King of Close Combat

Chapter 319 The Weakest Captain

Li Yang was a little confused and said, "What captain's right?"

Li Shiyun walked into the yard and said, "It's also my fault that I didn't tell you clearly last time. Well, Zilongtang originally had only 12 teams, and they were all escort captains and escort members set by his father himself.

"But now that you are the thirteenth person, my father told me that he will not prepare a guard for you, but you need to find your own guard. The lowest strength of these guards must be in the late stage of Xuan. In the middle of the Xuan level, it's okay, but the strength can't be worse than the later stage.

"This!" Li Yang said helplessly, "I just came to Penglai and I don't know anyone. How can I find it? What's more, this is a family holy place, and I can't arrest people indiscriminately. Don't you want to find it?"

Li Shiyun showed a strange smile in her eyes and said, "My father said that it's okay if you don't look for it, so that you can't be the baby's close guard, and you can only be the captain of an empty shell Zilongtang guard."

Li Yang was distressed. He was not in the mood to be the captain of the guard of Zilongtang. The reason why I agree is that I can be a close guard for the baby and protect the baby.

"This old fox." Li Yang frowned and cursed in his heart, and then looked at Li Shiyun and said, "Sister Shiyun, you are smart. Do you always know some methods? You are also the deputy captain. You have to make suggestions for my captain!"

"Ha ha... Of course, your father won't allow you to look for it." Li Shiyun walked to the renovated living room and said, "Every year, thousands of separated children enter the Li's holy land. Some people, whose strength is strong, have been tested and directly enter the three dragon halls.

"And some people are not strong, but have high potential. Some of them will join the Longtang reserve team and stay here to practice. Every time the three dragon halls need guards, they are selected from them. Well, do you understand?"

Li Yang hurriedly pushed the door for Li Shiyun and said with a smile, "So I was asked to choose from the Longtang reserve team! If you hadn't told me earlier, I would have thought I would have been looking around all over the world! If so, it will be simple. Go straight to attract people!"

Walking into the living room, Li Shiyun said, "It's not that easy. Except for Yulongtang, Zilongtang and Jinlongtang, the captain of the guard is in the middle of the prefecture level, and they are relatively powerful masters in the middle stage. When they go to the reserve team, as long as they say something, many people will be willing to join and have to pass their test to enter. But you!"

At this point, she hesitated.

"It's a matter of strength." Li Yang understood and said, "I'm just in the early stage of the prefecture level. First of all, my strength is not up to the level, and I won't be looked down upon."

Li Shiyun nodded slightly and frowned, "In addition to strength, there are also qualifications and people behind. Although you recognize your ancestors as a direct family, after all, you have appeared in the Holy Land too few times. Almost no one knows you, nor do they know your deeds and achievements. And there is no one behind you."

"Most of the guards are from my Li clan, and a few of them, even if they are not our Li family, are also children of other powerful families or come from powerful sects."

"So, in one word, they attract a lot of guards, which is normal. And if you want to recruit people, you are afraid that those people will not accept it. And."

Speaking of this, she felt the surroundings carefully, lowered her voice slightly, and whispered, "During your time in the library, my father included your name in the genealogy and appointed you as a captain of Zilongtang, and told my cousin. After that, the fact that your warrior became the captain in the early stage of the prefecture level spread like a strong wind in the family holy land.

Li Yang knew that this cousin was Li Longhuan, because Li Shiyun said that there were many cousins, and only Li Longhuan was talented and was called that by them.

When he heard the name, Li Yang knew that there would be no good thing.

Before he spoke, Li Shiyun said, "I suspect it's my cousin. Originally, if it spread, your popularity would be quite good. However, these rumors belittle you, saying that you are the weakest captain in the history of Zilongtang, and that you have reached this position by some shady means, and there is no real material at all.

"I know you have been to Barbarian Island. Your strength is absolutely not weak, but compared with other escort captains, you are indeed a little weak. As for the means, these are just some people who are jealous of you and talk nonsense.

"The problem is here, because your strength will be questioned, and others will be questioned. Even if you go to the reserve team, some people are jealous of you, and it is difficult for you to recruit people.

"It should be Li Longhuan's grandson." Li Yangxin said, "What on earth did the owner of the Li family think? He asked me to be the captain of the guard, but he deliberately told Li Longhuan to dismantle the stage for me. He really didn't have a good thing and conspiracy."

Looking at Li Yang's meditation, Li Shiyun didn't say much, just looked at him carefully.

After thinking for a while, Li Yang looked at Li Shiyun, hesitated for a moment and said, "Well, Sister Shiyun, how is your relationship with Li Longhuan?"

Li Shiyun said, "Ordinary, he is one year older than me. He only came to the Holy Land when I got married at the age of 14, and I have just met him these years. What's wrong?"

Li Yang said, "I'm just asking, because you said that he also wanted to be the captain of the guard. Now that I have taken the lead, maybe he spread these rumors, and we may have conflicts in the future, so I will tell you in advance.

