King of Close Combat

Chapter 177 Fight Wang Ying again, one move

"This old monk is really confident." Li Yang said in his heart that he still did not dodge, but accelerated again and hit fiercely when he came into contact with the gray eagle monk.

"Bang! "Oh!" Li Yang's hands turned into claws, wrapped in ice-blue dark, like two ice claws, and accurately grasped the claws of the gray eagle. The two used force at the same time to burst out the force that could break the steel bar.

At the beginning, Li Yang was still confident and wanted to crush each other's hands with strong power.

But after only two seconds, he realized that he was stronger than the other party. But his fingers can't use all his strength.

The gray eagle's claws are harder than steel, and the dark force is also combined with the claw method, and its fingering power is stronger than his. He can't crush each other's fingers at all. It was Li Yang, who was protected by blood silk gloves, and his hands felt silky pain!

"Lord, I want your hand!" The gray eagle monk smiled and said.

Then, the two bronze dry claws were shot with strong claws, which made Li Yang's fingers feel painful.

At this time, the eight-knife village roared again behind Li Yang, and the four handles * turned into four rotating knife wheels, rushing like a meat grinder to crush the bones of Li Yang's back.

At the critical moment, Li Yang waved his hands hard to throw the gray eagle monk away. The latter seemed to expect his idea, with his legs open, squatting with horsestep, and standing firmly in place, as if rooted in the ground. Li* didn't throw it up.

"That's what I want." A touch of happiness flashed in Li Yang's eyes. With the shaking force, the gray eagle did not move, and naturally Li Yang threw his body to the other side.

Four knife wheels slipped through the direction where Sui Liang originally stood, all of which were cut empty. Li Yang also came to the side of the gray eagle. He raised his knee and put it against the latter, and the cold poison poured into the other party's body.

This move was learned by Li Yang against Nabokot. Muay Thai is mostly ferocious in fists, elbows, knees, especially knees. Even if Li Yang is not familiar with this move, it is different when combined with a thousand pounds of power.

Whether it is a man or a woman, the lower yin is always a fragile place, and the gray eagle monk has not practiced the hard qigong of the Buddha's lower body. Immediately, his face turned purple, and the power of the eagle's claws holding Li Yang's hands was removed by more than half, and the original murderous spirit was reduced in vain.

"Good opportunity!" Li Yang quickly broke away from his hands and then slapped the gray eagle on the chest.

Little capture is good at it!

The gray eagle also reacted quickly and once again showed his good moves and grabbed Li Yang's wrist. Li Yang turned his palm into a hand knife, covering the mysterious blade, and half changed his moves and chopped one of the claws of the gray eagle.

"Stab!" The air blade collided with the heavenly eagle's powerful claws, making a sound of gold and iron fighting.

After that, Li Yang's figure disappeared out of thin air. A bullet with a small finger length flew through the side of Li Yang's phantom's head in vain.

However, three men who have not yet taken action, one of whom is holding a light sniper gun and wants to shoot Li Yang with one shot.

"Yes, and you!" Li Yang appeared five meters away and looked at the man.

Wu Kongluo is a 28-year-old man wearing black tights. He fought with Li Yang, and when Li Yang fainted in the end, he shot through Li Yang's throat.

I didn't have time to fight against others just now, but I didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to provoke me. Li Yang took a look at the Wukong Luo, immediately left a phantom in place, and quickly rushed to Wukong Luo.

"Regress!" Wukong Luo shouted loudly, showed the fastest speed, and ran towards the distance.

"The benefactor, stop!" The gray eagle shouted coldly and intercepted Li Yang halfway. At the same time, the village Zhengxiao also came from another direction to stop Li Yang.

"Wo! "Oh!" The two stopped Li Yang separately, but they were both phantoms. When they reacted, Li Yang had appeared more than 40 meters away, approaching Wukong Luo, and covering all directions of the other party's dodging.

Wukong Luo showed a trace of panic in his eyes, and he knew the strength of Hattori Luanying very well. In the thick fog, Hattori Lun Shadow can even kill the Xuan-level top warriors. It's even easier to kill him in the middle of the mysterious level.

But such a powerful person was still killed by Li Yang. Of course, Wu Kong Luo panicked.

However, he did not lose his mind. Just as Li Yang appeared, the sniper gun in his hand was still stable, and the barrel was directly on Li Yang's chest.

"Bang!" The sound of shooting sounded, but the bullet penetrated Li Yang's virtual shadow. Li Yang was already behind Wukong Luo, with an extra silver * pistol in his hand, pointed to the back of his head, and said coldly, "Return it to you."

"Bang!" One shot in the head.

Blood water soared from Wukong Luo's forehead, with unbelief and unwillingness in his eyes.

At this time, standing two meters away from Wukong Luo, the young man who originally wanted to shoot Li Yang found that he had lost a handful* in his hand!

The gun was naturally snatched by Li Yang from him.

The two Xuan-level early warriors wanted to shoot Li Yang, but they had not raised their guns, but they were shot at the same time.

"Well! Er!" Their eyes were full of unwillingness. They fell to the ground and died!

Grey Eagle looked at the village and frowned, "We underestimated the enemy. I thought Li Yang was just as strong as Wang Long, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful!" It's not something we can kill."

At this time, a blue SUV came quickly. Seeing the car, the gray eagle and the village roared with a happy look in their eyes at the same time. Without hesitation, the two quickly ran to the SUV.

Because the headlights were shining, Li Yang did not see who was sitting in the car. However, seeing the two people running to the off-road vehicle, Li Yang felt that he was saving the two.

The so-called enemy's teammate is the enemy. Li Yang showed a phantom step and quickly approached the two.

At this time, a dark shadow rushed out of the SUV and quickly pulled out in front of Li Yang. First, a big fist wrapped in milky white and dark power flew in.

"Boom!" With fists and palms, Li Yang withdrew slightly, but the man did not retreat.

"Wang Ying!" Li Yang frowned slightly. The person who just appeared was Wang Ying, dressed in black and his fists wrapped in milky white light.

Without a four-month match, Wang Ying's strength has increased again, but Li Yang's strength has grown faster, and now the strength of the two is almost equal. In terms of internal strength, Li Yang is even more powerful, but his dark power is in the triple dark power, which is the master of his inner family.

Wang Ying's internal strength was used on foreign boxing. The direct power of Li Yang's palm is not as strong as Wang Ying's dark power. Naturally, Li Yang withdrew one step.

"I know, Brother Yang." Then Xiong Man drove away from Li Yang.

Han Qing drove, and Li Yang directly did the back. Although there was not too much of a huge battle, the continuous battle also made him a little tired.

Zhou Yingying and Chen Xueqing looked at Li Yang's body carefully. They carefully wiped off the blood stains on Li Yang's body with a paper towel and found that there was no wound, and they were much relieved.

At this time, Zhou Yingying wondered, "What's going on? You could have escaped, why did you suddenly rushed out?

"I met my enemy, so I couldn't help but want to kill him." Li Yang doesn't care, but there is a trace of murder in his eyes. The killing of a good brother who has lived for nine years has had a deep impact on Li Yang. It is absolutely impossible to let go of hatred.

"enemy? So, can Brother Li talk to us?" Chen Xueqing said that she didn't forget to pinch Li Yang's arm and let him relax.

Han Qing also looked behind curiously through the rearview mirror.

"Let's talk about it!"