King of Close Combat

Chapter 304 Pit you to death

However, now Li Yang is a little excited. This person's momentum is only a little weaker than the Ye Zilin he once saw, and the once Ye Zilin exuded momentum, and he was almost crushed to death by that momentum.

Now he encounters a similar momentum again, but Li Yang is very calm and has not been suppressed by the strong momentum of the other party.

"Boom!" Li Yang spread his arms and hit two Xuanming palms with his hands at the same time.

Two powerful cold palms, although not as powerful as the huge claws, supported the capture of the red claws and made it stop in mid-air. Then, Li Yang quickly withdrew more than three meters.

At this time, the red big claws closed, and the cold palm was crushed, but Li Yang escaped again.

"You are not the peak of the mysterious level! You have broken through the early stage!" Jin Shiyan showed a surprise in her eyes.

"It's just a coincidence." Li Yang grinned and smiled. Now the sun is about to go down, and Li Yang is faster than the other two, so he is not in a hurry to escape.

"Hmm! So that's it." Jin Shiyan said, "No wonder you can survive, otherwise you will just die at the peak of the mysterious level and die on the same day. However, even if you break through, it is the early stage of the prefecture level. Pinching you to death is like pinching an ant to death. Pick me up!"

After saying that, he stepped on the lake, came to the shore, and cut out with a knife in the air.


More than five meters away, a thick flame knife has appeared on top of Li Yang's head.

This is like a real huge flame knife, which is more than five meters long and one meter wide. The flame on it burns fiercely and makes people thrilling. And this looks like a big knife, but it contains a palm mood that suppresses the soul, just like a big seal that overwhelm everything in the world.

Middle-level martial artists, even if they do not practice special skills, Xuanqi begins to contain special properties, which can also be called the power of nature, such as the five elements. When he saw this flame-shaped knife, Li Yang naturally did not feel strange.

Compared with the purple leaf forest, the rapid flight and silent flying knife, this flame knife looks powerful, but the real power is not necessarily as powerful as the flying knife. Li Yang just frowned slightly, that is, he grabbed the black magic sword on his back, and then jumped up and cut into the sky with a sword.

"Wo!" The cold sword spirit rushed away from the sword body, forming an arc-shaped white sword light more than three meters long, which collided with the fire knife.

"Kkare!" At that time, Li Yang's sword spirit was slightly gray, and then it exploded. The fire knife was still powerful and went down to Li Yang.

"Boom!" However, with sword spirit resistance, the flame knife also had a pause. At this time, Li Yang had regressed more than ten meters. The powerful flame knife directly hit the ground, splitting a gully more than one meter deep, and burst at any time. The hot breath permeated.

Even if the distance is far away, Li Yang still feels this kind of strong anger. He said to himself, "In the middle of the prefecture level, it is indeed much more powerful than the early stage. Although I can play sword spirit, I still don't know much about swordsmanship, and my swordsmanship is much worse than that of the other party. Now you can't compete with him for mystery, close combat, and quick battle.

Li Yang took a casual look at the sun in the sky, and then hurriedly showed a phantom step and left the place.

"Boom!" Another fire knife split the place where Li Yang was standing, splitting a gully. The prefecture-level warriors have already possessed powerful attacks equivalent to scientific and technological weapons. If an ordinary warrior in the early stage of the prefecture level, it is difficult to avoid it. If he is hit, he will definitely have lost half of his life.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The red fire knife flew out continuously, leaving three ravines on the ground, but it did not hit Li Yang.

Liu Yihai, who was watching the battle not far away, frowned slightly and said loudly, "Brother Jin, can you do it? No, I can do it."

Looking that Li Yang was still not injured not far away, Jin Shiyan showed an angry look in her eyes and shouted angrily, "Yes, he is just the early stage of the level. Even if he is fast, there are always times when he is tired, and that time is when he is killed."

With the big drink, the fat Jin Shiyan suddenly appeared two thick flames on her arms and burned around her arms.

Then, two flames wrapped his palms, his legs were slightly bent, and then suddenly bounced up, more than ten meters high!

"Go to hell!" Jin Shiyan roared, and after her body was in the air, she turned to Li Yang on the ground and kept palms out of her hands.

However, he saw that a meter-sized flame palm kept flying out of his hand, and it was continuous. In the blink of an eye, eight flame fingerprints, including a range of more than ten meters, landed from the sky and hit Li Yang.

"If you take a move from him, otherwise this guy will be angry and the two will take action at the same time. It's really a little unbearable." Li Yangxin said.

The loud noise continued, and the big handprints kept appearing on the ground. Li Yang kept dodging, but pretending that he could not dodge, and directly pointed out the Tianshan sword and broke the sky.

"Boom!" The black magic sword burst into a strong sword spirit and collided with the flame fingerprints.

But only lasted for a second, the sword spirit was broken, and the flame fingerprint hit the tip of the black magic sword.

