King of Close Combat

Chapter 286 Beast Chase

Li Yang saw very clearly. Just as he wanted to approach him with the rabbit, the little rabbit's eyes pierced red light, but the little mouth suddenly opened, and it was wide to the limit. Even the two mouths cracked, becoming four mouths, showing oozing blood muscle blocks, which looked ferocious and terrible.

"Roar!" It's hard to imagine that a little rabbit made a shocking roar!

This roar, far beyond the tiger roar and lion roar, was the strongest roar heard by Li Yang. And this is not just a roar, but a powerful attack!

At that time, Li Yang's brain was blank, his chest was hit by a boulder, and his body was colic.

However, fortunately, Li Yang has always been wary of strange things. When the red light came, he hurriedly turned his head.

"Wo!" The red laser flew over the side of Li Yang's head, but cut a skin wound on his temples. However, this roar shocked Li Yang's heart and flew out uncontrollably, hitting a big tree trunk, and his body fell directly into half!

The next moment, Li Yang's brain woke up, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth: "Your mother, a rabbit is also disguised by me. It's really unreasonable."

"Gaga... You haven't been yelled to death by the old man. You are also a human being." Suddenly, the little rabbit that fell on the ground made an old man's voice.

"Me! What's the situation? Can rabbits also talk?" Li Yang was surprised.

"I'm roaring, have you heard of it? Once a human said that I was a mythical beast. Does the mythical beast know? It's a god-like monster!" The little rabbit speaks fiercely.

Li Yang really wants to laugh, because he can feel that the rabbit is not strong. Although his roar shocked Li Yang, it was not powerful enough to kill Li Yang. At that time, Li Yang also felt that the strength of the rabbit called "roar" was similar to that of the Xuan-level peak warrior.

And now he is still talking nonsense. Li Yang wants to come. The rabbit may be procrastinating.

Suddenly, Li Yang felt a sense of danger and approached quickly!

"Gaga... Big brother is here, boy, you can't run away!" The rabbit laughed wildly.

"stupid." Li Yang scolded, turned around and ran away.

He is injured now. Although the rabbit is not strong, he may not be able to kill the rabbit for a while. If you can't kill, be dragged and intercepted by another monster, it will be dangerous.

Because Li Yang can feel that the strong and horizontal atmosphere this time is the early stage of the prefecture level!

"Sure enough, for an island with a peak mortality rate of 100%, as soon as you come in, you will encounter the early stage of the prefecture level. If it is another peak, you will definitely die. Even the roar of the rabbit just now can definitely shock the ordinary Xuan-level peak warrior. Run!"

Thinking in his heart, Li Yang showed a phantom step and rushed to the south quickly. Because the danger rushes to the north.

"Hey, grandson, don't run away!" The little rabbit made an old scolding and chased Li Yang. The speed was only a little slower than Li Yang.

After passing Yuyang Island, Li Yang absorbed the spirit of the dead crazily, and his physique became stronger and stronger. Now Li Yang has more than 50 meters per second. The rabbit chased closely, similar to him, so Li Yang became more aware of the danger of the island. If you meet a beast that is faster than him and its strength is stronger than him, it will be really dangerous.

Wheops! Wheops!" But I saw three figures shuttling through the jungle.

It lasted for three hours! Li Yang also felt other dangerous breaths, but those breaths did not approach quickly. It shows that they didn't expect to chase themselves.

However, because of such a crazy escape, Li Yang realized that the most dangerous breath slowly disappeared.

For three hours, he could not feel the danger, only the breath of the rabbit that had just attacked him.

Li Yang ran for another ten minutes and found that the rabbit was really persevering and still chasing.

"Damn! When I first came to the island, I didn't meet a big monster, but I was chased by a rabbit. What a shame. Li Yang stopped and thought, quickly hiding in a bush, ready to attack the hateful rabbit.

However, when Li Yang rushed into the bushes, he found a little black dog lying in it and sleeping.

However, this dog is very different from the dog in the outside world. This puppy is more than one meter long and has three heads!

When Li Yang came in, he didn't feel any other breath, but he rushed in and saw the puppy. Moreover, he rushed so hard that he inadvertently stepped on the tail of the three little black dogs.

"Wow..." A series of dog barked, and the eyes of the three little black dogs opened at the same time, all of which were blood-red, and then rushed to Li Yang like a flash of lightning, opened three small mouths, and bit his neck.

"Bang! Bang! "Oh!" Li Yang hit three palms in a row, all of which fell on the puppy's mouth, directly flew back more than five meters and flew out of the bushes.

"Wow!" Li Yang rushed out of the bushes, and then the rabbit also rushed.

The rabbit suddenly stopped, showed a cautious look in his eyes, and then turned around and ran away!

"What's the situation? Why don't you chase it?" Li Yang was puzzled and looked at the three little black dogs, but found that black airflows began to appear on the puppy, revealing a dangerous atmosphere that made people palpitate. His breath is rising steadily.

