King of Close Combat

Chapter 242 Big Event

"Me!" Li Yang's tears suddenly flowed out, and then looked at Han Qing in a daze. His eyes suddenly showed an aggrieved look, and then said, "Sister, Rasha is alive, she! But she hates me. She wants to make me live more uncomfortable than death! She actually hates me!"

As he spoke, Li Yang suddenly sat down in the bath, lay on the table, and cried loudly: "Ah! Ah..."

Zhou Yingying muttered to herself: "Rasha is not dead! Not dead!"

She remembers clearly that this is Li Yang's first lover and the woman who made Li Yang change the most. And she has also seen the girl's photo, which is very beautiful and no worse than her. Looking at Li Yang crying, she couldn't tell what she felt like.

Chen Xueqing doesn't know much about Rasha, but he heard Li Yang say that he was a teammate, and looking at his reaction, she may have guessed something. But I don't know what to say.

Han Qing looked at the right hand he had just slapped Li Yang, and then turned to look at Zhou Yingying and Chen Xueqing and said, "Do you still want to bathe him, or shall I come?"

"Come on!" Zhou Yingying lowered her head and walked out, and Chen Xueqing also went out.

Knowing that Rasha is not dead, they can't tell what it feels like.

Looking back at Li Yang, who was crying, Han Qing frowned, looked a little complicated, and said to himself, "It's not promising. I even cried."

She couldn't help but think of the scene where she fought with Li Yang when she was a teenager and begged for mercy after being beaten and cried by Li Yang.

Han Qing released the blood in the bath and then put it back into clean water. When Li Yang cried, the water slowly rose and washed the blood on her body.

Li Yang suddenly cried, but it didn't last long. It stopped for two minutes, and then wiped a handful of tears with both hands. He looked at Han Qing and said awkwardly, "This is a little embarrassing. You saw it."

Although he lost a lot of blood, after all, he is Pluto's immortal body and has super recovery ability. When he cried, he had regained his senses. Naturally, he let the wound heal, no more bleeding, and his body regained some strength.

Han Qing threw a large piece of bath towel aside and said flatly, "Since I won't cry, I'll take a shower later and solve it by myself. I'll take a picture of a suit for you, pajamas or autumn clothes.

Li Yang said, "Pyjamas!"

Watching Han Qing leave, Li Yang suddenly found that Han Qing was not always cold, and she occasionally had a gentle side.

After taking a shower and putting on his pajamas, Li Yang couldn't help but feel warm when he saw a cup of red** on the washstand.

This is blood, and the pajamas were prepared by Han Qing. He knew that this was the blood that Han Qing restored his physical strength and released in pain.

Li Yang bit his lip, stretched out his finger, sucked up the blood in the cup, and then walked out.

Han Qing's glass of blood has 300 milliliters, which has restored Li Yang's physical strength and is free enough to move around.

Walking down the first floor, Li Yang saw the three women sitting on the sofa silently and the TV was turned off.

Li Yang sat down and was silent together.

After about a minute of silence, Zhou Yingying said, "Let's talk about Rasha!"

"Hmm." Li Yang answered, with a look of memory in his eyes and said, "I entered the Shenlong at the age of 16 and divided into the special forces team with Rasha. We did tasks together and ate together. Over time, we were together. Although we didn't have those relationships, we all thought we would go on.

Zhou Yingying and Chen Xueqing looked a little gloomy.

Li Yang continued: "At the age of 19, I swore that if she died, I would also die. That day, seven of us were besieged by 20 Xuan-level warriors. You also know this, that is, I forced not to let everyone go, and the misty rain left early and escaped. I watched the other five people to death.

Speaking of this, Li Yang looked a little bitter: "Seeing that Luo Sha's heart was pierced, I thought she was dead, and she worked hard and didn't want to live. As a result, I didn't expect to be saved by a tiger from the old man's pet.

"When I woke up, I wanted to commit suicide. The old man told me that more than 10,000 people died after learning from the mysterious palm. My mortality rate is one in 10,000. If I die, I should have died. If I don't die, God will take care of me. Maybe Rasha doesn't want me to die. Unexpectedly, after learning it, I think Rasha is in heaven to bless me to live. I have been living."

"The last time the rain came, he told me that Rasha was not dead. I saw Rasha today. She disguised herself as a senior sister.

Li Yang looked at Han Qing.

Han Qing said, "No wonder when you came in just now, you said it wasn't her, hum! In the future, if you regard it as someone else, I will kill you with a knife.

Li Yang was bitter and continued, "Rasha hates me. She survived after a year of pain. He was going to see me, but secretly he was very happy to see me and felt that I had lied to her. Knowing that she is dead, I should die."

"I was not happy at that time, but I knew that it was a day to be sad and a day to be happy. I have always been optimistic to outsiders, but I didn't expect that these became my lie to her in Rasha's eyes. She left again.

"That's all." He looked at Chen Xueqing and said, "Qing'er, if you want to go back to Haicheng, go back!" It's dangerous here, and I have nothing to teach you.

