King of Close Combat

Chapter 298 The Power of the Beast

Two large lizards more than five meters long ran wildly, their eyes emitted a dark light, and two one-meter-long white bone horns suddenly appeared on their foreheads.

"Wo! "Oh!" The corner rotated rapidly, and black energy wires swirled around the corner, revealing a sharp breath.

These two beasts seem to come in a straight line from the left and right sides of Li Yang, but in fact they are slightly shifted. But it blocked the possibility of Li Yang retreating or rushing forward. Li Yang felt that as long as he rushed forward, the two beasts would still rush forward, and he would retreat.

At this speed, Li Yang could only make one decision, but Li Yang did not move back and forth, but rushed to a beast on the left.

Sword up! Sword fall!

"Bang! "Wipe!" The black demon sword split on the rapidly rotating sharp corner, and the huge impulse that could penetrate everything could not stop Li Yang at all, but stopped abruptly. Then the white bone cracked the corner and broke it.

Blood splashed everywhere, and the horns of the lizard-shaped monster's head were broken, and three inches of blood were cut out by Li Yang's sword. The whole big head is covered with cold ice.

Then, the beast's limbs were soft and fell to the ground with a roar, making a cry of pain.

At this time, another beast rushed behind Li Yang.

"Kkare! Boom!" The beast's horn was smashed by Li Yang's sword, his big head was covered with ice, and his body left the ground and flew backwards.

However, these beasts are indeed fierce. Li Yang defeated four beasts in a row, but only caused them a little damage and did not hurt them at all. If this were a human, now Li Yang might have smashed a warrior in the early stage of the prefecture into mud.

Suddenly, a beast full of long blue hair and more than four meters long, shaped like a long-haired lion, suddenly rushed from the top of Li Yang's head.

There are still three meters away, and the blue-haired beast suddenly stood upright, as if it had become a needle more than half a meter long.


Hundreds of half-meter-long blue needles shuttled around Li Yang in all directions. And these thin needles also flashed blue light when flying, revealing a sharp sword spirit!

"So much sword spirit!" Li Yang was a little surprised, but when he saw this, he was not afraid.

"Wow..." The black sword light kept flashing, but I saw the five-foot-long black iron sword, like an ordinary room in Li Yang's hand, waved a cold sword.

In a blink of an eye, Li Yang's body was wrapped in cold sword gas. No matter where he flew from, the blue needles were resisted by sword gas and fell to the ground after breaking.

The thin needle attack of the blue-haired beast is completely useless to Li Yang.

At this time, the blue-haired beast that jumped down from the sky was also close to Li Yang, with two huge claws, showing blade-like claws.

The blue knife light flashed, turned into a curved blade, crossed and fell, suppressing Li Yang.

"This beast is extraordinary. It is actually proficient in sword spirit and knife light operation." Li Yang said, a sword pointed to the sky.

Nine-day Flying Fairy Sword!

"Boom!" A strong momentum burst out of Li Yang's body, and the black magic sword was raised, pointing to the blue-haired beast, and a cold ice sword spirit rushed out. Accompanied by nine ice giant swords with a length of more than two meters, it appeared in a nine-star direction and rushed to the sky in a straight line.

"Rumble!" Two blue knives were crushed by the flying fairy sword on the spot. The black magic sword in Li Yang's hand directly stimulated one of the big claws of the blue-haired beast, and the other nine ice giant swords hit his body.

At that time, the long blue hair of the blue-haired beast's body was close to its body, like a blue armor, protecting the body.

"Oh! "Oh..." But at the beginning of breaking through the prefecture level, Li Yang's nine-day flying fairy sword was also a powerful mess. Nine swords directly penetrated the long blue hair to form armor, leaving nine blood holes on the blue-haired beast, and a large area of dark red blood water flowed out.

However, Li Yang didn't expect that the blue-haired beast was also really powerful. His front claws had been extremely hard, but he was not pierced through the heart of his black magic sword.

At this time, Li Yang felt a crisis behind him. He didn't look behind him at all, and his left arm suddenly softened, forming a strange technique, and slapped behind him.

However, more than 30 huge sharp blades suddenly appeared on the back of the pangolin, which rotated up and down, flying like a knife wheel and hitting Li Yang's back.

And Li Yang also showed Xuanming's palm, and one palm hit a sharp blade.

"Five dark power!" The four-fold can already be confronted with the early stage of the prefecture level, and the fifth is the powerful power of the first four-fold fusion.

At that time, the rotating armor-piercing beast suddenly stopped rotating, and then the sharp blade hit by Li Yang broke, and his body flew backwards.

is still in mid-air. His body is not traumatic, but his mouth is sprayed with a mouthful of dark red blood.

The strength and speed of internal warriors are not too strong, but the biggest feature is to attack the internal organs of others. No matter how hard your body surface is, it seems to be unimped, but the internal organs may have been broken.