At first, it was still like a Tibetan mastiff, slightly dangerous, and then it had the atmosphere of a martial artist in the later stage of Xuan, and then it was the prefecture level!

It felt like a prefecture level, but Li Yang didn't think much about it at all. He turned around and ran away!

"This is really a prefecture-level street!" Li Yang complained in his heart, showed a phantom step, and quickly ran to the place with many tree trunks.

"Wow..." The black puppy has three heads and cries endlessly. As it barks, it chases Li Yang like a mad dog.

Li Yang was very lucky. Fortunately, the three little black dogs did not run fast, but after 20 minutes, Li Yang threw the puppy away.

At this time, Li Yang leaned against the trunk, sat on a thick branch, breathed his beard, and said, "I'm exhausted. As soon as I came to the island, I was chased by the rabbit before I rested. Now he is chased by a dog. Fortunately, I'm not the peak of ordinary Xuan level, otherwise I would really die."

Then, Li Yang adjusted his breath several times and said to himself, "From the perspective of this rabbit and this little black dog, the beasts on this beast island are not low in intelligence and are good at restraining their breath. At the same time, the strength of the beasts above is generally very high. However, the high strength is also good for me, which means that their blood is better. If they use dark blood to absorb it, the injury will recover faster. I went to find out if there were any injured beasts, and then I stabbed them in the back. Hey..."

This time, Li Yang was not in a hurry to leave, but rested on the trunk for more than 20 minutes. In fact, he still wanted to rest a little longer. Unfortunately, a white python climbed down from the tree trunk.

was also the early stage of the prefecture. Li Yang decisively gave up the confrontation and ran away first.

The forest where Li Yang appeared covers a very wide area. From two o'clock in the afternoon, he went all the way to sunset, but he had not yet gone out at night. There were also some small hillsides in this forest, which obviously emitted a dangerous atmosphere, but Li Yang did not go up.

Li Yang expected that he would find an injured beast and kill it with dark blood to recover his injury. But this became the opposite. Walking in the forest, Li Yang was attacked many times, and he seemed to have been picked up.

The rabbit and the little black dog were better before. After that, Li Yang met a group of small wild boars, which were only one meter long, but the impact force was fierce. A wild boar had an impact force of about 5,000 catties, which was close to the late Xuan-level martial artist. The problem was that Li Yang actually met more than 50, which were dense and chased after him for more than two hours before being thrown away by him.

After that, Li Yang was chased by a yellow monkey for a long time, and it was also night.

Li Yang leaned against the trunk and said to himself, "I can see the power of this beast island. The beasts here are not only powerful, but also have a high IQ. It's really difficult to deal with. Take a break."

This time, Li Yang did not dare to close his eyes and was attacked by a python in the afternoon. Now at night, some dangerous creatures may appear and suddenly attack.

Li Yang opened his eyes and began to practice Pluto's immortal body.

When he first came, Li Yang had realized that the beast island was full of spirits. Now it's night, and he thinks that the beast should also rest, just taking this opportunity to practice quickly.

A trace of black thin line-like dead spirit slowly appeared in the air, entered Li Yang's body, and then began to moisten his meridians.

Li Yang is mainly injured by the meridians. As long as the meridians are repaired, they will almost heal.

Time flies...

About an hour later, although Li Yang opened his eyes, he did not see a small snake with the same color as the bark slowly crawling and approaching Li Yang above his head.

This little snake only has long human fingers and thin fingers. It doesn't look like a snake, but more like a small bug.

However, he has snake scales similar to the color of bark, triangular snake heads, and a pair of rice-sized snake pupils, showing the eyes of the lunar calendar.

Two meters, one meter, half a meter apart!

Until now, Li Yang still did not realize that there was danger approaching, but after approaching half a meter, the little snake stopped, with the same color as the bark, as if it had integrated into the trunk.


Suddenly, the snake shot out and instantly hit Li Yang's neck, and his mouth directly bit the latter's neck.

"Ah!" Li Yang screamed and felt a sharp pain in his neck, but a toxin poured into his neck.

"It's over!" Li Yang suddenly had this idea in his heart. Because the snake poison entered the blood of his neck, Li Yang instantly felt that his body below his neck was out of control! The nerves are temporarily numb.

And when the little snake bit Li Yang's neck, the snake scales suddenly changed color, becoming exactly the same as the skin color of Li Yang's neck, and then directly circled Li Yang's neck. Tighten it!

Li Yang was riding on the trunk, but because his body was out of control, he naturally wanted to fall down.

With a bang, Li Yang fell from a height of ten meters, especially the black magic sword on his back was too heavy, which directly put his back to the ground and smashed a shallow pit. At the same time, the little snake strangled Li Yang's neck, making it more and more difficult for him to breathe!

"Am I going to be strangled by a snake?" Li Yang's heart was full of unwillingness.