"Ha ha... it's okay." Li Shiyun said indifferently, "I have seen a lot of these. Several of my brothers often fight, and once the eldest brother and the second brother even fought. You men will never get along peacefully. Whatever you want. However, I don't support you or my cousin."

"That's good." Li Yang nodded and sneered in his heart, "Li Longhuan, deal with him sooner or later, and almost killed me."

After that, Li Yang said, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Have you eaten yet?" Li Shiyun looked at Li Yang's scattered hair and said, "It seems that you just got up!"

Li Yang was a little embarrassed, and he also forgot that he had long hair now. As soon as I woke up, it was impossible to open the door after washing my face. After all, I'm not very familiar with it. It's really humiliating to be seen by Li Shiyun's untidy appearance!

"Why don't I cook for you! If you don't have those days, I put a lot of food in your refrigerator. Just heat it up. Li Shiyun smiled and said, "You go wash first."

"This is not good! Anyway, my sister is also the daughter of the owner of the family. Li Yangdao.

"Don't tease me, even the owner's daughter is just a woman. I don't have a baby, or a talent like you. Now I'm just the vice captain! Well, I'll make some millet porridge for you, and then hot steamed buns for breakfast. In this way, it won't be too difficult." Li Shiyun said and went out.

"Deputy captain! Thank you!" Li Yang shouted hurriedly.

After that, he quickly took a cold shower and finished washing. When he came to the kitchen, Li Shiyun cooked millet porridge and steamed buns, and fried a vegetarian dish for Li Yang.

Li Yang wanted Li Shiyun to eat together, but the latter still refused and went to the living room to wait.

Of course, Li Yang can't let his deputy captain wait for a long time, not to mention that he is cooking for himself.

He quickly finished his meal, put on a purple robe with purple dragon on his cuffs, spread his long hair casually, and put on the purple sword. At the same time, he also carried the black magic sword and left the small yard with Li Shiyun.

Li Shiyun looked at the black broken sword behind Li Yang and frowned, "This thing doesn't feel powerful. It looks really ugly. What are you doing with such a big piece of iron?

The black magic sword, on the outside, has no blade and many openings. It really looks like a big piece of iron.

Li Yang grinned and said, "You will know in a moment."

In Li's Holy Land, there are also regulations on clothing, and some clothes cannot be spread randomly. For example, the purple dragon robe, which can only be worn by Li Han, the owner of the family, and Li Yang's purple robe has no dragon in the cuffs. If there is, only the captain of the Longtang guard can do it.

Naturally, Li Yang's purple robe instantly attracted some children of the Li family passing by. Moreover, with Li Shiyun's company, people will pay more attention to it. Li Shiyun is 28 years old, but she looks 24 or 25 years old. She is as beautiful as a flower and her skin is as fat jade. Even if some people want to disguise themselves, they can't help but look at it a few times.

As a result, the clothes and beauty made the inconspicuous Li Yang look a little dazzling.

Li Shiyun is used to being noticed like this, and naturally she is not restrained. As for Li Yang, who has been a gang boss in Tianhai City, she is naturally very calm.

Li Shiyun said: "There are hundreds of members of the Longtang reserve team, but these members are very free. Some people will practice martial arts in the martial arts arena where the reserve team is located, some will go outside to do tasks, and some will live in their own place. Let's take a look at their information first. If you like someone, you can directly call the name and talk to us. As long as your captain speaks, they must also come to the reserve team to see us.

"That's okay, so you don't have to look for them one by one." Li Yangdao.

Li Shiyun continued: "Remember! The weakest guard must be in the late stage of the Xuan level. Of course, if it is in the middle stage of the Xuan level and has the later stage of the Xuan level, you can also pull in. As for the early stage of the prefecture, there should be only a few people. After all, once the peak of Xuan level breaks through the prefecture level, it will be pulled into the team by other captains.

"Oh!" Li Yang answered, but he was thinking about what to do for a while.

And when Li Yang and Li Shiyun went to the east of the Holy Land, a man in a black martial arts suit flashed and quickly left here.

About ten minutes, in the center of the Holy Land, below the main hall, in the stone room.

Li Long closed his eyes, and there was a thin fog on his body surface.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and said flatly, "Open the door."

Although this holy land has survived for hundreds of years, with the development of the world, Penglai is also developing, and some technologies have also been installed in the original stone room. The iron door of the stone room is voice-controlled. The insider, in a word, can open the iron door.

At this time, the young man in black was standing at the door.

When the door opened, he rushed in quickly and said anxiously, "Cousin, Li Yang, who you asked me to stare last time, went to the east of the Holy Land with Li Shiyun today and heard him say that he was going to the Dragon Reserves."

"Good, it's time for him to become a stepping stone for my achievement captain." The corners of Li Longhuan's mouth were slightly upturned, showing a sneer.