He looked at Zhou Yingying and said, "You can also go back to Haicheng to find your father. Now that Rasha is still alive. To be honest, I can't let her go. I'm such a fool. It's not worth you following me."

"Senior sister." Li Yang looked at Han Qing and said, "Thank you for helping me during this period. You may not be able to help me with Rasha. Because I don't want you to fight."

Han Qing said flatly, "Don't say it's like a separation from life and death. In ancient times, polygamy did not see any disputes. Since you like it, you can be together. If you don't like it, you can separate, that's all. As for me? What do I want to do, where do I want to be, and what does it have to do with you?

Li Yang was a little speechless. It was impossible for him to defeat Han Qing and drive him away. Because he is very sure that Han Qing's temper, even if she defeats her, she will do what she wants to do.

Zhou Yingying looked at Li Yang and said, "Do you remember what I once said? This is the third time I have said that I will only choose one man in my life. Unless you die, I will die. I don't care about you and Rasha. If you want Rasha to kill you, I will die.

At this time, she said these words, but she didn't feel shy. As before, choose and love, no matter who he likes.

Chen Xueqing squeezed her lips and said, "I, I don't want to go home yet. We went to primary school for six years, middle school for six years, and college for four years. Now I am your student, and I can't study for less than three years.

"You! Alas! You are more stupid than me." Li Yang said helplessly.

"You haven't eaten for a day, have you?" Zhou Yingying asked.

Li Yang nodded.

"Today, you actually thought of committing suicide. I'm very unhappy. I only cook noodles for you." After saying that, Zhou Yingying walked to the kitchen.

Chen Xueqing pretended to be very fierce and angry and said, "Brother Li is still crying!" It's a shame. I'll only lay poached eggs for you.

Han Qing glanced at Li Yang and said, "Give me one more."

Looking at the three women, Li Yang was speechless for a long time, and he remembered the words of Yanyu: " Cherish the present!"

At midnight, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and the sky is covered with light snow.

In Li Chen's villa, Li Chen was sleeping at this time. In the room next to him, Master Hong sat cross-legged in an empty room, and a trace of natural force entered the body and turned into internal force. He was practicing.

In another room, Wu Qiuyi is also sleeping. However, she is dressed as a bodyguard and ready to act at any time.

At this time, there was a cat's cry outside the door: "Meow!"

Master Hong opened his eyes and said to himself, "It's not a real cat, fake, with a long breath, and a mysterious late or higher warrior."

Then, he got up and pushed the door in the direction of the meow.

Just as the old man walked out of the villa, a dark shadow suddenly flew from the sky, but he saw a man in black and a black mask burst into a strong momentum and punched him with his bare hands.

"Land-level strongman!" Master Hong was shocked and fought with the man in black.

At the same time, two people appeared in the villa.

"Wo! Wheops!" When the two entered Wu Qiuyi's room, Wu Qiuyi naturally heard the sound of opening the door, and then quickly picked up a desert eagle from under the pillow to design.

At this time, a phantom remained in place. The man came to her, and another person appeared on the other side of the bed. A hand knife hit him, and the strong force broke out. At that time, she was weak and lay **.

"Land-level strongman." Wu Qiuyi was shocked and quickly pretended to faint.

"This woman is useless. Kill Li Chen." One person made a sound. Hearing this voice, Wu Qiuyi was surprised: "It turned out to be Li Yang's voice. Is it him?"

Then, the two rushed out of the room and rushed into Li Chen's room again.

At this time, Li Chen had realized the crisis and hurriedly got up and took out a long sword from under the bed.

Although all the visitors wore masks, he could feel a vague breath and couldn't help showing surprise: "You are Li Yang!"

One of them said indifferently, "Don't care who I am. The eldest son gives more benefits, enough to kill anyone."

At this time, Li Chen suddenly felt that his whole body was weak, and his internal force was difficult to operate. He was shocked: "It's the cartilage of the old man!"

And when Li Chen's body was weak, the two had rushed to him. A masked man, with his fingers, quickly clicked on the major acupuncture points of Li Chen's body.

"Papa!" When the sword fell to the ground, Li Chen was numb and lay on the ground.

"Bang!" The other man's palm spread a strong cold air, and then slapped Li Chen's chest. Li Chen became more and more convinced: "It's you, Li Yang, it's impossible for others to display the cold palm."

"There's a lot of nonsense." Suddenly, the person called "Li Yang" picked up the long sword next to him and cut it out. Li Chen's legs were broken in response, and blood flowed!

"Ah!" Li Chen let out a tragic cry of pain.

"Bastard!" At this time, with a loud shout, the wooden door flew backwards, but saw that Master Hong was more than five meters away. He slapped his hand and blew the wind, directly hitting the two men back repeatedly, and one of the masks suddenly flew down. The man hurriedly turned his head and shouted, "Let's go!"

"Bang!" The two rushed out of the window.

"Li Yang, how dare you come and assassinate me? I won't let you die!" Li Chen's angry roar spread all over the villa.