King of Close Combat

Chapter 160 Li Yang's Heart

"Ding!" Li Yang stretched out his hand and grabbed the flying knife body, and the dark shadow also appeared. It was Han Qing.

Li Yang threw the knife to Han Qing and said with a smile, "Senior sister, the reaction is really fast. As soon as I jumped in, I was seen by you."

Han Qing pointed to the door and said, "Wrong, I heard it when the car stopped at the door."

"What do Yingying and Qinger do?" Li Yang asked.

Han Qing said, "Zhou Yingying is practicing, Qing girl, sleep."

"Sleeping? She didn't get up early in the past two days since I left?" Li Yangdao.

"Yes, she said you can relax for a few days after you left. Yesterday at 11 o'clock, it's about 10 o'clock now. You're almost going to wake up!" Han Qingdao.

"Hey, this girl, watch me clean her up." Li Yang muttered that he quickly ran to the villa.

Li Yang ran into the villa and just wanted to go up to the second floor to find Chen Xueqing, but he saw Chen Xueqing wearing pink pajamas, gasping, rubbing her eyes with her delicate hands, and walking out of the bedroom in a daze. As she said, "Sister Yingying, I'm hungry."

"Wo!" Li Yang's figure appeared in front of Chen Xueqing.

"Dong!" Chen Xueqing was in a daze, and her little head hit Li Yang's chest.

"Is this?" Chen Xueqing's eyes quickly woke up, and then reacted and quickly turned around and wanted to run.

"Bang!" Li Yang grabbed Chen Xueqing's shoulder and asked, "Xiao Xue, where are you going?"

"Hee..." Chen Xueqing turned her head, showed a pitiful little look, and hurriedly said, "Brother Li, I was wrong."

"What's wrong?" Li Yang asked with a straight face.

Chen Xueqing bowed her head and said, "I shouldn't be lazy. I will insist on getting up early every day in the future."

With that, she looked up again, and her eyes were full of supplication, like a little white rabbit, cute and lovely.

"I'll go, as if I bully people!" Li Yang was helpless. His mind that he was going to teach Chen Xueqing a lesson disappeared in an instant. This little girl has completely surpassed Zhou Yingying and Lin Waner, which is going to compete with Han Qing. But this pretending to be pitiful is even more unique.

Then, Li Yangqiang pretended to be serious and said, "Okay, let's not take it as an example, let's wash up!" Let's eat later."

"Uh-huh." Chen Xueqing said cleverly and quickly ran into the bathroom.

At this time, Zhou Yingying came out of the room and saw Li Yang. Her eyes showed joy, and then frowned and said, "Where's Sister Wan'er?"

Li Yang said bitterly, "She was left in the Lin family. She has to learn the skills of the Lin family. She may not come to Tianhai City for a long time."

"That's it! I thought I would be back soon." Zhou Yingying said a little decadently and became a sister. She even thought about being with Lin Waner for a lifetime, but she didn't expect to be separated so soon.

"I'm going to cook." After saying that, Zhou Yingying turned around and walked to the first floor.

Li Yang didn't say anything more. After that, Chen Xueqing and Han Qing also knew that Lin Waner left Tianhang City. Chen Xueqing is a little reluctant, but Han Qing is still flat.

After dinner, Li Yang said, "I'll clean up the dishes and chopsticks later and let you see something first."

With that, Li Yang went to the kitchen and took out a knife.

"Brother Li, what are you doing with a knife?" Chen Xueqing wondered.

Li Yang took out a white handkerchief from his trousers pocket and unfolded the handkerchief to show small pieces of the red jade seal of Emperor Qin.

"A little familiar." Zhou Yingying frowned.

Chen Xueqing was puzzled. She had never seen this thing. Naturally, she didn't understand why Li Yang took out such a small jade block.

Han Qing frowned and said tentatively, "Is it the fragment we are looking for?"

"Hmm!" Li Yang nodded and said, "Sister, the teacher said that after I left the dragon, I didn't have to take the fragments back to the dragon. So I thought of the three of you. Nowadays, although the north of the city where the Sun Moon Group is located looks very stable. But after all, Yingshanhui, Wang Ying and others are still there, and they may appear one day. I want you to try to see if you can get the secret treasure of inheritance.

"What is the secret treasure of inheritance?" Chen Xueqing asked doubtfully.

After that, Li Yang told Zhou Yingying and Chen Xueqing the legend he told Lin Waner yesterday about the fragments of the jade seal handed down by Emperor Qin. At the same time, he also talked about the disappearance of his parents.

After being suppressed by the Lin family this time, Li Yang thought for a long time and found that he was still too weak. Even if he created the Sun and Moon Group, it was not as powerful as those big families. Maybe one day he will be hunted down and separated from the three women, so he wanted to say everything. There is no need to hide anything in the future, but it is much easier.

After listening to this, Han Qing frowned slightly. He didn't hear the teacher talk about Li Yang's past. Originally, he thought that he was the only orphan and was bullied by Li Yang, who had parents. Later, he was thrown to a desert island. But I didn't expect that Li Yang was also an orphan, and he didn't live much better than her these years.

Looking at Li Yang, there were some subtle changes in Han Qing's eyes.

Zhou Yingying and Chen Xueqing are meditating. They are both single-parent families, but at least they have fathers. Now Li Yang doesn't even know where their parents are. He still smiles every day. Maybe he is the hardest in his heart.