At that time, Li Yang felt that the triple dark power came from the red handprint, and the explosive power was extremely strong.

However, Li Yang is good at five-fold dark power and 20,000 catties of power.

In an instant, the red fingerprints broke above Li Yang's head. Li Yang actually had nothing to do, but he deliberately blushed and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth. Then his feet stepped on two half-foot deep pit footprints on the ground.

"How can it be so strong!" Li Yang exclaimed, with a look of fear in his eyes. He got up and turned around and ran away.

At this time, the sun officially sets.

Li Yang's escape route is intentional, and it is not too far from Liu Yihai. At the same time, while he was running, he held the black magic sword in one hand and covered his chest with the other hand, and blood kept pouring out from the corners of his mouth.

"Take advantage of his illness and kill him!" Liu Yihai's eyes showed a hint of coldness. He suddenly left the place, spread his arms, clenched his fists, and was on the ground at the same time.

"Boom!" Taking the place where he fell his fist as the starting point, the ground suddenly left a deep gully, which spread and chased Li Yang's back.

Li Yang, who was running, suddenly felt a trace of danger and quickly turned around and split a sword.

Immediately, he saw a khaki energy arrow breaking out of the ditch behind him and shooting straight into his back. But when he turned around, a sword just hit the earthy arrow.

A heavy, like the impact of a boulder, is not less than 20,000 jin!

Li Yang couldn't help but leave the ground by the impact and fly up to the sky.

"Liu Yihai!" Jin Shiyan shouted angrily and stretched out his hand. A red big claw flew out of the air to catch Li Yang.

However, at this time, Liu Yihai did not stop because of Jin Shiyan's cold drink. Li Yang just flew up, and his speed suddenly soared and instantly appeared in front of Li Yang, with his arms falling. His fists hit Li Yang's head at the same time, and his hands were fierce and fast. There is still a faint earthy yellow light on his fist.

"So fast!" Li Yang didn't expect that the other party's speed would suddenly improve. There was no time to dodge, so he had to raise his hands and block the black demon above his head.

"Bang!" Liu Yihai hit the body of the black magic sword, but it was like two giant hammers, which made Li Yang's hands numb, and a strong dark force poured into his arms, making a strange vibration, which made his arms vibrate violently, and his bones were about to be broken.

And the other party's punch, Li Yang felt that the strength was not too strong, but the Xuanqi's striking force was terrible, no less than his 20,000 catties.

As a result, Li Yang shot towards the ground.

Originally, he was only three meters away from the ground. As soon as he was hit, his legs directly smashed the ground and sank into his knees.

"Damn, this person's boxing itself is not strong, but the mysterious power is strong enough, and it has a seismic power channel, which I have never encountered before. You have to be careful." Li Yangxin said.

As soon as he landed, he hit the ground with a sword and jumped up. At this time, Jin Shiyan also rushed over and appeared directly behind Li Yang. A pair of flesh palms waved back and forth, and in a few seconds, hundreds of palm prints were printed.

The red palm print flashes, making it difficult to figure out which one is the real palm print.

Li Yang took a look and was sure that these hundreds of palm prints were all real!

Immediately, he once again blocked the Black Devil Sword as a shield, with a loud noise, and many palm prints fell on the Black Devil Sword.

Li Yang's arms were also a little painful.

"Damn, the middle-level master, as expected, there is no weak person who is quick, accurate and ruthless." Li Yang was shocked. When he was slapped, he also deliberately turned his body.

"Boom..." Hundreds of palm prints fell on the black magic sword, and then directly hit Li Yang and flew out.

The direction of flying backwards is the lake!

Jin Shiyan and Liu Yihai really didn't know this, and they chased away quickly.

Fly to the middle of the small lake, Li Yang casually looked down the lake and found that the water of the lake was still clear and did not change much. However, he did not dare to touch the lake rashly, and then split a sword on the lake. With the help, he continued to fly and landed directly on the other side of the shore.

Jin Shiyan and Liu Yihai didn't care about this. They landed on the lake with the same one foot and wanted to fly to the other side and continue to chase Li Yang.

However, when the soles of their feet touched the lake, the position they fell exploded.

Two thick springs rose five meters high in the sky and buried the two people in the spring in an instant.

And when the lake exploded, Li Yang obviously saw that the originally clear lake water suddenly turned blood red. When the night approached, it looked very enchanting.

The lake water is like blood. In an instant, the water in other directions also turns blood red, and at the same time becomes thick, emitting a pungent smell of blood. In the blink of an eye, the originally clear lake was like a blood pool!

"Ah! Ah!" Jin Shiyan and Liu Yihai burst into angry and painful voices at the same time.

Looking intent, the bloody spring has fallen from the two people into the lake. Li Yang found that the clothes of the two were all corroded and the skin on their faces was corroded, as if they had turned into zombies, ugly and ugly.

"Here comes the opportunity!"