Li Yang's five dark energy is still exerted by Xuanqi, far beyond the internal force of the past. Even the scales of this pangolin's body are so strong that Li Yang can't break through the defense. Unfortunately, beasts are beasts after all, and they are not specialized in cultivating internal strength.

"Wow! Why is this boy so awesome!" The white rabbit showed surprise in his eyes, and then said, "However, these are all strong people with strong bodies, and it's okay to suffer minor injuries."

After flying the pangolin, Li Yang did not stay in place waiting for others to attack. Instead, the body disappeared out of thin air.

"Wo, sw!" Six Li Yang's figures showed a six-pointed star position, surrounding the two-meter-tall mantis monster.

Then six figures raised their swords at the same time and split them, like six thunders in the night sky, and suddenly fell down.

The mantis beast has not yet to rush out of the encirclement and has faced this powerful attack.

"Bang..." Six deafening sounds, but they are all physical attacks!

Although Li Yang did not mainly practice the phantom step, the most used in each battle was the phantom step, and the greatest progress in practice was the. When he broke through the prefecture level, he suddenly cultivated the phantom step. After all, this step is not too subtle, and it is much easier to learn.

However, no matter how simple the footwork is, under the combination of powerful attacks, it is not simple.

The next moment, the three sharp blade forelimbs of the mantis beast were broken one after another, and their bodies were directly chopped into three sections by the giant sword. The ugly head flew up and the blood was sprinkled.

A beast in the early stage was killed in seconds!

"Run away!" Seeing this scene, the white rabbit did not see whether the other six beasts could suppress Li Yang. His little head shrank into the big hole and died in an instant.

Even if most beasts have intelligence, no one is as complicated. One beast was killed alive by Li Yang, but there is no fear and pity in the bloodthirsty eyes of the other six beasts, and they are still indifferent.

"Roar!" With a roar, the one-legged cow suddenly cracked the ground under his feet, and a large pit with a diameter of more than five meters and a depth of two meters appeared. Then, his body was like a shell, ejected and stopped in an instant. Two huge horns, one of which went straight to Li Yang's chest.

"It's so fast!" Li Yang was shocked and quickly blocked him with the black magic sword, and his left hand also resisted the black magic sword.

"Boom!" The explosive power of the one-legged monster cow this time is strong and horrible. Even Li Yang did not expect that the beast could exert its explosive power to the extent of such fear.

This explosive power made the one-legged cow not as powerful as Li Yang, but it suddenly soared more than three times, close to 50,000 catties of power!

The next moment, Li Yang felt a sharp pain in his hands and his body was out of control and flew out.

"Rumble..." A continuous sound burst out. Li Yang flew directly backwards more than 50 meters this time, and five thick tree trunks along the way were directly smashed and collapsed.

As soon as he stopped, even if Li Yang's immortal body strengthened again, there was still a trace of blood from the corners of his mouth.

Looking more than 50 meters away, Li Yang found that the smell of the one-legged cow suddenly weakened a lot. He laughed! There was excitement in his eyes.

It seems that this beast has performed the strongest move. However, his strongest move was only a minor injury to me, which was almost negligible. It seems that with this breakthrough, I have really become a beast-like strong body.

"Hahaha... Come on, go on!" Li Yang laughed wildly and appeared in front of the one-legged cow in a blink of an eye.

He can now reach 70 meters per second, which is almost beyond the cognition of ordinary human beings. Even this strange bull's speed is super strong, but it has been surpassed by Li Yang.

"Sneer!" A deep bone blood mark appeared on the forehead of the one-legged bull, and the blood splashed up. His one leg fell directly to the ground, and his body was on the ground, causing a big pit.

"Bang!" The strange cow still remembered, but was hit on the forehead by Li Yang's sword again, and another blood stain appeared, and a white bone appeared.

However, the bone of this strange cow is indeed a sword shadow. Li Yang's two strong swords only split two shallow marks, which is not broken.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!' Li Yang did not give the other party a chance to resist, and split three swords in a second.

Li Yang's action is too fast, and other beasts have not been seen too clearly. Li Yang has attacked many times.

With the so-called water drop stone, Li Yang hit the forehead of the big cow with five swords in a row, and finally exceeded the tolerance limit of the big yellow cow, and there was a crack in the forehead bone.

At this time, the one-legged cow showed a trace of fear in his eyes, and he opened his mouth and spit out three words, "Mow, surrender!"

"Well!" Li Yang, who had to raise his sword and cut it, was a little stunned, and the black magic sword also stopped in mid-air.

He thought that the one-legged scalper could not speak human words, and thought it was a crazy and cold beast. Unexpectedly, when he hurt his life, he still spoke, with a thick voice, like an adult man.

Li Yang grinned, really like a ferocious beast, staring at the other beasts and shouting, "Those who follow me live, don't die!"