At this time, Zhou Yingying frowned and said, "Li Yang, I will help you find your parents."

Chen Xueqing raised her hand and said, "And me!"

Han Qing said, "At present, we are partners and naturally act together. No matter how powerful Sirius is, there is a limit. As long as we continue to become stronger, we will eventually become masters who can resist Sirius.

"Hmm!" Li Yang looked at the three gratefully. He could see that the three women were serious. He felt lucky to meet them.

At this time, Zhou Yingying said, "Well, Sister Wan'er can't do it. Didn't you try Li Yang? Maybe it's a secret treasure that can be inherited.

Li Yang shook his head and said, "I have one. I want you to try it first. Qing'er's strength is the weakest at present. You should try it first. If you succeed, you can quickly make up for your weak strength. If you can't do it, Yingying, come and have a try. Well, sister, you are the strongest, so in the end."

Han Qing said flatly, "It's enough for you to have this heart. You have inherited that secret method, but you are still not as strong as me. That means that this thing is just a little powerful skill. It depends on the person who practices the skills. I don't have a high demand for this."

"Brother Li, this fragment is so precious, you'd better use it!" Chen Xueqing, isn't it?

"Maybe it won't work! You can try it first." Li Yang grinned and said, "I already have one. It doesn't matter if there is a second one."

Chen Xueqing still wanted to speak, but Li Yang suddenly grabbed Chen Xueqing's little hand, the kitchen knife crossed her finger, and a drop of blood fell on the red jade placed on the table.

"Ah!" Chen Xueqing screamed and wanted to stop, but she was not as powerful as Li Yang and was directly pressed on the fragments by Li Yang.

Unfortunately, five or six seconds passed, and Li Yang found that the fragment had not changed.

Chen Xueqing stared at Li Yang angrily and said, "Brother Li hates it. He cut my finger without saying a word. Next time it will be like this, I will be angry."

"Hey... Aren't you afraid that you disagree! I'm sorry!" Li Yang said apologetically.

"Hmm!" Chen Xueqing snorted coldly, but her heart was warm. Just now, she heard Li Yang say that this fragment was very precious, but she pushed it off by herself. Li Yang still wanted to try it by herself, indicating that Li Yang cared about herself and wanted to get great benefits.

"Well, I don't feel anything!" At this time, Chen Xueqing looked at Li Yang doubtfully and said, "Is there a memory of inheritance into the brain?"

Li Yang frowned and said, "Failed, as long as the red fragments turn white, it will be a success. Yingying, come on."

"All right!" Zhou Yingying knew that she resisted and couldn't stand Li Yang's rudeness. She had to cut her finger and drip a few drops of blood on the fragments. Then she put her finger on the fragments.

After five or six seconds, Li Yang said, "It doesn't seem to work either."

"I'll try it." Since Li Yang had decided, Han Qing was not polite. The wound naturally appeared on his right index finger and fell on the red fragments.

"My sister is strong and good in all aspects. It should be okay this time!" Li Yang looked at the red fragments seriously. Han Qing's three daughters also looked at it seriously.

Unfortunate, five or six seconds have passed, and the fragments still did not respond!

Han Qing withdrew his finger and said, "It doesn't seem to work either."

"Then I'll try." Li Yang frowned, took off the blood silk gloves, and cut a blood mouth on his fingers, and the blood dripped on the red fragments.

"Hum!" Suddenly, the red fragment emitted a bloody light, and then Li Yang and the four people saw a bloody snake in the bloody fragments, which quickly penetrated into Li Yang's fingers.

"Me!" Li Yang was about to speak when he suddenly felt the world spinning and his head dizzy, and then his whole body fainted in a blink of an eye!

Han Qing hurriedly held Li Yang, who was about to fall to the ground, and frowned, "It seems that Li Yang has succeeded."

"Success! Great, Brother Li's strength can grow again!" Chen Xueqing was lucky that she was not angry because she had not been inherited, because she felt that this thing belonged to Li Yang and did nothing, and she was uncomfortable to get it like this.

Zhou Yingying is also very happy.

"Help him back to his room."

In a daze, Li Yang felt a sense of familiarity again, similar to last time, with a lot of strange information, like a long river of words, vast floating in the air, and then poured into his brain.

He felt a severe pain in his head, and at the same time, he felt as if countless small hands were tearing his meridians hard, with severe pain, tingling and indescribable pain. He wanted to shout, grab his head, and put aside his body to see why the meridians hurt so much.

However, he found himself weak and even seemed to have no body.

I don't know how long it has been, and I don't know how long it has been painful. Li Yang found that he seemed to have fallen into the clouds. White and soft, there is no sense of strength, but it has not fallen down. This unreal feeling has lasted for a long time...

I don't know how long it has passed. Li Yang was confused and felt that he was in a milky white photosphere, and countless pictures kept flashing in his mind.

I seem to have fallen into a memoir of martial arts, constantly recalling all the moves I have seen in the past! I have learned fighting skills and shooting skills. There are also the strange moves displayed by people who have fought, as well as Xuanming's palm transportation route and Taiyin Zhenjing transportation route. Various swordsmanship, swordsmanship and so on...

I don't know how long it will take, the light mass disappears, and Li Yang completely loses consciousness...