moves were also very fast. The big fist that hit Li Yang's body temporarily changed direction and directly hit the Xue Feng Sword, while the trajectory of the other fist has not changed, still hitting Li Yang's head.

"Ding!" The tip of the sword hit the bear's fist sleeve.

Xiong Man originally wanted to bend the thin sword with one punch and kill Li Yang with the other punch. However, as soon as his gloves touched the tip of the sword, he found that he wanted to turn into tofu. He didn't even resist for a second, but was penetrated by the tip of the sword.

"Retired!" At the critical moment, Xiong Man originally hit Li Yang's fist and turned to hit his other arm.

With a bang, Xiong Man's speed was very fast, and his body shifted to one side, and the snow front in Li Yang's hand stabbed into the air.

"This stupid big person reacts very fast." Li Yangxin said.

At this time, Xiong Man's right fist sleeve was broken, and a deep bone wound appeared when the back of his hand extended to his wrist. Seeing this, he was very happy. Fortunately, he was not penetrated by the thin sword, otherwise the whole arm would be unpreservation.

"Swipe!" The virtual shadow flashed, and Xu Han, who was holding a dagger in his hand, secretly appeared behind Li Yang again. The dagger in his hand was close to Li Yang's neck!

"Ding!" At the critical moment, Li Yang blocked Xu Han's dagger with a snow front, and the two sides quickly distanced themselves.

At this time, Li Yang found that Lv Pengzhong and Sheng Zhuoyan rushed over at the fastest speed while he was entangled and directly chased Chen Tianfeng.

"Hight!" Li Yang showed the phantom step, flashed three times, and came to the front of the two.

Then, Li Yang hit Lv Pengzhong with his palm, and the Xue Feng sword cut Sheng Zhuoyan at the same time.

"Bang! It's hiss!" Li Yang hit Lv Peng's middle foot and flew it back.

When Sheng Zhuoyan's long knife touched the snow front, the blade rubbed, showing a core of fire. Then, he found that his knife blade had been worn out! I was shocked and retreated to the rear.

A battle made the four King Kong stop at the same time and frown.

"The sword in his hand is too dangerous. My knife is made by a world famous man. When I touch the thin sword in his hand, the blade disappears." Sheng Zhuoyan frowned and said, "You all be careful."

"Nonsense, I just experienced it." Xiong Man tore off a piece of cloth on his clothes and wrapped his wrists to stop the blood on the back of his hand.

At this time, there was a buzzing sound in the street. Li Yang's ears moved slightly and he heard the sound from behind him.

He quickly turned around and saw more than 50 motorcycles rushing out in front of Chen Tianfeng. Ten of them stopped. Ten of them were holding machine guns at the same time and shooting at Chen Tianfeng.

Others rode motorcycles and quickly rushed in the direction of Chen Tianfeng and Chen Xueqing.

Seeing this scene, Li Yang showed an anxious look in his eyes and quickly ran 100 meters away.

But just then, a figure suddenly jumped off the roof of a small restaurant. However, Wang Long held a wide-edged knife in his left hand and was in front of him. He was murderous and his eyes were fierce and gloomy.

"I'll break my arm, and I'll let you break your arms." Wang Long shouted and rushed to Li Yang.

"Wo!" Li Yang showed the fastest speed and wanted to shuttle past Wang Long.

Just as soon as he arrived at the five-meter position on the right side of Wang Long's body, Wang Long's original figure, which had rushed to the front, suddenly changed to the right side, and then split into the empty place with a knife.

"Bang!" The loud noise broke out, and Li Yang didn't expect Wang Long to take action so quickly.

He only had time to resist with the Xuefeng sword body, but he felt a huge force coming from the sword body, which made his arm numb and almost didn't grasp the Xuefeng sword. Li Yang's body was also shaken away and hit the facade wall of a pedicure shop.

"Cough!" After standing firmly, Li Yang coughed out a trace of blood: "No wonder Chen Tianfeng said that Wang Long was not easy to mess with. I didn't expect this grandson's attack power to be so strong. Even if I had dark protection, my arm was a little painful."

"Oh no!" At this time, Li Yang remembered that Chen Tianfeng and the two were stopped.

Take a quick look, Li Yang saw that Chen Tianfeng had to fall on the street because of the shooting of the ten people, and the other side was a 40-year-old motorcycle quickly rushing towards him and Chen Xueqing.

Li* did not look at Wang Long, but performed a phantom step and quickly rushed to Chen Tianfeng.

"Look at me and let you die." Wang Long roared fiercely and stepped out of the pit and suddenly rushed out of more than ten meters. Li Yang just showed a phantom step, leaving a virtual shadow. Before he could rush out in the future, he saw a wide-edged knife in front of him and quickly retreated.

"Boom!" The wide-edged knife hit the ground, and the stone slab was broken, and a gully one foot deep and two meters long appeared.

The gravel splashed and flew, and Wang Long waved his sword again. The gravel flew rapidly. The target was not Li Yang, but in front of him. If he continues to rush forward, he will be intercepted by gravel!